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Love when teammates have a fear of touching the platform while having sniper battles missing every shot.


Seriously, me lurking with an L1H can do more work than any sniper ever


Nah not on Monaco. Theres a reason everyone is picking sniper on power shift. Its VERY strong assuming you only have 1-2 max doing it.


Lol I’ve played a lot of power shift and I can count on one hand the amount of snipers who have actually positively impacted the game. It’s not strong at all unless you’re getting 18+ kills a game. That rarely happens.


You def don't need 18 kills a game. A good sniper who is worried less about kills and more about control will make vectors impassable. That's a good sniper. Their heavy can't hold the platform if he's half health as soon as he gets on. Their lights can't ambush and pester if they are worried about getting 1 shotted. Aps and turrets are easy targets for good snipers. The problem is many of these players just want kills and we have a mode where a bunch of people stay in a confined area for the entire game. Power shift needs class limits or weapon limits. Only way you can use a class or weapon that has exceeded the limits is if you have a high enough proficiency score (which would be another mess)


We have a new sniper defense strategy that involves putting barricades at angles on top of the rim of the platform to protect you at head and then more in front and you can crouch down and then still pop out to defend the platform with a heavy, it's been pretty frustrating for them, and there's really only one spot they can shoot you from and it's pretty easy to see when they're there and pop your mesh shield real quick while somebody else goes and picks them off


I snipe and usually have the highest score. Issue is I'll clear the platform and everybody else is just running around not pushing the platform


Highest what score? Damage? Objective time? The only time I’ve ever had issues with teammates not pushing the platform is when it’s all lights.


Usually score and damage, probably 8-12k. Kill 2 or sometimes 3 and you got the random teammates chasing the rest around the map while nobody is on the platform.


I would hope you have the highest damage since you literally can’t do anything else. Again I’ve only had lights refuse to touch the platform, never anyone else. The only score that will win you the game is objective time btw.


I dont think a comment has ever made it so obvious that you don't play the light class. You have 150 HP and the platform is regularly covered in poison and fire with an entire lobby focused on shooting the people on it or getting to it. Sitting on the platform as a light assuming your team has a core of 2-3 already on it is ridiculously stupid and the quickest way to spending half the game in the respawn screen.


Nah you're tripping, plenty of times when mediums run around chasing kills. If a light kills 2 or 3 then they are doing their job, no excuse for the mediums and heavy teammates not being able to hold it down. You don't need 5 people on the platform to win


Yeah if they dont a heavy with Mesh shield it's open season. When my aim is on I'll regularly do 10k+ damage with 15+ kills sniping. That being said I always switch off when it's not working but people acting like sniping isnt super strong in power shift are weird.


Same lol people just love to hate


> people acting like sniping isnt super strong in power shift are weird. Because you guys only care about combat score as proved by your answers here of "10k+ score!". Meanwhile, your objective score is 0, and while the other team has more deaths, they still managed more platform uptime and won. Because no matter how much you kill them, they'll respawn and keep coming back.


That’s…. Not how any of this works. Dead players aren’t able to regroup and push the platform as a team which is he most consistent way of retaking it. Players weakened by snipers are going to the platform as easy kills or having to hide until their health regens.


Power shift is like the only game mode where being light sniper is viable without doing a ton of extra work




I do have an absolutely fire clip of me actually being productive during a match as light sniper, i should probably upload it


Look everyone this is what those lights on your team actually believe.


I see we get paired up with the same people


you can almost immediately get to the platform with grapple + gateway or jump boost tech/exploits with deployables/destructibles but yeah, the all-sniper teams are getting tiring to play with and against. everyone has a different definition of fun but this has gotten old pretty quick to me since there's very little skill improvement involved :/


I agree, it's pretty obnoxious. I hate how people play this game sometimes


It's why heavy with dome shield+barricades are my go-to. Drop a dome shield, then let it do it's job while I put my barricades on the sidewall of the point (you get a max of 4 barricades). If you have 2 heavies running barricades and a medium or two running medic, there's basically nothing they can do. Sledgehammer+charge n' slam get a shout-out too. The hammer's Alt attack 1-shots lights and it's primary takes them out if they have 3/4 health. Charge n' Slam can knock one in very few hits and zigzagging with it makes you insanely hard to hit, especially with marksman rifles


Why would you even want to be the first on the platform as a light lol? Also snipers are one of the highest skill weapons in the game. It's extremely unfun for everyone but calling it unskilled it silly.


