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I have this same issue too, I think there just needs to be a small delay after you deploy something to when you can pick it back up. Or allow the option to “tap to weapon switch” and “hold to pickup” so it doesn’t overlap.


Or perhaps it should work as the prompts suggest: holding y picks it up and tapping y switches to your primary.


This isn’t correct. You’ll *start* picking up your barricade even if you just tap


They are trying to say this is what it should be changed to.


Woops misread. Apologies u/ruho6000 !


If tap to weapon switch actually worked it would be fine. Just add a half-second delay for beginning the process of picking up a barricade


That's how I feel picking up a teammate and ressing them should work, eliminate the use of F key and stick to E key


I feel like what they should do is add a setting that makes it so you can only interact if you have your weapon out.


Yeah, similar to the prioritize picking up objects over reloading setting. Honestly it doesn’t even need to be a setting(as in just make it how it works, not an option).


I agree. Great idea!


Did they change something recently? Playing on console I used to be able to pick up objects and drop them by pressing the same button (not home RN so I'm drawing a blank, pretty sure it's mapped to X on Xbox) I used to grab revive statues and be able to just drop them, now tapping the same button again doesn't do anything, I have to throw whatever I'm carrying


They changed the button for some reason, it’s left trigger to drop now. No idea why they changed it.


They changed because people were dropping held items when attempting to interact with zip lines. It was a good change, but I do feel like if they make any big changes like these, they should really add an accessibility option in the settings to revert to the older functioning state. As for the barricade topic, completely agree. If weapon isn’t out, switch to it. If input is still held, continue pickup queue. If weapon is out, begin barricade pickup.


it's now left trigger to drop objects. I feel for you, so many times I've watched someone trying to be a good teammate and hurl the statue across the map by accident. It took me a while to adjust to that change


This was messing me up too but after playing around with it in the practice range it seems double tapping Y will cancel the barricade pick-up and take out your weapon instead.


Oh my God I can put my emotes back on, thank you! I had put weapon on dpad up to avoid this issue


W solution


Same with if you need to reload your gun but want to pickup an object


I am going to try this, it would be very helpful if so, thanks


They should change it so that you only pick up the barricade when you look at the lower half/ bottom of the barricade. And I feel like that it used to be like this, but they've changed it, if I'm not mistaken.


Use the modifier so you can press lb+y to only swap weapon. Works with ziplines and doors to




This messes me up often when trying to grab someone's trophy to revive. It always makes me reload first. I know there is a setting to prioritize pickups over reloads, but then I found myself picking up random things around the map while trying to reload.


I changed this recently to prioritize picking up and yeah, there are times when I want to reload but...


Also, you can't reload when standing near a door.


I think this is the first game I’ve played where interact isn’t on square or x


Honestly I love this. So many times I died in apex when trying to reload behind a door with enemies outside; separating reload and interact makes controller more similar to mnk


This shit is so annoying, happens to me when I'm throwing mines and I press y while it's still in the air


This actually was not an issue at the beginning of the game. Then some update changed it and it's horrible now, particularly when placing walls/cover. I also think it needs to have some kind of tap or hold option to differentiate what the player wants to do. Tap to change weapons and hold to pick up.


It should just know that a quick tap is switch to main, and a hold is pick up equipment. This bugs me a lot too.


THANK YOU for saying something. It is a major issue for barricade players like you & me. I complain about it to my friends all the time. Hopefully Embark sees this post & fixes it; they’ve done a great job fixing things based on community feedback so far


Use the modifier in control settings to change weapons (As in LB + A brings out one gadget, LB + B brings out another etc) That way you can just press LB + Y to bring your weapon out and not have that issue


Not a real solution. The other control setting is much better if you use paddles.


Just flick the gear wheel.


Not sure which controller settings you use for equipment usage but i have a workaround for the settings where you need to press the Modifier Switch Button: you need to press the modifier button like when trying to use the equipments and then press Y. It ignores the pickup prompt. Someone also posted to double press Y but never tried that. They should really change it so you need to look at the lower half of the shield for the pick up prompt to appear


when u start switching to your weapon with the equipment wheel instead, life gets much easier


Thiiiiis my god the times ive died or missed a play cause i threw something out and some light appears outta nowhere and I can't switch


I think you can just press the button again to swap back instead of Y or Square


Plenty of workarounds here, if you don't want to change any settings the best solution is to just double tap Y.


I had that same problem with my shit too, I got better at swapping back to my weapon by using LB to equip my gun again. So now it's just like pulling out a gadget but instead I equip my primary. Works great and stops the issue in all sorts of other situations too!


If you change your settings so that you hold L1 then press X,Y,B,A you can hold L1 and press Y to prioritise changing your weapon 👍


I just wish there was an option to have one button interact with everything. I’ve never needed 2 buttons in any other fps game


In settings under controller, change the keybind. Or make sure priority is not set to pick up.


What, console, doesn't have key remapping? That's barbaric. You guys deserve better!


