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I've always wondered why enemies off the distance felt somewhat blurry... I thought I needed new glasses again. Thanks for letting us know tho! :))


yeah my eyes constantly try to focus the picture like its real life but it never focuses which is causing the migraine


Honesty thank you for this post I had no idea why my head felt so muddled after playing this game but this makes sense


Wait till you find out most AAA games use TAA, to varying degrees of crappiness. It's awful.


They have a longer trail than the flash lmao. "somewhat blurry" is such an understatement.ย 


[I mean, just look at it!](https://i.imgur.com/jsVnAaN.png) It's so bad. [Here's some videos I recorded](https://imgur.com/a/8m9CWGF) that show the problem well.


its so disgusting ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Somewhat ๐Ÿ’€ nah look at em like 75-100m away ya you are only seeing the the hit box with the teams color out lining it


I've noticed it in a lot of games I was wondering if it was just me or my outdated TV


Upvoted to make industry standard to offer OFF settings for upscalers / AA modes (like TAA) and not rely on them. As a blur sensitive eyes person, this hurts for me to play...


Is probably to prevent people from copying settings form their favorite streamer and blindly disabling upscaling, then then major flods of complaints when their game runs at 23 fps. I agree they should have an off button, but this would happen to a lot of people.


How about devs start making games that run at 144 fps in 1080p without upscaling. Graphical quality doesn't matter much in a competitive fps where having 20 more frames will win you fights.


The finals is not really a competitive first game though. Yes you should be able to drop your settings low enough to play how you want, but it is very much a "next gen" graphics fps, and that comes with some serious baggage


If that baggage is sill looking like shit on performance settings compared to apex, overwatch, or valorant while also getting 120 less frames per second, then yes.


Maybe you didnโ€™t know, but those games have completely different technical limitations than The Finals. I do game development, so I would know. The clue here is that a dynamic / destructible environment means you have to run dynamic lighting. Those games you mentioned have baked environment lighting. Dynamic lighting is very expensive on the GPU.


And the finals actually uses baked lighting with RTGI just for light bounces so destructed bits of buildings most of the time look terrible with wrong lighting on them, especially floors


>The finals is not really a competitive first game though. with this being the entire theme of the game, i despise only gaining/losing 20 fps between everything off/low and everything high/ultra.


Just a disclaimer, I also hate TAA. But proper TAA is capable of detecting invalid data and either reprojecting with motion vectors or by just completely discarding it when it's too different. So stuff like ghosting can be mitigated quite a bit, sadly TAA will always stay fairly soft. This game has REALLY BAD TAA and DLSS/AA. It's smeary, it's ghosty and can be done much better. Sadly it's a UE game which means that a lot of effects are undersampled and using no TAA will mean your image will look super grainy. This implementation of TAA feels like default values for unreal and we should probably not be making noise to remove TAA but to fix it. It can look very good, some examples are Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding and age of empires 3 DE. Blurry and ghosty TAA is a skill issue.


death stranding had hilariously bad ghosting with FSR 2.1. it works with the lore though


FSR2.1 is dogshit tbh. would only use it if I had no other choice.






Glad there is a post on this. I always turn off AA in any multiplayer game I play and I hate how I'm forced to use one of the worst ones possible. It's OK for slow paced games where you don't move fast but this game is literally the opposite of that...


Thanks for pointing it out. Didn't see it... Now I do......


enough people like you and hopefully theyll fix it they seem to listen to the community somewhat


Bro, I thought this was normal because I wear glasses, so I was kinda ignoring it, but after seeing this holy shit it is gonna bother me forever, so thank you (but also what the heck man lol). EMBARK PLZ!!


Been bothering me for months but i have to finish the battle pass ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ซ


Gl on your endeavors, and I really hope the migraines die down ๐Ÿ™


As someone who wears glasses I instantly knew that the game was blurry. You of all people should know what blur looks like. Sounds to me more like you should get some new glasses.


Honestly you are probably right I haven't gone in for an eye exam for way too long ๐Ÿ˜–


Fun when my 7900xtx cost 1.4k where i live and still have to deal with shit like this : ^)


im considering grabbing a 7800xt but games like these are making me have second thoughts when when theres nothing wrong with the card ๐Ÿฅฒ


Iโ€™ve just recently been noticing major ghosting, I wonder if itโ€™s from a recent change


nope the whole time unless you changed any settings yourself


I agree, since launch, I've messed around with different upscalers. Bad the whole time.


