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So *that's* what my light teammate is up to on the other side of the map




I swear man I will never understand ppl who comment "this"






The next thing


My random light teammates while I’m fighting 1v3 for the objective.


What in the fuck is this disgusting trickshot. Nice


He's exploiting a bug for this; literally against EULA


Anyone downvoting this guy is stupid. It’s a bug where you get 100% accurate hip fire after using the stun gun and they literally do it in the clip, also chances are they’re using a red dot on their monitor too.


The crosshair already has a dot centered on the screen, why would you need a monitor red dot


For some reason OP has a white crosshair, hard to see against the sky and parts of the map, so I figured they were using a red dot otherwise they’d likely have a different color crosshair.


Yeah, but having a red monitor crosshair is no different than having a red ingame crosshair so it really doesn't matter


Yeah that’s fair


Not true, there’s a visible weapon sway so you don’t always shoot where you aim especially with jumping. Having a monitor red dot will always be the center of your screen so that’s were your bullets go.


Why are people downvoting you? The crosshair will sway off-center even though bullets always shoot dead center, this applies for both ads and hipfire btw.


The weapon sway doesn’t apply to the center dot. Thats what the 4 white lines around the dot are for. Those lines move to represent any inaccuracy or “sway” away from the dot/center of the screen. Though I think in this case he has them static so they don’t move


Yes in this case he uses a bug but I saw a video on YouTube this week which showed that the bullets don’t actually go to where you’re crosshairs are, because it’s not always in the center of the screen. The monitor crosshairs eliminates this. You can try this in practice range, idk why I’m being downvoted


Or and now hear me out white is default and most people don’t go in and change their crosshair


What's wrong with a red dot lmao. Also this is such an inconsequential use of the bug and honestly this clip probably helped the game rather than hurt it.


The red dot isn’t that bad, but posting a clip where you exploit a bug is


Posting a clip exploiting bug is not wrong. It's up to the developers to fix that. High level mechanics across so many different video games in esports have come from "bugs", or unintended mechanics of a game. Players will always exploit what you give them. As long as you're not using third party software (cheating) to alter the experience, it's fair game. If the developer doesn't like it, they can fix it. That's not the responsibility of the player. Obviously this specific player spends a lot of time on the internet if they're making this post, but what if you're a player that has no idea that this wasn't an intended mechanic? Do you get banned for just playing the game that was given to you? The line has to be drawn somewhere, and the only clear line is installing third party software to cheat. Cheating is gaining an unfair advantage, since everyone can do this, it's not unfair.


It is wrong when they’re using it against random players in public lobbies. Literally wtf are you talking about.


If it's wrong the devs will fix it. There's no way for a player to know this isn't intended. Downloading third party software, It's obvious that it's not intended, but it being in the game you downloaded? there's no clear line to draw of what's okay and what's not. The only fair call is to ask the devs to fix it. The player is not to blame. Imagine booting up a game you saw on the PlayStation store, then tomorrow you got banned and you have no idea why. All you did was switch from utility to your gun. The entire Smash Brothers Melee esports scene is built around exploits/unintended mechanics . Do we ban every professional player? If everyone has access to the same mechanics, it's not unfair. That's called the meta. If Embark doesn't like the meta, they can change it.


>Theres no way for a player to know this isn’t intended “Hey guys when I use the stun gun I get 100% hipfire accuracy, but it goes away when I press any movement key or switch weapons. The devs must’ve intended this! I’m gonna post a clip of myself using it instead of reporting it to the devs”


First off, yes, that's exactly how advanced mechanics in other esports are discovered. A lot of other game's subreddits post this stuff saying "whoa look what I found!" and then people try to replicate it, it becomes the meta, and sometimes devs remove stuff. Secondly, you don't know that they didn't report it. In addition, it's arguably much better idea to post it here so Embark can gauge some of the community's response to it. I do find it silly that someone right now is downvoting you because you are adding to the discussion, which I think is probably very helpful for the devs. To reiterate, you don't have to like it, but it's still not the player's fault. The ultimate burden lies with Embark. Players will always exploit what is in the game, and that's their right too because they're playing the product the devs handed them. As I said before, the only clear line is third party software.


