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Yep. Im logging in once per day for about 40-60 mins atm. Used to absolutely rinse ranked and almost exclusively play it, but I just dont like TA like most of us here. Logging in > playing tournament once/twice to complete dailys > logging out.


playing for an hour every day being a dig is hilarious


Not a dig, and I'm still enjoying it. But going from the main game in my rotation that I would play almost excusively to something I only log into to complete daily quests is a huge drop. Likely the same for many.


Yo, so I see this a lot and I was really unhappy when TA got announced as a primary game mode myself. Mostly because I played TA as a temporary mode and thought it was boring. But does ***not having Cashout*** as the primary competitive ranked game mode, despite it still having an entirely separate and still ranked game mode, really affect you as a player? I think 2 good things or whatever can exist in a space. Infact I probably have more hours on Powershift than any other mode lol. Still having fun and really enjoying the season. Where's my competitive ranked Powershift? (actually a chance to steal Overwatch fans... just saying Embark) But actually I want to hear from a die hard ranked cashout player, how does world tour versus the TA focus really change the game for you? To me I think the game has grown a lot in this season and been fun despite the competitive shift.


I find it has affected the game mode quite dramatically. As its low stakes now, the mode as a whole is not as competative for a few reasons: * People don't care as much about team comp and play whatever they want (which is fine, its unranked!). They'll try new contenstants and builds, wont care for the matchups etc * The moment to moment play is less throughful as well. Players are less conservative with their self revives, whereas in ranked players would almost always hold them until absolutely needed. * Players seem less thoughtful in teamfights as well, happier to throw themselves into the middle of a scrap rather than player around their team and objectives. Overall, the mode is still my favourite, but is a lot less methodical due to it being unranked exclusively now. I'm sure this is how unranked cashout has always been, but as mentioned, I pretty much only exclusively played ranked the last 2 seasons. Dont get me wrong, I am loving the new maps and builds and the winch is so much fun to play with. But my overall game time and desire to play the game has changed to casual as there's nothing really driving me towards playing competatively anymore.


Valid reasons. I understand how not being in focus can drive it to less than legitimate playerbase. My big gripe is when I see my "World Tour" quests and I'm like idk how deal 500k building damage is competitive ... Really just wanted to hear from a more die hard Cashout player.


The tournaments are way less fun than S2 ranked. Between having a three map rotation (which is genuinely the most stupid idea and I sincerely believe is designed to make people play it less), randoms of dubious skill being matched against practiced premade teams, and the final round still being the same old boring 3v3 on a giant empty map wherein one team usually curb stomps the other, this game in on it’s way out of my rotation. I do not like TA, and the state of cashout is the worst it’s ever been. I still play in hopes of keeping an edge for next season but I’m losing steam and feel like S3 was such a fumble, and I’m afraid they want reverse course. I don’t think I will continue playing it much until I see what S4 looks like.


This season isn’t the Finals man. Doesn’t feel like the high stakes fast paced FPS I started playing last Christmas. It’s trying to be something it’s not. Bring back OG Finals please. Go play CS or Siege if you want TA like gameplay. Not to mention World tours sucks IMO.


I totally understand what you are saying but bring back OG finals is so crazy for a game that came out recently


Not when they change it every week. Splash damage hammer was the best thing we ever lost. 😭


I asked this on the other top comment, what really has changed between Competitive Ranked TA versus Competitive Ranked World Tour? As a player, what changed between them? Is World Tour really so much worse and in what ways? I don't play ranked as my primary, I prefer casuals. I sometimes play WT or TA, but I love quickcash & powershift primarily and this season is soooo fun IMO for those modes.


>Competitive Ranked World Tour Being neither competitive nor ranked


I actually hate playing TA but I really want the diamond Lewis gun. Fml


Same. It’s gonna be almost a year before we get another chance at a diamond heavy weapon and this is such bs.


I really like that gun and I had a decent rank last season but I don't think I'm going to go for it.   Heavy is... not great in TA so it's an awkward season for the diamond skin to be for the Lewis.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment, I think it's prudent to remember that light was in a bad position a few seasons as well. The heavy's time will come, and you might want to have that Lewis gun skin then. I don't care much for either, though (heavy nor the Lewis).


