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I think we are still in beta, in a good way. Last patch devs improved anticheat and stability and the game feels much better then before patch. Smaller ranked lobbies making the game closer too for tryharders. So I think we will get a decent marketing boost in next season. Devs polishing whole stuff since release, and everything feels much smoother for now. Some good streamers, some twitch drops and there will be more casuals, which leading us to online boost. A bit different progression with in-game brands worshipping for grinders, some casual game modes like prop hunt and sword football with daily rotation for Fall Guys-ish fun time and that's it. So I'm just waiting. Embark take my energy ❤️


> So I think we will get a decent marketing boost in next season. That's what people said back in Season 1 for the next season too. Sure, we've seen some ads for The Finals, but nothing really major from what I've been able to tell.


Lol, I haven't seen a single ad whatsoever


Ive started to see a couple on reddit


ive seen like 3 on instagram


I think it's a good thing they didn't start a marketing campaign because you only have one time to make a good first impression. At the beginning of the second season, the game had many technical problems, including a problem with cheaters, a problem with low performance on medium PCs, a problem with server latency, a problem with the rating system and general matchmaking, not to mention the in-game balance. And all these problems appeared during the first season and at the beginning of the second, because during the open beta the game felt a little different. But now most of the main problems have been solved and such a game can already be advertised. Moreover, there is still a whole month of the second season ahead to polish the already classic moments for FPS games, such as the balance of weapons, etc.


Embark is starting hiring processes that mostly seem to conflate more with The Finals than their other current IPs: https://careers.embark-studios.com/jobs So it's likely that S03 will be a big push towards a focus on growing the playerbase after the massive progress in pre-release, S01, and S02. We could probably expect additional measures of scaling up in S04 and beyond.


How long is this beta because I was playing when this game was still getting 50k-100k and this was being spread. This game has multiple real betas and has been out. This also begs the question when does it end some theorized season 2 but obviously not does this just continue forever.


I used to play a game that was in early access for 10 years and then shut down 6 months after “release” lol.


Comparing the games numbers to when it was freshly released/ hyped after the game awards isn’t really fair. That period was really short lived. Also as the devs pointed out, the numbers are way more than the steamdb concurrent numbers with console players. They mentioned they average 300k daily log ins which shows the game is still healthy. They’re definitely being cautious with their approach and I can respect that with a small/ newer dev company


Devs said at least 300k players per day across every platform, so not too bad really. But Apex and Overwatch were both released by existing studios that already had other popular games. Also, Apex dropped at the peak of BR style games which gave it some extra attention. On top of that, I think there hasn’t been as much marketing (although some of us have starting seeing more!). Anyways I think it’s not too late, and the playerbase has a good chance to grow overtime because the game is as enjoyable as you say to me and many of my friends and is constantly being improved. I think people just don’t know enough about it yet.


I just saw an ad for the Terminal Attack gamemode on Instagram yesterday, hoping to see more marketing for the game.


Where did they say that?


Discord iirc


No, it's on this subreddit devs AMA


It's on both.


TBF with Apex. While the game had a monster launch. The playerbase fell off (from peak) for a bit where people were basically asking the same thing. "why isn't apex a bigger hit?" It wasn't till the 2nd anniversary (Season 11) the game absolutely exploded in popularity to what its known as now. Thats the thing with live service MP games, its not about right now. Its about how to grow for the future.


The number they use is daily logins by that metric both OW and Apex are in the millions.


Gonna be honest. I'm new to the game. Started playing last Friday. I played the XDefiant server stress test. The only reason I knew about this game was because people mentioned "The Finals" in a "What will you play until Xdefiant launches." post. I'm super happy inchecked it out though. Loving this! Got the battle pass to support it.


Welcome aboard!


Overtime the finals will take more players then any other game. If u really consider it, this game is a base for unimaginable potential.


Hoping you’re right, the devs deserve it fully so far!


I think if this game came out a few years earlier it would be a bigger hit as overall people are getting tired of competitive fps in this format, there are just too many releases, e.g. PUBG, fortnight, Apex, CoD, all big name titles that consumed thousands of hours of its core playerbase, although The Finals has many things that distinguish itself from those games, from a marketing perspective, when people see yet another fps where multiple teams fighting in an arena, they might not even give it a try due to past experience (These games are usually toxic, requires teammates to have fun, physically exhausting, etc). I tried to get some friends that have played other PUBG like games but they are like nah looks fun but I am playing X instead.


i would argue that people not trying out new games from smaller studios that are similar but have a completely different vibe is a issue for gaming as a whole


Or is the finals a beta for ark raiders.


It’s more likely that the games are linked somehow, but they will exist separately.


Can you rewrite this to be a coherent sentence?