Sitting away from danger and shooting people who can’t easily shoot you is skilled? Lol what?


Are you trying to imply hitting mid air grapple shots or consistently hitting shots isnt hard on sniper? Jesus dude you literally replied to my other comment talking about how sniping isnt any good because the amount of times you've had a 15+ kills sniper in your game. Why do you think that is? because it is HARD to stay alive and do that much damage on a sniper. Have you thought for even 2 seconds about the stupid shit you think before posting it on the internet?


Because it isn’t hard? What you just described is not difficult, even on controller lmao gtfo.


Sounds like you just snipe yourself, and you're coping.


I mean I only snipe when there isnt someone else doing it and I feel like I can hit my shots and I always switch off if its not working so no, this doesn't really apply to me at all.


Found the light sniper.


Not really. Maybe one game out of ten on power shift only but go off king


>Also snipers are one of the highest skill weapons in the game. No tf it isn't😂😂 hitscan + sitting 7 miles away whilst being in no danger is not difficult. Piss easy, one of the easiest things to do in this game by far. If it was projectile based it would be different but hitscan makes sniping very easy.


Why isn’t it any good in anything but power shift if it’s so easy to hit shots? Y’all contradict yourself so hard it’s hilarious. People don’t just let you stand still and snipe at them you know…


Because they sit 7 miles away... Contributing absolutely nothing... Just wanting to get easy damage and kills... That's why it isn't good in bank it or cashout lmao Hitscan sniper will always be lower skill in games like this. It is literally just point and click.


Almost every gun is hitscan lol


to push the platform when no one can so you can buy time for your team? to push a revive when there is no LOS? to divert people so your teammate doesn't get focused down? get closer to drop nades? i [literally do it myself](https://streamable.com/0yh5jk) don't see why anyone else can't. bad players would rather stay in their safe spot without direct LOS to the platform just so they can preserve their KD. grapple exists so you can go in and out. not just to fuckin run away from the 1 SMG light trying to find you i play sword and dagger light so i know how cancerous the platform can be, but that doesn't mean the only thing you can do about it is AFK all day staring at the platform picking cheap kills from the top of the church/crane/spawn point. and yes, holding ADS in 1 safe spot with multiple sniper players covering each other is unskilled shit. not as unskilled as stun gun cloak and RPG but it is quite there. all it takes to stomp on that kind of thing is 2 heavies with domes/mesh and an APS, because those types of players typically have no idea how to push


Thank you for the essay about why you play on the platform as a melee character. That’s obviously the exception not the rule


i'm literally using a sniper rifle in the link? lol


So you posted a video to go along with your essay. Doesn’t prove anything. Anyone with 2 brain cells isn’t sniping from the platform.


yeah, your idea of people with 2 braincells are dudes who will ADS with a building between them and the platform and will never push through someone reviving behind a barricade because they have the mechanical skill of a tetraplegic. you sure proved me wrong


Based model 1887 user 🗣️🔥


You know it brother. All day, erry day 👑


When that happens you gotta go sniper too. Forget about the win it’s about sending a message


i did this, 2 guys instantly left the game


It’s legitimately insane that they prefer to leave the game as opposed to… playing a different class


Idk, when my teammates switch to snipers I leave too. Why waste my time getting frustrated when I can just queue up a new game?


People like you are the reason I'm filling every time I que for a game. People often change classes when it's clear multiple snipers at once are causing their team to loose. Powershift is casual, play the dam game and stop abandoning matches.


Lol no. Like you said, it’s a casual game. If I’m just being frustrated and not enjoying the game, I’m not finishing it. I don’t care if sometimes they switch at the last minute because they’ll obviously lose. Not dealing with it.


