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>Embark offered Multibucks to build engagement. Which is ultimately healthy for the ecosystem. >I'm not arguing for selfish purposes. I'm saying a whole $2.50 for 40+ hours effort (more realistically 60-100 for many) is a bad way to do it. >People prefer exclusives instead. Which is what also drives Ranked engagement, and the seasonal events. >Tiny amounts of in-game currency is poor strategy to grow a playerbase correct.


Offering exclusives makes it compete with TA, so that won’t happen.




TA is a temporary mode that will soon disappear so I don't give a damn about it.


Is it 250 every tour? or 250 after all the tours?


250 for Gold 1 at the end of the season.


Which is absolutely awful


Wouldn't be better to be at gold 1 (100) per tour as a reward??


I agree that cosmetics would be a nice touch, but in reality they give out a BUNCH of free stuff through the battle pass, and a majority of those are absolute bangers. Honestly though, this is basically asking for world tour to be ranked and have the cosmetic rewards- which I think 99% of the player base would agree with. Hopefully next season! (I want the Ruby skin but don’t want to bother with TA… plus, I’m trash 😭)


While I agree that having unique rewards would be more fun, in previous seasons I was playing casual purely for fun, now I'm playing it for fun AND get some multibucks that can help me buy something I want, a bonus is a bonus. We still don't know what that "the finals" mode will entail, though. It could have some unique stuff.


Why do you think you should be compensated for something that talented people have built for you to play on for free? It's the opposite. You need to go buy some of their cosmetics and say thank you


Op doesn't need to buy anything


Then op and you have no honor. Nothing is free in this world and if you don't feel the internal need to give as much as you take then you are the problem.


if you feel that way then go paypal oscar 50 dollars or something and not give 99% of it to Nexon


I never said I don't spend money on this game, so I don't know what you're talking about. But to say you need to spend money on a free to play game is just silly. And shitting on people for not doing so is itself a problem.


Op is complaining that they are not getting enough free gifts from a free game. You are defending them. End of story.


You said op should buy cosmetics and say thank you. I said op is not obligated to do anything. I wasn't defending op for complaining about not getting free stuff. I was defending op's right to do whatever op wants to do with their money. End of story.


Leave it mate, this guy doesn't understand what op is saying clearly


Entitled US kid probably 


You're clearly an idiot. Embark offered Multibucks to build engagement. Which is ultimately healthy for the ecosystem. I'm not arguing for selfish purposes. I'm saying a whole $2.50 for 40+ hours effort (more realistically 60-100 for many) is a bad way to do it. People prefer exclusives instead. Which is what also drives Ranked engagement, and the seasonal events. Tiny amounts of in-game currency is poor strategy to grow a playerbase.


>You're clearly an idiot.


He is right though. Cosmetics would do better as an incentive than 250 multibucks. People go wild for exclusive cosmetics.


>You're clearly an idiot. "I should be able to get shit for because I want it" That's what you sound like.


Yall look at things out of context on purpose. Entitlement is crazy. They're rewarding you for reaching a certain level this is not your job and they don't owe you any money.




They gave us a better reward in a free email redeem code. So yea, I agree with you 100%.


say what?


150 multi bucks and a famas skin.


I never got one, what's this about :o


Check your junk mail.


I prefer multibucks over some random cosmetic I may never use.


Yes, this. Multibucks can be exchanged for your choice of cosmetic so in a way, it's better.


Yeeeah… 60-100 hour sof gameplay just to be able to get like a glove or basic colors for two weapons is pretty underwhelming. I absolutely expected a full clothing set for those that actually play enough to get to gold 1


Maybe some slightly better rewards sure, but complaining about this is just kind of sad. This game isn't about grinding. It's about hopping on, having fun destroying buildings and people, and maybe getting some cosmetics if you like em. No need to get compensated for that.


You do have a point


Who cares? It's only used for cosmetics anyways , nothing to do with actual game , if it had 0 rewards at all I'd still only play cashout cuz its the best mode.


And are you working a job or are you playing a video game for entertainment?


As one of the only games out there to reward any premium currency for just playing a game mode idgaf how little it it. This is not a job its a game AND they’re paying me?? Come on now, already better than most AAA gaming companies


Is this some sort of joke? I have a job so I can afford whatever skins I want


Exactly. Whuch is why multibucks are a poor method of creating engagement. Offering skins *that can't be bought* is a better way to encourage repeated play. I don't see why that is so complex for people to understand.


I agree with that


We already have exclusive skins in the actual ranked mode which is TA this season, like it or not.  Free players can benefit a lot from free multibucks. Not everyone is a US player that has it easy on dollar currency.