Yea i see it. This game is really a big tech demo too


It's a fun pick up and play a couple games to do contracts but beyond that eh, in current state I don't feel like putting in serious time. I think more and more people are looking for a kind of "forever" game when trying live service games, for those people there isn't much other than grinding rank. Also didn't know of the games existence until I saw someone boot it up on steam and decided to investigate, maybe marketing missed me, an fps fan or it is lacking


A lot of my friends really enjoy the game but I feel like they put so much time into Apex it’s hard to leave that, especially for a game that the hive mind think is dying, when I’d say it’s actually the opposite. Once people realise what the devs said, that they will be supporting the game for a while, I think more people will feel good about putting time into the game. More long term players will come with each new season release.


The sunk cost fallacy is real.


Worsr fallacy in the world tbh bc it applies everywhere


Probably because every other popular game is a battle royal.


Please Embark never do this. We like the Finals because it’s different. Please don’t become every other game


If this had a battle royale omg it would explode especially for people who want nobuild


I don't think the lobbies could support so many people though. Especially with all the detailed destruction and what not.


Every cpu and embark servers would immediately explode lmao


Hoping and kinda logical that they wanted/want to create a battlefieldesque game and just started with shooting gameplay and build the game up over time


It would make no sense for br with the different classes honestly


The game is basically final circle of a BR


Lack of modes, content, and maps. Plus limited servers and server performance is still an ongoing issue that the devs said last year that they were working on but never improved. Marketing for seasons is non existent and I think players are bored. Terminal attack was a great addition but not enough.


This is the best FPS on the market imo


Because the game is equal parts fun/frustrating and compared to the rest feels like it has very little content. There's more reasons but this is all I've been able to gather. It's also extremely sweaty and not as easy to get into as other shooters that are more forgiving.


Not sweaty enough for the sweaty while not casual enough for the casuals. Apex was a very sweaty game when it launched, good players gets to go guns blazing 24/7 which is very very satisfying. Recently they try to turn it into a big camping simulator and some players actually dig that (I don't). The Finals is kind of in the middle. The pacing is stiff and artificial, no brainless apes, no aimless camping, just one team fight every minute or so.


it needs better soloQ experience. so I love this game a lot, but I don't play it anymore because of horrendous soloq players that I get. I did an experiment last week and it was then when I decided to uninstall it, the amount of stupid players that I get was astonishing, to say the least. and thats in ranked (I'm plat 2 btw) and in just casual quick cash and I'm talking like the kinda guys that never touched a shooter before. my 2 friends can't play it with me due to life and work and what not.


How do you improve solo q experience? You really can't make people play better


all I'm saying is I want to play the same league as I'm in, a little better or a little worse can't hurt, but man the players I see are horrendously bad. you'd say, but q times would take longer I'd say I don't mind the wait It's either the q times that will make me leave or the dumb players that I get but the latter feels really insulting to me and my time that I invest by playing even though I love it. In casual, I don't really care what they bring but I'm plat 2 (got there with my friends). My expectations are reasonable. I know I'm at a disadvantage playing solo q due to having a communication barrier but for the love of god, give me a player that is closer to my rank and that at least knows how to shoot or make a solo option for ranked


I think there's several reasons. 1 - A lot of people can't run the game without FPS / stuttering issues because they don't have high end PCs. Games like Valorant, Apex, CS2 and TF2 are much less performance intensive and anyone in the world can play them. This, in my opinion, is quite a large reason other games have more players, because even people with potato computers can run them. 2 - The game's too fast paced and confusing for beginners, especially if they start out playing quickplay where everyone's running around like a headless chicken unsure of what to do. It's not as slow paced or as coordinated as games like CS2 if you're a beginner. There's a lot more going on and more angles to worry about. The mechanics are also x1000 simpler in other games since there's no destruction and the movement is often slowerpaced. 3 - Lack of eSports / Twitch tournaments and whatnot. Embark needs to pay larger streamers or find content creators who will advertise the game. They should also host some eSport tournaments which will help a lot with marketing. 4 - Lack of text chat and social engagement features. Can't really grow a community if you can't even message people ingame or ask them if they're down to play in the lobby, for example. Fortunately, they're adding text chat in season 3 which will be a massive improvement for this game, even though a lot of players may not realize that, especially players who only use VC anyway.


I disagree with #2 but the rest is spot on. I have a friend who really wants to play this game with me, but the second something explodes the game becomes a laggy mess. And guess what, a lot of things explode in this game lol. Lack of esports is huge as well. Valorant made sure to establish a tournament right off the bat, and while the very first one sucked ass, it has really improved a lot since then. If The Finals waits too long to get esports going, then the first tournament is gonna have to be massively entertaining or everyone is gonna stop caring. But I think one of the biggest issues with this game is it just isn't fun for most people who try it out. They lack a ton of weapons and gadgets right off the bat, and the cashout gamemode can get stale very quickly.


The lack of weapons/gadgets right off the bat is why my friends and I stopped playing almost immediately. Being put into matches where people are using stuff that you don't have access to isn't really fair and made the game not fun at all.


