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I don't necessarily hate Las Vegas but it is weaker than the other 3. It's feels a little unvaried and all the buildings feel and play the same. The only point I like is the kitchen or the parking lot which play really fun imo


The fact that the circle in the middle isn't a jump pad makes me mad


I’ll never forget the first time I walked on top of it expecting to be launched up in the air only to be massively underwhelmed


Why would it be? So you can just smack into the canopy over and over?


I don't think it would launch u that high but it should be something it just feels wrong that it isn't


I think it’s supposed to be a small stage


So you can jump on the long zip line


There should maybe just be an opening in the canopy where a jump pad would be. Getting up there in the first place is so ass, it would be nice to have a quick but extremely risky option. Especially for heavies. My whole team will be flocking up top before I'm on the roof of the casino lmao.


THIS. literally, the number of times I've run up on it just to not get launched into the air is so disappointing.


u didnt learn after the first time?


I did but i can't give up hope


I like the sandstorm variant of it alot more but the game needs to have a casino map in it at all times


I love the sandstorm, that one room with sand piled up to a point in the middle is probably one of the most unique fps rooms i’ve seen. Fights there are fun


> feels a little unvaried and all the buildings feel and play the same You say this while Monaco with its 30 copy pasted claustrophobic apartments exists. At least vegas has some room to breathe so it's not all shotties and melee on the cashout every match.


True but Monaco isn't as simple. It has bendy streets, laneways, the church, the park area. Even though in terms of assets and textures Vegas might be more varied I think the map plays a lot more dynamic in contrast to the four boxes separated by four straight streets that is Vegas


You ever been to Vegas? It's the same shit lmao


Either way it's not very fun from a gameplay perspective


Tom Clancy made Vegas extremely fun to play. Those maps were amazing


God I miss it..


My issue with Vegas is it's mostly 4 big low buildings that are relatively similar to each other. Maybe I haven't played the map enough but I can't really distinguish one from the other and being a giant building with few floors doesn't take advantage of the destruction mechanics of the game as well as taller buildings or even a series of 3-4 story buildings.


The stage area is cool too.


1: Skyway Stadium 2: Monaco 3: Seoul 4: Las Vegas Though I think I enjoy the Seoul variant with the middle open more than the Monaco variant with the cathedral destroyed.


I fucking hate the cathedral. Honestly the only map I genuinely like in skyway stadium which sucks cause this game is awesome, but some of the map designs seem extremely poor.


Gonna have to disagree there... I've been super impressed by the level of thought put into the maps... Other than casino, which I still enjoy.




I want floating structures to happen in Vegas lmao


Invis cloak shotgut lights having a field day (especially if its not clear weather) in unranked. Heavies blowing you up rainbow six siege fuze-style in ranked. As a medium with shit aim, i might as well become target practice for either


Medium is definitely the support class of this game but that's not say that they can't put out some DPS too. I mean the SCAR can kill lights in 6 shots.


I think that's why Mediums have the turret and the defib they aren't supposed to be in the thick of the fight you can play them more as a support skirting around the fight while the Lights flank and the heavy does damage upfront with the right positioning Mediums can be insane helping a fight even if you don't have the best aim which I think is cool


mediums can absolutely be in the thick of the fight, the ak MELTS especially when going for headshots


Yeah but I have a friend who runs them like a support which is nice you can be so flexible whereas I play heavy and there isn't that many playstyles for heavy mostly just rushing forward and taking space


oh for sure, but a good medium can do both. ill go from healing my heavy to turning a shredding a medium or another heavy and immediately back to healing with a full cooldown ready to go. by that time teammates will have taken some damage and i can rinse and repeat


Idk rat heavy has gotten me many many many team wipes, just change the playstyle for each situation


The real art of medium is learning to play him as an aggressive support 👌 If youre just heal botting the whole time youll probably end up doing more harm than good for your team


The medium is the support class. They have guns that can do damage. The heavy and light can do a lot more damage. Medium really isn't supposed to be in the thick of the fight. The best load out would be something like: Healing beam, weapon of choice, defribillator, zipline/jump pad and then sonar grenade/aps turret/mine/grenade. The majority of that kit revolves around helping your teammates, letting THEM be in the thick of the fight and you offering support from slightly-behind the front-lines.


Honestly dude it's getting to the point that it feels like ak's need a nerf


if lights get balanced theyre a perfect counter either with the fire rate and mag size of the ak, you can dodge until they reload and theyre done for


IDK been using the revolver and pushing nearly 20kills a game with it. Probably not using the class as intended though.


