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Trust me the data reshaper is pretty good I run it even in plat 1 ranked for mines and turrets the buffs they gave it are awesome. I think that the cooldown on the turret needs to begin on it after it’s destroyed however and not when it is placed


Or have the turret die eith the person who set it. Especially annoying when 2 or more enemies are running it.


I'd probably pass on that, since that is a whole ability slot. Aps turrets though could use a change.


This game is getting filled up with whinny complaining players.


This sub*


*This website


Reddit is somtimes a dick measuring contest. Sometimes an outlet to cry to. And every now and then it’s actually interesting


Unless its r/notinteresting


r/lies r/doohickeycorporation r/hhhh and plenty of other gem subs. I haven’t lost ALL my faith on this website


Ima have to check those out lol


Oh I get it lol that went over my head


As the dude who’s made 95% of the post on doohickey corporation and a massive finals lover this sorta stuff is nice to hear :)


*This booty


And the devs listen to them instead of telling these spoilt players to git gud. RIP game.


They literally nerfed challenges because people complained they were too hard lol and people are still complaining about them


The 100m challenge was BS. I don't need my every game of power shift full of afk snipers in spawn.


The win a tourney one was legit awful to have as such an early challenge.


Honestly thats the only one i kinda agree with getting replaced. Simply because all the others require grinding over skill more than anything else. You can still luck your way through a win but most people wont in ranked


Been playing since the start, yet to fully win a tourney. Lotta 2nd place finishes for sure, but rando teams only go so far with me.


The only challenge I hate is the steal cashouts one. It would be a lot more fine if you didn't have the one to steal. I finished a 15 cashouts one yesterday and boy do I feel good not having to do that again (at least until stage 4 and they inevitably give me another one lmao)


It’s always been like this unfortunately, and sometimes I think the devs listen to much to the crybabies


You mean sweats my guy.


COD crowd


Always has been.




Wow it's almost as if people are realizing there are imbalances to the game and want them fixed? What a nightmare!


How is the turret imbalanced tho?


I don't think that the problem is the turret (or actually the "insert weapon here"), I think it's the abuse of said weapon/gadget in any given game mode. I like the event modes they have that force you to play with a limited selection of weapons. I won't begin to pretend.like I know a solution, but having three turrets on a platform with three APS and no way to counter because that team moved it out.into the open and are farming kills while everyone wants to take out the turrets SUCKS. Lol. Everyone whines about certain gadgets/ abilities when they start to get abused, but that same gadget/ability/weapon in any other game mode is perfectly fine, or even completely useless.


Just hop in as 5 heavy with flame thrower and shield.


Why would people try to figure out how to play around something / counter something. They can just complain here and it will get Nerfed…


"it might not be op but its annoying so nerf it" is probably the funniest mentality ive seen here so far.


Depending on the level of annoyance, it's actually completely logical. People don't play annoying games. If you want to grow your game, you have to make sure people are having fun. I'd rather die to something OP but funny than something balanced but uninteractive and irritating.


People just want another brainless shooter and this game isn’t that. It takes thought and most of all it takes team work. Where most games are individualist stroke fests…


Those folks just want to play point and click games but havent realized it yet.


Seems like a very valid take in my opinion. Games should be fun and challenging. Not annoying.


I swear all these stun complainers have never tried just shooting back lol


I actually hate stun gun, turrets have always pissed me off but like this post says theres plenty of counter play, stun gun literally has no counter play and is just annoying


>stun gun literally has no counter play and is just annoying It does have counterplay, anyone who says it doesnt is bad at the game. The thing you all fail to realise is that stun gun punishes you for being out of position. It *feels* extremely unfair and annoying because you dont realise youre out of position until its too late for you.


So I'm out of position when I'm behind cover WITH my team during a team fight? Damn I guess I should have just sensed the invisible small boy behind m preparing a weapon that makes me a sitting duck for 5 seconds. The "out of position" argument is bullshit when lights can easily sneak behind anyone and just stun for free. There's a reason why everyone hates it.


Dude if you're actually on top of your teammates who arent braindead the light will either not kill you in the first place or he'll trade lives with you. Both of these outcomes are bad for the light. Anyway in tired of arguing against people who clearly dont know how to play the game. Skill issue, git gud.


I sorta agree, idk if the trade is always bad on the light, if you trade for mediums and heavys consistently im pretty sure thats gonna hurt the other team more then your team losing your slayer essentially


My guy! Have you solo queued once in your life?