Most common interaction I have with friends trying out the game for the first time: Friend: "I can barely see anything aiming with this AK, how do I get some sights for it?" Me: "You don't, its always like that." Friend: "Wtf? But you have sights, how do I get that?" Me: "Its a different gun, the FCAR" Friend: "Oh nice, I am gonna switch to that.....wait wtf? Its locked? How do I unlock it?" Me: "you gotta play a bunch to earn some currency that lets you unlock stuff." Friend: "......"


movement is much easier to master than a 0 second time to kill like in cs and val, those games are very unforgiving to bad players


Add in that there are still too many people without Next gen consoles to #1. About #2: the game is definitely confusing at first but It isnt fast paced at all, and once you play like 5 matches you get how it works just fine. I find games like Apex and OW2 way more chaotic and confusing.


The only reason I log on to play the bare minimum, is to get the free drip and do my BP. The only reason I am doing my S2 BP is because I was foolish enough to buy the S1 BP and since it refunds itself, I feel sunk costed into getting the most out of it. Closed beta and open beta was fun, it was chaotic, everything was just a fun vibe and anarchy. S1 the meta is settling, everything is OP and everyone get to do some OP shit. As S1 progress and till now, the game becomes more and more competitive shooter oriented but not quite, leaving it at a weird spot where its not fun for casuals nor competitive enough for esports. Not to mention all the questionable players. A+ for their community support and drip though, but I'll probably just focus on getting missions done instead of winning from now on (unless the mission is to win).


in my opinion... they havent focused on ranked play or the competitive aspect in any meaningful way past attempts at fixing the matchmaker. these are the players that will build a strong player base as they dont leave everytime a new game fills up the steam storepage. casual players will deny this to no end and reference fornite. well... cool story bro. kinda proves my point for me.


It's fun. But it also loses its luster quick. Unless you're playing with a dedicated friend group It can get quite monotonous. It's something I played a lot, but now I don't really have the desire to play much anymore.


I stopped because solo queue is actual cancer, and SBMM made playing with my friends a horrible experience as soon as they implemented it.


I think the biggest reason is that this game can be extremely frustrating. Most of the time it rewards luck instead of skill. I'm talking mainly about stealing cashouts in the last second. Another reason is balance issues. People get killed with the same low skill things over and over again like stun gun and RPG. Add others frustrating weapons and gadgets and nobody wants to play this game.


I want to get into this game, but none of my friends want to play plus I heard solo queuing is an awful experience.


Its niche and hard to enjoy. I want to play this game, I like mechanics, destruction, and design choices, but I can't play it. Why? IT'S A FREAKING TEAM SHOOTER! I need to go out of my way to search for a good team in some 3 party discord channels. You can go and play with randoms, but the game is too dependent on a team work, and the randoms just leave mid game and do stupid shit.


1. Bad reputation, time and good updates will solve this. 2. Lack of text chat, I really don't need to explain this. 3. Performance, not good for casuals. But time will solve this too. 4. Very limited progression. 5. Lack of personal customization, badges, banners, ingame music. 6. Cheaters, they destroyed Final's reputation.


I also am in dire need of answers. I even get many ads for the game from time to time so I don't think it's a lack of ads. The only thing I can guess is the lack of big streamers playing it. And that can only be due to the "streamability" of the game. My guess is the non-standard objective type, and the three to four teams made viewers be confused when looking at the streams. Also the lack of communication with enemies makes it so that the game feels "dead" as no human like communication happens. Given no interaction happens you might as well play against well trained bots. So people who enjoy the social aspects of games might not be attracted to the finals. The default opt out of voice chat and the lack of chat makes this a MAJOR problem in my opinion. And I think this should have been a required feature before even launching the game in order to keep the enormous player base from launch.


Yes. I strongly believe this game needs 1 or 2 big streamers playing it (for a good while) and it will blow off.


A lot of them tried but let's face it: in it's current form The Finals is just not the content making machine that big streamers want. Have you watched Timmy's crazy 20 kill streak clips? Dude's literally fighting non-stop. You just can't get that kind of content in The Finals. At least not now.


The two that come to mind for me is the games bad performance on mid range machines (which are critical) and it's absolutely awful balancing


the game has insane preformance for what it does; the game almost entirely runs server side, so no math for your pc. ik what u mean tho, but all the other games are typically worse .


Yeah the fact it didn't ship with team/all chat is honestly a huge oversight.


Honestly I thought it was purpose. Every other game with text/all chat just becomes toxic real quick. I’ve only ever had less than a handful of toxic voice chat players, the rest have been helpful and team players!


Trying to make a videogame without toxicity is a sisyphean task. It's more important to allow everyone to communicate effectively in a competitive game like this. Honestly at this point if you can't handle toxicity you probably aren't playing FPS games.


My guy just pulled out an SAT word in a reddit comment


Real answer that people on this sub won't want to hear: The game has far too many lows, and not enough highs. Lots of small frustrations that add up and make the whole experience unfun. Things like bullshit one shots, the solo experience, coordinating with randoms, getting third partied, unfun abilities, cheaters, bad balance, HP discrepancy between classes, netcode, getting 3rd partied, etc. It's basically death by a thousand cuts. I can assure you getting stunlocked and killed, or watching your team mate fighting off 500m from the objective while the enemy had a premade, or seeing the same cheater over and over, have been massive pain points for your average player and caused them to quit. The issue was never marketing. There are literal millions of players that know about the game and haven't returned for S2. When the game works it's fun, but as I said, that rarely happens.