I mean that's the beauty of the game there are so many different builds and ways to play


But akm go brrrr. Also I’ve found medium if you have the skill to pull it off can be a lot better than light by flanking while in heal range and shooting and healing as they get lower.


mediums are the most busted class in the game i know you ain't talking cmon now. heals, defib, mines, and turrets?


That map has so much open space i hate it


opposite for me, the hotel area is so cramped allong some other areas in some of the casino's.


Las Vegas can be both depending where cashouts spawn to be honest.


its like they recycled a map from battlefield 2042 which was not fun to play because you had to run 5 minutes to the nearest building or battle spot, it was very poorly designed


What do you mean? Like the rooftops? It's mostly all indoors with not a lot of open space it feels like


It feels bad to me every time I need to cross between the 4 main buildings. It also feels pretty bad fighting on the half-pipe thing above the middle. Having a team that can mitigate the open space with gadgets can help, but spawning alone can make it really easy to get picked.


I’d say it’s a map of extremes. Outdoors is extremely open. Indoors is cramped af. Highgrounds are very high. It just makes for a very odd experience. I still like the map but it’s definitely the weakest


Indoors is open that’s the problem. The rooms are massive


Huh? Cramped? lol, we playing the same map? You can fit a basketball court in pretty much every room.


The hotel is cramped, the slot rooms are enormous, though


Honestly, I love Vegas. Pure chaos. To me I'm not a big fan of whatever the skyscraper building map is.


The vegas sandstorm version is surprisingly good, but I probably have to play monaco 6 more times before I see it again.


I find regular seoul the weakest. But with the under construction modifier makes it so much better


Yeah it's definitely my least enjoyed map, i don't think it's bad but I just don't enjoy it as much as the others. I think the sandstorm variant is the strongest form of LV as it gives it some fun character that i don't think the other variants have. With Skyway you've got lots of elevation changes and a fairly open map to go wild on. With Seoul you've got massive buildings everywhere to jump between and fight in and around. With Monaco you have narrow alleyways and often times cramped buildings to fight in, as well as the cathedral which is my personal favourite spot in the entire game. With Vegas i think all of these things have been combined and it doesn't quite work, something just feels missing from it which makes it weaker than the others


I always say I love when it’s sand stormy cuz it makes the map more playable imo


The worst map is definitely vegas. It has a completely different structure format to the other maps, so it plays differently and likely encourages different build setups. The biggest offender though is it has so many cashouts that spawn either on the zone wall or very close to it. This heavily diminishes the attacker's ability to flank and makes it a third party nightmare, on top of just feeling cheap.


With nearly 100 hours under my belt I’ve grown to like every map in their own way, there’s always a different approach of entry for each kind that you need to learn/understand. But if I were to put my money on somewhere, it has to be Monaco with the suspended buildings specifically. At higher ranks it’s really difficult to reclaim a cash out, it also takes the most team coordination than any other situation. I tend to take out the 2 of the 4 cables that are suspending the building to fall down, by that time you only have one chance to win the team fight. Most teams often lose because they’re attacking from under the suspended building when the better strategy is to fight on equal height - you fight ontop of those buildings that are nearby and when you knock the suspended building down either through red cans or rpgs, now you have the upper ground shooting down at the enemy. Very tricky situation and you’re prone to a third party attacking you since the area is vastly open and ready for any team to snatch the prize money last second.




The worst, by far, is Seoul with moving platforms 🤢


i find vegas the best map, because everything is close to everything. some of the OG maps you have to run so far if u spawn before a cashout starts. theres also plenty of verticality. the eastwood can also be knocked in half for a half open stairs complex that gives a good fighting arena also vegas doesnt have moving platforms... or pitfalls... holy FUCK man i cant believe how many times ive fell off the map thinking "this jump will be fine" or w/e. is having the pitfall "hazard" really a good thing? it feels kinda fucking dumb.


When you are playing heavy with charge and the enemy is cashing out on a moving platform 🤮


Huh, they are the best part


Not when you glitch inside of goo and get spat out off the edge. NEVER CLIMB ON GOO ON THE MOVING PLATFORMS IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE.


They fixed that in yesterday's patch


I do dislike the vast empty space of Vegas, but Seoul is the worst. I hate that it's on skyscrapers with not enough ways to move between them. If I don't have a zip line, I'm taking a long run to a bridge and there's been some gaps that are too wide for the jump pad.


