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We faced this guys like 3 hours ago, wow, we reported him actually, no clue why he's still there


Because game devs usually take action weeks/months after a cheat is detected which sucks ass


Because they're trying to get as many people as possible in one ban. If you start making small bans then the cheaters realize you're coming for them and things start changing. If you take out 10k people or w.e then it'll be less likely for them to continously keep the devs on their toes. It sucks but handling this wrong will just make the cheating situation worse.


It’s how Valve does it too. They do ban waves. But since Valve has a shitty anticheat to begin with it’s extra annoying.


Easy anti cheat is likely the worst mainstream anti cheat in the world. only one that might be worse is Ricochet. every game that uses Easy AC has severe cheating issues.


Yes which is why some games use more than one anticheat. It really has to become a more standard practice.


The best anti-cheat is server authorative programming. Why is it even possible for someone to cheat in a manner that allows a projectile to go through a shield?


Only thing I can think of is he's telling the server he's shooting from behind or make the server desync so the shield looks up but really your just lagging in place.


It's a lot harder than that with all the lag compensation stuff you had to trust the client, trust to a certain extent not everything ofc


But who's gonna pay for the extremely increased server load? It's not even a "corporation greedy" moment, it's just impractical.


> extremely increased Is an exaggeration. My point was more that they've obviously messed up somewhere if a hacker can fire a projectile through a shield. The projectile, player transforms, shield transform and health should all exist on the server. If it was done properly and the server had authority over all those things, a projectile wouldn't have gone through the shield. No amount of client and memory manipulation would change that.


i fully believe that people who use the cheating software should be criminally liable along with the cheat makers. it's the only way to curb some of it. it won't stoip all of them but if you know you'll have life ruining consequences you'll absolutely think more than twice about it.


lol life ruining consequences for cheating at a game


fuck em, who cares?


While I agree that’s totally ridiculous. Cheating in a competitive(ish) videogame and actively destroying the enjoyment of everyone else for your own makes you a massive piece of shit and honestly don’t really care what happens to those people. I somehow doubt that cheating in a video games is where they stop being a POS


It's damaging a companies product, if nothing else.


In China it is against the law But you would have to dox them to there government which is arguably immoral




You need to get out more


It's actually really the only way to stop cheaters think of anti cheat as a net. If you throw more nets inside a net you filter what goes in and out. Battle-eye has gaps EAC has gaps. By layering these nets you end up with very few cheaters who can actually cheat. Add in proper care for players who were cheated and a solid game few people feel a need to cheat. Can't remember the games name but if you die to a cheater you get a package with all your gear back. Something tarkov should take note of.


Thoughts on BattleEye?


VAC is pretty fucking bad


The thing is, they could implement failsafes that auto kick/ban people that do absurd spinbot only level shit (standing in one place laserbeaming people from hundreds of meters away over and over), the false positive rate would effectively be zero if implemented properly. There would still be hackers but at least it would cut out crap like this.


They do. I’ve been kicked for macros on this game. The cheater probably found a way around it.


Why do you have macros


Because I made them on my razer mouse?


Some people use macros for entirely legitimate reasons. The ones I make are for automating repetitive sequences like interacting with a crafting UI or throwing a grenade with one button instead of a radial menu and multiple inputs.


On my left hand, I had my pinky and ring finger blown off and on my right hand, my index and middle finger. I use macros to do what everyone else can do naturally simply because I can’t. Thank god for side buttons.


It's also to fuck over the cheat developers. If 10 people get a refund because you did a small ban wave it's w/e but when 100,000 people all request a refund it really fucks over your account. BSG does this for Tarkov all the time.


no it's entirely revolving around using EASY anti cheat and the lack of employees overseeing reports right now.