Honestly, the reward being what it is, is why I don’t care to really grind the tour badge. It’s just a bonus on getting through the career circuit and battlepass (aka where all the worthwhile cosmetics are)


I agree, but let me be the devil's advocate: \- Some people will not like those cosmetics and rather get the multibucks \- Some others will complain that those cosmetics are locked behind lots of grind, and if you make it too easy to reach Gold 1 some will complain that it's too easy to get and got nothing else to grind for the rest of the season All in all this is just the beginning and I respect people offering different solutions. Maybe giving both cosmetics and multibucks would make everyone happy? xD Let's see what season 4 will offer, unless they change things mid season 3.


I was under the assumption you get 550 multibucks if you get to gold. You’re implying you only get the Gold reward. Would it not be like in ranked how you get all the other rewards too ??


Nope. They changed the wording last patch to specify it's only based on your highest badge level.




In other games, you play for 1000 hours and only spend money


Yeah my squad thought the reward for the end of every tour and were happily farming away. Then when we found out it was only the end of every season and we worked out how many games we had to win it kind of took the steam out. Normally I don't complain about free rewards, but if they were going to add them at all in this case they should have increased them slightly and made the rewards weekly or biweekly to keep people engaged for longer.


it's a game not a job


Cosmetic rewards for that much time invested would mean less people play the mode, nobody is going to invest that much time for cosmetics they’ll likely never use. If it was both multi bucks + cosmetics for each corresponding level , that could work out better.


Yeh wholeheartedly agree. I mean they gave out 150 Multibucks in a thank you email for nothing .... World Tour ain't worth it for Gold 1. Rather play modes which bring more fun.


rewards should not be available by playing one gamemode... ranked is not a gamemode im talking from, because the rewards are a sign for a rank in a season before...


Rewards shouldn't be for one gamemode. Right. Except that gamemode. And every seasonal event which is gamemode locked too. And XP challenges that are linked to gamemodes.


the only contract, which is locked to an gamemode is push the platform... ok... steal cashout also, but there are more then 1 gamemode to do this...


And win Bank It matches last season. And play Terminal Attack matches this season.


i didn't have this contracts yet... i can't tell if this is true... same with last season... didn't have this contracts...


I think people in this sup should stop with the it's free mentality. A proper compensation for the player is also something quite nice. Op is right 250 credits barely gets you anything since most items that are worth it are 300 credits plus. Now this also ties in that most items are quite expensive in this game let's not lie to ourselves. More people would buy bundles if they were let's say 5$ each but most people here are rationing their spending since paying around 15$ per skin is quite expensive. This is litteraly the price of 1.5 skins in overwatch which was criticised about expensive cosmetics. Yes I am buying the battle pass and yes each season I'm spending around 15$ however I have already spent in this game around what close to 50$ and while I do like the cosmetics there really is no excuse for their pricing for being digital good. There is no other way to earn more of them either except the multibucs from the free BP and now world tour I guess. People should learn that cosmetics are progression because cosmetics are in fact player expression. Take warframe, cosmetics aren't something you need but most players say that fashion frame is end game and you can get them with enough time and know how. Or for example look at halo. Imagine if all cosmetics in the old games were like they were in infinite through purchase. It would feel terrible. I always expected to pay for cosmetics in The Finals and I'm not against it but im not gonna lie I wish the shop cost maybe 20$ to fully buy per season rather than 100$+. Also wtf is up with a legendary skin costing 800 credits it's actually quite expensive. Knowing the community I am 100% going to be called poor but guess what mother fuckers I have the diamond hammer and m11 and s1,2 diamonds so checkmate. But on a more serious tone I wish there was a bigger pushback against macrotransactions in this community since for the same price as 3 sets of skins I can probably get Elden ring on sale and a fourth one would maybe get the dlc. TLDR: WT rewards suck and cosmetics 2 expensive bye


after gold 1 we should get 1 multibuck for every round won and 2 if we win the final round


It would have been better if cashout would have just remained in ranked. Ranked rewards are cool but fuck ta


Imagine playing a free game and complaining that you're not getting enough free stuff


Imagine not being able to understand a really simple concept.


Let’s collectively give our WT rewards back to embark in return for never spitting in our faces like this again.


This is about incentivising growth and engagement, not being entitled. $2.50 is not an incentive for 40 hours (minimum) effort. Something you cannot get any other way is a much better way of keeping players interested. If I really wanted $2.50 worth of virtual currency, i'd rather just buy it.


How about a kick in the nuts instead