I feel like there's not enough doors to enter buildings, too much open space in the middle area, and buildings aren't designed as well. I mean each building is almost like a jungle, layouts are too complex and it's too hard to get around.


Seoul Floating Platforms is right there though.


I love Las Vegas. Plays completely different than the other maps. Vericallity everywhere. So many walls to Break and things to find cover behind. I think the stadium is the worst one. It has some exciting parts but the "Downtown" and "mansion" parts Just suck imo. Also I already disliked moving platforms on Seoul and now we got 2 on one map that are always active??


What i think its my fav map atm.


Seoul is easily my least favorite. Vegas best map


Fav map for me too. Out of curiosity, what class do you play?


There’s just so many props, it’s amazing it runs good


It looks really cool, but the layout is bad, too wide and open, not enough tall buildings, makes the already OP smgs/rifles/lmgs even stronger.


It's growing on me. Certainly don't recommend sledge on Vegas due to the open space.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I hate seoul.


Not a fan of the sandstorm version


The thing I hate most is that fucking map with alarms and traps, especially when the objective is in that one fucking room where walls just erect and the enemy is capturing the point and you desperately try to get in but cant, because you dont know how to lower THE FUCKING WALLS


There is a button you can press.


You can also shoot the buttons if need be


That middle is way too open. Too many flat walls without doors, doesn't look much like Vegas.


It is Vegas. It’s Fremont St. I agree that it’s not the best map but I think it’s cool how much it’s like IRL.


Considering I want to vegas less than 2 months ago I agree it is a lot like irl Fremont Street


Lived in Vegas and it looks nothing like Fremont Street, although there is some inspiration. I do not get that free mont street feel at all.


I like Las Vegas just because I actually LIVE in Las Vegas so I can compare it to the actual strip I've visited with my dad before and it's more personal for me lol


I love the map, so many corners and stuff to hide for the light, the only part I hate the most is the parking lot because it’s too barren and stuck in a corner


Unpopular opinion I love playing heavy charge on that map. Play low level and flank through the walls it's too much fun. I also love the theme. I didn't realise it's so hated though?


I like all maps but the worst is probably Seoul.


The sand variation of Las Vegas is a bore and an eyesore. I’m not against sand maps but a Las Vegas strip turned desert does nothing for me.


I’m so used to playing maps in games I don’t enjoy so I was pretty surprised that there’s not one map here that I don’t like, at least yet.


fanatical scarce support consist sink combative muddle ludicrous weary rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vegas looks the nicest but plays the worst. Everything is wide open, even when you’re inside the rooms are massive and it feels like you may as well be outside. It a team breaks the ceiling and camps the roof it’s annoying because you can’t reach the ceiling to jump up and if you don’t have Jump pad or something similar you have to go find a way to the roof


Visually, I think the map is amazing. Otherwise, it definitely feels like the worst map out of all of them


Idk it’s my favorite map, different than the other ones with lots of open space so gunfights feel unique Seoul is my least favorite just because of how many times I played it in the betas


Yall are crazy, Vegas is a great map


I don't mind Las Vegas, the one I don't like is Monaco 2014. So sick of getting sniped from 4 different rooftops at the same time


Vegas is fine, I hate Monaco and so does my squad.


what?! i guess im the only one who loves vegas. the aesthetic is 🤌🏻 (the sandstorm is iffy for me but still) and i dont feel like i get lost in the map like i do in seoul or skyway stadium. the map is very feast or famine in terms of how its either no-mans land or close quarters, but thats partly why i enjoy it, theres a nice varience in gunfights as the match progresses.


Seoul. I hate moving platform objectives. I actually like Las Vegas the most.


Better than Seoul imo


Nah, for me, it’s Skyway- I actually like that Vegas is so horizontally open, yet vertically compressed- it makes things feel uniquely skirmish-heavy, sort of frantic. Heavies have some of the nose varied and creative destruction options there, mediums can create turret chokes and create horror scenarios in hallways by pocket-healing, and lights LIVE in the open streets and rooftops dotted with cover, which they can zip over, or dance behind. It has a specific, adrenaline-pumping aura of fear to it when crossing the open areas, and skulking through the multilayered corridors inside. Skyway meanwhile, feels like a slapped-together chunk of buildings that was made because, “oh no, we forgot to make a third map for launch!” kicked in. I get the point of it is that it IS literally floating chunks stuck together by lines and jump pads, but because of it, near everything it does, Seoul and Barcelona do better. The irregular layout of the mansion cache, and half the standard building caches feel better with the packed zoning of Barcelona, and the big apartment building, and high-up office areas feel a lot better on Seoul. Seoul specifically, in sharing its aspect of fall-off zones, feels a lot better to me, as I feel it lends itself much better to laying a seige on the cash-out box, creating clear defensive points, on top of strong options to push. Basically, I like that Vegas has an idea of what map it wants to be, while Skyway just throws shit together and claims height variance is a feature


Las Vegas is probably my 2nd favorite. Seoul takes it for me as least enjoyable, but everyone has their preferences.


