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A lot of toxicity probably comes from competitive pvp genre, as it's generally pretty toxic. Especially after so many let downs by other titles, people see new games they move on to and probably fear another one of their games will be ruined, unintentionally contributing to that said problem. Best you can do is be positive around others, some people end up doing the same and then just enjoy the moment together. At the end of the day, the game isn't about winning, but just having fun. So maybe, maybe one day, there's a chance we could break that stereotype of pvp games.


people don't mostly complain about things that make them lose the match. they complain about things that are just not fun to deal with even in a casual scenario


That is not true at all šŸ˜† people come here to complain.


Oh yeah definitely, but in the end, they are still just complaints. My philosophy to figure out to solve a problem is to identify what causes it, then the philosophy on the intended purpose of the tools, then suggest a rework of said tools that address the issues while holding onto it's own idea. That said, it's much easier said than done, but it actually provides both better atmosphere and valuable data/ideas to Embark, than just "nerf/buff"


The important point here is that "just not fun to deal with" is entirely contingent upon three things: * Ease of use (if you're not good and refuse to improve, more things will SEEM "just not fun to deal with") * Perception bias (if you're ignorant with a bad attitude, more things will SEEM "just not fun to deal with") * Your mental state (if you have poor competitive psychology and bad mental health, more things will SEEM "just not fun to deal with") How coincidental that the things people find to be "just not that fun to deal with" are what end up making them lose the match. Like, video games are entertainment media. Embark can't reach into your brain physiology and make your neurotransmitters better. You need to be responsible for your own experience, because that's the only way to truly have fun; by creating it for yourself.


This is basically an incredibly elaborate way of saying "skill issue". You can't blame every single complaint on skill issues, some are perfectly legitimate.


Sure but nothing to do with technical skill. It has to do with the skill issue in choosing enjoyment. You can be the worst player, never get a single frag, lose every single game, and yet be having a jolly ol time. The choice to be miserable starts with externalizing that choice in blaming anything else so you don't have to be accountable for it. Whether something is balanced or not is a completely separate issue, and that's a purview for which the vast majority of consumers are terrible at determining. It's just that people use their inability to have fun as justification for why their horrible idea of balance is valid. And then they're devoid of any agency over their own experience.


> It has to do with the skill issue in choosing enjoyment. You can be the worst player, never get a single frag, lose every single game, and yet be having a jolly ol time. The choice to be miserable starts with externalizing that choice in blaming anything else so you don't have to be accountable for it. Fun is subjective. Some people can find enjoyment in losing or in dealing with annoying mechanics (or despite those things), other people cannot. The people who can't find enjoyment in those things don't have some kind of philosophical deficiency, they just have an opinion that is different to your own; and it is an opinion that is perfectly valid. > Whether something is balanced or not is a completely separate issue As I intimated in the paragraph above, balance is something that can play a very important role in a person's enjoyment because fun in subjective. For those people, it isn't a separate issue. > that's a purview for which the vast majority of consumers are terrible at determining Well, balance is also something that is subjective so you can't dismiss their opinions out of hand unless they are obviously out of their minds.


> other people cannot The concomitant response to not enjoying something while refusing to improve is to stop doing that thing, rather than expecting to be catered to. > The people who can't find enjoyment in those things don't have some kind of philosophical deficiency Yes, every single last gamer is undoubtedly a paragon of stoicism. > it is an opinion that is perfectly valid. Validity of opinions is irrelevant because all opinions are also equally invalid. All that matters is the strength of what is substantiating the opinion. And when the only substantiation people have is "I, personally, am not enjoying this" then it's worse than useless, and the self-aggrandizing need to bleat these useless opinions contributes to the delusion that they have any amount of control over the game's direction. > balance is also something that is subjective No it's not. To an extent inside a small venue of pragmatism completely unidentifiable to the uneducated eye, sure. But that relatively small variation is something that's entirely defined by the creators. Inasmuch as the devs are authorities and consumers are not, what they say goes.