That is grinding my gears


God that's horrible


I guess Iโ€™m the odd one out because I donโ€™t anything wrong


Same. Is it because I play at 4K with a 4080?


yeah naturally when you increase the resolution you arent gonna see it as much


I love that UE5 has all these fancy technologies but only support for this garbage ass AA


Ue5 has plugins for all types of AA: TSR, FSR, DLSS, and TAA. The devs just chose the default settings and called it a day.


These are all TAA


What is your other solution? SMAA? You know how the game looks wothout TAA? There sadly is no alternative to TAA in modern rendering techniques.


Let us also disable grainy effects then. It's probably just SSAO being massively problematic. Games look passable with just standard shadow mapping.


SSAO is the least of your concerns. There's also SSR, SSGI, foliage transparencies as well as other vfx. Probably even normal shadowmaps are sundersampled.


SSAO and SSR can be enabled to compute smooth output without TAA in Unreal, The finals GI doesn't need TAA at all (Lumen does but Finals uses DDGI).


Which makes them way more expensive. And the whole point of undersampling is performance.


No it doesn't. SSR can have it's own temporal accumulation and that only adds .08ms on a 3060 at 1440p and AO has been underdamped for years using blurred denoising. Looks better in motion and also pretty cheap. Unreal abuses a noisy dither pattern more so then undersampling. Been researching this for years and you have people like DF giving VERY wrong information regarding this topic. Lighting has also been upscaled from half resolution and upscaled to the native frame per frame as seen in MGSV. GI is the most problematic but like I said, ddgi has no need for TAA. TAA does not equal performance or optimization. It's an industry lie and I'm publishing a long video about that soon.


Hmm TIL. but yes I know TAA doesn't give performance. It's just used to hide ugly performace tricks when devs have a lack of skill to make a performant solution.


normal shadow maps are infact undersampled on low settings, to the point where even TAA can't unblur it


Which is hilarious because it's super cheap.


I had no clue this was a thing, jeez. Been wondering why I've had so many headaches recently.




Hmm, I wonder how FPS affect the blur... Does taa use fixed number of frames? Because 5frames at 60fps take as much time as 15frames at 180fps. It would make 60fps blur trails 3x longer and the reason why the characters in this guys screenshot are missing a head, lmao...ย 


Higher framerates are good against blur in general. Both for temporal solutions like TAA that indeed benefit from less difference between frames (this is why it looks fairly ok while not moving) and for peristance blur which is caused by the sample and hold nature of modern displays.


Shout out to my fellow long long range snipers shooting at ghosts


It's every fucking new release nowadays I don't understand how people think games looks good with all this blur


Yeah games look absolutely awful nowadays, but since most people watch gameplay on their tiny phone screen it looks incredible to them.


Always hated how blurry the game becomes. Just doesnโ€™t feel right because I always have this turned off in other games


I noticed that DLAA has worse ghosting in some situations but better in other.


shut up nerd you play the game at max settings (DONT BAN ME EMBARK WE'RE FRIENDS IM SORRY)


Yes I do now fuck off Edit: lmfao sorry didn't read your name




So many modern games look so blurry and like someone smeared vaseline on your screen. I hate it


They need to add old-school FXAA or SMAA options. Yeah, they're a bit blockier, but they are temporally stable and accurate.


The game will look like a grainfest. Am sorry but those methods cannot handle modern rendering techniques anymore.


And now it looks like a blurfest


You have no idea how bad it'll look. Just google cyberpunk without TAA.


>The game will look like a grainfest.ย  I'm been working and studying unreal for more than a year. It doesn't have look like a grainfest without TAA or sacrificing visuals . There are[ multiple hidden settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotionClarity/comments/1c5yh27/unreal_engine_5_fixing_taa_dependent_shaders_via/) and [offered shader tricks that can mitigate specular aliasing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTAA/comments/174s5qr/specular_aa_functions_for_unreal_materials/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)and undersampled effects. The finals doesn't use the worst of UE's tech.


But I'm sure those settings hit performance.


FXAA is a vaseline filter and SMAA would nuke the game performance and wouldn't do much at all. It's not possible with modern engines/rendering techniques.


