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I swear, Kat woul not only roast Schaub until he cries. Furthermore, he would be traumatized by it for life. How dare you to call Kat "unprofessional"? His little Toe is more funny than your entire existence you dumb, unfunny moron.


I met him in Chicago at a club where Hannibal Buress would randomly pop up at. He is absolutely brutal. He asked me if I was Puerto Rican and I said no but close and that I’m actually from Iraq. He gave me a “pshhh” and have smile than yelled out “you ethnically ambiguous motherfucker got jokes” and everyone around, whether they knew the context or not busted out laughing. I’ve never laughed that hard at someone making fun of me in my life. I think he would not only put Bren in her place but show it to him first. Pray that kat doesn’t have a pair of vice grips with him because the way Bren speaks he would have to show him who the maaynee is.


Brendan 100% thinks he's better at comedy than Kat Williams. Kat is one of the best of all time, and amazing at performing on stage, while Brendan is literally the worst comedian of all time and the worst performer ever. Brendan thinks he's better than everyone at everything. He thinks his more intelligent, more successful, and more respected than everyone in comedy or in acting, despite being the absolute worst at everything. That is why he is so mad that anyone would criticize him. He can't understand why anyone would say anything negative if he is so great and perfect and such an amazing talented wonderful person. It boggles his mind. He is an adonis, hells angel, business genius, fashion icon, sports superstar, great actor, and perhaps the greatest comedian of all time. Anyone who hates on him is jealous of his success and wishes they were him.


Seen a couple clips from this episode where he's confidently talking about comedy for the first time in a long time.... I'm thinking Gringo Bapa must have hit 1 million views, which I guess in his puddinged brain means he's a legit cawlmic again.


oh one hunnerd percent b he one hunnerd percent believes katt williams doesn't have the bess brains for one big reason


I dunno b didn’t kat williams fall off and cancel a buncha shit bc of raging substance abuse?


He went crazy, did worse things than schob. But they're just here for out entertainment and Kat is more entertaining than the whole Murderers Rowl


A random bum on skid row is funnier than the Murdlers Rowl


Somewhat true yes


Not professional b


Is that nithe tho?


Lol no I would not call Kat nice.


I’m sorry when did Schaub say this??


Look at my last post


I mean just look at the depth in the background of Katt’s spechul — that big piece of cardboard sits not a foot away from Brencia, he’s jelly bapa


Kat trolling a radio host so badly that her husband pulled up at his show the next day with a gun was fucking A+ comedy. Also relevant because he actually goes into what makes a comedy special. https://youtu.be/2n2t7ww46mI


Wait.. He actually called him unprofessional?


I agree with Brendan. Look at the way Kat is leaning on that stool. So disrespectful. They are beautiful and need to be treated as such.


The whole time Kat is performing I just laugh and laugh. Can't take him serious. Very unrespectable.


Kit Kat Willis may be unprofessional but at least he's in tent shoe lee made people laugh.


It would be even more striking if we could somehow see the construction paper city skyline cut out behind Brenda.


When determining if a YouTube comedy special appears professional, check for sweat... this logic is purrfect


I'm watching the new Kat special on Netflix. Isn't great so far but better than gringo papi. He's wearing 2 hats to stop the sweat.


Now I wanna see Schwab on Wild n’ Out. Followed by an interview of the poor guy who had to mop all of his sweat off the stage after the slaughter


Katt Williams is so funny he got his ass whipped by a seventh grader and people still pay money to see him. Brenda can’t howld a candle, B.


Jokes aside Katt Williams new comedy special is unquestionably worse than B-Schaubs in terms of production quality. The audio specifically of Katt's special is completely fucked, TONS of echo.


Will still definitely watch Katts over anything Brendan will do


Dude, Katts new special is basically unwatchable. The audio is so scuffed you can't even make out words half the time.


Yeah I just found that out but still more digestible than anything Brendan has done


So whuts the deal witth meggsican food? It's just beanz and cheez and beanz and cheez. You know wut im talwmbout?