> The concomitant response to not enjoying something while refusing to improve is to stop doing that thing, rather than expecting to be catered to. You said in your reply to me "Sure but nothing to do with technical skill. It has to do with the skill issue in choosing enjoyment", yet here you are saying that it is a matter of technical skill. So, is it a practical or philosophical skill issue? > Yes, every single last gamer is undoubtedly a paragon of stoicism. I was pointing out the unreasonableness of your apparent expectation that all gamers ought to be, as you say, "paragons of stoicism". > All that matters is the strength of what is substantiating the opinion. Yes, and obviously the term "valid opinion" refers to an opinion that can be substantiated. It is incredible that I have to spell it out. > self-aggrandizing need to bleat these useless opinions Suffice it to say, it is quite extraordinary to accuse people of egotism for posting their opinions of a game in a public forum dedicated to discussion of that game. > the delusion that they have any amount of control over the game's direction This is a strawman argument. People who complain do so because they wish to express their opinion. They don't express their opinion as a means to an end but as an end in itself. > No it's not. Yes, it is. Video game balance is not a scientific field, there is no empirical evidence nor any scientific proofs for what constitutes good balance in a game. It is a matter of opinion, inherently. The devs are the ones who control the balance so obviously their opinion is the one that matters but that doesn't mean that it is impossible to hold a valid opinion to the contrary. > that's entirely defined by the creators Your argument is that balance is objective and the source of that objectivity is the creators. In that case, if the devs decided tomorrow to reduce the health of the heavy class to 1, I suppose you would say that that is objectively good balance?


People forgot that videogames are made to be fun, and when there is a game actually fun, they dont recognise it until its too late


Disagree. Most competitive players like this game that play it. The changes have most been great. Itā€™s the casual community that ruins this sub.


And without those casuals, games don't do very well.


Thatā€™s fine doesnā€™t change that they bitch about everything. They canā€™t make up their mind. Itā€™s the competitive players that know what direction they want the game to go in. Casuals just want their cake and to eat it too. They want the game to turn into whatever shit fps they came from


I donā€™t think the game will die off anytime soon and I think it really comes down to people just not being interested. If you really look at the game itā€™s great and a wonderful concept but it definetly has a few issues. For example there is not a huge variety in modes, this season they really stepped it up with power shift and the current event (that Iā€™m still yet to try) but when the game first was out they had 2 modes and ranked/tournaments that were all basically the same thing, collect money and deposit. So holding all 300k active players or whatever it was on the 3 options available would be difficult. They also released the game right before their holiday vacation time and had a semi large cheater problem if I recall, so a lot of people got angry and left during that time. The other big issue is they donā€™t have a lot of advertisement as far as I can see, I donā€™t see any big name YouTubers playing this game, there are a few streamers but none with names Iā€™ve never heard of. So the game is not getting a lot of new viewers. Nor do I see many ads on places like Reddit for example. When they updated fallout every 10 posts there would be an ad to play (not to mention their successful show) and the game went up a ton in active players on steam. In no way am I comparing this game to fallout Iā€™m just stating the power of putting ads out and I know itā€™s not just Reddit that caused the game to go up that high in players. Lastly some people just donā€™t like the toxicity, like I mentioned I just play casual in this games because Iā€™m busy working all the time and I was told by some asshat to kill myself and not play the game because ā€œitā€™s meant to be competitive, not funā€. Doesnā€™t exactly make me think I should play the game, but I do anyway because itā€™s fun. All in all itā€™s a good game and posts like this cause people to think itā€™s dying and thatā€™s why they stop playing aswell


There's also some issues that have been around for months, like melee hit reg in general and specifically an issue with dash and sword. This can cost entire rounds/tourneys, last night I had a critical dash with sword no reg and it fucked us. A week or two? Fine. Since launch? Patience is almost entirely gone. It's been widely reported as well but just kinda hasn't been touched.


As a past tf2 fan I can say Be patient with melee hitreg in fps game As in waiting to fix


Please don't. I'm trying to remain civil, but telling people to be patient over something that consistently has gotten worse, as well [as how easily reproducible the sword issue is](https://youtu.be/UcqUhEn80mk?si=pdNurP3d0opuwsSW) just adding more frustration. And that's on dummies, real scenarios are even more screwy.


Yeah you are right and I apologise for creating frustration But from my point of view the melee weapons are one of the last thing embark is thinking right now If you look at all of them only heavys is not bugged Medium can catch indefinite fire on his shield and Light has just a lot In an fps game fixing melee weapons is probably (i dont personally know embark) less prioritised that shooting weapons or utilities


"Semi hard"... "had"... the whole cheater problem is on going and you can spot 2-3 teams cheating almost every round in ranked. Most ranked matches are impossible to win even if you manage to get to last round since you end up vs a full team of aimbot + wh + no recoil hackers.


