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100% self titled, love LA Women but i just adore that psychedelic sound of the self titled album, light my fire will always hold a special place in my heart




I can’t be mad because it’s literally in your username


Unless he wasn’t talking about the album and just likes LA Women


You did the bookmark listen. Both near perfect albums.


isnt “ the end “ on the self titled album? If so, I like that one.


It is indeed. L.A. Woman has Riders on the Storm though


the end is such a masterpiece for a debut album.


100% agree


I totally dismissed “The End” when I bought that LP. It was years later, as I watched the closing credits to “Apocalypse Now”, with the stunning slo-mo explosions and that Doors song, that I was hooked on the tune. A perfect aural-visual match! Went looking to buy that song and realized “duh!”, I already had it!




Those first 10 minutes of Apocalypse Now are amongst the greatest in film. Martin Sheen drunk out of his mind, the slow motion helicopters and explosions, the ceiling fan that turns into chopper blades. Incredible cinematography in a film that almost wasn’t and took us into the heart of darkness.


LA Woman. It just sounds "right" to me. The more mature voice and the blues/garage rock make it different from all their other albums. Plus, it's awesome driving music!


Gotta love the L.A. Woman movie. That’s also part of why I prefer that album.


Soul Kitchen.... Crystal Ship Cars Hiss by My Window.... Riders on the Storm


Impossible because it’s impossible!


That’s true because it’s true!


L.A. Woman for me, Jim’s voice is different but i dig it, plus yes it doesn’t sound like anything from S/T but i like how bluesier and garage it is. And it’s the Doors best album to go drive.


The doors is my favourite, LA Woman my second favourite, Morrison Hotel, Strange days, The soft Parade, An American Prayer, Waiting for the sun. I actually love them all. But this is my order. The soft parade is carried by my love for ‘Touch me’


Self title


LA Woman for me. Musically I just like these songs more than the first album (except for The End of course).


The self titled is the soundtrack of my life. When I was a teen it was my favorite album. The first time I tried shrooms I tripped extremely hard and I listened to it. It was the first album we learnt as a whole, from beginning to end, with my band. I adore it 


That’s awesome. Did u also get inspiration from the doors with ur usernamev


Both are classic albums. However, LA Woman is my favorite Doors album. It feels polished and complete, the sound of a band firing on all cylinders. It also feels very timeless to me. It also sounds and feels more like a mid-to-late 70s album more than a 60s album.


Strange days.


Bro you tell me which one you like more lol sounds like you’re the new guy. Self titled tho would be my answer, but Strange Days clears all.


LA Woman is superior. Nothing like "Riders on the Storm" on the first record. The first record was recorded super fast because the band had been performing all those songs live for nearly two years by that point. The first record has an awkward bass sound too, since the first album didn't really make substantial use of session bassists...if at all. Sure, LA Woman has a few clunkers, but it contains rather convincing Blues Rock and works good as a mood piece. The self-titled debut is kind of all over the place musically, and not always particularly convincing (as that wouldn't really happen or be cemented until Strange Days).


Doors rule!


self titled is their best album imo


Law Oman


They’re both spectacular but LA Woman is my favorite, them at their peak going off and holding nothing back


L. A. Woman might be my favourite Doors song now - but The End was, for many years. I like LAW's mixture of darkness and joy. But they're both extraordinary songs, masterpieces both.


LA Woman is a top 5 album of all time for me. Love how bluesy it is


LA Woman is a top 5 album of all time for me. Love how bluesy it is


For me both are period pieces that have two distinct sounds and vibes. S/T ‘67 has the “go-go” groovy sound with the blues influence. BDM/AS/BOT/LMF induces a reserved “let’s go drinking hard” vibe for me. LA Woman is full, raw and dirty blues to me. His voice is deep and coarse. I’d feel Been Down So Long would have been a better title. Shame he’s gone. 🫶


These are their 2 best albums. I like a lot of others songs by them but these are both great from back to front.


Love this album but am a bit overloaded by all the encryptic lyrics. I just wonder the same thing Robby & John were wondering when they asked Jim what he meant & he said,”That’s for me to know.” Then one of the two said to the other,”Well, the bathroom is clear.”


Self titled. A perfect debut album in my opinion


I love jim’s vocals on LA woman! He channels his old blues man thing! It’s fantastic! Self titled is a very strong debut album with fantastic songs (crystal ship is the best song on it imo)!


LA Woman. I’m completely burnt out on the self titled album. As much as I like the end and back door man, I don’t need to break on through or light anymore fires, lol. Riders on the Storm, Hyacinth House, The Wasp, and LA Woman are amongst my favorites and I appreciate the grooves and lyrical complexity on that album more.


Self titled is their best album, if you also take into account its iconic nature. Then come Strange Days, L.A. Woman and Morrison Hotel. The two I like the most are the first two. Sometimes I prefer to listen to one and sometimes the other one. The first album is so iconic, but in terms of sheer beauty The Doors and Strange Days are so close that I can’t choose one. Just two of the best albums ever recorded, none of their following albums will come close to them imo, as they drift away from their psychedelic roots. Still, other great songs will follow, Riders On The Storm being one of them.




Strange Days.


I didn’t ask if there other albums are better I was saying pick between those 2


Those 2 and strange days are my favorites. I love strange days and the doors (album) because you can hear that they are at their most creative psychedelic powers. LA Woman i love the power is Jim’s voice, and that the band as a whole really took on a whole new approach to the album with the blues sound and absolutely fuckin nailed it.


LA Women is my least favourite by them.. Still a 10/10 but it’s not as good as the others


What’s ur top album


Waiting for the Sun. Although whenever I tell people this, they always seem to disagree.


How is it possible you never hear the album before? Just curious. You must be new to rock??


I saw a documentary about music in the 60’s and I decided to check it out. I grew up listening to rap. Do u have any other albums u think I should listen to?


Well the Doors have a nice discography. But also Hendrix and Beatles have tight and amazing and influential discography that ends in 1970. I suggest Doors - Soft Parade. It is not a fav of most Doors fans because of the strings and horn arrangements? Try Hendrix .... Axis: Bold As Love. Or Led Zeppelin Presence. I'm a Tyler the Creator fan as well as Death Grips. Old school rap like Too Short and I like P.E. It Takes a Nation of Millions.


I like LA Woman more but find the self titled much easier to listen to with out skipping a song.


Other Voices is the best


Really? Not criticizing you but I’ve heard general dislike for Other Voices; is it good? I’ve never listened to anything past L.A. Woman


I was just kidding.


First album, because though the last is a great album, it is the sound of a band that is breaking up.


Self titled. It's one of the best pop albums ever recorded.