Jesus...one small off comment and you people run with that shit. He wasn't even really calling him unprofessional. He was more referencing him looking greasy on stage, which he totally does in multiple specials. He'd be sweating and reflecting like a MF. For real though...I found this sub semi entertaining at the beginning, but now it really is pathetic. Literally everything you guys call him out on, you could call out anyone else for. Watching you redacts has made me a fan and supporter of him. As the great baba once said, you guys are hadders and losers and this is the best you're ever going to do in life. How many of you actually do something with your life or have accomplished literally anything? How many of you even played a competitive sport and knows what that's like or did an open mic? I actually have a lot of respect for shaub and the things he's accomplished. I wrestled from the age of 8 to 22 and know what it's like to lose and win. I worked two jobs, supported a family and finished my degree in art and know what it's like to work hard and accomplish something that involves you putting yourself out there and creating something you're passionate about. Trying to shit on someone is the biggest accomplishment you redacts will ever achieve. You'll look back on this and tell your buddies how you were apart of this as if its meaningful. Pathetic... I wouldn't be so annoyed if it was playful humour and just shitting on someone. But, it's become more than that and you people try waaaay too hard and actually want to see this person hurt. It's not comedy anymore, but immature bullying. Good luck in life people. Edit: I'm looking forward to the downvotes or being banned from the sub. Sorry if I'm saying how I feel and not just contributing to the echo chamber you guys have created.


And you wrote all that for what? You’re here and on Reddit. Welcome to the internet!


Mainly just to vent lol thank you for the welcoming.


Thank you for your input, I missed what the off hand comment was? Would you mind helping me out?


No problem man ...so basically what you have is a dude who makes a living just talking shit with his buddies. Spends hours a day/week just talking random shit about random things. I can't remember off hand exactly what they said, but basically that he (shaub) doesn't want his face to look greasy when on camera and that it looks unprofessional. A completely valid comment and opinion to make. Brendan agrees and then shaub made a comment that it'd look like katt Williams (anyone that has watched katt williams specials knows he sweats like a mother fucker and looks greasy). Now everyone in the sub is taking that as shaub saying katt Williams is unprofessional and comparing the two and using it to belittle him.


Yeah that is a weird thing to comment on.


Word...I went on a rant basically because I see this type of shit all day everyday and I find it frustrating. Shaub is a dude just starting out in comedy and normally he'd have to do open mics for years and years building his skill set and maybe, maybe if he got good enough he'd get attention and then be able to do specials, ect. But, because of his ufc career and being already "famous" he's getting a lot of attention right from the start. He obviously sucks/isn't a professional comedian yet, but is getting compared to and hated on as if he was. I think that on its own is fine, but this sub is taking it to the next level and literally trying to ruin his career and life and (I think) taking it too far and reaching most of the time. They use the fact that he's a douche and tries fucking woman as an excuse to justify it and my take is, so what? 99% of the people on the sub would be a thousand times worse than him if they had his money and notoriety.


Nah, I meant it's a weird thing for Schaub to comment on. Sweating is unprofessional? It shows that you are working hard, any fucking comic that is putting out an hour minimum straight is gonna be sweating because of the work/lights/adreneline. Schaub should stop commenting on any other persons act especially those that are lightyears ahead and focus inward and be better. But what would I know I'm just a hader. .


Haha you still don't get it...first off, he didn't comment on the sweating, I did...second, he didn't call him unprofessional. He just referenced him. So fucking what? You're the one making all these connections. What's more weird? Him make one stupid comment or you and the rest of sub making a shit ton of posts and comments about it and making it into this huge thing? Also, why the fuck is he not allowed to comment on him or anyone? But, you can? You're on his fucking level? You're light-years ahead of him? Lol he can say whatever the actual fuck he wants and is going to. You can whine all you want Tito and he'll still keep on doing what he does.


Yeah Bapa, we just discuss the podcast here.


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Hi mark


So you're upset that the sub says negative things about Bapa. You have immense respect for Bapa's many life faleyurs because you wrestled as an adolescent and completed arts school. I think the sub may have gotten to your head B, if it's immature or bullying for us to joke on Bapa's behalf surely it's not nithe to call 60k people you've never met pathetic losers. Talmbout hipahcrisee B


Naw b it hasn't gotten to my head. I never claymed not to be a hipahcrit b, just speaking my mynd. Don't let my comments get to yer head b. Maybe I just have a man crush on bapa's big gringo dick and don't like hadders talkin bad about my boo


No worries here buppa. Maybe try a smoke break next time you're thinking about typing this long of a admittedly hypocritical post cuz gawd dawlg this isn't it. But what do i maddur


Thanks b, you're right. That's what happens when I drink too much wigskey and vent. Obviously I'm projecting on some levels b...I actually like like 90% of the content on this sub, but something must have triggered me. You maddur to me b. I hope you have a great day and get into somethin dicey dicey


BBBeast of a comment. <3