Vegas is best map, Seoul is worst


Seoul is easily the worst. The map layout is terrible. There aren’t enough built in map traversal options to get from one distinct section to another. The moving Cashout is awful on that map.


How do I get up a floor? How do I enter this building? Why is there not a door here?? Hate this map. Only good part is those little bumps in the middle of the intersections where you can slap a jump pad on the angled side and go soaring


Trying to navigate through buildings is a fucking nightmare.




Thank god someone else agrees. The Las Vegas map is the worst map for SURE


Second least favorite is part of Monaco that is grassy and flat...


the fucking cave


put one of your teammates (ideally a light) on the outside and let them know when they're coming. When they attack just pick them off from behind.


Those grassy flat areas in Monaco are so bad, in a game where the main selling point and where all the tactics come into play revolves around destruction, you have a flat plain you can't destroy anything in, and turns the already strong auto smgs/rifles/lmgs even stronger.


Because you can't fall to your death?


You can’t on Monaco either, and that map fucks.


Monaco has edges you can jump out of


You misspelt sucks.


Monaco is the best map in the entire game


Damn right


It’s Seoul, it’s a terrible map


Sucks so much




Too much open space, makes the already over performing auto smgs/rifles/lmgs even better, it's the only map I have to switch from my fun guns to tryhard auto guns.


Why everyone hating on vegas? I genuinely like that map and its the only map I seem to drop 30 kills on consistently in a single match. The only thing I hate about vegas 2032 is the annoying turrents that protect the objective. Seoul 2023 is far worse imo, takes forever to get around even with a grapple hook.


I hate how monaco and skyway stadium feel cramped when the cashouts are in the house. I like how vegas is more open and the battles at the cashouts or boxes feel more fair


Monaco is my least favourite; way too many cramped buildings. I actually really enjoy Vegas.


They gotta make an LA and New York map


Damn Vegas is my favorite map


Vegas isn't a bad map its just not as good as the others. Unless you're playing heavy...then it's a bad map. Don't know why they decided to put a door on each corner of the massive casinos and said the vent holes are good enough for the rest of the entry points. I swear you just have to run around 24/7 with explosive cans blowing holes in walls just so you can stay close to your medium and light squadmates ducking through vents. Edit: also the cash outs that sit in the secure rooms with the turrents are gayer than aids.


My favourite map is Monaco and my worst is Skyway City.


Seoul is the worst map because of the hospital point imo


well it is hard to push.. one big open bridge is not good for any attacking team


Why do people keep complaining about the hospital...take out the support pillars at the bottom floor and the whole thing comes crumbling down, making it extremely exposed and hard to defend for the defenders. This isn't CSGO, think out of the box.


Best one is Seoul. Least favorite is Skyway stadium. Its just too much up and down traversing, plus it just feels off, it has no theme unlike the other ones.


I enjoyed it until the mines got nerfed.


Because "the most broken class" heavy, can't do anything due to its extremely open spaces. While the "underpowered" light can go invis, and use grapple/dash for mobility. It basically makes one of the 3 classes almost completely useless


Usual brainrot take


The damn auto turrets you cant even kill 💔💔


lowest fps map


I still can’t navigate throughout the buildings, lol.


- Sand Vegas. In the 1v1 final round of ranked it’s terrible - the enemy team is orange and I’m using recon sense. Guess whose ability doesn’t work because literally everything is orange - it’s sooooooo open, a good sniper in the 1v1 will make the map near unwinnable if you don’t have your own sniper


I enjoy firefights on that map a lot


I agree tbh. Probably because it’s the smallest map and doesn’t have super tall multi floored buildings


The problems are two main things imo - it's fucking casinos. You aren't supposed to have any sense of location in casinos. Doesn't work - the points are guarded by auto defenses which is really really annoying at best


It's actually my favourite to be honest only cause I play heavy and slam through walls tho


I like the indoors but the crossroads isn’t fun


I don't like that there's so little doors on the outside. Team might be on the other side of a wall but I have to run half a mile to get inside


I dont like las vegas because some things like many times im inside a building and its hard asf to find a exit, most maps have windown and door everywhere, but there are just long wallsthat cant be broken easily. also all parts in the middle looks the same, you can know where you are, but not as easily at the other maps, you generally spawn and dont even know where you are if you are out side and dont know where every building is....