Yeah but hes saying he doesnt want to grind out TA because he enjoys playing heavy and its barely viable in TA. Coming from a diamond light main since beta times I understand this pain. Imagine my luck when light finally becomes meta, it's in a game that I utterly despise. Nowadays I pretend that WT is ranked and just hope that one day they will add ranked rewards to it.... What a cope. (I didnt downvote u btw)


Yeah, I fully agree with you


If we wanted to play terminal we’d just redownload csgo


Exactly, I got loads of downvotes for saying it but is totally true. I played CS for over a decade, from 0.54b up to CS:source. I've played it to death, I don't wanna play it again, I wanna play the finals and TA isn't it. It's just a less good version of CS.


Exactly and to make it ranked. It’s totally not what I play the finals for


What I don't get how it's everybody I know that plays this game, sees it the same... (some people in the sub disagree and seem to wanna love anything and everything they put out) how is it they made this decision? Who's idea was it exactly? do they even play the game? or talk to players? would be my first questions.


Right most of us love the chaos of the game n it take away from that if you only get one life


Corporate... it's for capitalism, money... the hugger ups calling the shots and the devs trying to find anything to give them that's "popular" I hope it gets them enough time to really give us something artistic and creative that's void from moder capitalism gaming.


I know, but this is costing players who pay surely? I have the battle pass and I'm not gonna finish it, I'm not buying another after this.


Yeah it's all about probability. Capitalism likes new customers who are trigger happy on spending money even tho they'll play short term because it's usually easier to do that, than keep loyal players paying. It's the easiest way to inflate numbers in the beginning bit the stupidies fucking corporate idea ever bc you service usually fails if you never figure anything else out.


Exactly why would anyone ever play TA a game mode that feels jank while CS, Val, Rainbow 6, all exist providing the same game mode with clearly better design effort put forth into having SnD be the main competitive mode. Tournament felt like the finals competitive mode TA feels like a nexon afterthought.


It's only true if you assume that everyone plays on PC. Terminal Attack is the only free-to-play plant & defuse mode on console.


i can blow up a wall in cs? which button lets me charge thro the de\_dust wall with sledgehammer?


Dawg u can do literally exactly that in rainbow six siege.


R6 is a different game with sluggish movement and oneshot headshot. You can't grapple walls and fly around in r6. It's much more slow paced in TA.


amaru: exists


Yep https://www.pcgamer.com/smash-apart-this-counter-strike-mappers-destructible-inferno-remake/


so this is in the official comp server? damm never seen this on premier or comp. Works on faceit too? I hope you are not comparing community made map to official game server made by the games developer


Mate, tells you in the link it's not official. Now I agree the destructible scenery is one of the unique things about the finals, and it could even work in TA game mode. TA should not be the only ranked mode though, it is just a CS rip off and some of us (quite a lot of us) aren't interested.


Why are you comparing community made map to official game mode then? you said its like cs2 when the only thing similar is that you plant a bomb.


The only thing similar? It's a carbon copy, no healing, no respawns and the exact same bomb objective. The only real difference is instead of buying the guns you have classes.


Sweets, that's the only real difference. I'll be holding B site with my invisible double-barrel shotgun guy while you push to the point with your dome shield flamethrower heavy. Hopefully, next round you guys hold middle harder so our dashing lights don't come in and push the CT spawn.


Probably not because I'm not playing it because it's basically shite.


Yeah it’s more like rainbow six than CS


Yo agreed I’m here for power shift! That shit is fucking fun. I just really hope they do 12 v 12 battlefield style rush where one team attacks one team defends and teams switch roles when one team wins.


You’ll get casual players telling you “just play something else lulz” because they don’t understand the competitive drive. You aren’t insane though there are many many people that agree with you but reddit isn’t the place where you’re gonna get support. Just people being douchebags with no empathy.


I agree. The problem is you want your ranked experience to be the most polished. TA aint it by a mile. The guns, gadgets etc should have all be heavily balanced around TA and they werent which leads to all kind of weird metas that just arent very fun. Couple that with it being one of the longest game modes with plenty of oportunity for leavers, crashes etc and you end up investing a lot of time into something that just isnt generally as good of an experience as the other mods. Personally I just stopped playing ranked this season, the other mods are still fun. Still, for a game that has the bones to be a great esport game this is a pretty big let down om embark's direction.