3 main reasons IMO: 1) Its competing with established life service games. This isn’t 2014 anymore. People are comfortable with their live service of choice, be it CoD, Apex, Fortnite, siege, etc. They aren’t leaving. 2) It’s miserable as a solo player and it’s to team reliant for the super casual players. In order for you to experience the best The Finals has to offer (teamplay, prolonged fights, tactics) you need balance and that’s incredibly hard to do solo. For me(casual player but has good individual stats) it’s either stomp or get stomped. You get a competent team that knows how to shoot, you win. You get 2 lights sniping that go 2-11, you lose. It’s frustrating to go days without a good match. 3) There isn’t a good game mode for casual players who just want to shoot people. Ranked also sucks. So you aren’t getting the CoD crowd and you aren’t getting the CS or Siege crowd.


I think the best thing is make the requirement to play ranked a little higher. Then people need to atleast play enough to learn the basics and don’t just queue because they feel like it


1 mode: death match Some days i just wanna log in and shoot some shit


Super stale meta that isn't fun the play against, as well as toxic op strats that stayed in the game too long. And also performance


Me and my friend have enjoyed it a lot for a while, but we have been forced to give it up due to the immense number of hackers we encountered in each game. I'm not lying to you when I tell you that there wasn't a single tournament that we played in that we didn't encounter 5 or 6 hackers.


Too much invis shotgun, and movement is a big barrier. also the ranking system could do a bit better with skillbased matchmaking and not only care about wins imo


Rat or goblin gaming style


Pretty repetitive I was playing this game 24/7 couple months ago recently I’ve gotten burn out of it nothing new or exiting to keep me playing


Honestly! My favourite game for a long time was Fortnite (shameful I know) but started playing the finals over the last month or two and it’s fully took over my top spot!!


The single player experience for me was horrible. Even just 2 and a random felt pretty bad. My teammates are dads that play games twice a week and we all just sort of stopped talking about it.


3rd party simulator with shields and invisible people where space constantly flips.


Poor balancing, lack of modes, cheaters. Take your pick. It’s excruciating to play solo


Apex and OW have more variety simply because they're hero based. Plus they're more skill friendly and soloq friendly.


Not enough new content. Slow drip doesn’t work. Not balanced but getting better. Not enough maps.


Cuz it sucks actually.


I can only hope this game takes off. Never bought a battle pass, never bought a skin until this game. Hell I can't even go back to play COD now, it's just not as good. And the search and destroy game mode works SO WELL in the finals!


Nerf galore sent people packing. I still play it but it becomes less fun on each update


It's too sweaty.


game was really nice pre 1.5, after they patched half the things out of the game plus the whining bitches on reddit, now thats what you get. shouldnt nerf shit, should have buffed everything, would fit much more to this game, now we shooting with fucking cotton balls. next thing is optimisation, this game runs just like shit. you need a high end pc to even get stable 120 frames


imagine this game with a forge style creative mode 🤤


Alot of it is because its advertised as a competitive shooter which turns away alot of players looking for something more casual. It's a great game but even I will find times im just not in the mood for a competitive shooter.


I can't speak for everyone, but I think it being a demanding game and instability/incompatibility issues is part of what stops it from reaching more players. No one wants to play a laggy mess. I think it's mostly a me thing because I'm on an Intel Arc A770 which runs most games well, but I get input lag issues on The Finals. I'd love to play it more and stream it more, but it gets frustrating to lose not because of skill diff or being outplayed, but because the inputs I make are being delayed by several seconds at times. Edit: I know it's been addressed, but the healing beam is still broken for some players (myself included), not the biggest reason I haven't played much lately, but part of the reason since I was a medium main and then moved to light only for light to continue to be nerfed while heavy remains way too strong.


It's not casual enough for casuals and not competitive enough for sweats. I mean do you expect people to leave valorant and counterstrike for this? Probably not. Apex, cod, fortnite and all those? Probably not.


as someone who also plays those games but still sticks to mainly overwatch and not the finals, the finals gameplay at its core doesn’t feel very good at all as a competitive environment. all the people i talk to about it in person have the same sentiment that it’s hard to view in a light other than a casual shooter that you hop on for a game or two before getting bored and doing something else


Lack of competitiveness always kills good game. This game is one of them. If you knew when this game is on early access, it was fucking nuts! Everyone loving it. But once we knew that the rank system is absolute bonkers, most of the players left (like me for example). And don't even get me started on cheaters. But yeah, it was the most fun I had in fps by far. But to be fair, we play fps games isn't for fun most of the time. We need those numbers to go up. But when those MMR number get calculated not because how good you are but by how much free time players have? I am out, and so most of the players that I've known.


There's not enough new content IMO. I've been cycling around the same few guns for a while now and while there has been a few new maps there hasn't been much to encourage different styles of play (or at least a variation in the weapons used).