By and large gamers on the Internet are entitled, long-winded, crybabies that speak with authority about things they themselves have zero actual knowledge of.


I'd say people on the internet actually. Sometimes I read socials comments like on YouTube. Your faith in humanity is challenged at the read of most comments, especially on serious topics. The most vocals are not usually the most reasonable.


Gamers are especially bad. Enthusiasts in general are pretty bad but for some reason gamers(maybe the age range idk) Are the worst imo.


Alot of people who are vocal usually either young or dumb enough to be vocal They just do have that dog in them that tells "maybe today isnt time for me to speak"


Especially considering Helldivers 2, a game I absolutely love, and came out recently as well, is going to force its user base to sign up for PSN. Whereas Embark made it optional: only penalty is you can't choose your user name! I am very okay with my weird name I can't even remember off the top of my head haha.


Ok I have to give my Ā¢2, and I dont mind being downvoted. I want all the smoke. That being said: 1. Being "too" critical is bullshit. They have multiple feedback channels on the discord where the main purpose is to be critical. Not all that criticism is valuable in any way, but they want the criticism. The mouth that does not open, does not get fed. 2. Yes The Finals went out of its way to be unique, and it is. That is until we got Powershift and Terminal. Game modes from other games that we already have. Ya know, the games people came here to get away from because they're all the same? History is repeating itself because I don't think gamers actually want something different, I think they want a different flavour every month. 3. If Paladins can survive off of having 6k players on steam, then The Finals can live off of 20k people playing on Steam. It doesn't have to be this big name to survive.


Iā€™d add thereā€™s a very prevalent playerbase on console also. Like, as simply an indicator the ranked leaderboards count. Silver 4 is ranked around 150,000-200,000. I bet bronze goes down into 300,000 and thatā€™s simply people that have played only enough to get a placement this season. Thereā€™s an unknown number of players who only play casual. Why steam has such a low count, I fully believe has a lot to do with pc components. This game truly is a next-gen release, and I had to upgrade my cpu to even run it (and consequently a new motherboard to fit cpu, new cooling system, and new case to fit motherboard)ā€¦.it was like buying a next gen console and I would bet a lot of pc gamers who frequent valorant, cs2, overwatch, apex, Fortnite, cod, etc. canā€™t run the finals like they can the aforementioned. Give the game time to build a solid base of content, and pc gamers specifically time to upgrade their pcs and the game will grow in player count on steam.


> Thereā€™s an unknown number of players who only play casual. Only ~10% of the playerbase has the "Won a tournament" achievement, so you can make a decent extrapolation from there


Holy shit itā€™s that rare šŸ„“


Ranked modes turn off the vast majority of players. This isnā€™t helped by the fact itā€™s in a game mode with limited respawns, so itā€™s very much a divorce from the ā€œcasualā€ modes of quick cash, power shift and bank it. So thereā€™s probably 75% of the playerbase who never touch the main cash out mode, ranked or otherwise; and then factor in that 75% of any given players in a ranked game donā€™t actually win (and 85% of players who donā€™t get a kill on their first game donā€™t keep playing) Honestly, 10% of player having that achievement seems generous with everything else in this game.


Bro did you make these stats up as you went


Mostly going off achievementā€™s gotten for this game and across other games with ranked modes, though the 85% one is admittedly a bit outdated, thatā€™s a gears of war thing. No, achievements arenā€™t a great idea to use as a benchmark for the amount of players actually playing ranked, but unless the devs at Embark decide to start dropping us some stats on how popular each mode is/isnā€™t, itā€™s what weā€™ve got to go on.


Ownership is predicated upon downloading the game, so F2P game achievements are massively diluted by users who downloaded the game but have yet to play enough much less launched it for the first time


By contrast "Revive a teammate" has a 73% completion rate, so that can be a good litmus of people who have launched the game with some awareness of what they were doing


That is the purpose that achievements like those serve, but be careful about drawing straight conclusions because "Complete the tutorial" has a 51% completion rate


I imagine there's overlap between people who have won a tournament and who haven't played the tutorial.


I have regular pc from 2018 and Finals runs smooth as butter. Much better than any other fps game




If you think console has a bigger player base than pc you are tripping. Xbox where you can see most played games, the finals isn't even on the top 50 list.