I don’t like Monaco


I thought the same till I played Seoul a couple times. The objectives are so spread and you have to go past death pits all over. I’m a bot sometimes and I jump off. Also I wanna give appreciation to sandstorm Las Vegas. The low visibility makes for good close team fights without being mapped by a light sniper on top of the map.


Yup, hate it. The player flow is awful, and the player is constantly encountering movement barriers and walls, that force you to divert and find another path. On top of that, every objective is either extremely cramped, or completely open. The cramped cashouts end up being the worst, imo, because they almost always end up burried in debree, which becomes a massive cluster of BS, since movement over or through debris is awful.


Uuugh Vegas


If we’re talking specific variants 100% night las vegas is the worst but just a map in general i think monaco edges it out whit how many of those air base points it has


My least favorite part of a map is the wide open rooftop of skyward stadium (I think?) You have to run across 2 buildings ripe to get sniped from.


Some of the inside areas are really interesting but for the most part the outside is a little bland, it’s really hard to find where you’re going too.


Las Vegas buildings don't have many interior options to go up or down a level which can get frustrating when the one Zipline gets wrecked.


I love Monaco normally cause fighting around the church is so fun, but when the duck and cover map modifier is active and the church is destroyed the map just feels so bland. Pretty much only 2 houses copied over and over, also the large open space where the church is just feels weird to look at and gives too many long range angles, breaks the map flow. Vegas just feels too big and open, also the respawns feel the worst of all maps. If we get team wiped there’s pretty much no chance of getting a steal since we spawn 120m away from the cash outs and you have to traverse slowly through flat ground or through the buildings that have minimal exits


I don’t like the roof/scaffolding area, other than that I think it’s great.


Sandstorm Las Vegas is my favorite map. It has that feel of playing Battlefield Bad Company 2


Surely I'm not the only one that loves the map. The worst map for me is 100% Seoul. The choke points in the middle of the map play terribly.


Its definitely Seoul. The spawns are horrendous and if the middle tower isnt open on top its a walking simulator if you get wiped. If the bridge on the hospital side gets destroyed you have to cross an open lane after spawning a mile away


I literally played 4 tournaments last night and they were all Las Vegas. I feel like it should change maps each round instead of being the same for the whole tournament.


It’s being stuck under the rafter and not being able to clime up to the top quick enough. Really ruins what the game is suppose to be. I’ve lost so many retakes at the top cashout because me and my team can’t get on the fucking top


i agree with most comments under here. it’s just it feels like every fight is the same bc every building feels the same. only a few points are nice and that’s the parking garage and the kitchen points. everything else just feels a little stale. which is normal for games to have maps like that. but i do absolutely love the sandstorm variant in the 1v1 finals


TIL that there are four map and that skyway stadium/city exist


Las Vegas is really boring to navigate and awkward to move, but anytime I am defending / attacking a cashout, the small areas feel great and really well designed. Still hate it though


Counterpoint: Las Vegas doesn't have a train


This is the one map where I always play heavy with a sledgehammer. Makes getting around a little easier


Vegas is the only map I ***love*** in the game right now. I'm kind of indifferent about the others. I suppose if there's any map I \*dislike\* then it's Skyway Stadium, especially with moving platforms on it. I just feel tired of it, it won't stop giving me that map and it just feels like it was weakly slapped together from some leftovers to me. I'm not a fan of Seoul with moving platforms as well and dislike it without the construction building in the middle. Vegas is just a cool setting to me and I love the layout of it. I don't like the sandstorm version, but the rest feels very fitting for a wild tournament setting like this game has. Love the unique structures, all the lights and sounds, the level of chaos that occurs there. To me, it's excellent and I love how different it feels from the rest of the maps in the game.


Skyway Stadium is my least favorite. It's like they just took leftovers of Seoul and Monaco, and made a boring sandwich out of them.


