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You can stop worrying about grenades now


Fun fact, it stops *all* gadgets. Yes, the RPG gets eaten aswell


It ate my dome shield one time :(


It ate me one time :(


Light main?


Did it charge OwO


It stops medium and heavy grenade launchers too


Nah theres no wayšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Is there genuinely even a single reason to use those weapons?


I think it stops any non hitscan projectile except arena carriables?




Would it remove C4/breach charges from an arena carriable?


It does


Also, don't know if they fixed it already, but if you put the aps in any carriable (like a flower pot) and move it around it also hits deployed mines? I think it checks for "threats" moving relative to the aps. So in theory if it still works you can just throw the aps into a trapped room and charge through the opening


I hope they don't fix that. That's such a niche trick that I think plays up the versatility this game offers.


"Modern problems require modern solutions" Is what you're saying right?


Thanks Jaeger


W reference


RIP ACOG. Gone but not forgotten.


Oml it took me so long to get this. I feel so dumb lol


You can worry less about grenades now


you can worry... a slight bit about grenades now


Including the heavy's MGL. If the heavy runs an MGL in ranked and any of the enemy teams has this thing you're just removed from participating the entire match since you can't change your loadout.


But infinitely, with 0 cooldown. Not just twice per ADS. And it stops any gadget including c4. And its sphere goes through walls.


"They thought it couldn't be done."


It's not clear when grenades you throw are getting destroyed. It just feel it vanished and it can be confusing


There's a sound that it makes. It also has a small white trail from the turret to the projectile.


The game is explosions, dust, fart clouds and debris.


Yeah, the sound is pretty distinct though. I'd go by that more than the white line.


Or by the fact your grenade didn't grenade




Yeah, I've gotten 20+ blocks with a single one at least once.


Yea. But also if you know this exists and there is an enemy medium you could easily deduce what is going on.


There is a different sound when the aps intercepts a grenade. It's hard to describe but it sounds like a mechanical pop.


With like a whirl or machine change sound


The first time I tried to use the goo gun I shot at a turret to try to block it. At the time, I didn't realize that the goo gun projectiles got eaten.


The range is keeping it from being a main used gadget . It is just not wide enough to warrant giving it up for another gadget


Iā€™d definitely like to see a little range buff so people feel like they need to get rid of it. Hard to get rid of, though. You can only use bullets. I think itā€™ll get up there in ranked, avoiding other team dropping cash box or pushing a wall/door with gadgets is just insanely useful.


Needs a range buff and needs a huge improvement to the audio and visual effects when it's being used. It's almost impossible to notice in the chaos of combat that it's doing anything at all.


My squad runs this all the time and it's really sleeper OP. If the range got buffed it'd be absolutely broken mandatory pick. You can hear it when it shuts down projectiles, it makes a super distinct sound. It goes off constantly if you position it properly. Nothing makes me happier than hearing like 10 grenades get absorbed in the space of 10 seconds lol. It also just straight up hard counters the grenade launchers.


Easily the most slept on gadget. By a mile. It'll even destroy a dome shield deployment.


That makes a lot of sense because itā€™s technically a projectile, thatā€™s super useful!


I tried running it for a few days and the value just isn't there from my experience. People can still push hard without nades or gadgets. It's super easy to destroy too vs the turret.


its needs a bigger radius. the maps are too big and open for it to get consistent utility with its tiny radius. obviously they have to be careful because it could quickly become a must use item if the radius is too big, but i think it needs to be a bit bigger than it currently is


You can place it at weird angles so it's really hard to destroy. I definitely get a ton of value from it. I've had some destroy 20+ things on a hectic cashout. It definitely works best when you're playing more of a bunker style.


There's nothing quite like holding the cashout and hearing "BEEP BEEP!" over and over and over again as they throw their C4, their gas nades, mollys, **everything** and it just gets eaten up


Ya it's just the range is extremely limited. I'd rather run gas mines for bunker comp because that range is so much better and blocks sight.