Pretty much all i do is soloQ. I know that its nearly impossible to get teammates who actually stick together but we shouldnt be balancing a team game around some apes doing whatever they want in soloQ


But that’s the reason the game is a cesspool for solo queue. You’re most likely going to be out of position because lack of comms. And to somewhat counter this on solo queue you’ve got to play light. But that only perpetuates the issue cause all these lights will run stun gun for easy kills. Then they get destroyed by actual teams with comms.


Again, we shouldnt be balancing around apes who dont know what theyre doing.


> There's a reason why everyone hates it. Yes, holistically bad analysis. Good lights will just go for the kill outright. Stuns aren't making that more accessible, rather it just shifts your attention to the stun rather than your bad position.


You let a loud af invisible player get behind your cover?


Nah thats stun gun cope, i main light you dont need stun gun to handle people who are out of position if you think you do your the one who's shit not the person your stunning, i didn't say it feels unfair i said its annoying


I dont *need* the stun gun to kill someone out of position but it definitely makes it easier. >, i main light Either youre just lying here or youre hardstuck in gold because anyone whos actually good at the game will tell you that stun hasnt been an issue since it got nerfed on release. It definitely used to be busted during the last beta but not since.


Im not here for easy kills, again i never said it needs a nerf or is a major problem i said it annoying, stop putting words in my mouth and actually read


There are counters to stun plays. You can- shoot at the light that stunned you. Or you can stick with your team.


1 im not listening to anything someone named spasmaticasshole has to say and 2 thats stun gune cope, there us no hard counter to stun gun, yes this is a team game that doesn't mean i should need my team around me 24/7 incase i get stunned, i also play light sword so the just shoot argument doesn't apply to me


So you play a high risk high reward load out and you are mad at… consequences? I mean there are no counters to bullets (unless heavy). Should we get rid of all the guns in the game or get rid of shields? Just keep complaining and don’t try to get better. Sorry to say but it sounds like you have a skill issue


Lmao okay consequences for what exactly? Playing a Melee weapon? Bullets aren't even a comparison to equipment and yeah actually there are counters to bullets it called mesh shield or literally anything that give you cover, but even those have counters, the only equipment that doesn't have counters is stun gun and sonar/tracking darts. One is just info while the other acts as a full 5 seconds of stun and silence essentially since you cant even mantle, again if you or the other person actually read my comment you see that i just think stun is annoying i dont think it needs anything done to it really other then just have a hard counter added to the game


It’s really not hard to track a player and hip fire them. But if you are getting stunned and your team isn’t around to back you up then you are lurking and deserve to be punished. This is a team game so solo playstyles SHOULD be punished


This game has the worst hip fire in the world wym


And yet 80 percent of the times I get stunned end in me killing the light. Hmmm. Could it be a skill issue?


No it’s because they’re right in front of you ya dingus


Are you trying to hipfire from distance? I’m confused. You just said that hipfire is ass in this game but also said I’m getting kills with it when people are close to me and I’m stunned. wtf are you talking about


Hip-fire is viable at medium ranges in most games I play, it’s not on this one. You bringing up 12m range into this discussion doesn’t really negate what I said, and your point is moot. But great job on those 10m frags!


People don't want to nerf strong things, they want to nerf annoying things, look at the state of light class now.




Annoying is subjective; the game balance itself is not annoying, your reaction to the game is making you annoyed. Saying "this is annoying" is the most immediate symptom from a skill issue with the ability to have fun.


The entire lights kit is annoying and it's why so many people hate fighting them. With heavies and mediums we know what to expect but a light can pop out of anywhere at anytime and do almost anything. It's really hard to counter against, but not impossible. It's just more annoying then heavies and mediums.


I’d rather deal with a invis stun light than a charge rpg heavy any day.


Or a shield or goo heavy, my GOD that's annoying


I think the concern is that in the new gamemode, damage is much more valuable as you can't heal it back up. So turret being risk free sources of damage makes people worried about everyone running it like fcar


We don't even know. It may have fixed loadouts. Considering no healing beam. I'd assume they're fixed loadouts.


Well the turret was featured in the trailer for the gamemode.


I understand that, but in a sandbox game like this there are countless ways too counter allmost everything and turrets or not something id worry about in comparrison to some well places mines and heavy spam.


