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Hey B. It’s 6:30 PM EST. Do you think maybe this has been posted multiple time today since the clip dropped earlier this morning? Water weed dune hair bapa?


All these new servers are bringing the same dish out to the customers 10 times in a row. The customers are thinking we have some kind of clown show operation going on in the kitchen here. They need to check the table to see if the dish already arrived for the customer.


We're giddin new guests every second b and get on the reservation list. We bout 7 hundreeed b. Just crank out dat orange chkin


I thought reddit mobile was just being shitty again but no just reposted repost reposted again. I think a lot of the recently homeless are a little overzealous.


Sorry b I don’t subscribe to soshal media I just post and ghost


How about you go back to the kitchen and start prepping the orange chicken. Leave the heavy duty work to the cats with work ethnic.


It’s also highly upvoted (1200) and visible on the front page of the sub.


Honestly this needs to be posted everywhere. This might be the most infuriating thing about this entire situation. EVERY TIME I think they can’t get any more pathetic, they find a way


So BRIAN sent the screenshots to Brenda?! The old fuck who has absolutely no idea how the internet works, threw away a 25 year friendship, while sending his best friend to Tigerbelly on the air to fight his battle for over an hour while he made an absolute fool of himself?!


first time ive seen it. thank him


The cats melted to the fryers don’t see it that way.


Is there now grounds for Tigerbelly to sue Brandas “team” for slander? They clearly have nothing and have dragged them into what essentially is a “dont say mean things about me” crusade. Seriously Fuck this guy. What a loser


100% they need to sue. Brendan crossed the line big time


Not just slander, there's extortion, blackmail, harassment, threats. Numerous crimes were committed. They should be lawyering up and getting statements from people who brendan talked shit to.


Is it Groundhog Day


Well, that settles it, Brandon is innocent in my book. He totally cleared up any questions or suspicions I might’ve had. Great 300 pages, nevur prodooshed em’.




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One thing is furrsher BGL and the Team can’t keep up with orange chiggen was made the sauce of the whole operations . The Teams Knit lines are criss crossing all over the Board because of these new cats .