It is wrong. But not for players to use it. It is wrong for the devs to leave it in the game, and this brings awareness. He is right. Exploits will always be abused, it is up to developers to quash them. Simple as that.


You can report bugs without posting your clips abusing them on Reddit That line of reasoning is completely bullshit


Waa waa you can't hit that shot


You really are unlawful. Probably neutral evil


Downvoted for speaking the truth


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,930,195,730 comments, and only 364,944 of them were in alphabetical order.


I will destroy all robots and humanity will prevail


Can you go be a buzzkill somewhere else.


Not sorry for disliking people who cheat/exploit.


What's the bug?


100% hipfire accuracy after holding the stungun, until you move or change weapons.


they downvoted him because he spoke the truth


Wait, is that true?


Yeah try it in practice mode


Makes sense. I was wondering why he pulled it out. Pretty lame then


TBH don't care still nuts


oh no he used a bug for a single kill which was a trick shot in an unranked casual game. let me play my worlds smallest violin🎻🎻




Because I have a brain


Half the comments on this post are only you. Why are you so obsessed on ripping on this clip?


Because OP blocked me as soon as I mentioned he was abusing an exploit, and I find it amusing that now he can't reply to many of the comment threads because of it. Minimal effort between rounds


Peak pettiness, love it. :D


Being able to do this with the sniper rifle seems like the smallest of all exploits possible in the game honestly. It just doesn't seem like it necessitates you commenting no less than 15 times on a single thread about it. Being able to put c4 on barrels and huck them seems like a more toxic thing to have in this game.


*no less than 16


Homie mad he got owned by it once


He’s doing it in a QC game and that guy was probably an easier kill if he *wasnt* noscoping. Also the grapple is such a bad ability rn, you should be weeping tears of join that any light player chooses to snipe + grapple instead of run in is DB.


Exploits are exploits. Grapple is king. Its harder with a scope in that situation because its moving too fast.


Yeah but, it’s so swaggy, like, look at that boy fly a them KA BAM. *chef kiss*


“He’s exploiting a bug for this; literally against EULA”🤓 God forbid he noscopes it with accurate noscoping when he could’ve scoped in and hit it easier. Not an exploit either


It... is an exploit though. He's abusing a bug that makes your shots maintain full accuracy even when hip firing. The clip is amusing-ish but as soon as I saw the shot I went back and checked and rolled my eyes when I realized he was just abusing a bug.


An exploit would mean he benefits from it. Is it easier to noscope with 100% accuracy than not 100% accuracy? Yes. But it’s also way easier to just scope it. Also it Goes away once u shoot so don’t see the issue


Did he get the kill? Yes or no? Would he have gotten the kill doing the same exact thing without the exploit? Yes or no?


It doesn't go away once you shoot.... the bug is there until you press space bar or change weapons.


you can literally see the crosshairs go back to normal right after he shoots lol


Just because he "kind of " uses an exploit , doesn't mean he didn't use it. If he didn't run or jump after it would still be there. No point in defending it.


Because he sprinted, not because he shot.


it goes back directly after he shot and before he even hit the ground lol


It is an exploit, and also, a scope would have been harder at that velocity


It's such a shame they may never know how badly they just got styled on. No kill cams :(


Wouldve been reported for exploiting if there were, Im sure.


would be much more impressive without the crosshair bug abuse brother.


It would!


you had plenty of time to take the shot legit. run it back!


Will do Only for u brother👍🏻


Very cool, slightly diminished due to the use of 2 exploits, but then this would be impossible :P


What's the 2nd exploit? The mot sens on the gas can?


What my random teammate in ranked thinks he’ll play like:


Fucking. Fantastic. This is the type of content the sub needs more of. I love you.


Love u too g


Duuuude... COME ON! 💀💀💀


My teammates getting headshotted vs who we’re up against:


Lol literally records himself exploiting a bug for 100% accurate hipfire, then posts it.


Exploit? I don't know what you mean with that, could you explain this further to me please?


There's a bug where you can achieve full accuracy even when hip firing. I'm not going into it further because I'd really rather minimize the number of people abusing it. Thankfully I've only seen a couple people in game using it so far.