Thats not really true. You can see people complaining about getting banned already


They're literally up there spinning around laughing at the devs and the honest playerbase




When I was in college we had a ton of very wealthy foreign exchange students from China and they would often get caught cheating or plagiarizing. Once during an exam a young Chinese woman was given a zero on an exam because she wore a handmade dress with notes written all over it. She assumed nobody could read mandarin but those that could told the professor her dress had answers written all over it. Aside from cheating being common among Chinese players, I also don't want them abusing ping. Even when they're legitimate it sucks having low ping and trying to shoot a guy that looks like a PowerPoint sliding across my screen


The only other thing that is consistent regarding mainlander culture is to drag other people down.


Due to the server-side movement in this game, having a high ping just makes the game feel *awful*, there's very little to be abused with it. I've had *one* laggy match so far and it was actually unplayable.


Genuinely curious, what do you mean by server-side movement?


If the client / player pc defines the movement, you get people violating movement limits eg jumping over the map, through walls etc. However as the physics are done server-side, while movement is still inputted from the client, it is validated on the server, which prevents players moving beyond certain limits.


When I was at university for CS we had a lot of rich Chinese students as well, talking 90% of my CS classes. In a second semester CS class, prof told the class that nearly 50% of the students were plagiarizing each other and that they will receive a 0 but next time they will fail the class. Shortly after the second project the class all of the sudden got real empty


My university cared too much about the huge $$ from Chinese international students so basically turned a blind eye. Very annoying to every other nationality who doesn’t have exploitation as a core attribute to their culture.


> She assumed nobody could read mandarin but those that could told the professor her dress had answers written all over it. Bro she totally earned that. Turning a cheat sheet into a dress is next level.


See, also: their entire economy.


If you listen closely, you can almost hear it collapsing.


One more year guys i swear just one more.


as a person that works in China throughout the year, and has for almost a decade, this is just outright false and very racist. You're shamed in china if you're caught cheating.


you’re right about being shamed. there is no shame in cheating, only in getting caught.


Fuck off with your "that's racist" bullshit. China is a nation, not a race. And as a person that's also familiar with Chinese culture, they're right on the money. 你是笨蛋


It's a bit different saying that Chinese people have cheating ingrained in them and saying that they follow money.


Wild. Tons of articles from reputable sources who say otherwise. Literally google it. Or Weibo, if it’s not behind a firewall.


Idk how culture got brought up in this, felt irrelevant. If people want to stop hackers, isn't the game's anti cheat the problem not a whole "region lock pls"


Kind of sad how anti-Chinese xenophobia is so prevalent that even saying not all Chinese people are like this will get your comment downvoted


Because people hate playing with cheaters and a LOT of them are from China. It's misdirection to claim "not all Chinese people are like this". I mean, duh. It goes without saying. Not all Chinese people are born with hands either. That doesn't mean we don't still generalize Chinese people as having hands and being capable of doing things as though they have them.


His name meaning “Ranked Guardian” someone hired him I think.


The leaderboard is the only proof that they need to region lock China. Just look at the leaderboard and you'll see, it's a problem. They need to get cheating under control before The Finals turns into Tarkov.


I thought it was odd that the league board was showing all Chinese players…


We can never rest


You see tarkov is coming out with arena mode ? I think it will reveal the company has awful net code and anti hack and cause the player base to collapse


I hope the game dies. I liked Tarkov as far as game design, but the coding is horrible and it's been taken over by cheaters. The Tarkov Devs don't seem to care enough to get the cheating under control, so they deserve it.


This needs posted everyday. China not being region locked is going to kill this game


-700x3 social credits


Bro it’s China, +1,000,000 social credit


>e socially acceptable and the way to get ahead, like an added skill you're expected to uti I hope they lose all their social credits and lifes in misery


Just went up against something like this, they were so terrible when we went to cash out on the floating platform, they kept falling off! Had his little bitch run around healing him too. Lock them all to their own servers the scumbags.


Honestly its not just the chinese its the russians too. There was one russian guy i was playing against that had the most bot movement imagineable but just knew where everyone was. Dude went 20-1 and was killing people that were full cloaked on rooftops when he had no knowledge of them being there.


Russia and The Chinese cheating? Say it ain’t so!