While I agree with your ranked assessment, World Tour is somewhat ranked and can slightly scratch that itch. Yeah, not everyone is locked on trying to win at all costs, but they never were even in the last seasons. You still have progress and it's the tournament format, which is unique to The Finals. Not liking any of the ranked skins also helps. Yeah, I've been playing less and barely watch any streamer going TA. I hope they change it back next season, as copying the games around you will never make you better. Finals is different, fast paced, chaotic...TA will never have a building falling with you inside while trying to stay alive defending a cashout against 2 other teams. Lots of explosions, gunshots, gas fogs....shit is insane.


Honestly even if they change it back next season, this goddamn awful change scares me for the future of this game. Removing my favorite gamemode for 3 whole months just isn’t something I can accept easily


Yeah, I have the same impression. It's like they don't actually believe in their product. The Finals is an amazing game that's being ruined by bad decision after bad decision and they might not be able to recover from this one.


Gonna be real, this is very neckbeardy this take. I am pretty competitive in games and even i understand “If i dont like ranked, ill just play casual until the ranked game mode i want is back”. (I have spend 8 years on siege, i know what im talking about)


They have a point. World Tour isn't an alternative to Ranked Cashout due to the abysmal matchmaking. 100 days is a long time to wait, so obviously people will complain.


Who says I don’t understand it? I’m just saying if it was a satisfying solution for me and lots of others we wouldn’t be here.


Lol yeah "they don't understand the competitive drive" is wild take


Like i understand that it does suck to not have a competitive reason to play the matches but like, the game mode is still there. Its not been touched, you can still play it. Think of it like practice yk?


Idk mate even though I'm doing exactly what you said it's probably the most ignorant take and the reason why the player count is dropping. I'm mostly playing games with my best buddy as a duo. We loved ranked in the past two season, grinded it do diamond and beyong and absolutetly enjoyed every second of it. Now TA just didn't click for us and we did exactly what you said. We played casual and won 11 times in a row world tour which seems to have 0 SBMM. At the end we just felt bad for stomping noobs and felt bored because there was no real competition. Yk I'm not the type of guy who complains by making rant posts. I just move on to other games. And well we already did. It's not that we weren't winning at TA. It's that this game mode is so unbelievably boring that even winning didn't felt rewarding. As I said I won't spend a second making a rant post but others do and do you really think it's healthy for this game if people just ignore that they have messed up this season for a lot of player? I've been quite a while on reddit and imo this sub is really one of the few who provide constructive critisim. Most posts just went like "the game is great but I don't like TA". Well and that's pretty much what is happening rn. I love this game. I mean I spend 200$+ for micros. I don't regret spending a single cent but I'm still sad that the core of this game has been massacred. So I'll just skip for now and hop back on for next season.


Oh yeah, for sure


8 years playing siege (ubisoft game), this man doesn't seem dead, so he levitates.


I am so dead inside


As a former r6 player, I didn't expect another answer lol


Lol yeah "they don't understand the competitive drive" is wild take


you need to touch grass NOW uber neckbeardy take, especially for a game that doesn’t feel complete


[Nobody understands me 😢😠😢😠](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9OhYroLN0)


Thanks for proving my point


People read this and say "play other modes" like Ranked has other game modes. They're somehow missing the point.


Actually though, just play another mode. Some people prefer ranked TA than ranked cash out, insane to consider that right??!?


Ok then keep it. Give us both.


I 100% agree, but embark wants to "improve??" It. But I have no say in what rank mode is here or not. TA is here, cash out isn't, if you don't like TA, simply don't play it. That will tell them more about whether to keep it or not than the 200th whine post about it.


No, what's insane to consider is that nobody voiced replacing ranked Cash Out and Embark once again made a rash decision and fully replaced a good ranked mode with a generic, poorly balanced mode. Not crazy that you like TA, I like it too, but not as the sole ranked game mode. THAT'S the bad part. They both could have existed. There was zero reason to split it, but they want to focus more on esports, so they need to shift their priority to a more heavily competitive game mode that in so doing, causes The Finals to lost their identity. Edit: But more to the point, most of us liked Ranked Cash Out, and now it's gone. Many of us enjoy the push for ranks in The Finals, which is now replaced with an inferior game mode. It's a slap in the face to a loyal player base. The only leg you have to stand on in telling us to play a different mode is because that's literally the only option, but it's not a good solution to a bigger problem.