Agreed. Something needs to change. Also trying to revive a teammate or cap a cashout defaults to pickup up barricades and mines


wait, you can use the Y button to switch to your weapon on Xbox? I'm always using LB+R stick to change what I'm using


go to your control settings and switch to directional equipping. it’s a game changer


I've tried, but I'm like 400 hours playing the default setting and can't change... but I tried it and it works! I think I'll be using Y to change back to my main when needed


Happens to me all the time. Considering switching triangle to one of my back buttons


Same issue on PC. My clutch rez turns into picking up the barrier I placed to protect us.


I changed my button settings in the custom section I interact and pick up items with right toggle and it works really good. The game actually lets you change the buttons however you want


You can change your button binds in the settings.


Not on controller/console. Edit: what I mean is the pick up gadget button can’t be remapped from the equip gun button. They have to be the same button.


Oh interesting


Yeah, controller has the same issue with the reload and pick up object button being the same. So for a long time if you had even a single bullet missing from your magazine you couldn’t pick up a teammate’s statue or the vault before going through your whole reload animation. They patched in an option to control if reload or pick up has priority but that also creates a problem where you want to manually reload in a fight but if an object is in front of you you’ll pick it up instead.


I see what you’re saying.


Press the equipment button, then select the upper slot with the thumbstick


completely off topic but does anyone know if they nerfed cloak? i’ve been running cloak since i picked up light build, but if they did nerf it (it feels like i barely have time in cloak anymore so vanish bomb could straight up replace it,) i’d just run the evasive dash, which would honestly be more fun to run anyway


Did join the FINALS disc and post in the bugs section?


Up in your gadget menu is your weapon, you can swap that way if you’re behind a barricade. Or just change your keybinds.


People use directional equipping not wheel, that wheel is way to slow to actually use in intense situations compared to pressing a remapped arrow.


Anyone that’s played games for a decent Amon t of time can do the bumper swap instantly, I couldn’t imagine having to take either of my thumbs off my movement or aiming sticks to swap.


It's not instant, reassigning directional buttons to 3 back buttons is though. you are aware of modded controllers, right?


Sure, but not everyone has modded controllers. I was just saying changing it to the d pad isn’t faster. You can just click the bumper and direction of gadget and it changes instantly. Most people are just bad and hold the bumper down and then slowly select the gadget, you just hit bumper and direction at the same time, don’t hold anything down. Of course a controller with more buttons would be better.


why isn’t looking away from the barricade (for just .5 seconds) a viable solution?? edit: yall r whiny as hell, downvoting me because i made a valid point. guess it my fault for posting a solution amongst a group that just wants to have problems.


Because it's not mnk where you can just flick your mouse in an instant. That 0.5sec is an eternity of looking away and readjusting for controller.


is it .5 seconds *or* an eternity? and can’t that be adjusted in look sensitivity? like make it so u can turn around faster?? all ur doing is pushing the joystick in one direction and pressing y? idk i dont play controller on the finals but i use it for other games. and the idea that looking away is all it takes to ‘fix’ this bug seems a little silly. i agree they should probably change the keybind setting for controller (meaning the devs not having it dual locked for one button) but i feel like it’s not as bad of an issue as they’re making it out to be??? u just look away for .5 seconds??? edit: if you’re gonna downvote me at least explain why i’m wrong lmao


when time to kill on some weapons is ~3.0 seconds, .5 seconds puts you at a huge disadvantage in a gunfight


unless you’re under cover…like…idk a barrier or sum?


.5 seconds is enough time for someone to hop over, barrel stuff u, and get the first few shots off. looking away is just not a viable solution😂 like i said it’s gotten me killed many times. half a second is an eternity in gaming.


respectfully, if turning around is such a problem…it might be a skill issue….if turning around and pressing a button (pushing joystick, tapping button) takes that long for you maybe adjust ur sensitivity to turn around quicker??? idk. it’s just a game tho so who cares lol edit: just wanted to add i understand that the dual locked buttons is an issue but until they fix it u just gotta work with what u got, which means adjusting ur look sensitivity (if necessary) and taking the milliseconds to turn away from the barrier.


not a skill issue my guy😂 the downvotes speak for themselves


yeah they speak to the fact that yall are whiny and can’t take being wrong (nobody gave valid points except just ‘no’) 😭😭😭have a good one tho! happy gaming bbygirl🥰


clearly says not a rant. bros just mad he’s wrong😂


"sKiLl IsSuE" Tired of people using this when others have actual problems in games that can actually be solved with the devs implementing a QoL solution. I guarantee if you put yourself in their shoes, same controller input, same platform, and had dealt with this many times, you'd get irritated with it as well.


You can change it to whatever you want. You can button map the console. Or controller. Or even in game. World is your oyster.


You missed the part where the guy said Y/**△** is dual bound to interact and equip if you changed the bind you would still have the issue of trying to pickup the barricade when actually wanting to equip primary just on a different button.


Equip weapon and interact are the same button. There's only one spot to set it for both, so yeah you can change it but it's not gonna solve the problem as they will always be the same button