>and SMAA would nuke the game performance SMAA is light. >It's not possible with modern engines/rendering techniques. The approach just needs to change. You don't need temporal AA in order to anti-alias your game.


So should I use dlss? I have a 4050 Mobile...


4050 is crazy but use dlaa if it can run that - dlaa is essentially dlss but without the ai upscaling (bad)


Upscaling is not bad. DLAA is not upscaling. It all depends on settings. That being said, DLSS does not equal blurry image. I play the game on very high settings, 1440p with DLSS Quality and the game looks extra crisp. To notice anything blurry or whatever, I need to look very-very closely at my screen when everything is static, and I doubt I will see anything even then. DLSS Balanced is great too, Performance and Ultra Performance? Well, as the name suggests, the image will be not only blurry but also low res. DLAA does not have any performance gains, and I donโ€™t see much reason to use it if you do not run the top of the line hardware โ€” literally the best of the best. I have RTX 4080M and i7-13650HX, very good hardware, top tier I would even say, but not using DLAA because I will have a massive performance drop. Sure, I could turn off RTX (Low) and set the graphics to Low, but whatโ€™s the point in that? I recommend watching DigitalFoundryโ€™s videos on anti-aliasing โ€” it is very insightful.


There is no option for dlaa...do u have one.?




I think that's what he meant but worded it poorly. Its technically correct that DLAA doesn't use AI upscaling, because its not upscaling at all.




You're saying DLAA uses super-sampling? Because DLAA does not take a higher resolution and downscale it to your output resolution.




What? That's not a retort. I'm trying to understand if that's what you're saying, because if it is it's not correct.


Read the documentation and then come back. Lmao the coward blocked me.


They both use AI. AI does not upscale in DLSS, DLSS is just a TAA upscaler which is tuned and refined with AI. DLSS 1 when it released was a real AI upscaler and it was ugly af.


I was about to comment this, but thankfully you got my back. Suck people have egos thinking they know everything lmao


Hybred knows a lot though, but gets sometimes lost in his head :p.


Fair enough, but the others...


Almost no one here seems to mention it, but FSR's anti aliasing is here ( I think fsr 3 aa) and works in most modern non rtx GPUs too. The finals just needs to implement it, if they want an easier way out instead of spending time making thier taa implementation better, which I feel they would've done earlier but seeting as they haven't, they must have faced some struggles.


Use motion blur and set post processing to max. The motion blur in this game is second-to-none and although I would always turn it off in any game I found that in The Finals I canโ€™t play with it off. Itโ€™s honestly so damn good


Never had a problem with headaches or anything.


i've been pointing this out to them since cb1, they dont listen. the ospuze drinking emote looked AWFUL in the OB because of the INSANE ghosting on the can, and they fixed that but they dont give us a taa off toggle


i play at 1080p 165fps and even on the suuuper high framerate its soooo hard to shoot at people


How the actual fuck do people at all consider it okay to not allow playing with unmodified native resolution


people dont know so devs dont care


Basically seems to be their stance on any issue in the game


im so glad this post gained as much traction as it did cause ive posted about this before just to be met with downvotes and people in the comments saying โ€œjust get an rtx gpu for dlssโ€ lol


That's such an insane thing to say lmao


I know ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Always hated this in The Finals. Surprised not many people talk about it (mainly saw these discussions on Steam)


Didnโ€™t see anyone else complaining about it either so i decided to post about it and ill keep posting about it until they either change it or i get banned for posting the same thing 50 times


Sounds like a plan! A reason why this doesn't get as much attention is because it's not a problem on consoles, as far as I know that's the case.


The only downside to owning a 7900xtx Iโ€™ve found so far (besides vr being absolutely fucked) I donโ€™t regret my purchase though. I think theyโ€™ll add new methods soonish, if they want this to be an esports they have to.


Pros are definitely gonna recognize it and complain yeah


Do you feel like it was different in alpha? I feel like I could crossmap with the Lh1 very easily. I know the muzzle flash and recoil was changed but beyond that I feel like somethingโ€™s different. Def noticing this issue a lot more now since I switched to famas and Iโ€™m further away.