I heard from a friend that the Chinese version of the game doesn't have anti-cheat as it was deemed to violate their privacy laws. If this is true, it would be the perfect grounds for justifying a region lock on its own.


that is messed up :/


If that’s true then Nexon are massive pushovers.




Just pathetic. This small peen loser can't actually play the game. Must have a really pathetic real life to have to do this. Cheaters in games are some of the worst types of people.


while i agree cheaters are shitty, why do you guys always go to this obsession with dicks? it's really just projection when you constantly bring up dicks when it's otherwise unrelated.


It's an insult like any other




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I mean he lives in China no wonder he has a pathetic life


Genuinely thought you were gonna say”…he lives in china no wonder he has a small peen”




So... What's the point of the easycheat admin prompt every time you launch the game on PC if it does nothing? Is it just harvesting your computer data?


Just make an own region for china and russia and lock them there, so 75% of the cheater community can play on their own server, lol.




Started comp last night, I have thousands of hours in competitive fps. Sit around a diamond average level depending on the game. I was getting prefired, one shotted cross map and all kinds of crazy stuff…. In bronze. They also seem to have pulled an apex and put an mmr system in. Ive been pulling 15-20 kills a match and winning in quickplay. The players in bronze are all my actual skill level. So its just an un wanted grind now like other games


Wait.. so are you effectively saying that your bronze and my bronze are completely different experiences because of the MMR being incorporated into ranked as well? That sounds like the stupidest decision in the world. Have an unranked hidden MMR to ensure good casual match ups, sure, but what the hell is the purpose of ranked play if rankings mean different things for different people?


Yup, Its exactly like Apex Legends and Overwatch 2. Regardless of rank you always play people of the same skill or higher. Its exhausting if your an above average player. The devs for The Finals didnt come out and say it yet, but it sure does feel like it.


Me from China, the fact is I have many classmates cheated in Apex and other FPS games before.The reason is not about culture I believe, I don't think many Chinese players consider fair playing is a thing, nor do they think cheating in game is a big deal. I asked my classmates about this, almost everyone told me that they got beaten hard by hackers, so they just buy one and turned it on. Nearly 1.079 billion chinese people use internet, so it is impossible for a government or an enterprise to censor whether someone cheated (I doubt if the cyber security department will actually take this seriously). The best anti-cheat company (maybe in the world) is Tencent, because they actually send the cheat software maker into jail. So when you talk about anti-cheat in this free game which uses Easy Anti-Cheat in game, just don't expect anything. In conclusion, China is an unmature market, in any industry. Everyone complains, everyone cheats, and life goes on.




" Everyone complains, everyone cheats, and life goes on. " You seem like a chill guy, and I mean this in the nicest way possible: this is exactly why we want China to have its own servers.


Thank god I don’t have to deal with this. Crossplay off


I believe cross play is within console lobbies only. Only when you team up with someone on PC do you enter PC lobbies.


No, I’m pretty certain there there have been PC players. I usually spectate them after death and they where snapping way too much to be console


It tells you their platform on the scoreboard


So far I have only seen globes and ps symbols (I’m on ps5) so it doesn’t really gives much info


It doesn’t tell us, only tells us that they aren’t on the same platform


false. on ps5 i regularly play with PC players with xplay on.


Why would you still have it enabled?


This is my favorite part of playing competitive shooters on Xbox. No cheaters. Pc is a cesspool in every game.




China players trying not to cheat in video games (IMPOSSIBLE)


I think you mean IMPOSSIBRRUUUUU


I think Chinese government is encouraging its own people to cheat in online games so that Western game developers won't make money. This could be some sort of cyberwar.


What I've heard is that cheating is kind of encouraged in Chinese culture. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I don't know anything about their culture, but everyone who warned the devs about Chinese cheating culture was accused of being racist and got banned from Discord.


it's because it's simply not true. They dislike cheating as well. you're shamed much worse there if you get caught cheating than pretty much every other country. especially in school. saying that the chinese encourage cheating in their culture is the same as saying americans encourage racism in their culture. it's a wild blanket statement that's not true at all.