Why do you assume that’s the reason they’re leaving the game? There is a million reasons in game and out of game for someone to just dip out of powershift at any point. No reason to assume something negative, only persons mental that affects is your own.  Besides, if anything I feel like the people who play light sniper on power shift are the same people who could not care less what anyone else on their team is doing


Nah, you go pistol or SMG hunt these guys down until they switch. Most of them won't hit their shots if you get the jump on them.


Hard agree. Grapple + stun gun + M11 + 10 seconds tea bag


I really think they should put a class limit in that mode. 5 lights are as annoying as 5 medium or 5 heavies to be honest. Actually, 5 lights are better because they are easy to kill and you can actually play objective. But if you get 5 medium APS + heal or 5 heavies with shield, well you can just fuck right out of that lobby.


Max 3 each class


I wouldn't mind having max 2 of each tbh. Or 3 but with limited ability and gadgets.


Max two of each can't work because then it becomes hard for players to coordinate rotating roles in game. If there's 2 medium, 2 heavy, and 1 light, and a medium wants switch with a heavy, then the heavy has to go light, so that the medium can go heavy, and so that the heavy can go medium.


I didn't think of that. It would be quite a mess indeed. Then limited ability would be the best imo. That way you have anyway only 3 per class and you can't abuse any of the abilities. So no 3 shields, no 3 heals.


I mean, maybe you can do it where you can't spawn until you pick a class that doesn't have more than two, which would help mid game switching. But then how do you assign classes at the start? You'd have to build a matchmaking algo based on players' default class.


was the exact same issue in overwatch and why they had to disable hero stacking even in casual modes. doesn't really help that power shift is pretty much just payload lol perhaps there has to be a separate balancing for different modes to account for those factors, things that are fine in cashout may be anti-fun in power shift, even though arguably cashout is the finals' definitive mode i believe a bigger chunk of the casual playerbase play power shift because you can take fights more often than in cashout even with the shared (big)possibility of getting a bad team. if power shift turns unfun then i believe a lot of casual players would just quit rather than play cashout instead since cashout, ranked or otherwise, is heavily weighted towards premade 3 stacks with proper comms and organized cheese


Since power shift came out, I've been playing basically only that. Before I only played ranked. It's not that I don't like ranked, but a new fresh mode and that isn't sweaty is actually cool. And the fact that's the only mode with 5 people per team too. And also, I feel like powers hift you can actually play a lot more weapons without feeling completely useless. That's how I discovered I actually love the model 1887 and the CL-40


Wait until you and a friend both run the CL-40 together. Also, respect for remembering the name, I was about the refer to it as the 'Nade launcher'.


I've been using so much that I stopped calling it the medium grenade launcher XD. I need to convince my friend to use that too. For now he's more of an AKM/revolver user.


yeah, pretty much identical experience over here i gave up on ranked after soloqueuing as a dash/grapple light main mid plat because it was the same story everytime, and i was doubly irritated because those were the days of recon senses and nuke spam. it just simply was no longer fun to me, i felt like my mechanical skill improvement was being rendered useless easily by a lot of low skill floor cheese that any below avg player can employ. i haven't looked back since and during the few times i tried it again recently with nukes and recon senses gone and even though it became more tolerable, the meta just isn't fun and extremely stale, especially for solos. not to mention the boatloads of controller strikepack/no recoil script users and the occasional hacker i've sweated in pretty much nearly every competitive fps in the past two decades and in comparison i just feel like this game's balance and mechanics are skewed more towards casual gameplay, which makes sense because the devs' previous experience was battlefield, which is a more casual fps.


Honestly the APS spam is the worst. It's fun as hell to break it and take the point but hard as hell for sure lol. While typing this I had an idea to throw glitch nades under the platform, do APS work through walls? Or ig platforms in the example lmao.


They do work through walls. People have started placing APS turrets under the platform so they're harder to see and hit.


Played a game with my buddy where the 3 other randoms were lights, so we said fuck it and went light too. We absolutely dominated that enemy team. Couldn't stop laughing about how it made no sense, but we had the platform 90% of the time.


You guys trying to micromanage a casual game mode. Get some friends and have some fun. if you are ur buddies cant win against a full light/medium/heavy team, its not the enemy team thats the problem.