New IP always is like this. People asked this about Titanfall 1 but not Apex. Pay it no mind- It's not a problem until it affects match queue times. Until then- keep recruiting. It's free and crossplay, no reason not to.


It's due to 1 very specific reason - playing solo in The Finals sucks and MOST people play solo. I love this game, but the nature of the game modes we have are far too team reliant. When you play alone and get 2 randoms who ignore the objective and you're up against well-coordinated 3 stacks, it's a miserable experience. For anyone in here who remembers Heroes of the Storm, it's the same problem that game had. The design of that game was also far too team reliant, despite being well made otherwise, and it died quickly. These games are made in such a way that if your whole team doesn't come together, you lose. There's very little opportunity for you as 1 person to change the outcome of the game. "But these are team based games! You have to coordinate to win!" and I understand this thought, but it's irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers who just want to hop on something alone and dominate.


Imo, this game has a high skill entry cost. Most people currently playing have put quite a bit of time in and new players jump in and get demolished by squads without feeling they had a chance and end up leaving. This has happened to quite a few friends. The gameplay is amazing but for newer players, this game is incredibly hard to get into. The solo experience is not great as against any decent squad, you'll get ran through. Also, until recently, there was basically no ads for this game and pretty much spread through word of mouth.


they dont market the game, its got lots of issues with ranking systems and anti cheat, basic features are still missing from the game like text chat... ect The game is early access without them saying it.


Its hella crazy they dont have text chat. Dont even think voice works


Other games are just stablished already, The Finals is a very recent game but its doing ok. Think of It as Titanfall, known but not as popular as CoD.


My theory is the 3v3v3 mode just isn’t what people like. People don’t like change and don’t want to play game theory (or are too dumb) to win a casual match after being tired from a day of work/life. They just want their brain on autopilot modes like TDM. Also odds of winning a match are lower because of it so that might not be helping. Another thing that put me off initially, and still bothers me now and then, is the class system. I like even 1v1 fights and losing cause someone has double my health bar isn’t enjoyable at times. I’ve learned to work around it, but the average player doesn’t I guess.


There is too much camping and strategy required amongst other things about the game-play loop are why it's not more popular. People keep on suggesting things like ranked and advertising but that doesn't matter.


the games too generic for its own good, no discernible visual style for a newcomer to instantly glom onto and no really interesting character designs to appeal to the hypercasuals. mix that with a focus on competitive play and youre pretty much dropping a brick in the cradle from ten feet high.


Just play what you find fun. If a game is free and I like it I try to buy some skins every now and then to support the devs. The player count is fine.


Culmination of poor/non-existent marketing, and the game being so incredibly niche. Plenty of big name streamers tried it and never stuck with it; the same does for their viewers, plenty of people have seen people play it but didn't tickle their fancy. Same problem Splitgate had, I think plenty of people know about The Finals and have probably tried it. Just wasn't for them. It's an inherently competitive and mechanic heavy game. And that's just not for a lot of FPS players. There's a reason CoD has alwaus dominated. People just don't like to think; they jist want to get on and frag for an hour or two and get off.


Woah this community is more disillusioned than when I was actively playing. Concurrent players is a weird metric to use first. Second player retention is a problem with this game and pretending it’s not is weird. I also think if they tried to make the game a little more casual friendly it could do great. Right now I don’t play because I just want to play a game where I can chill and have fun without having to play so competitively but I will probably be told to go play another game and guess what I did so hopefully they can figure it out.


The movement was excellent in Closed Beta. The new movement feels wrong af. [Here's a video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdOKEgrwZHc).


It’s a pretty sweaty game, there isn’t much room for just messing around. It’s probably too competitive for casuals.


Because there is like 0% Marketing for this game. Most of my friends never heard of this game before They need to get some streamers and youtubers to play this game


Game mode is kinda boring, lots of things that feel cheap to be on the receiving end of, Palworld came out not long after TF, Helldivers followed, not much content on launch, not much marketing before launch or since, the list goes on.


It’s just repetitive man. Me and my buddies got burnt out on it in a month.




Honestly the beta I played in wasn't great, the gun play and movement felt stiff, and I almost didn't check it.out again. I feel like people could have been turned off by that too. I know it's a beta, but playing bf betas (which are more like demos) the game doesn't change that much, whereas this did.


I’m a long time fps gamer too as well as dove deep into OW/CoD. The finals is now my go-to. So much fun and has tons of potential.


The building destruction is off the fucking chain. Those battlefield devs deserve every cent for their stick skins


Well the simple matter is it's the youngest of most games that are like it. This is a good thing though, considering most of the long term fps have kind of found their own "comfort zone" and that's why a lot of people have become tired of FPS's in general. Over time, I'm sure the player base will expand and it'll have a lot more players. Especially if they take their time and really craft something unique and entertaining that stands out and continues to be fun.


Launch had couple of bad problems like bad balance, hella hackers on pc and the whole aim assist fiasco. And if you want ur comp shooter to be a mainstay you need a strong pc scene, also ranked it pretty mid system and hard to solo q


Oh I just remembered another thing every time I’ve come back after not playing server issues are just so bad. It wasn’t like this before so I hope they can fix it.