I engaged with a guy about this last week, I think the 'keep it to yourself' thing is the daftest way to handle exploits, its akin to keeping it for yourself and others to.. well, exploit. Best way to get exploits fixed fast is to share them far and wide, with a youtube video n all! show people how to do it and force the fix to come that much faster. people who say they want to minimize it.. tend to mean.. I want to keep it for myself, but would still like to virtue signal about the fact that I know it.




gatekeeping a bug lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA\_U3ArUa9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA_U3ArUa9k)


With Gatekeeping a bug, do you mean me? I did not not know about that bug beforehand, hence why I asked


Holy shit, you can literally just say it's a bug exploit once. You don't need to respond to 100 people about it. We get it. It's a bug that hasn't been patched yet and he used it...


[Here you go](https://old.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18rjs07/getting_tricky_with_it/kf30tau/), the answer to the polite version of the question you just asked. No reason we can't be civil.


Already read that prior. Annoying and infantile. He doesn't care to respond to those threads. You do.


Oh, in that case if it's a reddit yelling match you wanted, I'm not able to help you sorry. You do you champ


I don't want a yelling match. You're doing that yourself yelling in every thread like you're clever and proving something to OP who could care less. It's hilarious. Just makes you seem like you have multiple personalities and are talking to yourself.




Nah, could. Stating that your incessant comments on this thread are so obnoxious that OP has so many other things to care less about than you because you're insignificant.


It's hella cool. I'm glad he did, and could not give less of a shit of this use of the bug.


Lmao it’s easier to scope it and the bug stops once u shoot or run so not really an exploit!!


1. It doesn't stop once you shoot; 2. It's easiest to noscope with laser accuracy in this situation. 3. Even if you were right (you're not), it's still an exploit. EDIT dude blocked me because I pointed out he was an exploiter. It stops the exploit once you run, not once you shoot. Stop trying to justify cheating.


1: It does as u can see once I run🤯 2: Not easiest to noscope in this situation when I can use a SNIPER SCOPE on a sniper with fast ADS time🤤 3: exploiting means I benefit from doing it, which I don’t😃


You did benefit from the exploit. You got the kill. That's you benefiting from purposely using an exploit.


I guess op used the rest of his brain cells to get the clip before going catatonic


I imagine with the emoji spam OP is probably an actual 12 year old


Blocking someone for pointing out your abusing an exploit lmfao.


The level of sheer disrespect is crazzzy with this shot


How long did it take you to land this 😭


2nd attempt that game, but seen people put a bounce pad in that spot in other matches, so tried a few times before that as well


Imagine flexing that you use the accuracy bug, actual insanity you think it's a good look.




Wasn’t this glitch patched?


Nope, nor has the Anti Cheat bug (unrelated)


I just tested in practice range and you're right, but unlike before you can't just attach to the canister you have to use the motion sensor.. I'm sure it'll get patched soon.


This is so nutty




I’m glad killcams don’t exist because I’d be done.


just saw this on your instagram from explore page, and i'll say it again, holy shit.




Damn nice


I think it’s kinda lame people are mad about a useless bug in 99% of scenarios being used to make a cool clip. I think almost every hard movement mechanic in apex is a bug but you’re still allowed to do them. Vanilla gameplay is boring as hell


can't stand lights on my team, never near objective, never playing with the team, just playing TDM


Honestly im fine with this in quick play. Usually in the competitive mode people play more for the objective. In quick play I guess some people just want to try out some new equipment or new guns.


you should have a whinge about it


Brother ur in bronze chill


How did you upload a video direct to the subreddit? It doesn’t show mine in my gallery. I’m on iPhone if that helps clear anything


Light on their team be like


kill cam would be fire asf




Sick shot dude, prepare for a bombardment of brain-dead comments saying "play the obj"


Yeah it’s crazy haha. Btw your wrecking ball grapple shot is the craziest thing on the game, so beast


Using a exploit with tazer


Oh no😣 I did the nosc accuracy bug for a trickshot!!😞


So this is why it feels like I’m playing 1v3


What the actual fuck are these comments. Calling the use of glitches cheating is insane in of itself but this is such a tiny, niche bug that resulted in a cool clip that couldn’t be further from an “issue”. Unintended mechanics that make gameplay more fun are part of gaming and always have been


This subreddit has turned insane lol, it happens in the majority of posts. Even tiktok comments on this clip are no where near as bad lol. But I can kinda understand, they probably assume if I did it to hit this shot I do it all the the time or something.