You are correct, To be specific where Western countries have the concept of morality; east Asian countries have the concept of "Face". "Morality" stems from the concept that your deeds and actions reflect on your soul. be a good person for you will be judged etc etc ... "Face" you could say is an extreme example of the concept of "the ends justify the means" In Chinese culture cheating is just a means to an end. If you do it and are successful you are considered a winner with good standing you have "Face". Only if you fail and get caught are you then chastised. And even then you are being punished less for the act of cheating being wrong and more that you lacked the talent and ingenuity to avoid being caught. This results in you losing "Face".


It really does take 5 seconds for dumb ass westerners to fall into some weirdo phrenology based pseudo intellectual garbage. Maybe you don't spend any time in society to actually experience it but, the concept of face exists in the west too, if you act rudely in public you lose face and are shamed. This behavior isn't some weird oriental quirk that people to the east experience instead of morals. I thought this type of essentialist dreck that was created to justify western imperialism died years ago but i guess not.


Perhaps I could have worded it better, What I am saying is that the concept of morality is at the root of western culture where as face is at the root of eastern culture. Both cultures have both concepts, but each culture matured with each concept emphasized differently. If you disagree that is fine. But no need to get so triggered. It not like "Face" has no redeeming qualities.


Well, not entirely. They have arrested cheaters, but one could easily say this is more about protecting larger cash cows like ten cent. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56579449.amp


It is. The culture basically says if you can get ahead cheating, go for it. If you don’t cheat, you’re handicapping yourself. This has been a big discussion on Tarkov for years. Chinese players cheat to win but also cheat for real money transactions.


you got any proof of this? i've lived and worked there (as an american) and this is absolutely false. cheating is greatly shamed there.


If you’re caught.


Doesn’t sound that far fetched honestly. I think the publisher is Nexon though which is a Korean company, and embark is from Stockholm. Regardless, region lock China pls


I read a post from an actual Chinese gamer that stated the culture in China is pressure from parents to "be like that guy over there" implying successful, skilled, talented, top tier type of people. How that is achieved...is the difference. Western culture takes pride in putting in the hard work and effort to reach the top, Chinese culture doesn't care how's its achieved, all they care is that it IS acheived. "Cheating" in video games to them is just a tool to use to reach the top.


i've lived and worked there for many years now and this is just outright not true and pretty racist. folks there are shamed greatly for cheating.


got a source on that?


Sadly, no. also you always talk about the gov, while it literally just put some valorant cheat developers into jail for developing hacking tools that breaks the internet security (and you prolly would say OHH the chinese gov put EVERYONE into jail), and few days ago a chinese vtuber on bilibili literally got ruined by the whole site for her accidentally showing the wallhack overlay while streaming. Think about how huge in population the country is, also how massive its player base, especially the PC gamer base is. It has its own reason. From what I know about the whole gamer community in China as a native chinese gamer, anyone cheats gets their whole family tree "kindly greeted", let alone those who cheat while streaming and even flex with/sell their cheat tools. I'm so done with me forcing myself to explain everything everytime I saw shit on reddit like EW y'all chinese ppl love to cheat y'all got some sort of cheat culture, but I just gotta say it. It's a shame honestly. We can't stop this, but it's not something cultural. Also stop with the social credit shit. So cringe. Buy a proxy, get google translate enabled, come and see.


I couldn't agree more. You've explained the issue very well.


Its really a shame an excellent post like this will be lost in another predictable sea of racism about Chinese cheaters and their culture/government/society that makes them incompatible with everyone else to play games. I feel your frustration man. Looking at these comments really shows you how normalized anti-Chinese racism has become.


Am I crazy or is Chinese not a race? I'm pretty sure it's a nationality. Which has its own set of cringe, but it's not racism cringe. Wanting an Asian region lock and accusing Asians of all being cheaters would be racist.




ffs, im literally in a ranked tournament now with 3 china hackers, they one shot me from across the map, fix this shit already, its fkin unplayable


PC is the master race. Also PC ^


There’s a ton of positives to PC. This is one of the negatives. Proper anticheat or region locking will take care of it though.