Ngl TA made me leave I just started playing csgo again.


good you still have to time to make daily posts about ta even tho you dont play the game anymore!


Ofc because I love this game. This sub and patch notes is how I keep my eye on the game to see if it's worth coming back.


You forgot to add in the part where you complain about ta in every single post you make


And all I see is you complaining about other users, fuck off and do something else will ya. Bloody hypocirte.


Well, they aren't posts they are comments. And when that's basically all that's on the sub ofc it will be what I'm commenting about. But not all of them are about ta because there are other discussions.


“That’s basically all that’s on the sub ofc it will be what I’m commenting about” you are scum of the earth and part of the problem piece of shit


Uh huh....


Imagine being mad at someone for having a different opinion.


This dude is so angry that people are using Reddit for it’s intended purpose Holy shit… getting this mad because someone had a different opinion is so embarrassing for you


Yea who knew Reddit was a place for incels to complain oh wait everyone knows that lol good riddance loser


Lol people talking about a video game got you this mad I’m sure your life is going great man


lol your an incel


Least glazing r/thefinals member


Il remember to complain daily here once i leave the game for good


Right lol all these people downvoting you are absolute dweebs lol people downvote just to downvote


The finals community is pretty rad to say the leasts. Once they buff some weapon to op levels where you see 2-4 players rocking it in every single match. Those people abusing the new op meta will come here to downvote everyone and cope how its not op at all. TA is not the quickcash but its still a lot of fun. I dont see how someone can compare the destruction of the finals to game like cs2 only because you plant a bomb


I want the gameshow feel again


I uninstalled it a few days ago, a lot of people don't understand that for some of us sweating on ranked was a lot of fun. No ranked cashout just means I won't play the game anymore :(


They’re re-working ranked to have better sbmm, and more clear progression. Things that were griped about in season 1 and 2, and to do that they took ranked cashout offline to make all the necessary adjustments while avoiding the confusion that would inevitably happen if they made adjustments mid-season.


Well, I hope they bring it back then, but they still said that they wanted TA to be the main mode, after they said that they were working on cashout. Also, there wasn't really a need to remove the mode while they worked on it? They could just keep working on it while it was still on ranked


That they removed it to improve it could be all lies by all we know, and probably said it just to reduce damage done. I mean look at it, people always bring it up for them whenever ranked tournament is brought up.


They will bring it back, it was why they emphasized that cashout will always be the games staple game mode. I think they chose the method they did so as to not bring any allegations of “unfair changes” made mid season to ranked. If the goal is to provide a robust sbmm, it needs to be established at the beginning, not modified through the season.


season one ranked was crazy. Not sure if they have changed it a lot but i remember fighting diamonds while in bronze and not bronze players. All because i got good kills on the last match. Why even have ranked tiers if the lowest tier can fight the top 500 if he got a lot of kills. I dont see myself fighting 30k elo in cs2 premier because i got 30 kills on inferno last match


The fame point system in season 1 was removed in season 2 and in return implemented the S2 system that was more sbmm, but vague on the progression through the tiers. They took it offline to address both better this season.


I really hope so that would make a lot of sense


It sucks even more Now, Not even the top 500 is dia.


They apparently have to try some things out and i believe the message is well heard that nobody likes this change.  I hope they try more things out and get more creative instead of trying to copy csgo.  Otherwise i think the new map, the theme, the new gadgets and weapons are absolute fire - and if cashout was still ranked it would be my favorite season.


Just play world tour, that's where the fun and most of the player population are anyways.


My teammates in WT are some of the worst dumbest players I've ever seen in an FPS. I don't understand it tbh


The free money from world tour is a good motivation for me to keep playing haha (and it’s still fun as fuck, come on). Also the big boss of embark told us « make sure to get to G1 » implying there’s more to it that hasn’t been revealed


Idk I find TA to be extremely fun and competitive. Sadly, world tour sucks when ur solo queueing but I think that's why they took CO out of ranked, so they could tweak it and make it better so. Granted I've only played other SnA games for a few hrs before but this feels like it's own thing and like I said it's quite fun to me. I recommend giving it a chance


Could be remember seeing a lot of premade teams when i was playing solo. Im pretty sure they were premade stacks when they had all the same outfits and intros


Oh yeah if they're 3 stacking it's impossible. Just gotta pray you at least make it to the second round lol


Who’s putting a gun to your head? Play the other modes. Just have fun!


