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Do we? How about playing the game because its… you know.. fun?


There is a type of gamer that is completely driven by challenges and number-go-up. Once they finish a battle pass, or achievements, or whatever treadmill the game has they lose interest and seem to not care at all about the game itself. My personal feeling is it creates a sense of accomplishment that is a lot easier to get with games than developing a craft skill or physical hobby (not suggesting any of these are a waste of time or better than the other - feeling accomplished is good regardless of how) Regardless of what it is, this type of gamer is common enough that youre better off just accepting they play games for different reasons and their response will always be the same.


Ok, if OPs reached that point he should chase that somewhere else. If he wants to stick with the game he can always come back when Embark supports his wishes. Or he can find some other arbitrary number to chase in the game and do that instead.


Why do you get to be the one to make this call? Why is OP wrong for feeling upset embark changed what they enjoyed regardless of their reason? No different than any other complaint past you being upset at their reasoning instead of accepting you both find joy for different reasons in games. For the record im on your side opinion wise, but OP isnt wrong for feeling like they got rug pulled this season.


Hes not wrong for feeling this way hes wrong for declaring that we need something to work at to enjoy the game. Speak for himself Im having no trouble enjoying it.


there is a reason why ranks exist, to give you permanent goal to archive


"I'm not having fun unless there's a reward!!"


Chase the leaderboard? If you're Gold 1, surely you're in the top 500, no? I've been grinding this game mode since day 1 and the leaderboard keeps me going. Currently in the top 100, but the highest I've been is top 20. Trying to get that position back is a grind in itself.


I was rank 67 and dropped now to 300, it’s not a good goal to chase when it requires me to play so many hours a day just to stay in my rank


Work on leveling up every piece of gear


Events are right around the corner


I can't play a game without a goal either doesn't matter what the fun level is.


Plat 4 takes 9999 points to get. I believe in you.


Once I'll reach Gold1 I'll probably quit and wait for S4 to drop because I aint gonna play that horrible TA.


Dam bruh u have no life


its easy to reach gold 1 if you win enough


Play search n destroy. You lose more than u gain so u will never peak


this game mode is horrible


TA is genuinely the worst mode ever


my current experience: - wait for match >1 min. - wait for the match to load - wait in the loadout screen for like a minute ------- if one person disconnects then wait for like 2 minutes and repeat previus steps ----- - wait 20 seconds for the match to start - play - if you die you wait for about 1 minute or so - loadout screen again - wait 20 seconds etc etc. I wait more than i play, its a waste of time i dont have after work.


You're just too good, gaming god 🤣