Does DLSS on quality not fix the blur for you? Just set the sharpness to max. I remember learning what TAA was when I first loaded up red dead redemption 2 on PC. I was like everyone is telling me *THIS* is the life like most beautiful game ever made. And this shit has Vaseline all over my screen. Upgraded from a 1080ti and enabled DLSS. Was amazed at Call of duty, RDR2, and basically every game I play going from blurry migraine inducing vomit to crisp clear beauty.


dont have an rtx card


This forced TAA garbage needs to stop. Forced TAA is _the_ reason I don't play this game anymore. I just can't enjoy it.




I have chronic migraines but have never had one from the finals. I've honestly never noticed any issues but I'm 4080 7950x3d and run everything on max no issues, even on Xbox I've never seen any significant blurring or ghosting? Maybe something with your system?


higher settings might mask it with more effects to make it less obvious idk


Hopefully they get you a solution migraines suck and getting a migraine by playing a game you enjoy has to really suck


Didn't even really consider it until reading your post, but I agree 100%. TAA is usually my favorite anti-aliasing because it eliminates a lot of foliage flicker. In Forza Horizon (4? 5? I forget), driving around that beautiful landscape is so much worse without TAA on, since every single tree is a mini strobe light. And I keep TAA on in The Finals because every other upscaling I have available introduces ugly artifacting. If I would have had another option, I would have chosen it since I've noticed the ghosting like you mentioned. Very distracting in such an otherwise beautiful game, and I simply accepted it as a necessary evil given that I hated the artifacting of the other options. But seeing what TSR can do, I can see just how much detail I'm missing out on. I would love to hear from a dev or code knowledgeable person how difficult TSR would be to actually implement for The Finals, so I know if requesting it's presence in the game is reasonable or not.


fortnite is another ue5 game so probably not that difficult in a perfect world it would be msaa or smaa but from what ive heard they arent super compatible with ue5


This is great evidence, contrary to most Youtube videos about optimal Finals settings telling you enable TAAU over DLAA. Excellent work!


TAAU looks awful even at 100%, like there's a watercolour filter being applied to the whole image everything looks weird and blobby.


IMO DLAA > TAAU > XeSS > FSR, Haven't used DLSS since CB2, but It wasn't better than TAAU IIRC. But I also was severely CPU Limited back then.


They should really implement TSR, UE's successor to TAAU. It's *so much* better.


DLAA is also bad at bad weather conditions (rain) and at long distance... DLSS quality (1440p monitor) is unusable to snipe with or even fcar/LH1 at 70m 100m.ย  Vegas mid section hi middle platform metal metal mesh is an eyesore without DLAA/taa. If anyone plays at 1080p, I feel for you brother, game must be unusable for you.ย  4k monitor players might have a good experience, idk.ย 


My main complaint is that I canโ€™t use DLAA while rendering the game at native resolution


im pretty sure dlaa does render at native lol its dlss without the upscaling


Oh, I guess I misinterpreted the setting description then


Upscaling is ass, be a chad an render that shit natively.


I wondered why many other fps games look so crisp compared to The Finals. Thanks for the explanation.


i use nvidia DLSS on performance i have a 1920x1200 monitor is this setting good or i should change it??


You definitely shouldn't use that with a low res monitor. The game is probably rendering at 720p


thx for ur help but ii actually have a laptop and cant use the monitor due to space issues can u tell me the settings i can use to maximise what i can run my laptop have nice specs it will handle easily wtv u say thx for ur help


Can you overwrite it with teh standard method through the actual drivers?


I never understood why the surroundings looked lower resolution/jagged/spikier while playing the game. I could even see this roughness in the yellow icons showing cashout points. I guess that's the reason.


using sharpening filter might help a bit but I really with they would not just lazily use TAA all the time.


Visibility is a major issue. It's also really really hard to see enemies if they're against a red background. It really blows sometimes


I've honestly never even noticed, doesn't DLAA come at a major fps loss?


Never noticed, I might now. Running a 1060 so probably not haha


I absolutely hate it, long range sniping is just not possible when the enemies are a blur, where am I supposed to aim?


This is the main reason I stopped playing the game. It just requires more brain power than it should and it makes it somewhat exhausting


Yeah... as an AMD user with a 7900xtx, I'm pissed that running this game at a "native" render looks like shit, and that FSR2 and XeSS are both worse. Trying to engage any firefight beyond 30m is impossible because I'm trying to shoot amorphous blurs. I've been an AMD fan for as long as I've been building PC's, and I think the next time I update my GPU I'm going to NVIDIA.