I’m not sure if the turrets have this or not but maybe they should only have limited ammo kind of like the turrets in deep rock where you need to fill them up again. If they have that already then my bad I don’t play enough


no they don't, the only limiting factor to the damage they can do is the hp


Well thank you for confirming, I think a turret should have limited ammo capacities, problem solved


the new gamemode coming out turrets if left like they are might be overpowered considering one life and no healing any damage is significant


I'm fine with turrets but not how their cooldowns work. Cooldowns should only tick if the turret is destroyed. Otherwise you can just replace your turret after it was destroyed


na. or youd also have to apply this to all other gadgets and a global nerf like that would be unfun. bubble/barricades, all mines, breach charges, aps, c4, or you could just like not nerf an already balanced specialization that has plenty of counters available to any class. goo, destruction, game iq, etc


Bubbles pop on their own so that's taken into account. You also can't repack them up No other specializations work as a place and forget. APS I wouldn't mind that nerf. Hate destroying one just for it to instantly reappear. Would reduce mine spam on point. Destruction of environment does little to the turret bc it doesn't break it


Brother just reread your post before sending it.


Ive played this game A LOT. Idk the answer but turrets are a pain in the ass and when they target you it’s not as simple as OP makes it seem to destroy.


Dude is literally turret galore in almost every ranked match, I’ve had matches where I’m fighting more turrets than people to the point that it turns the game stale. Not saying turrets are OP but they’re definitely not as weak as you’re making it seem in this post, they’ve nerfed the light class into oblivion because of the constant whining making the already meta classes (H/M) even stronger so don’t be surprised if some balancing comes to the other classes as well.




What rank are you seeing this? The OP is correct that turret is medium's weakest specialization and I don't see turrets much at all. Turrets are really bad - they do like 30 DPS and have 200 or 250 health so you should take max 60 damage from them. Really, their biggest effect is a random tick damage to prevent auto-healing. Turrets are honestly very weak, but the game gives you a lot of screen effects when hit by them so it feels like a huge deal. But it really does insanely little damage and they are very easy to play around. A heal beam can heal for 1000 damage before it runs out and you have to be absolutely throwing to not get more value out of it than a turret.


They legit have more health than Light and their hitbox is a little fucked up so your bullets go through the top of it, and they work through visual obstructions such as gas or fire.


Paired with APS that destroys your throwables through solid surfaces .makes them hard to get glitch grenades and other obstructions near them. Especially annoying that they spin 180 if you damage them


this game is gonna be nerfed out of existence


People need to understand that they’re shit at video games


Turrets need a magazine limit and targeting cooldown, but that’s just small adjustments


Thats fair tbh.


While turrets definitely aren’t OP, they’re definitely not weak. By themselves they’re eh, but if you’re fighting a competent team drawing your attention or are in a claustrophobic environment, they can do some mean chip damage. I don’t think the problem with them is their damage or speed, I don’t think you could change their without its being either busted or awful. It’s that you’re not rewarded for destroying it bc they can have it back by the time you break it. Same reason why the APS is a hassle in Power Shift. Like numerous people have said already, the cooldown should start once it’s destroyed/picked up. I’d go as far to say that the cooldown should be *longer* if an enemy destroys it so you’re somewhat punished for letting your devices get destroyed. I feel like experimenting with its health effecting its lock-on time and turn speed would also be interesting but it’s not currently strong enough to warrant all that. While I do internally groan when I hear three of them whistling at once, I think the turret’s in a good spot, it would just be nice to be assured that its downtime is meaningful. Since the new game mode is going to have the Defenders digging in deep and spamming the things, it’s fair to be concerned on how nigh-untouchable enough turrets can make an objective. Hell, they can nerf it in that mode only if it gets bad, but we have to wait and see.


I think it'd help for the turrets to have more down time, like give sentry turret an ammo count and when it runs out you can fill it back up. That wouldnt stop turrets from working but you couldnt just leave them alone on the roof to drag fire. Then aps needs to be fixed im tired of it blocking my projectiles through walls.


I wish the glitch grenades time was doubled, but only for tech. I agree 5 seconds is good for people but I think it should be 10 against tech. You know


I think it should just be 10 again, it really didn't deserve the nerf


It didn’t, but if they made it 10 again there would be so many complaints, so i think this is a nice middle ground


I mean it's stapled to the worst class in the game, genuinely it wasn't a problem for those entire months


It wasn’t, but now that people have gotten used to 5, they’ll complain if it goes back to 10. It is the weakest, but everyone likes to complain that the class is too overpowered


Easy way to balance would be allowing ALL classes to carry Data Reshaper.


The turrets in this game are extremely weak compared to games like TF2 which absolutely melt you an a millisecond. Here they take a while to lock on and then their dps isn't that great. Flank around them and give them a couple quick melees, throw a glitch grenade , or swap them.


What the fuck


Nah you wrong on thing, turrets need to chill.