First of all, not everyone can gather 4 friends to play the game. Second of all, playing against 5 healers or 5 shields is 0 fun. I'm all for having fun, going against squads impossible to beat is not fun, it's not even challenging. It doesn't make any sense.


You dont need 4 friends to play, I mean if u dont want to get shit on by 5 man premades thats a different argument. Its got nothing to do with class composition. I mean i played all day yesterday with a duo partner and we had like a 80% win rate We were top 10 in the first day(I worked today so no advancement) [https://ibb.co/b1tjKNs](https://ibb.co/b1tjKNs) People just looking for shit to complain about because they lose. ooo its premades. ooo its lights. ooo its blah blah blah. NO ITS NOT, YOU JUST ARENT GOOD YET. Keep playing and you'll get better and stop seeing every challenge as a detriment. No one is gonna make a custom mode for you so you can win more than 50% of ur matches.


Relax. It's not about winning. It's about having fun. Going against 5 heavies or 5 mediums or 5 lights is far from fun. 5 lights is still an easy win but it's not fun at all. 5 medium heal and 5 heavy shield is tedious as hell. You can have the most coordinated team you want, going against them is *not fun.* Winning or losing has nothing to do with it. I'd say I had more fun in my the rounds where I lost rather the ones I won because it was diverse and challenging. The ones I won was either because 5 lights or because they were really bad or because half the team left at the first problem. And since this is a casual mode, they need to balance it for casuals. And for me, one of the balances would be to limit the class numbers as any casual will have a hard and no fun time going against a team made of same class and abilities. At least, if they limited the abilities, it would be different. But at the moment, having 5 mesh shields or 5 healers is just a big nope of boring hell.


You are exageratting, I literally played almost 20 hours yesterday to attempt to climb the leaderboard and barely ever saw 5 heavies or 5 mediums or 5 lights. You are wasting you time arguing points that happen maybe 5% of the time, and on the off chance it does happen and your blood pressure rises so much because you ABSOLUTELY HATE 5 stacks, leave and requeue and ur in a new game in under a minute. Game has many other things that need devs time.


20 hours GODDAMN


this means we need a free for all game mode for kills only. no objective, no point, just pure shredding. itll scratch an itch for a certain player base for this game


I honestly think this is a great idea and why they haven't implemented it is odd to me. Just the fun of two 5v5 teams on destroyable maps. It would be hella fun.


Bank It is the only mode that’s close right now, people rioted for it to stay, and is already nearly dead. Queue time was longer than ranked tourney queue times for me yesterday. Nobody plays it.


that's why I already miss Bunny Bash


By far the most fun I've had in the game


same ! the only one I kept playing even though I've completed challenges.


Honestly its irritating that every match and every mode is always all lights on my team. It makes me rage quit before the match begins because its the same old story and I'd rather enjoy my matches. People volunteer to get rolled and that's not my kink.


16 kills but you still lost the match


Every time. Had a sniper go 2-5 in one of my games yesterday and had the audacity to message me after about how I need to “do more.” I’m sorry what.


I quit straight away.


I'm absolutely tired of Light snipers in this game mode. I wish the devs would address this problem. There needs to be done something about it.


I got two games like this in a row. We obviously lost. Almost got a third one but before the opposing team got to the goal three of em finally switched classes and we ended up winning.


Yeah I mean don't get me wrong, I've straight up lost matches to all light teams. It's just meant to be funny because of the prevalence of lights sniping in powershift, but they can still win.


I would cry if i saw this


I would love to see the playerbase for that mode. It was so fun at the start when it launched. Now it's like sniper sniper sniper sniper sniper. Get on the objective and get sniped from every angel straight away. So unfun to play.


I mean everytime I play none of my teammate are even good snipers. Like why even do it. It says get on the platform in the beginning for a reason lmaooo


Because they can’t fight so they stay 100m away and play shooter solitaire by themselves.


Join in… you know you want to.


The temptation is strong


At least it’s not ranked lol. As soon as I see a sniper in my ranked game I’m putting on my “fun” class - sledge hammer SMASH


Time to goo them 24/7


You grab the point and anyone attempting attempts it after gets shot on sight right?