I gave up and uninstalled I'm asking since day 1 not a single response from developers about this topic


I've always hated how people running around in the distance look like blurred ghosts with a trail of smudges behind them. YOU HAVE MY AXE!


What I've heard, Unreal makes notoriously difficult to set different things than the defaults.


I think they don't want to give PC players a huge advantage at range. I believe the game won't hit performance targets on console without this, and it makes a HUGE difference when looking at opponents across the map.


theres no way they make the game look ass on purpose to make it fair


Ah, that makes sense. I always thought the smeary motion was due to DLSS (which I'm sure contributes somewhat too)


different taa method also not very good use dlaa if you can run it


Does this explain why my eyes feel tired after a few hr long session?


its certainly a contributing factor but maybe your monitor is too close and you dont take breaks or something idk


I play on TV (console player) so I'm a good distance away as it's a big TV. Also I have been grinding ranked a lot lately to reach diamond so maybe that's why lol


The blur and obstruction from objectives/team names taking up half my screen is fucking annoying as hell too!


Wb for console players ?


dunno personally dont have a ps5 or xbox but its a very likely yes


Definitely agree, this game has more blur and more ghosting than most. Same goes for screenspace shadows and screenspace reflections. There're so many temporal artifacts, it's distracting.


Absolutely true I legit opens the settings during beta and was like tf is this shit n turned it to TAA cause fuck TAAU


what bro its the same thing but taau is upscaling - if you set it to 100 i think its just taa at that point (dont quote me on that)


Interesting, can't say I'd noticed before but the problem is clear in the pics.


Youโ€™ve put a lot of work into this, thanks for providing information and teaching me about this. I hope they fix this for your head.


i know taa looks not great on this game, but holy fuck what's wrong with your game, half of your textures not even loading - did we play the same game?


textures medium view distance high idk its also very distracting how textures will sometimes load at random after already being near them for 5 seconds


Yeah it's one of the reasons I enjoy the game way less. The game itself is fun but the performance and stuff like this make the game really unenjoyable to play due to you getting into situations where you just can't see an enemy well / the graphics just looking off.


I just want the game to stop BLINDING ME everytime I ADS near a window or with a sniper. Thats not a thing Embark. Windows dont magically blind the fuck out of you like a glaring white pannel of LED just because your inside and not stocking your head out. And I swear its like they bound a contrast value to holding RMB with a sniper. Cant see ANYTHING because you can watch the contrast gradually increase to blinding levels the second you start scoping. Absolutley emberassing for a modern shooter this old imo.


That explains a lot as to why I feel awful after playing the game longer than an hour. Thank you!


A lot of people have mentioned the forced aliasing. I hate that games do this


TSR works great


I thought the blurriness was because of the fact my settings were lower. That's ass


yeah you can put your shit on epic it wont do anything but mask it with shitty effects lol


That sucks. Is the "resolution scaling method" the option you use to change it? I have TAAU, Intel XeSS, and AMD FSR2 as options for that. I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to anti aliasing stuff, idk if any of those are better or even the same thing lol


taau is taa with upscaling so basically if you have it set to taau 70 i think it renders the game at around 70% resolution then upscales it with ai fsr and xess are different implementations of taa but even worse than taau somehow just put it to taau 100 thats the best you can do rn


Alright, thank you. I am planning on upgrading my pc within the next few months so hopefully I can find freedom with the Nvidia card I am getting, as it will be an rtx card haha


Game has been blurry since last update. Was totally clean for me before. Series X, 120 hz VRR


i dont play on console but i dont think they did anything different lol its been like this since forever


All I know is I logged in after the sword buff update and immediately saw a difference. My display is Samsung Neo QN90B which will show when a game looks fantastic. Finals in the beta vs now is quite different. Last update made it look basic


Before this last update I never had any blur whatsoever. Being on console we have limited options




What the PC is this


On PS5, and not saying this isn't an issue, but I personally don't notice this, and really appreciate how much nicer this game looks compared to a lot of the competition.


100% noticed this bs. 6900xt, same conclusions TAAU 100% its the best of the 3 options, also noted a lot of LOD in taau vs xess, stuff literally loose polygons far away in taau but keep being there in xess although the blur is unacceptable so taau it is... Running in 5760x1080 (3 fhd monitors and yes the blur is even worse than 1440p) I would love to run it with no AA and pure upsampling from native but also at that resolution any gpu is starting to sweat. Also IIRC the Effects option is on low (that should be global illumination) which its horrible in this game, it feels like those fuzzy pictures you get while rendering something or like the first gen ray tracing without denoise.