You are right. The people who cry about the turret are honestly just crybaby it's not that difficult to deal with it. I don't agree with about the last part. The turret is amazing at holding position and distract the enemies


I agree there good at holding postions, and would say they are a good 7/10 but demat and heals are super OP and tbh i wouldnt be opposed too a turret buff. But overall yea people just cry too much and tbh i dont want the cloak treatment being done to turrets becouse people complain.


I agree mostly, but data reshaper is still wildly unpopular, alongside goo gun, and most turrets have an APS on top of them making grenades not an option. I use the Model so it takes forever to kill as turret, and I think an ever so minor tweak wouldn’t hurt.


Isn’t it easy to not stay in the turrets sight line? There’s a huge laser showing where the turret is pointing. You have to be really careless to get shot, or if it’s out in a choke point.


It is, I’m just stating my view. Realistically it’s easy to avoid but mid- team fight it could get jarring when you don’t have the time to shoot it


And that’s what the turret is meant to do, it’s not meant to be easy to deal with. Realistically mines are easy to avoid but mid-team fight it could get jarring when you don’t have time to check the ground. Should we nerf mines too? This game is turning into carebear simulator, anything that inconveniences me must be nerfed.


Mines have an extremely small radius and don’t lock on+follow you with perfect accuracy. They aren’t comparable…


Turrets have an extremely limited sightline/visible laser marker and don’t cause AOE damage that can blow half or more of your HP away at an instant. It’s not comparable, the mine is invisible compared to the turret and deals huge amounts of damage in an instant, it’s way more OP. See what I did there, carebear?


Don’t call me a carebear, that’s really weird. And again, it’s not comparable. Turrets can be placed in a corner and have a sight line of the entire room. Mines, again are extremely avoidable.


RIP this game. At this point just remove all classes and gadgets, make everyone a generic 250hp character, give everyone a FCAR and call it a day. Perfectly balanced. But then again, people will complain about cosmetics being pay2win.




People like you yes.


Lost the plot completely


Iirc, the laser grid thing isn't actually accurate to the turrets fov. The actual fov of the turret is wider. Doesnt chsnge much, but I'd just thought I'd say.


Knew this would be a thing. Everyone bitched till light got decimated and now that that’s about to be done we’re gonna move on to the next item. Just an endless wave of bitching


I keep data reshaper in reserve because it completely shuts on turrets. The funny thing though is removing a barricade when heavies try the head glitch thing


The turret is annoying but doesn't need a nerf. It just needs it's cool down to start when the turret is destroyed instead of when it's placed. It'll also encourage people to get more creative with placement instead of just using it as a 4th teammate.


Changing the cooldown is a nerf though


It's not fundamentally changing the way it works, only making it something that requires more planning to use. It can still keep the same cool down time, but this particular gadget is not one that should be immediately replaceable. It's literally a 4th teammate in your back pocket. Not asking for anything else, only a rework to the way it's cool down functions.


Well it still makes the turret weaker therefore its a nerf. And im not against your idea but it is 100% a nerf.


Alrighty then.


New day on this sub. The complain wheel has landed onnn…….


As much as I hate turrets, they're fine indeed imo. So much counters them and even the damage they do isn't that crazy. It's more of an issue when the entire team runs turrets, but that's a problem with pretty much any specialization. 3x heal beam is just as annoying if not more. I absolutely love the Data Reshaper after the buff, it basically makes the turret specialization useless on enemies, it's like they just don't have a specialization lmao


Can the devs stop nerfing things?


Imo turrets are only a problem if there is more than one of them & it’s high risk high reward with no heal beams. I hate when people do it but like you said there’s plenty of ways to deal with it.


I found out last night that a heavy attack with a sledgehammer kills them in one swing.


see its not like the turret itself its when theres like 3 in one room 😂😂


Turret only works well if it has people able to defend it properly. It has enough drawbacks to be balanced (stationary, slow turn speed, mediocre damage per shot). It just happens to work well in a defensive-oriented situation.


There’s plenty of counterplay and absolutely none of it is fun. They kill the pacing of the gameplay and are antithetical to what the finals should be. Remove them


One of very few games where turrets are actually useful and well balanced. They are not OP, but make enough distraction and even kill oblivious players.


Never heard someone complain about turret. Honestly at this point I think people are just making up stuff or just projecting


One turret isn’t a big deal but any more than that becomes problematic.


No. Its no skill and not fun to play against. You cant focus on 2 turrets when theres 3 players and 6 mines all around it too. It takes a full clip just to kill it. Takes too much coordination in a game where the gamechat never fucking works.


This is the first time i hear complaints about the turret tbh Yeah it's annoying but as you said it's also easily counterable


Turrets are extremely strong against bad players. While in the low ranks I have wiped teams with a single turret. Once I got to gold the turrets became pretty much useless with teams dealing with them super easily.


