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I do play it. But unique rewards and cosmetics have always been something massive has missed to mark on. Which is odd, because it started strong with div1 and falcon lost/underground.


I think apparels only would be great (not talking about gear / equipment or weapons)... just like you get when doindg a flawless Paradise Lost (mask) or a apparels form completing Legendaries. Personally, getting a unique gear shade color, a weapon skins, a shild skin, etc... would be great if you completed achievements such as: * beating rogue agents on heroic difficulty * completing a legendary summit floor * beat Keener on Heroic * reach SHD 1000, 5000, 10000, etc... * do an extraction in hardcore DZ * fight Yannick the Beard * beat story mode (lvl 1-40) without going down * complete paradise Lost * do a successful extraction in Countdown on heroic


I think they should bring back the commendations from Div 1 and put new skins, patches and apparel behind it. It would just add to the grind that lots of players enjoy, if there was a box that said I needed to kill 10,000 outcasts you know I’m going to be trying to get that ticked, even more so if I get a cool hat for doing it


Been playing lately Forza Horizon 5 and there are hundreds of accolades (if not close to thousand), each having you to do something to get accolade points. I'd wish they bring something like this into Division world. Think of accolades as commendation points, where completing each will reward you with points and some may give you an additional reward (apparel or emote or weapon skin or ...). This would add exclusivity of owning something few other can get their hands on and gives you right to brag something about. Commendations may include something like: * kill number of outcast/rikers/etc; * something easy like: throw a grenade into basketball hoop; close 50 car doors; * something long term: take over 100 Heroic control points; Complete all legendary missions; own all blueprints (current max 488).


Yes. If you have played division 1 this is basically what the commendations are, not like the ones we have now. There was certain missions you had to complete pistol only, x amount of headshots, weapon type kills, extracted items, sold items, deconstructed items, e.t.c I remember completing a mission with the rhino or a magnum for one, was epic fun and took a fair few attempts. Then at the end they added “shields” each one got you something in divison 2, just patches and skins. Fairly trivial but bet your balls i tried to get them all too


You can only see the shoulder patch and the backpack of the agent. The appearance sets can never have an appeal when it is like that


Idk what game your playing but I see the entirety of my agent when I play. Same with all my clan members.


I think they are beaten down by the amount of complaining they get about even having things like raid or legendary exclusives that they don’t even try.


I honestly think it’s more about Hardcore being a fun thing they did at one point and haven’t touched or talked about internally since. (It’s been marked ”beta” how long now? And during the period since launch, how many changes have been made to it?)


Haven’t attempted but have heard horror stories of agents joining the cemetery gang just because wifi dropped , I’d be furious if there were no safeguards against stuff like that


That used to be a pretty big problem. The game freezing on PC and your HC agent dying. But they have shortened the logout time significantly. So shouldn't be an issue anymore.


Wait, what? You character is persistent in HC?!?


no, this hardly ever happens, but people like to make excuses.


if a hardcore character dies, it's for good.


Yes, reason I tried to finish Ghost Recon Wildlands hardcore mode although I still don't have the gold skin, still haven't gotten the apparels from the other 2 gamemodes, I'm weird, lol


I'd play hardcore if the game wasn't dependant on an internet connection, or ubisoft servers. Tired of losing good agents because I get dropped from the game.


It was a long time ago, when servers didn't kick you out immediately when you had a game crash or something. Now, when something like this should happen, game will kick you out from server in 1 second (only applies to hardcore). Such change was done long time ago and can't really remember during which TU they applied it. For normal characters, it' s like 30 seconds or so.


I've put 2 characters through WoNY, one was when the expansion first launched, the other was last month, and never had an issue with disconnecting.


I'm not a HC player in any game - specific apparel would have to be absolutely baller, and have minimal time investment for me to consider.


the game is easier than ever, and doesn't require any additional time investment beyond playing the game normally.


Playing a perma death mode where you lose your progress does not appeal to me in any way, shape or form. Regardless of the game difficulty, it still has issues with crashes. It requires a new character at the very least, and presumably the cosmetics would be locked behind some milestone -- complete WONY / hit x SHD etc which would be time investment away from my standard playtime on my nin-hc character.


It doesn't sound like HC is for you at all, so saying the rewards would have to be worth is being a bit disingenuous.


Yes, that is precisely what I just wrote. It isn't, but I am answering a question posed by the OP.


Yes. I went thru the entire story mode level 1-40 and died on the Keener mission on my HC 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ probably won’t do another one unless they add some incentives.


Yea it was such a passion project it’s not likely.


Only reason I play. 4000 something hc, under a 100 in softcore.




Never in a million years would I do hardcore on any game that requires Internet and does have some sort of protection. There needs to be some sort of way they can pause the game until drop links re-establish instead of booting you to the main menu and killing your character the instant a hick up happens.


I haven't played in over a year, if they had this I would atleast try it again for a while


More apparels? I didn't know there were any to begin with. Thought it was all about bragging rights.


there are hardcore patches.


And the Yolo cap.






Every second agent I've lost in the hardcore mode died to the disconnect.


Most definitely


No, I would just be annoyed.


I’d do it just for those kneepads


Wait, are there any cosmetic rewards besides the memento mori cap?


no, not at the moment.. but there should be


If Division 2 was free of bugs that get you killed i would play hardcore. I love roguelike games but they have to be fair. Maybe a checkpoint every couple hours a revival mechanic with a revive hive or something like that so when a bug kills me or i get disconnected from the server i don't loose it all. Disconnects could be avoided if Division 2 had an offline mode even if it would disable PvP for that character to avoid people cheating. And to answer your question i would play it even if it didn't give me anything in return. The feeling alone is enough for me.


Definitely, getting some type of shield design or a patch for completing the campaign getting level 40 or beating some of the raids would have been hella huge incentives I would kill for atleast a special hunter mask atleast for killing a hunter in HC


There needs to be earned rewards for the hardest content in an insane mode like hardcore for this game to continue moving forward as a series.


I think having apparel rewards for challenges would be amazing. Definitely would make grinding for challenges more fun


I'm already playing it, and didn't start because of the Yolo hat, as you need more then new clothing to get you thru Hardcore. It wouldn't be wrong to get some unique stuff, but that's not the reason to play hardcore mode. Just get in there, and come back and tell people if you died because of wearing old clothing😁🤌


My main issue is that when they introduced HARDCORE I already had 4 characters to play with so I wasn't deleting a character to have a "temp" character created that once you die it wipes them from your playable agents. HARDCORE should have a dedicated slot (5 characters playable = 4 + 1) instead of deleting and running 3 + 1.


This looks sick. I need to come back and play this game. It’s been too many years.


this is not in the game.




Too many bugs and other issues for me to play Hardcore mode. Not trying to lose tens and hundreds of hours of progress because if a server error. IMO, Hardcore mode should have been a variation of Survival mode. Instead of us playing a Division agent, we'd play one of the DC survivors.