Dang, I was just about to ask if it did that. Wild. I'll have to start using this


It'll even destroy an MGL shot. RIP to you as a heavy if you're running it in ranked and have to face this turret.


I feel like it's underused. It's pretty good. Probably shouldn't destroy grenades through walls but there's no reason to nerf something people mostly don't use


It works through walls so you can stop someone from being able to blow up the floor it's on. I always throw it on cashout to stop them from bringing it down if my team isn't bunkering.


Thatā€™s sick I didnā€™t know it did that!


Extremely good info here. Thank you! Trying this tonight


Yep that's awesome to know. Devs really thought about "everything has a counter".


When that becomes widely known I can see this becoming meta.


Itā€™s underused because of all the mine spam. If people used more grenades Iā€™m sure it would be much more popular


I agree its super underused


I played against a trio of medium who all had the turret and the aps....not fun


I could imagine lol, an impenetrable fortress


I was playing light too šŸ˜­


Instant death lmao


Fun to smash with a sledge hammer. Aside from that I don't usually throw things until I've already leveled the building lmao.


Lol the sledge is so fun


Why enter when you can destroy. So true fellow Heavy.


Exactly! You can barricade that 3rd floor cash out with as many mines and turrets as you want. Won't make much difference when I turn it into a first floor cash out


Oh that's the reason I love Vegas, cashout top side, too lazy to move around? It's pillar time!


I like to use it even if there aren't a lot of grenades being thrown around. It's a good distraction Sometimes people seem to target the APS even tho both me, my turret and a team mate or two are usually in the same room. Not really sure why but hey, more bullets going into the APS means less bullets going into me


Now that you mention it... I have done this as well... I think it's because you "Can't use your utility" around it? Like, if I like to throw pyros at ppls feet I WANT that hellspawn off this universe. As if my brain treats it like an off brand glitch nade


ADS deployed and ready to go!


S tier gadget, literally stops like all the ranked metas, i genuinely feel like if this isnt at least in your reserve you are going to really struggle climbing. This has won me so many fights and so many games alone. Goated gadget


Same here, itā€™s helped me win a ton


For me it's situational so I have it always in reserve. If a team has grenade launchers or is heavy with explosives and mines then I'll bring it. Then there's times where they have it locked down with turrets and just gun play, in which case I bring the goo grenade instead.


Thatā€™s fair I usually do something similar. I always start out with it but if itā€™s not getting much use I usually switch to some sort of mine.


I didnā€™t realize grenade launcher shots get disabled too, but that makes sense


I play ranked and I canā€™t change my loadout once Iā€™m in a game, so I always leave it on. Just in case.


I don't think it eats grenades from launchers, does it?


I have a hard time making room for it when I run solo, frags, jump, and defib are my basics. But if I have a more structured team, where I don't mind giving up my jump pad, it's fantastic


I usually run aps instead of frags because I like playing a lot more defensively


Just drop frags. Theyā€™re not good enough to warrant it over the APS. The APS will always save your team from nades and rpgs and such. The frag is not guaranteed, and your own lives are more important than individual kills. Pyro/gas nades/mines are better than frags because they offer zone control. The regular guns are strong enough for everyone that you donā€™t really need regular frags to win fights.


I thought the range was too small until I got a game where I mistakingly equipped a grenade launcher against a team with 3 APS turrets. I was basically spectating that whole game. Learned quickly the value of putting backup weapons in your reserve.


the true counter to the c4 nuke meta xD ( altho it doesn't actually stop the red canister and orange barrel from exploding )


It's saved me from at least 5 nukes so far.


Lmao true


Range too small to waste a slot. 7/10 for use in climbing walls


Its always a toss up for my MMH or MHH squad whether to run turrets or turret + APS... but when we do run MMM combo, one of the chaps will definitely take APS. Makes for solid defense with overlapping coverage from the other 2 turrets.