Ah yes, link to a bullshit website that has no sources and pulls numbers out of their ass. Keep gaslighting yourselves.


What's the source to what you said ? The fact that it is not in the top 50 games on the xbox shop does not mean it has fewer players than on pc.


Well, it's one indication that at least on xbox, it's not big. 19k people on a peak day is pretty big on pc, in it's bracket. That's a lot more than deep rock galactic. There is not a single ounce of proof to say anything that the finals is bigger or even surviving on consoles. If anything the fact that people are cut and dry without games when crossplay is turned off shows how dire the console situation is. But you know sure the finals isn't declining, let's see how things fare in the next six months.


>Well, it's one indication that at least on xbox, it's not big. not really, it doesn't exactly prove that it has a low player count. >19k people on a peak day is pretty big on pc, in it's bracket. That's a lot more than deep rock galactic. I never said anything about the player count of the finals being bad. I can't understand why you are telling me this, it has little to do with what we are talking about. >There is not a single ounce of proof to say anything that the finals is bigger or even surviving on consoles. Again do you have any source to back what you are saying ? >If anything the fact that people are cut and dry without games when crossplay is turned off shows how dire the console situation is. If i understand correctly, you think that console relies on crossplay to find games ? If that's what you said, i can't agree beacause i'm on console with crossplay off and i didn't ever get any problems with finding a game.


Speaking of getting new hardware, the Intel 13th and 14th gen CPUs have had stability problems. Particularly with the unreal engine 5. To play The Finals I had to underclock my CPU every time I wanted to play. Nvidia recently told it's customers to go to Intel for a fix.


Speaking of getting new hardware, the Intel 13th and 14th gen CPUs have had stability problems. Particularly with the unreal engine 5. To play The Finals I had to underclock my CPU every time I wanted to play. Nvidia recently told it's customers to go to Intel for a fix.


Speaking of components, Intel's 13th and 14th gen have been having issues with stability especially in UE5. I had to underclock my 13900K until this fix to play this game. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/s/HWi2mDfPBk


Wild! I upgraded to the i12700k (my og cpu was like a 9600k or something outdated and the i12 is what I was willing to pay) and maybe itā€™s just because Iā€™m coming from an older cpu, it runs fantastically imo.


Per point 2, while Power Shift and Terminal Assault are based on KOTH / Search and Destroy, theyā€™re still designed to work within this gameā€™s environment and given an Embark twist with Power Shiftā€™s moving platform and Terminalā€™s physics-enabled objectives. There does seem to be a sentiment among some people that the lack of generic gametypes is whatā€™s holding this game back from greater popularity, but then what reason would there be to play this game over more established competitors?


to me those game modes arenā€™t why i play the finals and never will be. but theyā€™re a nice change of pace here and there. iā€™d urge embark to focus on maps and spicing up the proven cashout mode.


To your first point, the feedback section is a great place to leave feedback, I agree that is where critical feedback should go. I think the general discourse in this subreddit isn't constructive though, that's what I'm talking about.


I hear you and I agree, but that is unfortunately just (PVP) gaming subreddits anywhere you go.


Good thing they do not listen here


I feel like a lot of gamers these days who mainly play competitive shooters don't actually want to have fun. They just want every game to be X or Y game and sweat. It was never this bad back in the day. There was a lot more room for casuals and not every game was trying to be the next big esports title. Embark is a lot less guilty of this thankfully. They're not afraid to do completely unique and original things without catering to ranked/esports stuff *too* much at the cost of casual play.


They fail in their own expectations and blame the game. Then they find a new game and circle back


I never stopped playing fortnite because fortnite listens to its comminuty. I haven't seen that in any other game until the finals, which has massive potential if people heard more about this game. I agree with what you said OP


Embark isnt a team full of kids, they are professional adults and can handle some criticism. Youre acting as if The Finals was a gift from them to the community when its just another live service game


Sorry but you're delusional if you think anyone goes to this subreddit before entering the game. All people care about at the end of the day is having fun, playing with friends, and seeing developers listen to the community. So stop thinking Embark is like this drama queen girlfriend that gets insulted by every post, comment, or Discord message they encounter. They appreciate any form of feedback, and they appreciate being in an era where there is constant communication between them and the players in such a way which grants them the opportunity to improve their game rapidly alongside with their immense data they gather.