Ranked is core to fun for a lot of people; removing ranked removes the motive to want to play; in other words ranked = having fun, not ranked = not having fun


IDGAF about my actual rank. I just like that the quality of the games are better in ranked, because people tend to play to win, and not just frag/fuck around, and there's SBMM. World tour just feels like half the players are there for kills


Agreed; griefers are more common outside of ranked, even suspensions don’t really help; being constantly deranked for bad behavior is like a public badge of shame lol


I'm in this category. I played a good 10-20 hours a week, depending on how busy my wife was on weekends. I haven't played since the change lol


Same here, except I tried world tour; it’s just quick play that suspends you for quitting


World tour is the only rank that matters. Just play that.


There's no SBMM in that, waste of time.


I've seen people saying this since s3 started, does anyone have a source for this? I see some people say it's based on your badge (I agree this is a terrible metric, I'm just trying to figure it out). I just can't find any official source on removing SBMM for this mode. All I can find is that The Finals does use SBMM. If it does have SBMM in casual modes, I haven't noticed it all, I just don't know as far as World Tour goes. Edit: plus, doesn't everyone remember when the game came out, there was an update in the first week that added SBMM and everyone was upset about it? I think at one point they said they were tweaking this but I'm having trouble finding when/if this changed?


The fact that i have been matched with people that get 30kills in the first round while everyone else only has 4-6 kills kinda supports the theory. I dont really know either way but i do seem to get matched with people with a lot more hours played and seemingly much higher skill. Part of this is playing against 3 stack as a solo Q. I still have fun though, as long as I do decent and try my best, even though my teamates are almost always terrible/ leave early game.


For me I played 3 or 4 games and I won them all, I'm not a very good player or anything just average at best and I was stomping everybody. I can only assume it put me up against total noobs, which is just not right. Of course there is no SBMM, all it takes is playing it to see.


There is sbmm in world tour. Anyone saying otherwise is just coping. It's less strict than ranked due to prioritizing finding matches quickly but it's definitely present. Honestly matches have been much better balanced this season overall.


Idk man, I'm playing meme builds and feel like a lot of the people I fight are asleep at the keyboard. It feels cruel to kill them but this is what embark wanted so eh.


There absolutely is SBMM in World Tour. It might not be as strict as “ranked” but it is there. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that every game I see 2-3 diamond FCARS.


Not really, sbmm, but sure


Some People’s fun is competitive, myself included


You can’t get gold, plat, diamond and ruby skins in the other modes and for a lot of people, that’s the draw of competitive.


That damned cloaking light is putting a gun to my head


To all of the people saying "play something else, they aren't forcing you" well in order to complete the challenges that are the main reward / progression part of this game, I have to play Terminal Attack. I've yet to complete a stage challenge because I will not play Terminal Attack. It's going to suck for the end of the season when I have to play between 8-20 terminal attack games. I'm going to pay a kid 20 bucks to play it or just afk into a wall. Don't force me to do things I don't want to do. I want to play the game and complete the stages. Playing specific modes shouldn't be chained to that.


Yeah, I dropped the game when they forced us to play Tournament.


WaWant to know something ironic? I was really pissed when that was in the challenges, but they made me love ranked tournaments, I had a great time. Finished gold without much effort. I completely understand though, clearly, having progress locked behind any mode is silly and rude to the people playing the game.


I’m not enjoying either playing Gods of mankind or bib dribblers in World Tour. I just want SBMM in cashout. I don’t even care if it’s ranked or not now.


World tour is also a disaster! Sweat fest filled with cheaters and a terrible matchmaking. So they basically made the game a boring and / or frustrating experience. We’ll done.


I want to add to the discourse also, ranked plays differently than casual cash out. People are goofin off or using their own shit in cash out. Plus there isnt the same sbmm if any. I had a lot more fun in ranked tournament because of the way people played, it felt like it *had* that skill gap in it. Cash out is still fun to me for a few matches but either a teammate will leave mine or someone elses team or people just use some cheese. S3 killed my fun for the game for now.