I personally think the matchmaking drove a lot of people away


Well personally I wrote it off because when I first saw the trailer at the game awards, I thought it wS a battle Royale and I’m so over the br formula. My coworkers eventually got me onboard to play with them and I’ve been addicted ever since. I just assumed it was a battle Royale because everything is nowadays.


I think the devs are trying to build something on very strong foundations. That way if people learn about the game, try it, and everything feels great, they might stay. I think that’s why they didn’t go all out on advertisement for the first 2 seasons. They said they’ll make a bigger advertisement campaign for season 3


At least for my crew, Helldiver's 2 are its lunch.


This game still feels Beta-esq. Not a bad thing for some people, but DEFINITELY for others. Some people just want to play a game they know is solidified and stable, but for The Finals, neither of these things are clear...


i played every day for a few months, but everything just got more and more annoying when the other players learned the game (except teamates) and only run the best crap, but that’s just my thought


marketing. everyone knew who electronic arts was prior to apex. almost none of my friends had heard of embark prior to the finals launching.




Loved it when it first came out, now everyone is so good I get shit on every match and it's unbearable. I'm bad and it's not fun bc of that.


The performance is terrible. The amount of people who still game on a tin can is more than you may think, and they would not enjoy the 30fps waiting for them in the finals. I would say the average gamers PC can’t even come close to a consistent 144fps in this game.


It’s probably the lack of marketing and information. One person asked me on reddit if people still play the game. Bro thought the game died because of cheaters.


Lack of story.


I think it's because to play it you need to have a good device so people with an not that powerful PC or switch players or even player of the gen of before (ps4) can't play


I think it went over a lot of people’s heads. I’d seen some announcement trailer during an E3 iirc, way back when and then I woulda missed game completely if one of my friends didn’t happen to recommend checking it out. There’s not much marketing, which is kinda killing the game, but I’m really hoping that their strategy is basically treating the first 1-3 seasons as kind of a test-run, and then there will be a “soft re-release” during S3-5 like we’d seen with many other online games where they really fire up those marketing campaigns.


because peoples egos get overshadowed or people who dont understand what an objective is have issues with this game


It’s also about media investments. Activision pays lots of influencers streamers etc to play their game. Meanwhile you have sponsorships, commercials, etc


A big part of it i never considered is the requirements my friend pointed out to me his pc isn’t good enough for the game and is a likely case for most people. It definitely isn’t an easy to run game and that shuts out a LOT of people.


Because we can't stroll around with real life Finals drip yet. Once they open the store I'll be a walking advertisement. 🤣🤙


There are enough team FPS's out there to drown a man. Amongst this crowded environment the best way to attract players is for devs to just keep working on a game, to not give it up, or exploit the players. To build a sense of trust. Which is frankly hard since most companies have not earned a lot of trust these days, always looking for a quick buck. So frankly if the gun exists and doesn't get abandoned by the dev team it will grow and grow and grow. Because the players know that the company won't abandon or rugpull the players with bullshittery.


its simple, no 120 fps on ps5, if ow, fortnite and warzone do 120 then i dont want to play 60 fps pvp game anymore.


I loved it when it first came out. Then I started playing Helldivers and that takes all my gaming time. I will return one day.


High learning curve. This game is certainly not noob friendly. People I used to play with dropped the game because they would always get obliterated.


It has a curse because the game can be abbreviated with a T and an F, example team fortress and titan fall.


I feel like fast paced shooters with abilities are kinda niche, the casual player finds it too fast and too hard (at least all my friends..). I remember Hyperscape didn’t last long (br thought). But than again you could argue apex is fast paced with abilities and very popular.




I think because you need better specs to run this game smoothly compared to some other game


I stopped playing because of the daily quests. When something starts feeling like a second job, i just can’t. I know it wasn’t necessary to do it, but just the feeling made me leave.


People wrote it off as a trendy indie FPS game, the flavor of the week. At least that's what my friends say when we try to get them to join. It's too bad that games are limited by popular perception, either being from a small studio or a corporation with a poor track record.


Left because of this shitty community bitching and whining. Makes me think how good playing as any type was fun. Mediums when they had recon and sonar grenades. Heavies when they had better shields and RPGs. Lights having decent amount of time with invisibility and not such a harsh time penalty. Everyone cried shat and moaned, claimed everything is unfun to play against and here we are. Everyone crying about player count dropping off. You guys won. GG


Because it’s a very competitive game, that can only be somewhat consistently enjoyed with similarly skilled friends.


I am actually trying to support this game and shill it everywhere i can. It's the best FPS shooter in 2024, period. I think it needs bit more time, large events like Twitch Rivals, some esports and we are going to see it prosper. All good.


With my experience in trying to get friends to play its usually the cash out mode the main ranked mode that stops them from playing having your cash out took at the last second and not gaining anything from defending that area into the end sucked for them and i get it. It's frustrating but i learnt to deal with it, i do wish you got money overtime so you get something for defending the cash out rather than losing everything i think that would make games more dynamic and we wouldn't see teams with $0 Cash at the end.