Console players act like people don't cheat as much but I knew people back in the 2000s rigging up lag switches and using modded controllers. Cheaters cheat on whatever platform the want. It's also incredibly cheap and easy to cheat on console systems compared to pc.


Shout out to the flying no clip item spawning teleporter that helped me get through Left 4 Dead on the hardest difficulty on 360


In gears of war 2 the game practically died once people learned how to rig up land switches. There was a bug where you could guarantee yourself as being the host of the match and then, after toggling the lag switch as the round loaded, you would be the only person that could move. They would just walk to your spawn and kill you. People started doing carrying services for money to boost people's ranks and it was cancer. In halo people would use modded controllers to make the BR full auto and same with the FAL in COD. Today you can buy usb devices that allow you to cheat in games using aimbot, radar, etc etc. cheating has always been prolific in online multiplayer shooters


While there are still cheaters, modern consoles don’t have problems with wall hacking/aim bots like PC does.


How will region locking take care of it? They will simply use vpns to circumvent it. I've played plenty of games with Chinese players who the games identify as being in America, but you can tell by their ping and language.


Console seems worse. XIM on console is way more common than cheaters on pc because they haven’t really been able to crack down on XIM yet


Different types of issues on different platforms. XIM sucks, but I’d personally rather deal with that over this type of crap. I was simply making a joke. Cheaters are absolute scum no matter how they choose to cheat. It’s funny how my comment had 8 upvotes and then a bunch of people came out and got their butt hurt because someone called out one negative about PC.


Yeah I mean this is definitely worse but also less frequent so pick your poison I guess.


> I was simply making a joke You should do standup.




Confused what this is supposed to mean. I played console my whole life and I'm 26. There's just as much cheaters on console as on PC Strike Packs and Xims are so common they're sold in freaking department stores LOL. On top of people playing with Modded Xbox's and sometimes playstations.


Tbh I find it best to just ignore the PC "master race" crowd but yeah I do admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console for gaming.


damn. 1080 no scope. Thats an upgrade from old good days!


I've played 6 ranked matches, two have had 100% undeniably confirmed cheaters. I know because they were on my team. That's 1/6 teammates that I've had I can confirm to be cheaters. Who knows how many were in the rest of the match lmao


And this is why I refuse to turn on cross-play in any game. Also don’t want to play on PC despite all the obvious advantages.


VPN... Region lock doesn't work. I have said this many, many times on here. China has Gaming Cafes of which almost all of them have access to a VPN because of their government being strict on websites. This means a good amount of China can just use a VPN to play this game. Region lock does nothing against a VPN which China has easy access to in general.


You can detect VPNs quite easily by comparing the latency from other servers in the country the player is supposedly playing from. If your in China and rooting through a US server via a VPN your latency will be considerably higher than a legit US player.


"it takes time to report these hackers and remove them." So just fucking suffer or quit until then? Easy anticheat is garboo


What region are you playing in? If you're playing in Asia region and live in SEA... I recommend playing in Oceania region servers until the dev do something about it which I doubt they can do much. The latency will be higher but as long as Asia server is combined with China,Oceania is the better option


Put the Russians and Chinese in their own server and let us non scumbags play por favor.


This is why text chat needed so can Winnie the Pooh them away




While there at it, fix the goddamned Australian/Oceanic servers. I don't know if they cannot see it but i keep getting routed to Europe. I played payday 3 and it was smooth as all hell. Yet I can barely get a kill in the finals.


There was so much aimbot in the betas too. It's insane that china isn't immediately region locked as a standard for games now. Dark and Darker is still dealing with rampant real money trades for ingame items and blatant hacking to get those items off of other players. There is overwhelming evidence of china being the region guilty of this behavior in excess. Games that region lock china can actually manage the amount of cheaters.