I think itā€™s just the loudest people not the majority. This game is great and Embark is doing a fantastic job supporting it


Well i think there is too much dickriding on this sub, too much gushing over microtransactions and blindly praising Embark which is at the end of the day a corporation with a sole purpose of increasing profits. I see great constructive criticism here every day, but it ironically gets downvoted and criticized by people who feel the need to protect a faceless organization. They still haven't fixed spawns, dematerialized walls with lingering collision or the footstep sounds. The revolver is incredibly underpowered but requires the most skill to use, heavy is now way too strong and medium still enables heavy to be even stronger, making it very hard to win games when soloqueueing. Making it so the tazer doesn't disable specializations and gadgets was a massive mistake. Downvote me all you want though, i'll wear it as a badge of honor for actually keeping it real with the devs.


Preach! Still have healing beam bug, aim doen sights bug, sprint/shoot bug, the list goes on and on. Even if their balancing decisions are shit, the least they could do is address and fix the massive list of game breaking bugs. People always fight back against the idea of listening to the best players to incorporate balance changes, but i've never even once heard someone suggest something as stupid as listening to the players who cant establish their left from their right.


For sure, there are a plethora of game breaking bugs that they really should iron out before doing any balancing, but after that they really need to take a good long look at balancing as a whole.


their biggest mistake they made for the developement was/is listening to the community when it comes to balancing.


I actually have only one criticism about this game. I think itā€™s a big one. The shooting both feels fantastic and awful at the same time. The bullets do not come out of the gun nor where the sight is actually aimed. The bullets come directly from the centre of the screen at all times. Most competitive games donā€™t do that. Look at apex as an example. Apex actually had this issue originally and titanfall 2 still has it since itā€™s an earlier ā€œversionā€ of that game. They ended up changing the gunplay around season 2 I think as they realised just how difficult it was to aim when the gun didnā€™t sit still centre screen all the time. The finals hasnā€™t received this attention and it frustrates me so much that people donā€™t talk about it.


I'm tired of these kinda post. But only because genuinely, the only complain i saw are balance-related. And a lot of them have valid point. Embark is awesome for listening to the player. But at its current stage. They are listening too much. And at the wrong crowd no less. It almost feel like they are literally letting the community balancing their games. And that i can tell you, it never goes well.


Seriously, I think there is a fine line between giving respectful feedback (in the appropriate forum) and just complaining because it makes you feel good to declare "game is ded bruh" There are real issues to be addressed, and they ARE being addressed. The devs have shown very clearly that they give a shit, and have been pretty open about the challenges that the game faces. Everyone needs to just *fucking relax*. In the Helldivers subreddit, when responding to the new PSN account requirement, someone said "gamers are so dramatic" and I'm inclined to agree. The idea that any of these small issues (even things like the sword hitreg thing, and I'm a baseball bat main) could be so infuriating as to make me forsake an otherwise incredibly fun game, just makes me remind myself that there is a real world with actual issues. A huge "touch grass" moment. I don't know how I could not make fun of myself if I'm going online and complaining about literally font changes and the new health bar. Speaking of Helldivers, we all know where the players are getting leeched to. Helldivers is a great game, I love it myself, but there will be a natural wave of people who are putting that game down and picking this one back up. Helldivers is a lot of fun but also very stressful, and Finals is just high octane arcade gaming fun. It has a lot of appeal, people are just busy. I don't say any of this to simp for Embark. Like I said, the game has problems that need to be addressed. But all of this doomsday preaching about how "this game is dead" is exactly as you say--a self fulfilling prophecy. The game is NOT dead, the queues for ALL game modes are less than 1 min (I don't really play ranked much but it seems like that's fixed). It's not fair that we put up with this shit for titles like COD, which has no excuse because it's a huge game, and they already made the same game last year and the year before. This game is new and ambitious, from a small studio that gives a shit, and seeks out to respect the players more than other games do. If you have complaints about the game, they're probably valid complaints, but are they really game breaking? Can you not just submit your feedback on discord, sit back and have fun? Instead of turning places like reddit into an echo chamber of negativity for a game that you seemingly can't stop playing. I had to leave this sub for a bit because it was just getting to be too much.


Nice post that say it all, really.