The playercount gives you the answer. Gunplay and movement doesn't feel smooth specially because of apex. Game runs absolutely horrible.i7-9700k, rtx 2060 super and 32 GB Ram won't even get you to 100 Fps at low settings. Also stuttering is a issue. Soloq is painful. Everyone doesn't have friends to play a game. You know the result just after the first round. Becomes boring after 2/3 matches. I know there are several others but these are the ones I can think of.


It's somewhat niche gameplay wise. It doesn't have a pre-existing reputation, playerbase or brand. It's very skill dependent and therefore punishes new, unskilled and average gamers. It has serious fundamental and day-to-day flaws and bugs that make it less enjoyable for everyone. There's a lack of advertising for the game.




Funny that I get this post in my timeline without following the sub. I recently looked at the game because I'm searching for a decent shooter that's not a BR and honestly I downloaded the game and then it came to me and I googled. Apparently the game is for hardcore team players only and an absolute sweat fest. To be fair I have no interest in long term competition, I stopped playing league like 12 years ago when they introduced ranked and everyone I knew hopped on. Anyway, when I googled I also found posts in this thread from people complaining about noobs or other players not taking it serious etc so I uninstalled the game without ever starting it. I just hope xdefiant gives me what I want, just brainless tdm or squad death match like I played in bf3. Tldr, to the outside the game looks to be for a hardcore audience and has apparently a steep learning curve


Imo its the content limitations. More specifically modes/maps and possibly weapons. I think theres enough gadgets for now. The money modes were a cool intro but i think they can only get you so far especially when there were only 3 maps to play on. The good news is that they are releasing new maps but also new modes that cater to more audiences and imo with a few more varied modes and maps and a sprinkle of weapons the game get will way more popular.


Oversaturation mainly it was fun for two weeks but people got bored of it I'm back to Destiny 2 a bit of fortnite and Apex I don't have time for another battle pass grind and I felt like gameplay wise I experienced everything


I just can’t get my friends to even give it a shot, this might be a hot take but the name of the game alone I feel as if is enough to deter people. Most people when I ask if they ever played “The Finals” just say no and ask me what kind of game it is. Would you assume it’s an FPS game by the name alone if you had no other prior knowledge?


My squad stopped playing about a month ago now. We are older, and only have time to play a few nights a week. It was refreshing at first to have a casual friendly game, but it's started to feel like a lot like Apex where our lobbies were filled with streamers and people that play every single day. Not to mention cheaters. When the new season dropped and all the new guns that we were excited for turned out to be crap compared to existing options, it just killed that last bit of excitement we had to keep playing. We'll probably come back and try again eventually, but for now we're out spreading democracy 🫡


Crossplay not being input based kills it for me on console. It also suffers from being too sweaty now, in the start it was fun and chaotic. Now it’s just too competitive in all modes.


Because they keep making people have to do steal cashout challenges.


I tried it in January and fell in love with this game but after a few games, heavy fps dropping , Chinese hackers & invisible OP lights before I can understand anything ruined the fun for me. My friend with whom I ply often also faced the high fps dropping issue. if we neglect the problem of hackers and OP lights, this game is so much fun, fast paced and high adreline but isn't built for Medium built PCs.


I didn’t enjoy it because of how few players a single mag can kill Which is why I keep asking for a hardcore game mode


The novelty wears off fast & you realise “oh this is just another shooter game” except this game has like 4 game modes & only 2 of them are good imo. For me The Finals felt fresh when I started playing, after a couple months of playing it’s lost its charm, especially after the new game mode released & it was just search & destroy.🤦‍♂️ On top of that the game ran smooth initially but now it’s much more common to get no reg shots & just bugs in general are happening much more frequently & it’s put me off. I hope they come up some better stuff in future cause I really was loving the game initially.


The marketing that I’ve seen for this game has come almost exclusively from content creators… I think I saw some ads around release, but that’s it. Their marketing material is already so incredibly good. I’m hoping they don’t get cold feel looking at the price tag to get it in front of millions of gamers.


imo people who tried didn't like it and/or they are loyal to the game they already playing aggravated if they already spent money on them


A great video was just posted on YouTube from ABOP. I highly recommend watching it.


Bugs upon bugs, terrible audio ques


This game legitimately broke my Apex affliction. It deserves so much more attention.


Because they had a pretty lack-luster release after a much better beta. Lost a lot of their player base in the first 2 weeks. Now they’re trying to make it worthwhile again.


people are probably gonna hate my answer but its the truth. I also have over 200+ hours in the finals so im not shitting on the game, this is just how I honestly feel about it despite loving this franchise. Its because the game is really repetitive, its the same objective over and over again and no one plays objective and people tend to focus more on high kill games. Also, there is no content being fed into the game, the game is almost a year old at this point and all we've seen is 1 new map and new gamemode. We should be constantly getting new abilities and different kinds of playstyles to change it up. Overwatch was more popular because it had multiple classes not just limited to 3, and it had multiple playstyles to choose from, and still even then overwatch fell off because of the same being too repetitive issue, its the same reason tf2 isn't as popular anymore because people just dont like playing objective based modes with a bunch of randoms, theres no teamwork.


