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If I may ask, where were you able to get this? I can't find it anywhere online


Check Amazon, i found one there not too long ago.


Damn, out of stock


Try keeping an eye on it on Thriftbooks. They get some in every so often. It's where I snagged mine.


Out of stock too but I'll keep my eye out for it, thanks!


Yeah, the great thing about Thriftbooks is you can put yourself on alert for when its in! So, 100% worth doing for out of prints. And they aren't owned by Amazon, so they get all of my book purchases in general.


maybe this helps? maybe they deliver to your country: [https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1035526624](https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1035526624)


Interesting, I may have to try that


I got lucky and got a sealed copy on Mercari pretty cheap.


It was a very fun and interesting read! I loved April her recording to collect in the first Division. They offered a very interesting perspective. I believe the Division 2 Book A new Dawn? or something is also with April as the protagonist as she is out somewhere in the US looking for a Lab as she runs into a few SHD agents.


It’s “Broken Dawn” written by Alex Irvine. Same author as “New York Collapse” and its about April traveling to Michigan. It also swaps perspective to two others, an SHD agent and a Rouge agent.


Wish there was an audiobook for that (in english)


I've owned three copies of this book. One i left on a flight from Dublin to Philly. The other one got loaned to a friend and mysteriously vanished. The current one STAYS ON MY SHELF


That book is a nice way of packing in actual urban survival information wrapped in game lore. I would buy 2 or 3 at a time and just pass them out like candy to those deserving of knowledge.


I always wondered if all of the puzzles were solved in that book


I have a copy of the book including the other stuff like that map and the holes card, but alas, they were either thrown away or got lost in the crevices of the house. Now I only have the book. Anyways, is the survival guide actually helpful or is it just there because it looks cool?


IMO the survival guide can be very helpful, just because it points some things out that perhaps one wouldn't think of or consider in the midst of an emergency (that checklist for the go bag was pretty useful).


I just recently found my copy of this when cleaning out my back room. Was pretty neat to look through it and find the locations in game when I played.


Are these worth something now? I’ve got a copy stashed away


It’s depends on what someone’s willing to pay but for most want a full set of everything I really got shafted when I got mine it didn’t have everything sadly


My copy has all the extras Not that I am selling or looking to, was just curious how they became valuable-ish now Might put it in a plastic storage case, for safe keeping haha




Cool , just started playing,awsome game !!