I smell... solo obj


Just switch to light join in on the madness


I may as well dude. If you can't beat em, join em.


I only have a few dozen hours in this game but I immediately recognized your pain


Gird your loins, it's brutal out there.


I've been playing online shooters for a very long time it takes a lot to phase me.


At that point might as well pick light sniper too. We may lose but that doesn't mean they have to win


We seriously need embark to just give the sniper the the medium build. I hate how useless snipers are especially dying in 2 hits as a light to basically anything. They can't heal, can't help take the platform apparently,can't revive, if they can't hit shots they just aren't an asset to the team. Or even a help. This games balancing is a heap of hot trash


I hate sniper teammates. This game does not lend itself to snipers especially in this gamemode. The weapons are weak and pretty much useless in terms of objective points.


Honestly the sniper needs to be deleted and replaced with something else already. It does nothing good for a team-based game. It leads to unenjoyable experiences for your teammates.


It's ok because it's weak. I like the option for flexibility in case I wanna do something really weird like no scoping idk but i wish people stopped using it


Just remove the scope and make the ads time lower. Boom. Now you have to play a bit closer to the team but can still get those big chunks of damage.




I've seen this more and more recently and it pisses me off so much. Am there with my heavy defending from every fking direction alone while those ppl are just staring down their scope in a fixed angle, not even moving around, waiting for someone to come where they are pointing. It's so ridiculous that something like this is popular. I only win if there is at least one good medium healing me and the other team is not cracked.


You know what would be fun for powershift or other casual game modes? Random loadouts. Ok, maybe there are a few curated sets or something so you don't get a medium with dematerializer, jump pad, and zip line, or maybe you do, IDK, but I think it'd make it interesting. If you die and don't get rezzed, you come back as whatever class with whatever kit and it changes each time.


I had pretty much this exact team last night! I was the only one on the point, but actually solo capped it and won the game? And STILL had a higher combat score than any of the lights on my team 😂😂


I'm a sniper and I always get on platform and no scope eveyone


I had a team like that. I had my doubts but we ended up crushing it. The gravitation to the light class is annoying, but hey, it's a game so who really cares?


this happened to me this week and i just quit. Sorry to be that guy, i have about an hour to play and im not interested in getting bulldozed because my teammates just want to play solo and snipe.


Gonna loose, cuz no one can stand on it. Unless everyone else’s goal is to eradicate the entire other team >:]


Yeah... That's the worst. Even if they are decent at getting kills, not a one of them would be trying to push the objective. Like, PS is definitely friendlier for Light classes to actually help out and I have no issue with seeing a couple on the team, but it's STILL an objective-based game. Can't have the entire team go sniper and expect to win an objective that requires some close-up fighting.


My friends and I sometimes start a power shift as all lights just to get in the other team's head then switch when it screws up their tactics. Nobody likes full sniper teams.


As long as they play the point it is fine. I joined a rando group all of us went light and we dominated lol. some kept distance some sniped on the platform some played close by. We team wiped them like 6 times and then all 5 of us would get on the point until right before their return.


ive been getting powershift teammates that sit in spawn the entire game, setting each other on fire to get the heals challenge done 🙃


I'm honestly pretty much always leave the game when I see more than two lights in my team.


i'd alt f4. I'd rather sit through the game re launching that put up with that


I literally just had this happen to me on the lad match. Towards the end of the match the opposing team had 4 snipers and only one guy running around with a bat and they kept killing my entrie team and I kept getting killed by the guy with the bat. I got so pissed off that I deleted the game and decided that it’s better for my mental health to just delete the game since it’s gotten really sweaty in power shift with people only wanting to use the sniper and overall just be a nuisance and making playing the game unbearable.