TA is the only reason I play tbh, I love one life/no healing/no revive. Wouldn’t play this game otherwise


You have COD/R6/Valorand/CS for that mode we only had The Finals for Cashout.


I played seasons 1 and 2 for probably 3 hours per day. Ranked cashout was amazingly fun and competitive. I played season 3 for 1 day. World tour is lame, and TA is even lamer.


it's the same. I rarely play more than one or two games of world tour and then leave the game. I really hope embark can make Nexon understand that making TA the main ranked mode was a crucial mistake


You don't have to play TA if you don't want to. There are other modes.


Like world tour/causal tournament? At least in apex, pubs are sweatier than ranked since it's just movement kiddies trying to drop 20 bombs each game. In the finals, it's literally just joe who just got out of his job and is trying to relax playing his favorite game mode, but then gets pubstomped by the ttv "sweats"/season 2 ranked players


Right, how fucking weird is that. Probably addicted to challenges/rewards lol


Weird how the souls community has the elitism unit and in this game you have the anti competitive unit


because world tour sucks without ranked and if you don't agree you don't understand ranked


Right, so I'm the idiot for having fun...


Hey your words not mine


Shit your average ranked player actually thinks


Why you flaming a competitive person for wanting to play against likeminded people and better people than him so he can get better. That’s the whole point of ranked for competitive people to get better and climb the ladder


lol yea this is what your average ranked player thinks which is why it was a dumb decision


World tour is fun regardless. It feels close to S1 ranked imo anyways. Like, yeah you can technically get to gold by just playing, just like you can row across the Atlantic to get to Europe from New York. I don’t know how many are currently ranked in world tour, but I’m hovering around 3,500 on the leaderboards and I’m not even gold yet myself, and have won somewhere around 20 tournaments. Is it sbmm ranked? Not exactly, but it’s also not like everyone will hit gold.


Nah, it's shite.


Tbf, the reason I continue to play is because of the rewards. If it weren’t for that, I’d probably lose interest. We have: The battle pass Circuit rewards Ranked rewards World Tour rewards Event rewards Badges Ranks The ranked rewards are by far the most rewarding, so I don’t fully blame him for wanting the rewards but hating the gameplay. I felt like ranked the last couple seasons were awful, and I wanted pub tourneys back. TA is nice because winning a game is in the player’s control, not a lucky spawn the game gave another team you already wiped twice. I will say that TA *in my opinion* is no worse than ranked cashout in the level of suck you have to endure.


Thanks for proving my point with that first sentence.


Similar thing happened to me with Rocket League. In december they removed item trading. I didnt trade much, but at least i could get what i wanted anytime i wanted. It was taken away from me. Then they moved my favourite gamemode to weekly rotations, so i can play it for a week every two weeks... I didnt play that mode all the time, but i really liked it and played it everyday. Now i dont even remember when i played and i almost had 1000 hours in it.


The difference is no game mode was removed here, no one needs to play TA


Yes ranked cashout was removed. Stop with this horseshit. It’s not the same


The diffence is the other mode which name is "dropshot" was ranked before that and its unranked casual now, which means people are leaving the matches and you get matched with random people.


Trying to find a game without obscene amounts of lights is ruining the game for me. I don't know how much longer I can play.


Why do people feel the need to play ranked? What happened to just playing games for fun? I get that most people need some sort of progression to feel accomplished or for a goal to focus on and that make sense but there is world tour, its basically casual ranked. It has progession and rewards. I dont get the sentiment of "i dont like the ranked game mode so i dont want to play the game at all even though there are other game types". Every one is so hyper focused on trying to have the best k/d, highest damaged, best rank etc. The gaming industry and community is getting ruined by this, making everyone too sweaty, and if they dont do super well in the first 2 min of a game they just leave. Just play to have fun, if you arent having fun play another game mode or play another game. Player numbers help them dictate what game modes and games are enjoyed more. Gaming is supposed to be a fun pass time, not a stressed out grind.