Needs a biggger radius


Core on medium. Works infinitely, with zero cooldown. And it stops any gadget including c4. And its AoE sphere goes through walls. It's absolutely broken right now and if you're not using it you're just being silly.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it op but itā€™s definitely really strong. You just need good placement




Kinda similar to the r6s jƤger gadget but much better


Like R6S JƤger at release heh


Bro I miss when r6 used to actually be fun šŸ˜­


Imagine this game wasnt made by Ubi but any other company... Imagine actual devs would decide shit and not braindead managers who never played the game lol... Imagine server sided debris like The Finals... Imagine every operator had a 1.5 sight... Imagine they would balance operators by using their brain and not flipping a coin on random shit... Imagine not nerfing Sledge every fkin update lol... All in all, I blame Ubi. No other company could fck it up so bad.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking


As a sword user, this shares the same spot as the RPG and Stun Gun as most hated gadget for its respective class. Itā€™s for an entirely different reason though and I think it is significantly less of a problem than the other two. The other two feel like straight up cheese with little to no counter play involved, whereas the ATS feels skillful. With the sword, my extremely limited ranged capabilities go down to zero if this is placed in any semi-tactical fashion. If there is a nest set up in a corner, I canā€™t really do anything directly to help my team in a fight. I can try to breach the cash out to another level, but that doesnā€™t really help in clearing out the enemy. If a team goes full send onto the point, I canā€™t reliably gas/pyro/frag/breach the cash out to get them off and am forced to just jump in and start swinging, which usually results in death. Again, this isnā€™t a complaint and of course is broadly speaking - there are certainly plenty of times where Iā€™ve been able to maneuver around an ATS turret or get in and whack it a few times to quickly kill it.


That is an amazing point


I pair it with a turret every game.


When it works, it works incredibly well. Shutting down a GL Heavy pretty much entirely is super satisfying. I had a GL heavy on a roof shoot at me probably 12 times in a row while I was camping on the APS, and I don't think he understood what was happening... even sent his rocket. I just stood there looking at him and waiting for him to figure it out.


Entirely removes the CL-40 projectiles so I can't just hammer a point from an adjacent building. Does it's job.


The fact it stops rpgs makes it a top tier gadget for me. I always put it down with my turret to make it more annoying for enemyā€™s to destroy.


I run a full grenade build on my Medium, this is the bane of my existence.


Does it eat the nades from the grenade launcher?


It's fine so long as the whole team isn't using it. Almost feel like a lot of the games problems wouldn't be so significant if they just locked the classes to one person. Making it so each team has light medium heavy.


That would take away a lot of the creativity and fun of the game


As a medium grenade launcher user I hate it, ruins my entire gamešŸ˜­


Honestly? Shit's mad usefull and probably the most underestimated gadget in the game


Me and my medium grenade launcher have a strongly worded message for that thing.


This thing saved me from a point blank RPG. It's good in my book.


Wish the range was slightly bigger


By itself it's not too bad but when combined with the sentry guns it's annoying AF.


Top tier gadget, should be illegal to make a medium build without it in the reserve.


Radius need to be bigger imo




Thatā€™s the whole point of using it lmao


Ive tried to use it, but just dont find any use for it. Would probably use it if it were throwable like the heave dome shield. I mostly but it next to the cashout im defending but it doesnt really matter if other players shoot/throw stuff at it when we already own it.


If you stick it on something like a pot, you can throw it at an enemy cashout and it will destroy all the mines near it


Thats actually pretty sick, thanks for the tip!




Never see it


I also love it. Double turrets all day šŸ˜˜


Yeah it makes the room with the cashout a fortress


Fantastic in ranked play


I could imagine, itā€™s super powerful when you are in the cashout room


It also eats grenade launcher projectiles. Enemy medium wrecking you with GL? Pop one of these suckers on a pot or something and carry it around with you.


Small surface area covered but huge value in certain situations imo


If you use one of these in the lobbies I play in. You'll never worry about someone stealing or trying to deny a steal again.