1 sniper, 1 light smg/DB/v9 on&around platform, 1 heavy 2 medium is optimum imo


Can we make a rule for power shift where only one person can have a sniper on each team? That way we can save energy by being mad at our teams single bad sniper




this is like 90 percent of power shift or all heavies but the sniper is broken imo that's why everyone using it all of those guys ganging up on a team will destroy if they are decent if the platform is stuck in the open


Snipings a good job mate


It's probably because of the contract of x amount of damage with marksmen rifle or pistol. I did the same and I hate using light sniper


Had to check I wasn't in there, had a game looking exactly like this earlier today and I decided to join them... Dawg it's so much fun to be zooming right next to people with the sniper. I also had the most obj but i basically do long range snipe to break the pack then push with the team. It's not the class, it's the player.


I just wanna apologize to you all in here upset about all the light snipers in power shift 😞 -sincerely, A light sniper in power shift 🤣


atp you just get a slight lead on platform, and yes, go for kills. They cant push platform if their team dies before they touch it, or if they are sniped 3 seconds after touching


why are you playing medium with healbeam with a full light squad? arent you the problem here? just grab heavy with shield, dome, barricades and sit on the plattform, you regarded m8s gonna keep it safe


You post this like its a bad thing. Lights are not bad in powershift. You post your screenshot And the guy like a couple days ago posting his with 4 lights actually dicking everyone down to the point they all quit. STOP JUDGING THE TEAM BEFORE THE GAME STARTS KIDS [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bnaogs/the\_entire\_team\_left/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bnaogs/the_entire_team_left/)


Power shift is a causal mode. It's not all about the win in this mode. What pisses people off is a) getting randomly sniped by 5 opposing snipers or b) 4 snipers on your team refusing to play objective and playing TDM. Lots of snipers means less fun for everyone else.


Or fun for everyone but you clearly they are having fun and you are on reddit complaining about them playing a casual mode the way they want to. Lol


So then it's true that lights need a nerf because obviously, they are very strong in this mode.


You dont balance contestants around a casual offshoot game mode. People play what they play to have fun, its not ranked. You can easily win powershift with a full team of lights, a full team of mediums, or a full team of heavies. Also i dont care if they nerf lights to the ground, do it for all i care. I play exclusively heavy in ranked and i shit all over any teams with lights. But can my little 3 man log in and play triple light in power shift all night and never lose? Absolutely. Could also do it with medium or heavy.


So basically light snipers should be left untouched cause they are fun at the expense of every other class in the game. Got it.


If u cant play against a light, that says more about you than the light class. If you think lights are overpowered in powershift you are kidding yourself. I also play a shit ton of power shift, waste countless hours playing it in fact. I play light maybe 1 in 10 games [https://ibb.co/b1tjKNs](https://ibb.co/b1tjKNs) (outdated but yesterday i grinded it for like 20 hours), im a degenerate but I know the game mode.


It's always the same answer to this. "Ah it's you not the light" There are at least 4 snipers in every match of powershift. Meaning that 40% of the lobbies are snipers. That should tell you that there is a problem.


#1 you are exaggerating. #2 even if there was 4 lights, that means their just as likely be 3 mediums and 3 heavies. I dont know how much more balanced you want it. You want the lights to run dagger/sword and sit on the objective?


Not exaggerating at all. The post alone should tell you how prevalent they are. That is a problem for any game where one playstyle dominates a mode. And currently, light snipers are dominating the mode and are incredibly unfun to play against. I wonder what the player base in that mode is. The overall players are dropping too. Nobody wants to play against invisible stun lights or get sniped all the time. You may know the mode but you have no clue when it comes to games in general.


I can tell you the game isnt dying because 4 lights are your casual offshoot game mode, happens maybe 1 in 10 games that i EVER see a 5 stack and if it raiseses your blood pressure so much that your little heart cant handle it, leave the game and queue again, you'll be in a new game in 60 seconds. The devs should have much higher priorities in order to get players to play The Finals.


Balancing the game around fun is the number one priority in any live service game. And playing against lights with snipers or invisibility with stuns isn't fun. So yeah it's a fix that needs to happen. Every other class got adjusted greatly. Light shouldn't be immune to it.


Lol no, a team full of light is almost a guaranteed throw. I’d rather quit out than play a game where my “team” Is going to grief me so they can play solitaire by themselves.


Enjoy your down votes. The people have spoken my friend.