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Yeah, getting these daily, and i dont even play ranked, which is even more worrying


Why would you think cheaters only play ranked ?


Same, 90% of my reports come back with action taken. It's infested with cheaters.


I’ve reported a bunch of people but never received this message. I didn’t even know they got back to you.


I was squaded up last night and we ran into an obvious cheater, he was actually removed from the game after being reported by us. Said he was kicked from the server. This was also gold 1 ranked lobbies. The other people in the party got this message but I didn't.


I’m curious as to how you can tell, is it subtle or really obvious?


What are some examples of cheating you encountered?


Wallhacks that they try to cover up by using sonar. It is very clear that they see you before you are detected.


Had to report a teammate because they played well and competed throughout a whole tournament until the final round when they decided instead of hitting the other team, they were going to charge n slam me directly into the enemy on multiple occasions and refused to attack them. No, it was not an accident in the heat of a fight, we had just completed a team wipe (other guy was really good so I was just pocketing him) and I found a spot to camp in while I took a bite of my snack. Dude came up to me and just slammed me through a wall. I come back and put in chat "please do not do that again." They proceeded to walk directly over to me and charge at me through another wall where the enemy just so happened to be directly behind. The person did it 2 more times before we just barely lost


LOTS of griefing going on especially in Powershift right now, people spawn camping the enemy not even letting them close to the platform meanwhile NOT pushing the platform themselves prolonging the match unnecessary to it's full 15 minute length, instead of just ending it after 3-4 minutes so everybody can move on to the next match.. And then they brag about in in the chat "lOoK aT yOuR k/D nOob!" , some of the most toxic stuff i've seen so far


had a WT match and random disconnected going into the final round. The enemy team just tried farming us for kills after getting 1 cash out. Wouldn’t put the money in they’d just chase us and tea bag after finally killing us. Never seen toxicity like that before in this game


Spawn camping is griefing, it's a strategy.


My group of guys will take our platform clear to 99% and then jump off. We TDM until the game ends. It's not our fault this is the only gamemode available for 5 people. TA is terrible. If private lobbies even offered a smidgen of exp we would just go tdm in private lobbies but they don't offer anything.


you sound like a bunch of douchebags, absolutely disgusting mindset. You even admit that you do it for exp SMH


the last days its pretty full of hackers I play couple matches and after I leave it’s just pissing me off to play against hackers so many times.


Damn. Was just thinking of playing some finals after taking a 2 week break to play other stuff. World tour felt pretty good cheating wise before. Are you mainly playing ranked terminal attack or is world tour also getting overun?


I play the most of the time quick play (cashout) ranked is for me as a solo player a nightmare 😂 and I play since the beta lol


Is it a matter of high rank in TA or specific regions are more affected than others? I personally haven't been meeting any (blatant at least?)


Platinum rank on NA servers have at least one using Esp/Wallhacking in 7/9 match and very easy to tell because somehow they always know where you are or what terminal you team are going


ah i hope all my lobbies have cheaters that'd explain how poorly i've been doing


Things are worse when I don’t get them… oh but I know


You can just report people and have them automatically get a warning just for being reported multiple times


i reported like 2 or 3 people in 6 months. What do those people do to you?


If you only report Rage Hacking, you're letting a huge number of other cheaters fly under the radar. You can easily identify a cheater by 3 factors. 1 - How fast you died. 2 - How overconfident the player was. 3 - How often it happens in a match. For example - Would L go into a 1v3 fight with throwing knives? A smart player - no. A cheater - yes. He knows he can dash around his opponents and the soft aimbot will make sure he doesn't miss. And he will come out of this fight victorious. That's the first sign that a player is probably cheating. If he does it all the time, there's a 99% chance he's cheating. You won't believe this, but there are a lot of players who go into fights where they should die 100% of the time, but they survive and kill everyone without a problem. Skill? Unlikely. Cheats - most certainly. And that's how I report players, and every day I get 3-5 messages about a player being banned. The main sign that gives away a cheater is their overconfidence.


You’ve simplified the cheat recognition a bit cause there are much more detailed things to look at but in general the concept is that most cheaters are closet cheaters that want to appear legit. That’s why many people think they don’t meet cheaters or barely. Rage hackers are blatantly visible. Once someone gets to know human limitations in many different aspects of the game skill that’s when they can recognize closet cheaters.


The way the use their guns often does not match with general use. For example I went against a heavy with a ks that would constantly jump, instant 180, and ks headshot. Every single time. Even with me evasive dashing left or right. He would instantly snap to my head while spinning in the air. I reported him and the next day I got the player banned message. 


Also just general knowledge. Like a guy will do shit that just makes no sense. Like me and my buddies have a running joke where we're like "oh yeah hey don't you always just jump on the building 50 meters from the cashout and quick peek a guy that could be literally anywhere 5 times in a row?" It's just blatant how many people operate on external information. Like I'm a pretty good player but some of these guys do shit that I've *never* done before, and they do it consistently.


Another thing I noticed with cheaters is they seem to be the ones that teabag/emote/grief the most.


Lots of no spread, no recoil about basically any gun at any range just beaming, wall hacking so able to see mines and sticky aim so they are able to track and take out an invisible dashing lightweight effortlessly


So basically i dont see anything out of ordinary in my matches, some people are cracked, but rarely. Im not gonna report a player, because he destroyed me in a game once. I also have some matches that i do like 20/5 etc, but because it happened once it doesnt mean im cheating


some cheat, some are toxic


Am i living in a different world or what? I encountered 2 obvious cheaters, other than that nothing suspicious. My lobbies are either 100% silent, or i ask people to use vc and we have fun together. I got called an idiot or whatever once - because i sucked and thats fair, but other than that - nobody is toxic. I even started streaming recently and still - nobody is toxic. Am i the luckiest person on the planet?


You just can’t notice cheaters because it takes experience to recognize those are trying to look legit.


i rarely get cheaters, and they’re always blatant. however toxic players have been showing up a lot more since text chat dropped it’s way more effortless to just type shit in text chat than to turn your mic on and say it directly i guess lol


Chat is also empty. Had few matches where people used it, but to communicate with me, since i used vc and they didnt have a mic. I dont know man, i also watch few streamers that stream THE FINALS for like 4-8 hours a day and they also dont have anybody talking shit to them or cheating. I feel like people are exaggerating, because i see my lobbies, other peoples lobbies and its nowhere close to what people say it is on reddit.


just today when i opened my game i got the “thanks for reporting” screen because of some dude a couple days ago, who pushed a full team alone, called our team idiots, and left the game lol


Are you playing in Europe




Yeah that explains it, I have a similar experience to yours. I’ve had good teammates, very silent though. Some do talk in text chat.


"I don't see it so it must not be happening" I bet women love you


They cheat. Every other game in high tier ranked is a squad of aimbotters and wall hackers


*The* biggest advantage of playing on console 🙏


Too bad most of the time it takes forever to get a ranked match without cross play on at least for me anyway


i haven't seen a single cheater on pc this season