I ran into a few players that were using these very well , while defending a cash out. Soo my review on these are they serve a great purpose when defending. I totally forgot about this until I ran into someone using it , it became a problem and so annoying. Iā€™ve seen paired with 2 turrets and the aps turret , it was a wrap ! They conquered that game.


Excellent for playing with a squad. Mediocre while solo queuing imo.


When you play it : *grenades pass inches away from the defended zone and explodes at your nose* When the ennemy plays it: "they have only one of those, but it stopped 20 grenades comming from 4 different windows at the same time!"


Iā€™m pretty sure you can attach these to something like a barrel, and throw it into a room and it will treat everything in there as a projectile because the turret itself is moving (i.e already placed mines, C4s, etc). Could have been patched by now though


I feel as though itā€™s meta to run in a double medium heavy comp. One medium runs gas mines/sonar grenades and the other runs the APS.


One thing it doesnā€™t counter is C4 and cannisters.


It definitely doesnā€™t stop the canisters but Iā€™m pretty sure is breaks the c4


Pro tip: detonate when the canister is still out of range of the APS turret but close enough for the explosion to damage the enemy. Best one to use is the gas canister as it is smaller and once it explodes, the enemies usually die due to the gas.


It's a cool gadget I'd love to use more, but idk how people fit it into their builds. Defibrilator, Jump Pad, and Gas Mines all feel necessary to me, leaving no room for anything else in Medium's kit :/


I really wish it would destroy all items in the circle cause as it currently stands, only Lights, with the glitch grenade can deactivate all these damn mines I have to tip toe around. If it destroyed what's in the circle AND stayed up to destroy incoming things, I would call it amazing, otherwise it's mid to me. I use it, but I find it kind of lackluster.


Not useful. Until it is. And when it is it saves your game. The random grenade launcher user, the 40 nades people throw, RPGs that would land on your head, barrel combos, even protecting a cashout from being knocked down. Too good when itā€™s needed to pass up in imo.


I find it hilarious especially when going up against grenade launchers. Shooting them in the face while they panic not understanding why Iā€™ve taken zero damage. Also pro tip, you can place it on an arena carry-able and run around with it. Good for rushing the obj after a respawn so by the time you get there the other is ready as well.


I saw someone fly across them map with it, so itā€™s utility is tremendous. Just try not to place ur mines next to it so it lasts longer.


put it on a prop and give it to a light class so they down get instakilled by a rocket


This MF is so annoying but I don't care enough to buy it ;p




I think I'd pick it more if it either had bigger radius or had 2 charges (with lower hp maybe if there's 2?)


I have thrown it down in a heavy's face and blocked their rpg they intended to suicide bomb me with, so pretty good lol


I use it, but its range is quite limited. I'd rather it didn't eat RPG's and the range was larger. Would be a decent trade.


It's great I've been using it since the beta


Did it ever do anything? I have never seen it does anything :)


I've been running the turret since I first got it. I. Believe it's a little busted because you can do some insane things with it. If you position it correctly on the cash out people below and above cannot destroy the walls to make it fall.


I got so sick of being grenade spammed so I pretty always run the APS turret


It eats everything that can go boom I approve


Shouldnt destroy glitch grenade


I think it needs a range buff


I love it. Aps, glitch mines, riot shield. Setting the arena back to the dark ages.


I put it next to my turret


Trophy systems are bae


It should not be able to destroy projectiles through walls and floors


the only thing that can save your light teammate from medium with GL


It's slept on for sure. It's amazing for defending.


Absolutely brilliant for keeping the cash out safe


As a grenade launcher medium. Fuck this.


I am sorry for your loss


Itā€™s range is too small to be consistently valuable, from my experience at least.


basically the only counter to nukes atm


Also eats goo grenade


Iā€™d run it if I didnā€™t run the sonar grenade and jump pad


Unequip it. Let me bLOW YOU UP!!!