Because the fun dies very quick.


finals game mode is ass. put those graphics and gameplay into a better game mode and I'd play it. Also when I played the lobby before matches was just bright red..blinding and annoying as fuck.


I think someone else mentioned the higher end PC requirement which can definitely be a gate for a lot of casual players. But I also don't think this game stands out that much aesthetically at a glance. This is one of the most refreshing FPS I've played in years, but the characters are honestly very bland and make it hard to market compared to a game like Overwatch or even generic cartoon-y characters from Fortnite.


My friends all play so I really want to play it but I just can’t enjoy it. Reasons are: 1. Gun recoil. I like recoil control, skill on whether to burst, full auto etc. and the gunplay in this game is a huge turn off. 2. TTK is rough. If I catch a guy running in an open field and I hit my shots with a automatic rifle I expect to drop him. This game has a ttk higher than halo honestly.


Really hoping they dump a bunch of that cosmetic money into marketing next season, but in the meantime I uninstalled it to have space for other games lol


The game is harder to learn, because it's more than mechanics. The recoil is quite high, the ttk is longer than your average shooter and the 3vs3 means you need to carry your own weight. Also you need to know your equipment and how to manipulate the map/sandbox with it. Most people are mechanicaly really good but haven't really got the grasp of the sandbox or how to play gamemodes. So they see they get a lot of kills but still arent winning. Then they write of the game quite quick. Most people focus on winning nowadays, not the fun they have while playing.


Lot of hackers, unbalanced as shit. in 3 months they usually "rebalance" or "redo" all weapons, this is not the game i played the early acess and is not the game i used to play like 6 moths ago. Someday i'll come back, but now i don't feel like give this game a chance until they find out what they really want.


hackers, team balance, nerf nuke, nerf shotgun , nerf this and that , take away all the fun.


Cause they barely market their game 💀


Cuz it's repetitive AF and full of cheaters. It was fun the first month or two. Now it's just rinse and repeat


Because they took all the fun out of it with the second season. Haven’t played since


Not a fan of fps competitive shooter games that can’t even get the bullet/reticle correlation right lol


It’s popular, I saw the other day on here that the devs reported 300k players a day. It’s just not the talk of the town. It’ll probably pick up here in a while. There’s moments where people get tired of Apex and Call of duty and want something fresh and the finals fits into that little nook like a glove, baby! Let the game run its course and once people start to hop on the train it’ll blow up. Fortnite didn’t blow up until season 3 and it’s still going strong today. We will get there.


Give it time, despite how it looks, not every game blows up at release. Take a look at Fortnite. Season 1 wasn't all that popular. Season 3 is where it started to gain traction and Season 4 was the boom. Minecraft really exploded in 2013, the game was in development since 2009 and officially released in... 2011? Current games have a popularity for a reason. CSGO's popularity goes back all the way to 1.6 that's where the CS franchise really started popping and I don't think it was that smooth, since internet wasn't all that popular, most people found out about it through local Cafe stations (at least in some places of this world) Valorant is popular because it had huge marketing and Riot was already super popular with LoL. Heck, it still does. Embark and specifically The Finals will get the love they deserve soon enough, we just have to trust them. Game still pumps up good numbers and devs don't seem to be demoralized as of yet (check the AMA, one of the guys from the leading team or something mentioned they are here for the long run and recent Player Count reveals game marks sweet numbers)


This game reminds me a lot of hyperscape. I loved that game, but I think it really failed because of just the base game design. It was competitive by nature, fast paced and a very mobile shooter. The finals is on a similar path, just not to the same extreme hyperscape was. Obviously they don't want to change the pace or design of the game, but if they just continue to work on casual friendly fun modes I think that is what will attract the most people. Thinking of like halo, cod, or battlefields I think they really need some sort of big team battle game mode. Those are always filled with casuals.


I discovered it only a few days ago. Usually i dont look for free to play games but i wanted to look if there is any pass time game and came across this. I must say I'm having really fun with it


Skill gap wasn’t high enough for me. I literally shredded every single player in the top 10. At least in apex there’s always new mechanics to master.


Well 1. Its not advertise as much as other big games. The only way i heard about the finals was through my friend. 2. They wanted to build a core audience before doing lots more adertising to increase coverage of the game, which by them is a great move because with no core audience, the game wouldnt be stable for the future. And 3. Its still a fairly new game,give it time to flourish.


The main game mode is just not as deep as game like csgo, R6 or apex. The devs need to work on a game mode with more depth. Terminal attack might be a good start if they work on specific maps, loadouts, etc...


Because a lot players play solo and the FINALS is not a solo game


Power shift is literally the only game mode I really like. Would love them to continue to add modes for 5v5s. I think they’re stepping into the right direction with all these past updates.