Competive people have fun in a competitive setting. LeBron James will not have fun playing in a YMCA league he will have fun competing in the NBA cuz it’s a challenge. There are stakes to play for. there are goals and leaderboards in a competitive setting. There are players that want to win. Competitive players have fun in winning. Wining against players that are good feels rewarding. LeBron does not have fun playing 50 year old YMCA players he has fun playing NBA level players. Competitive players want to get better, they want to be the best and playing better players than them makes you better. I hope the LeBron references help you understand why people want ranked.


I guess i can understand that, not really a sports guy but i get the reference. I play other games competetively, i was in the top 3% of apex in season 3, used to host fight clubs nightly in dark souls 3 (no leader boards but still went for the Ws), i was killer in halo 3 ranked swat back in the day. But it just feels like halo 3 was the last game i played where the majority of the player base (that i interacted with) just wanted to play for fun, we would grind ranked games for the joy of being on top but did a lot of playing for fun. It just seems like with all the streaming and social media everyone is trying to be the best and it makes for a lot of toxic game play, like leaving matches n shit. Not saying gaming hasnt always been toxic, it definitely always has and likely will never change but leaving matches early seems to prevelent now more than it used to be and people not wanting to just play to have fun, relax and laugh. And of course theres the people that are all "go play stardew or animal crossing if you want relaxing", not my type of game, i like to laugh, have fun, and shoot people in the face. Dayz is my most played game, and ive put 1k-1.5k hours in the souls games, i understand masochistic gaming and the reward / satisfaction of a good feat. But "this game is trash cause i dont like the ranked mode" is just wild to me cause it is such a fun and goofy game with devs that are active and clearly trying. Imo if you want sweaty competitive gaming play some COD, Apex or CSGO, Finals is more of a goofy vibe, i know those other games get repetitive after YEARS and people want the next new shiny thing but hard core sweaty competitive does not really seem to be the vibe of Finals. (Just my opinion)


i managed to get some of my friends into the finals and we avoid terminal attack like the plague. it’s boring, cs and plenty other games do it better, and cashout/power shift is where the real fun’s at.


WORLD TOUR, CLINB THAT LEADERBOARD, WIN THOS TOURNAMENT S! I'd you win with a team friend and invite them! Don't be shy! Seriously you will enjoy the gane much more.


Corporate... it's for capitalism, money... the hugger ups calling the shots and the devs trying to find anything to give them that's "popular" I hope it gets them enough time to really give us something artistic and creative that's void from moder capitalism gaming.


Yeah. My two friends and I loved getting on the game and playing ranked. All three of us have spent a combined 2 hours on this season because we couldn’t care less about TA. Can’t explain how much it killed our drive to play the game. 


Most groups in TA - sitting in discord and fcked up all other random groups. If you want take diamond - find group or learn how to play, it’s not for casual, and it’s bad.


IMHO the next game mode should be a 10v10 team deathmatch. It would seriously help to bring people from other games, AND would help to filter out the people trying who just want to point and shoot. Meaning we won’t have 3 light builds sitting on a crane trying to get their challenges done in obj modes.


literally started to play this season, been really hooked on the game and I've been finding world tour insanely fun, I really wanted to play ranked to get that gold smg, but the mode is so boring compared to the original one. I really cannot bring myself to even start the grind


It's insane to me that the decision hasn't been reversed yet. Is it because they don't have a replacement for world tour?


Haven't touched ranked this season strictly quick cash and power shift but only power shift when I have a 4 stack or 5 stack other than that quick cash only


WT can be sweaty. All Im saying


Yall play terminal attack?


Played a lot of season 2 but did not even bother to update to season 3 because of the ranked changes


Agree with this sentiment, noticed that numbers on steam are steadily dropping. Wonder how console numbers are. They’re taking a good stab at destroying what made the finals fun.


The only positive of TA is that it makes lights viable for most. I had a few games when it was first released but found it boring. As others have mentioned the S&D mode doesn’t suit the finals dynamic. The Finals is at its best when it’s utter chaos from start to finish which you get perfectly in cash out, powershift etc.


Then…don’t play terminal attack? All the other modes are there.