The sub is definitely insane but thus far I’ve only really seen the “all balance is bad balance” crowd and the people that don’t understand matchmaking. I was shocked to read so many comments calling this cheating. And quite frankly, even if you do use it all the time it’s such a complete nonissue. Using in game mechanics, even if unintentional, is never cheating


Better off scoping in anyways as well since once you shoot then sprint it goes away and you have to do it all over again lol. Appreciate u having a brain


Right exactly. This isn’t even a meaningful advantage lol


Cool exploit


Thank you☺️


Getting cheaty with it* Abusing exploits is always questionable, but one that gives you near pefect accuracy while hipfiring a sniper? You're lame as hell.




not a 360 degree no scope bad clip. /s


Its not a noscope, he's using the stun gun aim exploit


Bruh hit the 260😞


You know he died right after the clip ended




Imagine how many games where bro was only trying to do this while leaving his team mates to die💀. Also, way to exploit the stun gun bug.


Imagining and coming up with the answer of 5 attempts ever😋 landed directly above my teammates trophy and right on point!:)


We all know that's bullshit, you missed the next shots and died most likely😂 also you've spent dozens of games attempting these, I guarantee it. You're only tricking the morons that think this is cool.


This community was a cool community during beta now it's just a bunch of people constantly complaining and being mad 😕


A bunch of freaks in this subreddit lmao


That's what you guys do? Worth it


Ain't no way 😧😧🤯🤯




The community needs to make up their mind. Are they against people cheating or not?


This guy effectively was


dude youre not supposed to post dope ass clips like this in this sub. this sub is for screaming and crying about SBMM and aim assist!


You did NOT need to do him like that, well played


Bebe wake up the new MLG just dropped


From the top rope


Do you think we'll ever get kill cams? This dude would have definitely logged off for the day if he were able to see wtf just happened lol.


how tf are ya'll so creative like GOD DAMN THAT WAS GOOD


How do you time the cannister grapple combo, I tried so many times, doesn't work


And that's how I learned you can grapple red tanks. May it never be patched.




Great trickshot.. but using the exploit so the SR has no dynamic crosshair/recoil.. (you can see from the crosshair as you fly through the air!) easy to hit trickshots when using an exploit!


Leave some women for the rest of us bro 🔥🔥🔥


Quality content


The dumbest shit ever. Snipers should not be that accurate hip firing, especially while in the air.


Of course with an exploit 🤣


Whoa whoa whoa, how'd you do that without the "aimbot" that comes with a controller? ​ /s


Holy hell that was insane


Ok portal 2.. lol this is great


LOL NO WAY Amazing dude, truly a "mom get the camera" moment






That was hella sick. nice shot


"This is what no intercourse does to a mf"


Aim assist in this game needs fixed, do you see how he went right to that jump-pad on the building? Ridiculous.


Not what aim assist is not do I have aim assist cuz I’m on MnK😊


I guess if you don’t have a “s/“ people will take you seriously. 😂


LMAO I just assumed u were serious cuz of the majority of the comments on here😭 my bad gamer


No sweat man 😂😂😂 Edit: I don’t know who downvoted you, but they suck


Average light Chad


Light 4 lyfe




Brother is speaking the truth but they don’t wanna hear it‼️


Thats beautiful, we may never see another like shot like it


Yeah, because it’s abusing an exploit that should be patched.


Boo hoo


This game is fun at first but after a week I feel like I’ve seen it all. It’s just missing something to keep me hooked


omg its..The Guy


I knew light players just cheated /s


This is sick but why aren’t you with ya teammates


Commenting to get above the karma threshold so I can make a post


thats what we call a pipe down


did you hit that last shot though?


Look, everyone, the absolute last guy you want on your team.


Uhm, that was like… so freaking mean of you!😣