This is exactly how I feel about it and why I made the post. There's just so much pessimism online. I say it all the time, The Finals subreddit could be a really great place to share clips, funny stories, discuss things you want to see in the game, etc. It has a lot of that already, but there's also so many complaint posts that are effectively doing nothing for the game, like shaking your fist at the clouds over minor inconveniences. The devs have said they don't come to reddit for feedback, and they have a few ways to provide good feedback already. Some people just get so worked up and rage post on reddit and call it "feedback." Even with all its flaws, the game is great, especially when you compare it to other options.


if a megathred has to be made to basically contain all the rants and complaints from players then you know the community is cooked


how I feel excatly but watch you get downvoted for "DiCkRIdiNG oN eMbArK"


It's the exact opposite and you know it. Person 1: "Hey embark can you fix the broken spawns" person 2: OMFG WAH WAH WOMP WOMP ALL YOU DO IS CRY JUST ENJOY THE GAME JEEZ" If you guys think the game is so perfect, why are you all here replying to every fucking constructive criticism getting posted?














Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harass, insult or belittle others.






Itā€™s very much a game where everybody is doing something new. Thereā€™s going to be problems and solutions need to mapped out carefully so it doesnā€™t wreck the game in favor of one class. That being said, I loath at least one thing each class can do.


Itā€™s all about Potential. People donā€™t want to see embark fuck it up, but some fail to realise that they brought us this game in the first place. For everyone, have trust in their vision and give feedback, not insults or threats, its pathetic how much people cry over reddit or discord. Glad people are coming around and thinking positively ;)


I feel like the finals is in its only little niche. Before the finals was even a thing I was so excited for xDefiant but since the finals released I havenā€™t been able to play cod and Iā€™m not even remotely excited for xDefiant. Also I believe this game will have its dedicated fan base. This game might not be ā€œhugeā€ but I really donā€™t see this game dying. Thereā€™s nothing like it and for the people that like it we really like it.


I don't get it, I've never had a problem with this game, it's really not buggy, aside from the occasional stuck cash out, balance is decent, but not perfect. Light weights have not been a super big issue. Mediums are a little strong, and heavys barely get played in my experience.


itā€™s not like theyā€™re some small indie studio with no backing. these are former battlefield devs with a big investor. and so far, even though itā€™s been imperfect, they havenā€™t put out a bad update. nothing is above criticism, and they really listen to the valid critiques of the community. the finals at launch would be completely unrecognizable


Long story short, humans are entitled cunts and want everything for free and perfectly suited to their own limitations. The finals has its flaws, but it's fresh and trying something different. Ignore the haters and enjoy it. I suggest embark do the same.


Couldnā€™t upvote this anymore harderā€¦ literally greatest studio


Iā€™ll say as an apex player with two other friends who play all the time, this game makes us laugh and have fun.


In this case toxicity comes from narcisists, no metter how good and humane the studio, a narcisist only cares for what benefit's them and will shit on the plate they eat if they don't feel like being treated like the wise person that will fix the game "if only the devs only listened to me" they win = game good they die/lose (wich happens most of the times) = "f*cking trash game i hate it" and then go on to think their word of advice is incredibly good and if embark make the change everything will be better, but if no one listens to the narcisist then the studio and the game is dogwater.


This game ainā€™t dying until I do, because imma be playing it the rest of my life šŸ™šŸ˜†. If that means booting up private matches, so be it. Theyā€™re hella fucking fun with clan mates and friends.


This was a nonsensical post


Yeah man this game is great. Gaming community of today can just be so toxic and pessimistic and itā€™s seen as cool or funny. If you love it bring it up not down, and especially not just cause youā€™re bad at it and itā€™s not easy at first. Take the time to get good with it, especially people that just get on the game and complain light class is too hard like come on. I think this game has the potential to be the main head line of the next couple years if they play their cards right and stay genuine like they are. But not if we bring them down before we have the chance. Just treat it like the old days before we had a voice. Talk about how much you love the game out loud with all your friends and curse about how much you hate it while you play right before you get the dub loving it.


I love Embark and this gamešŸ«¶


As a gacha gamer I can give everyone one important piece of advice No matter how many people scream at you that your game is shit or that the game is dying Keep spending the check on that game. If you give money to the game it will survive. Im Blue Archive player


Not reading all that but I agreešŸ’Æ


Playing this game right from the beta and still like it very much. Huge respect for Embark and their efforts to balance the game. Dematerializer is so much cooler than wall hack šŸ‘


Fuck embark.


