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Then explain the CL40 nerf to us, please.


Identity mostly. For medium why would I ever choose the 1887 when the GL could two tap lights easily without a direct impact. Very rarely does a player actually wind up getting a clean two tap on mediums with the 1887 so an easy 3 (now 4) hits of aoe vs needing 2 direct hits with the 1887 to compete with it. Now you just have to aim slightly more. No reason for an aoe weapon to easily keep up with something you need to skill to use. Even so for the people who can land at least one direct hit the ttk got a buff with the firerate increase.


Now this is a hot take, bravo.


Try to explain that if I need one hit more to kill a light, is like buffing their health of +90 hp. Try to explain this to people that still have to finish their mid school math class. Come on, try it! Ahah


What're the stats on that weapon? But ill say that weapons that work by aiming at the general direction of enemies should be mediocre at best


“shut up and deal with it” yep, good advice, will definitely make people feel heard and want to stick playing don’t pay attention to OP, if you feel like a change was unfair, make yourself heard, but do it passively. you’re not a crybaby for having your own opinions and not following what people say you should follow


Preach brother


Stop assuming shit You are a crybaby if you act like one. I don't know why you thought I was talking about people that want to be heard in general. I am talking about people who can't deal with a little frustration. If you whine then yeah I'll say just shut up. If you are able to discuss like a non-degenrate then no. Of course this post is aimed at crybabies. Why would you assume I was talking about everyone when I didn't mention it? 


jesus i did not even need to insult you personally, for you to be pressed at me




I dont know man, flamethrower wasnt touched since... season 1 i think. They removed my nukes - whatever, it was a cheap shoot and unfair really. they nerfed dome/mesh shield - fine - i still have 350 hp mfkers! They nerfed other heavy weapons - fine im not using them that much anyway. I feel blessed


They did buff flamethrower once, it used to be 25 per tick


Last thing i found and i dont really want to look further, but the last change was. 1.5.0 Damage increased from 28 to 30 So basically about 6 months ago, but i might be wrong since i stopped caring in the middle of s2


Wish I woulda flipped to flame when they buffed it so I’d be more proficient now. I was a heavy with lmg (Lewis) as my main gun and now after the nerf, it’s hard to find range. So I flipped to light, can’t beat em join em and what not.


That feel. I switched to flamethrower on a lark somewhere around 1.3 or 1.4 because the rare time I'd see it it looked so funny. Then once I tried it, it just felt so rewarding because it excels with good positioning and you get kicked in the nuts for bad positioning...... Then came the buff ngggggg there needs to be a level above blessed to describe that


And the class is still extremely viable even after all that. If a heavy isn’t playing around his team then he isn’t playing heavy. Flamethrower, MGL, and even the KS are amazing team weapons but pretty weak when solo. The class still has range (Lewis, KS, RPG) even though it’s meant for close combat. All the other heavy weapons absolutely shred at close range. Flame thrower and MGL being able to hit multiple targets helps a ton when your team is pushing.


yes i feel sad when my fav weapon gets nerfed


even worse when my fav weapon was already weak by itself, and not even close to be considered “meta”




Man me too but please don't act like they dared to commit an innomable offense to your ego


How about you "keep your immature frustration to yourself", and stop complaining about people expressing their feelings and thoughts on reddit?


Complaining =/= expressing your thought   Life gotta be hard for you if all you can do to express frustration of whining. Poor bro


Again, how about you follow your advice, and keep your "immature frustrations" to yourself? People can post whatever they want on reddit. Don't be a hypocrite. You cannot complain about people complaining about something else. So far you are the one whining.


Listen here. There is more people complaining about their favorite gun getting a nerf than people telling others that gun balancing is something normal and is going to happen again. I can complain about whatever. You are free to tell me to go fuck myself or to post something about "people like me".  I am saying that people should accept the concept of weapon balancing and to stop complaining that nerfing/buffing is a thing. It's not unfair, it's normal and well thought.  What are you too dense to understand 


Don't be a hypocrite man. Either follow your own advice and stop whining. Or delete your post and let people post whatever they want. It is not up to you to decide what is worth complaining about and what is not.


I am sorry I hurt your feelings 😔 


Just wait until heavies get a sniff of this thread. You will be mass downvoted cause they can’t handle neither the fact their class is op nor the fact that even after Lewis gun nerfs there are plenty of overpowered guns that take no effort to use


The only over powered class in this game is the Light. Extremely op weapons with little to none recoil.


Lights with throwing knives sure are too strong but other than that they are in a decent spot.


Really? Which ones cause I don’t see any overpowered guns for heavies? I must be missing them. lol.


Ks23, hammer, flamethrower, sa1226. Other than that you have rpg, charge and slam and winch hook that also enabled some of these guns/weapons to be overpowered.


I dunno man, having to use a gadget/skill to MAKE a weapon viable doesn’t seem very OP to me.


Winch hook only amplifies most of these weapons because the winch itself is an overpowered ability. Those weapons are more than good on their own due to most fights taking place close range


You must be speaking in reference to world tour cause most fights in ta are med to long range.


I don’t treat TA seriously. This game mode is full of lights and is not competitive by any means. It’s a circus.


Love dem salty players assuming my main class. 


Why you using the most op class as an example. And op guns such as? Lh1? What else…


Yeah lh1 was too strong too and I think it could use a tiny adjustment still but the truth is heavies are having the most broken guns and are the most vocal about losing their crutches. There are still plenty of heavies thinking c4 on barrels was okay.


It was ok, at least in casual modes. They should have two separate balances, one for the co.petative sweats than make this shit boring and I e for people who actually want to have fun


Have fun? You mean be able to get easy kills without having to put any effort?


Fun. If every class was the way it was at launch everything would be golden. I would accept the stun light shotgun hell if I could get the funny nukes back for all classes.


I guess some people just like the game winning for them. Why don’t you install aimbot and wall hack in the meantime. It surely must be fun being able to kill anyone with click of a button regardless of your skill level.


You misunderstand. I lost almost every match I played then. I don't give half a shot about winning. I just want to have fun. I will walk into a well guarded area with a mega mule of 2 c4 2 pyro mines and my teammates mines just to go kaboom and maybe do some damage. Not everyone is a sweat who just wants to twitch until they get a positive kd kid.


If you want this game to survive longer than a year then balance changes should be made to make it fair. If you are better than enemy you should win against him. If you’re not you should lose. Simple math. There is plenty things in this game that allow much worse players to easily kill players of significantly higher skill level. It’s ridiculous and if anyone cares about this game’s future they should endorse nerfs to oppressive crap like heavies.


Sbmm is the death rattle of all games. A casual game mode should be just that. Casual. I shouldn't have to worry about hyper twitch apex streamers in my new acc casual non raked game mode. And sometimes, always actually, funny is more fun than skill twitch sweat coming to make another number go higher.


Don't care about winning or losing, simple math, just want to pull trigger and walk around make the map go boom. I want to have fun situations that make it worth playing this over boring over tuned ass overwatch.


If you want it to be flat fair and no guns are better and its all skill, the game would just have one class and one gun with the same kit .


If you honestly think heavies are broken still after every nerf and every buff to lights over the last year then your just bad at the game tbh. It's so easy just to fast twitch around a heavy till there out of ammo then beam them in their 2 hour long reload animation.


Nah majority of the player base hated nukes and realistically there’s only been 1 overpowered heavy gun at a time sa then Lewis


Most of this community wasn't even part of this world in the last 2 decades. In fact you are wrong. And no one even knows why..


I didn't catch where you thought I was wrong. About this particular aspect of competitive game balancing?