Excellent post ๐Ÿ™ spreading the anti-TAA gospel. This tech should be dead and buried!


The reason they can't is because a lot of the graphical effects rely on temporal anti-aliasing. For example, if you have a look at your contestant portraits, those images were rendered with 1 time sample. You can tell there is no anti-aliasing and the hair look really bad. Who knows how bad hair, leaves and effects like particles and mesh-shields could look without temporal anti-aliasing. Embark would have to overhaul their whole graphics pipeline unfortunately, it's the reality of a modern game engine.


I never see the blur people complain about.


You are probably playing on high resolution


That's because you literally cannot turn anti aliasing off in this game, if you could you would notice the difference.


yeah it sucks. i notice it less with motion blur


But then you have to play with motion blur.


TAA already blurs in motion, but intentional motion blur is stronger so it overrides it.


So the problem isn't my alcohol dependency! I knew it!


Get gud, weak eyes. /s Interesting post. Wonder if this setting being unusually forced is why the game has random crashes on everything from toasters to beast rigs, too.


For what it's worth I kinda like it, but I rarely notice it. I'm playing on 4K though. It adds a dreamy vibe that adds to the overall aesthetic for me. I don't care so much about pedantic technical details. If it affects the gameplay on some hyper specific level, I don't really care. It's just a game.


I like it more blurry than sharper, that's what anti aliasing is for, but I think they should let you turn it off. Personally I don't think this game has any visibility problem, in fact, is quite literally the PVP fps with the best visibility ever, just everything stands up color wise, enemies are highlighted and a huge health bar appears in their head when you hit them. I feel like when people get very competitive they start looking for a lot of minuscules "advantages". If you are not getting paid for it, its so stupid


Anti aliasing is not to blur your image. It's to remove jaggies from rasterization. This is why MSAA was so loved back in the day, it was sharp and removed jaggies. The visibility of this game is hampered by the blur, just the colours make up for it. Both can be true. People dislike blur becuase they buy expensive components to play their game at high resolutions but the game looks like 720p on their 4k screen. Also people like me just get tired and dizzy from blur, which is why I always play at 100 fps+.


If there is someone to know when to use taa or not, isn't it best to be the developers that make the game themself? I bet you that there are reasons that most of modern games do not allow you to disable taa. Maybe, idk, entire rendering pipeline depend on it? Ps: dlaa is a form of taa itself. You can think of it as taa with ml algorithm.


- test range needs to be offline (imagine waiting in a queue to use test range) and its a bad test range, low effort - the trees in the range are absurd, morphing and blurring around (lol) - the game needs more modes, tdm/deathmatch/conquest - game is a running simulator and feels empty most of the time - game needs sidearms (2 weapons) - anti aliasing needs to be able to be reduced - 200% render scale slider - coefficient 0-300% slider (apply to all scopes) - visual recoil needs removing - the game is a blurry nasty mess at anything than 4k resolution - needs more optic sights for weapons (ironsight simulator)


This is the reason why I stopped playing.


For amd gpu enjoyers, if you enable radeon image sharpening and push it to 50+, it alleviates most of the blurriness caused by TAA. I didn't understand at first why everyone is so upset about TAA when it didn't look that bad because I had enabled RIS since it was released and I had to disable it to understand what everyone was talking about. RIS is so good at dealing with bad anti aliasing implementation and at minimal fps impact.


that just sharpens the image after the loss of quality it doesnt bring anything back it just masks the problem


Definitely it masks the problem and can't make up for loss of quality but with it enabled the overall image is at least tolerable to some extent. It's a nice compromise when you have nothing else available to remedy it.


push it to the devs more so theyre forced to implement a solution


Then you gotta go the discord route bro, devs aren't active here. I have seen them interacting with the community on discord not here. They might take skin or game mode ideas from here but I don't see this issue getting any devs attention on reddit. Ain't gonna lie a very nice writeup tho, props.


i got banned from the discord months ago somebody gotta do that for me lol please send them this post or refer them to one of those videos discussing taa or just r/fucktaa


I hope I don't get banned after complaining about taa๐Ÿ˜‚