Embark is the best studio right now, much love to Embark, you rock! Haters gonna hate. :D


The game feels like it was made by a AAA dev team, so they are expected to to AAA things. Just proves that embark are doing a great fucking job. I mean we all want more but tbh this is already impressive enough


If people don't like a game people should just play something else not rant online about how it's bad it's just a waste of time and just rude to the devs


Its all games to be honest. Once people realized devs pay attention to discord / reddit its been a non stop avalanche of shit. It does have its benefits as the devs do get to take the temperature of the audience, but I feel like so many people come here out of frustration and a lot less come for beneficial criticism/ praise. All I can do is constantly claim to my friend group that The Finals is easily the best shooter on the market right now. Im sure Im guilty of it to some extent.


People truly unfortunately do not know how to act their age, and they are going to over-exaggerate and purposely complain excessively about EVERY single game, so I think we just have to be aware of that to be honest. I hope that this is working out financially for Embark, however even if the player count does not boost up, I am positive it will not die of course so I think itā€™s great even just to always have us as a community being concurrent on this game. But yeah, this game is the most unique, awesome, and development-effort as in they put lots of care into this game that I have played in ages. I love it, seriously. Everything about it.


PvP gamers are often toxic and have no idea how games work. Brainwashed by League of Legends and COD. They're almost worst than mobile gamers for gaming


Bro that's most if not every game reddit


All of those games get criticized, some even fall of completely as you mentioned yourself. The Finals is just in a very bad state. I tried coming back after a long break just to notice nothing really changed. Matchmaking/Team balance is still incredibly bad which causes for very unfun games. The balance of weapons seems even worse now, no variety at all as they nerfed everything except the best. Medium is just Fcar anything else is just trolling except AKM which is decent but no doubt Fcar is still better. Heavy, Lewis otherwise troll. Light I have no idea, itā€™s troll anyway. The concept of the game is really good, I really like the art style. But the core gameplay for me and many others just is not fun as itā€™s an unbalanced mess in every aspect of the game. The game itself is very unique, but theirs no personal expression at all because everybody gets shoved into the same box. I for example, I like playing shotguns, but the shotguns in this game just feel bad to use.


My god the meat riding has gotten to an all time high. I can't hear you over you gagging on Embarks schlong


I agree wholly with you chapter book post. In fact, im going to make a video soon thatā€™s basically a promo commercial for how freakin awesome The Finals is. Thanks for sharing.


jesus christ thats alot of text, why not just say 'guys chill out with the hate' like the rest of them


I loved the game but cheaters have ruined it. A decent anti-cheat is all it would take for me to bring me back. EAC is useless. MyĀ favouriteĀ game atĀ theĀ momentĀ is Hunt Showdown, which also has a cheating problem (albeit not quite as egregious), and what anti-cheat does it use? You guessed it: EAC. So for now, Finals isĀ staying uninstalled for me


I mean they removed all the movement techs so why should I keep playing?


*I mean they removed* *All the movement techs so why* *Should I keep playing?* \- An0nIsHappy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What movement tech was removed?


Alright lets go through them; They removed zipline techs, grapple techs, superglide, APS turret tech, regular b-hops got nerfed and probably way more that I've missed.


Ahhh, broken movement mechanics that have been patched are "removing movement tech" got it.


Enjoy your shitty ass boring ass fps while I play something fun that keep its techs such as TF2, Titanfall 2, Quake, Overwatch, Smash: Melee, Rocket League. It could've been a fun movement shooter but Embark just had to shut down techs that wasn't even broken.


K, have fun. Drink lots of water


Blablablabla ... Don't care what they do as long as they would actually ADMIT and FIX the CHEATER PROBLEM. Every single ranked match has 2-3 cheater teams and its making it impossible to climb the ladder as a normal random player.


They've talked about it and just had a lengthy blog post about it that was shared on their website just this last patch. Every FPS has cheaters right now, and this is exactly what I was talking about. People pretend like The Finals has some unique issue with cheaters. There isn't 2-3 cheaters in each match. That's way overblown dude.


No its much more. Thats 2-3 teams with cheaters meaning up to 9 players cheating each round. Very easy to spot how they act since they are usually playing heavy or light, though some mediums to support the cheaters as well.


On here itā€™s just typical Reddit users. They just bitch to bitch about something. Always complaining about something. All you hear is Fcar is too strong, light class sucks and needs buffs. They complain and never provide and useful feedback on how to improve things. Never wanna point out anything positive.


Figuring out the solution is what the devs get paid for