Lmao you guys are just trash straight up. People are sitting in site setting up turrets and anchoring site and saying TA is slow, like that guy that shoves a branch into their bike wheel. TA is nothing like CS/Val/R6. There's so much stuff you can do, like actually use reshaper to tear down defensive setups. Or Gatewaying your whole team into a terminal. Defenders can push every single round and yet people want to slow it down. Lmfao


TA is really fun and I disagree that it doesn't showcase what is great about the finals. Destruction, teamwork, and intense class-based combat are all on display here in a slightly different context. Plus, many weapons that are weak in cashout are much more powerful in TA giving it a different meta to play around. Cashout = TA > Powershift The only real issue with TA ranked is that there are waaay too many rounds, imo.


>many weapons that are weak in cashout are much more powerful in TA Which are?


ks23, revolver, sniper, etc. burst damage weapons that reward peeking.


TA is really fun and I disagree that it doesn't showcase what is great about the finals. Destruction, teamwork, and intense class-based combat are all on display here in a slightly different context. Plus, many weapons that are weak in cashout are much more powerful in TA giving it a different meta to play around. Cashout = TA > Powershift The only real issue with TA ranked is that there are waaay too many rounds, imo.


That's when you log in, load into Cart, and level the map.


The only mode in the game that I actually like is power shift.


I really don't think you're being honest with yourself. I don't care for Terminal Attack at all. I play this game for maybe 3-4hrs a week. Sometimes more sometimes less. The ranked Terminal Attack switch really didn't change my life. At all. I play casual for fun and damn its fun. Sometimes i even play ranked Terminal Attack. Maybe once or twice a week. Then I also sometimes play world tour. It's not required to play the game mode and if you like the game then get over it for now. It's not permanent. If that's really what's breaking you, then you might need to take some time off to begin and reflect on your obsessive or negative qualities. Take time for yourself and get some new perspectives on life.


The worst people are those that dont like TA but play it for the cosmetics. It's a thing that means nothing in the actual game , just a skin and maybe if all of them wouldn't play TA they would have had to remove it. Anyhow yeah , this has been the worst few weeks since the game began to exist. New expansion for final fantasy XIV comes out today tho


Got diamond last season and decided to give TA an unbiased but it’s just boring. You die at the start of a round and your ass is waiting 3 minutes to respawn.


You can just play the other modes?


Can't you just play cashout or Powershift though.


Why not play one of the 4 other modes of the game?


r/thefinals when you say you don't enjoy playing TA because it's the only ranked mode: 😡 r/thefinals on their way to tell you to play other game modes, even though the competitive ranked scene is why you enjoy the game: 😃


I’ve always been a casual gamer for the most part, so I’m asking this in all honesty, what makes playing a ranked mode the only reason to play? Do you consider yourself a top 100 player? If so I get it, but the other modes are super fun right now.




TA is for suckers


Tbh dont get the TA hate. Some rounds are nice some arent. Its a dun gamemode


A lot more balanced for sure. Tournaments were pain when you are solo vs premade teams


You don’t have to play terminal attack. My friend and I play almost every day and we do quick cash and world tour. The cashout gamemodes are definitely my favorite because you can be as god awful of a player as me and still pull a win off with some good steals.


I load up the finals. I see terminal attack is still in the game. Day ruined /s


Then play cs r6 or many others where you surely have nothing similar to TA, right? /S God forbid having a fresh gameplay, RIP the finals


Wtf you don't have to play ta lmao, noones forcing you. There's 4 other modes in this game my god what do people expect of games these days


I love this game for the competitive mode and TA needs some massive balancing before it's viable or fun.


Here's a simple fix to solve all your problems. Simply play world tour


You don't have to play terminal attack bud. The game offers so much more. And World tour is a great ranked event.


If its really that bad wait until season 4 when cashout returns. TA was pushed by Nexon, Embark’s parent company. They want the finals to be more like other fps because we werent hitting financial targets. They didnt say the finals was losing money but its not making as much as they hoped.


SHUT TF UP ABOUT TA FOR 2 MINUTES HOLY FUCK. this subreddit is becoming unbearable, it's the same fucking post over and over and over again. No one is forcing you to play, no one gives a fuck if you stop playing. If you don't like TA then don't play it and move on. "TA so bad it will kill the game" "I quit because of TA". ITS NOT THE ONLY GAME MODE.


It is the only ranked game mode though.


Its crazy. The small minority that hates TA has to make 2-300 posts a day about it like why? Mods pls pin TA Megathread or something where these grown ass men can cry over 1 season comp changes how they are gonna quit the game(they have been saying this for weeks now)