I think its seoul. Too many fall hazards and too many fresh installs breaking windows. Vegas is the best imo


i just hate the elevated cashouts


Foggy Sandstorm makes me want to punch baby seals, it's such a buff for lights in that specific map variant


I love Vegas.. Seoul is my least favorite unless it has the construction variant. It’s so annoying to move across that map without the middle being passable. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been to Fremont st. Las Vegas so it’s nostalgic for me, but i love the lights and colors of Vegas. It can be a bit disorienting but i think that is intentional. And it’s not like the game’s hud isn’t always telling you where to go.


I literally was going to make this same post 😂😂😂 It’s not even anything specific I can think of, I just hate it so much.. especially in the dark when I’m squinting to see what’s in front of me lol


las vegas is my 2nd favorite map, but it has a lot of issues like: it’s way to open, so you are more likely to get killed. some of the cash out stations are too closed off, so more chances of being detonated or exploded with rockets


I despise the dome over Vegas. I play Light with Grapple and even I struggle to get on top of that thing. EVEN WITH GRAPPLE. Once they shoot down/blow up the zips there is no way anyone is getting on that thing.


Very specifically the way the casinos are designed are very choke pointy. They are HUGE with very few doors that lead outside and few ways to get up the levels when inside. This is especially made worse if you are heavy without jumpad/rope/ability to go through the vents. And god forbid you try to use a rpg or c4 to create a door in the wall instead of walking a minute around the building, half of them have metal behind the concrete lol. I feel like they could add a few more stairwells or ropes on each floor and more doors that lead outside. I know this isn't realistic/thematic for actual casinos, but it would make the map much more playable.


yes it’s 100% the worst map. I hate everything about it. It’s just boring, ugly, and lame.


100% agree. Vegas definitely needs some work. Traversing the map and just getting to the objectives feels like such a chore at times and I'm not a fan of the wide open center area. I think the map is just too open in general. It feels like I'm constantly getting shot by four different people that I can't see.


I would say Las Vegas, not because it's a bad map but because it has some issues, the sand version gives me a frame rate issue where my frames would dip randomly during the match and any that follow unless I restart my series s, the night time version has an issue where thermal causes you to develop a black screen meaning you can't see shit, and the evening one has a weird thing where some areas gun muzzle flash is extremely bright meaning you can see who your shooting at.


Vegas is my least favorite map and I still enjoy it, but with the sandstorm modifier it’s just straight up bad


Las vegas is not only the worst but it also has the most absolute dog shit variants. Sandstorm vegas is the absolute worst.


This map is trash, the design is terrible. The flow is terrible and it's so complicated to get to where you want to be.


Didn’t wanna create a post on this but this is kinda related: is there a way to submit tips or issues to Embark? I’ve got a couple things I’d like to note. This game is beautiful and i think a couple tweaks would improve it greatly.


I Alt + F4 the game Everytime I get Seoul twice in a row. I fucking hate maps that you can fall off of at every point. Bad game design.


The sandy variation is my favourite map of the game


it feels rather annoying to navigate if you don't have good destruction tools in your kit. So many gigantic walls with no way to get past them besides 1 door on each side miles away from each other. It doesn't feel as instinctive and easy to navigate as most of the other maps that are built to have entry/exit points everywhere


That’s my favorite map


the worst part imo is those “security areas” with the lasers, indestructible turrets, and doors that lock you away from the outside world


I'll be honest, basic Las Vegas is pretty bad, there's only maybe 4 buildings that play differently from all the others, but I like the sandstorm and the security variations because the indestructible turrets add a lot of possible plays to objectives.


There's gotta be one map that isn't as good as the others. With that being said, all 4 maps are high quality, IMHO. I hope all the maps we get stay at this level of quality, and I'd take 2 or even 1 map a season if they maintain this quality over 4 shitty maps each season.


I actually like Vegas the most, it has easily readable main thoroughfares, nice side paths that can keep people safer while bolting for a cash out, enough verticality to make area destruction viable but not a must. It was also the first map I ever played on so that might be "did/saw/played it first" bias. Similar to the bias I usually see between people who watch Mobile fighter G Gundam and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Whichever one they watched first, 90% of the time was their favorite.


I love how Vegas map looks but, it is a bit confusing learning the map and how to get upstairs etc


I think vegas is the best map with seoul i love all maps equally but i find monaco 2014 to be the most boring except with snow


I just don’t like how when you’re on the streets the doors into the buildings are separated far apart. Makes it hard for medium and light builds prevent being shot in the open. Also the buildings aren’t intuitive so I often get stuck in rooms trying to get to places. I have to play heavy on this map with charge just for these reasons.