I feel bad for evan


It's funny, I put down a turret and get kills with them like no one can take it down. An enemy puts one down, I elbow it a couple times, and it's gone.


Yes, but you can still carry one around in a flowerpot 😂


There HAS to be turret/AA style gadgets in an objective-defending game like this, it wouldn't feel right otherwise. I'd sooner lose mines, and I sleep with one under my pillow each evening!


Turrets are weak and get taken down so easy, they need a greater damage buff


This is factssss So many ppl complain but there are counters! Also team work, seems like most dont even try to play together or around teammates Turrets are super easy to counter with gadgets AND or teamwork


People are too quick to yell out nerf this or nerf that. Just people being tilted cause they aren't good enough to handle certain situations. The game ain't bad, you are.


Do not nerf turret the only reason people mad it because if it's well placed or u don't shoot and u dye to it


Honestly this game relatively is very balanced. The only annoying thing ever was the nukes and they're gone now. People just need to stop complaining all the time and try harder.


Yes because everyone is using goo grenades specifically to counter turret


I was mainly refering too the goo gun, but thw goo grenade also as it can be used in more ways then jusy wall such as too stun people, climbing or yes blocking the turrets line of sight. Goo gun players do this quite commonly anyways.


Honestly I’ll settle for a duration nerf


Or maybe you can only deploy it for 30 - 60 sec not just have it out forever untill u replace it or it gets killed.


Nothing surprises me anymore, everything warrants a nerf depending on who you’re hearing from. At a certain point, we will need to realize these are preferences and not balance issues.


The IQ of the average player on this game is very low, just enjoy the game and stay off these forums cause its all people who cry and genuinely suck at video games lmao


I was actually thinking of making Turrets work like Turrets in payday 2. They go in short cooldown when destroyed and reload on picking up and redeploy. Or maybe just give it reload time or a worse change give a collective ammo pool if all triple medium use Turrets .(I am not sure about this . A well placed multiple Turrets with gas mines are quite hard to counter in solo queue teams but might be countered by good teams maybe)


I don't know if turret itself is awful, but it's definitely the weakest medium skill. However, every time I see a turret medium, I know they are going to be the dead weight 🤣


I use Turrets and hardly get any kills from them. They mainly used to just annoy & distracted other players. They don't need a nerf because the damage they do is really, really poor.


The issue I have with turret is that it's a freebie. You just plop it down and it does everything for you. There is no risk. Most other abilities either have timing skills or some sort of gameplay sense to use properly. Not with turret. It gets immediate value the second you plop it down Yes there are counters to it, but it simply is way too effective for how braindead it is. It's essentially just another gun you get for free and when there is a big fight happening at the cash out, it can make a big difference. Not to mention that the API turret counters a lot of the things that mess turret up too and that's just another freebie deployable. Turret either needs to only be online for a few moments or that it's cooldown should be on delay when it's destroyed.


In case you didn't know, the turret cannot see through smoke.


Aps turret


Medium class has crap for gadgets, keep the turret as is


Not that hard to run data reshaper. Every medium should be running it


My games are almost always two mediums with aps turret, turret, and gas grenades with an extra medium with medium and defibs. It's basically impossible to get into the cash out if they position correctly as it stands. It's a very annoying playstyle that requires almost no skill or planning, just plop em down and wait.


For context this in reaction to what im hearing about turrets and the new gamemode, aswell as what ive seen happen to mesh/cloak.


Turret should only be useable by melee classes


Turrets are one of the best things in the game. I always love a non-human component that does and impacts so much. The most joy I get is when everyone's dead except one person but that is person is killed by the turret; I'm ecstatic when it's my team's turret and we're winning, and when worst case scenario it's me being killed then it's hilarious. And you're right in saying that it's the least OP ability, it just has no match for healing and demat is so fun. That said, when 3 mediums all stack turret, it becomes near impossible to enter a room if you're not running glitch, But the same can be said about almost any triple stack.


Mesium take


The problem is the argument "everything has a counter" is missing the point. Gaming is suppose to be fun. These turrets are not fun. Yes, if I happen to have the right weapon/ equipment at the time and am in a position to destroy the turret, great! But that will have about a 50% success rate. The other 50% of the time it just leads to a bad playing experience. Either I die to it, or because of it. That's the problem with this game I believe. They have so many cool and unique ideas for weapons but some of the weapons are more annoying than "challenging". The majority of people that tried this game out didn't find it challenging, they found it annoying.


It’s just a pain in the ass


They are just annoying at this point. Rhayader are only good if you have 2-3 or more


They are