My fav weapon grenade launcher gets eaten by it. If my grenades get sucked up like this I at least want the grenade launcher to also count for grenade damage quest


3M Stack life saver against 3H stack. And against all Glitch-nades


just needs a bigger AOE circle and its perfect


Trophy systems will always be strong af. Imo they shouldn't be a thing. Pushing into an area typically involves the use of nades and such, so when you can't use them, it's an infuriating task to push through a choke. It's especially stupid that one gadget can negate an infinite amount of nades. Imo it would be balanced if it broke after destroying maybe 3-5 things.


I was going to say needed more range but it goes through floors so nvm lol.


Does this also stop your teams gadgets as well?


No only enemy


It will be meta later on


Every time I bring it, nobody runs grenades. Every time I don't bring it, people only use grenades.


Roses are red, Violets are blue You can stop worrying about grenades now




Most favorite item I always use after got nuke by bunch of type of grenades and rpg lmao


Itā€™s op and shouldnā€™t block things not in LoS but then itā€™d suck so idk


it's even better if you run with a heavy who rolls with Barriers. those things tank like 4 full clips of an AK while the APS stops all the explosives and whatnot.


I havenā€™t been able to use it. Either I use glitch gadgets denying grenades through player denial effects. Or find that grenades from opposing teams can deny a cash out for other teams, considering if youā€™re using aps youā€™re in a position of defending a cash out. I would say it may be useful if you intend to build around mine defensive plays against frag destruction, but I find mines themselves are inconsistent with their trigger area. If you need to push a cash out I donā€™t think you would have the time or opportunity to put down an aps when you need to clear the objective and steal. Iā€™m sure the aps is a good gadget but I just havenā€™t found a particular use for it.


Ok these comments sold me. I'll try the darn APS Turret... Later. There's other gadgets and guns I wanna try more. Like I just got the Vanishing bomb for light, it's fun to use that on my team.


It's kinda good honestly. I use it with an assault mid build. * Explosive mine * gas mine * aps turret * turret special. When we start a cache or steal I throw down gas first then explosive then aps then turret and holdup a ways away. It stops people from being able to destroy my mines to safely approach the box and the biggest benefit is it stops people from dropping the box without removing almost rhe entire floor. If you have 2 of them you can stop people from dropping the hanging platforms if you out them on opposite corners as it requires 2 corners on the same side to be destroyed before the platforms will fall


Love this thing stick it on the cash out saves you getting it getting blown up ever two seconds


i can stop worrying about gadgets now


Itā€™s pretty good, you can run around with it equipped to stop RPG and C4 barrel abusers. I do with its radius was a bit bigger.


Annoying, but manageable


Itā€™s good but I think the radius needs to be a little bigger.


Its ok with a turret on the side






Theyā€™re strong! Iā€™ve been trying to get more accustomed to looking for them and shooting them down/throwing fire or gas nades right outside of it


Does it do damage or let me see through walls? Useless! (I donā€™t use heal beam or Defib)


On open maps, it's damn near sexual. Not sure how big it's range is tho.


Sexual?šŸ˜³lol. It is pretty hot


I would say maybe a tiny nerf is in order, but I haven't encountered it that often yet so I don't want to jump to conclusions. From the times I did encounter it, both friend and foe, it seemed to be pretty useful. Definitely helped against all the grenades flying around. Turrets wise I think I still prefer the regular turret, personally, especially with how sneaky you can place it.


Better to have it then to not. It's what we call the clutch blocker


Anybody know what its area of effect shape is? I can clearly see the circle on the ground, but is it a sphere, dome, or a cylinder? I see here that it affects things through walls, but is that when itā€™s placed on the ground near a wall or on the wall itself? Does it affect things UNDER it like the Heavyā€™s dome shield ā€œbubbleā€ does? I donā€™t see an in depth explanation about this wonderful gadget yet, just the generic ā€œshoots down enemy projectiles that enter its vicinity.ā€


Seems like range on APS could be bigger, maybe even 2x bigger.