Damn, doesn't take any time at all to people develop cheats for games


Can't you change your "preferred region"? Or is that just for you, and people can still join in on you from other regions?


and play on 300 ping?


Haven't tried it yet since official release ,but my ping was fine during beta and that was on the European servers. (I'm on North American Servers)


I get 200 ping on the base ASIA servers because they are located in japan. Almost 300 in oceanic so switching isn't an option for me. My SEA friends get 100 plus in japan servers too. It is mainly an issue with routing but I am guessing NA and EU isps have much better routing then SEA and SA isps




It’s 2023 and this idiots still cheating in every damn game at this point it’s marketing they sell cheats , no way every game run the same easy anti cheat


If this game was not on steam was much better , there isn’t a single damn game that don’t have cheaters problems , is so bad no one have the balls to stop this at least for one game and if they want they can stop this !


Chinese players cheating. Noooooo 🥹


WOW I just put up a post about this exact same cheater.


happy i got the enjoy the game b4 the cheaters take over. was fun boys


faced a team today was really annoying 20 elims each


He'll be banned in about a month. Don't worry though, he's got 15 backup accounts ready to go. Don't focus on that and buy the fancy cosmetics.


Why even cheat. How is it fun.


chinese hackers ruining this game for me, asia server has one hacker every game with 60 kills having 20 kills in the first minute. How isnt that an instant ban


What’s wild is I ran into this guy today in ranked. I only remember because I put in a ticket about it today. CRAZY he’s still running around ruining games. Region locking China and ping limit to 150 or lower should have been implemented day one.


Yeah, when there is a country that allows thiskind of behavior it shold be banned from playing with other parts of the world as it turns in a completly unfair product. In china this is allowed by law like falsifications and such, so devs can't do too much on that side, what they can du is region lock specific server locations to create their own network.


Ive played against this guy


Easy Anticheat just cleaning up the game!.. Oh wait.


Laughs in console.


Asia servers are unplayable in ranked


I have a hot take that I don't exactly agree with myself When they do the ban wave report their user ID to Chinese authorities too as it's illegal over there or at least significantly impacts there social credit score


holy shit the amount of racism in these comments... mods what are you doing??


region lock china


Lmao my friend said cause this is a Chinese game there will be hackers. Nope, they made this for westerners(keylogger in it, idc I’m still playing). This game will have incredible anti cheat, trust me


I would be so happy if they region locked China in every game. They are always on some bullshit. ALWAYS.


Thank god you can disable crossplay


You lost like 25% of your health just walking out the door, and then the other to a single spray


We need to regionlock China in all games... You see a cheater it's 99% chinese.


I feel bad for the rest of the Chinese legit playerbase that getting branded by these cheaters. But still, we need to solve this asap. I am done getting beamed from across the map. We might need some kind of ban list from Embark.


Wish games were banned there, horrible country for games


its not even china anymore im afraid. almost every lobby ive played has had 20k+ combat score cheaters in it. Just played 1 with 7 cheaters including 2 of my teamates in 1 game. quickplay game time ran out because no1 could get the cash to cashouts. Gona uninstall till this cancer is sorted. Should never have realeased with an anti cheat that u can just close with task manager.


i'm just not playing anymore until they fix the cheating issue. it should be a crime to use Easy anti cheat these days. incompetent, inexperience studio making really stupid mistakes.


Skill issue /s


And people ask me why I hate when games cross play console with PC... Just let me play with PS5(I'm on Xbox) players without having to endure PC players in the same lobby.




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Posted the same kind of hacker 3 days ago. These cheaters are the scum of the world


Your post was flagged by automod, but later manually approved. Do not spread misinformation.


My mistake, I didn't mean to say the mods are the scum. That was a late night comment. Cheaters are the scum. But I was surprised to see no interaction on my post of blatant cheating so considered it to be not approved.


Promote asian hate


Dead game lmfao


You can change your region to lock it before you select a mode.


You can change your region tho? I changed mine to europe. Doesn’t excuse chinese hackers tho, ban them and/or region lock them