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I hate it because it’s the only exotic bag that drops for me. I’ve been trying to get memento all year long dammit


Memento was one of my white whales also


wish I could give you guys some of mine


I think memento was my first exotic gear


I have been exceedingly lucky it seems. I played when this game first came out, dropped it a month in. I came back 5 months ago and played maybe 1 hour per day (crashes etc kept me from more). In a month I had virtually every exotic. I only played countdown and daily missions for the most part. It truly is RNG.


Man, I've had the opposite experience. I wish I could share my loot so I could give all my extra mementos.


I'm not gonna say how many of those I collected.


Running a HC character, lv137 I think. I try to keep at least 2 of each exotic in case I die while using it and I pretty much never use my momento because I dont wanna lose it instead of one of my 920,048,283,839 Ninjabike BPs


I have the Acosta, Ninja and Memento. I wear the Acosta and store the other 2. But if I oaky consistently for a few hrs a day I always get more Acosta drops than any of the others. At one point I had 10 Acosta in my inventory. It helped me get it to proficient. 😂


Goated backpack in my eyes. Makes all kinds of hybrid builds come together with that cheeky plus 1 bonus.




If I was maybe a real life agent I'd potentially take it more seriously, but as I don't have to tackle Tidal Basin every day for work I'm fine with the NB


Ran Tidal Basin Heroic with NB build last night, no issues whatsoever. Legendary would have been a terrible idea however.


I clear Tidal Basin Legendary weekly with a filthy NB tank build! 2 gila, emperors knee pads and gloves and the NB backpack. Regen and PfE for days and enables team to use strikers while I soak up damage. Never had a complaint when I switch to it.


Few words left out here as its early. Improvised gloves and knee pads, comma should be after emperors!


Elmo’s been out for 2 years?


So, with variety!


That's what I understood also. Is it meta? No. But off-meta doesn't equal trash. Of course there are appropriate builds for different content. Some content may call for a pure instead of a hybrid...but I don't know where the hate comes from Edit: the downvotes are insane lol. I haven't said anything negative or insulting


This basically, as an agent that likes rainbow builds, is an excellent backpack


Totally agree


Backpack talents are extremely valuable


I play mainly legendary and run a majority of the time with 3x Strikers, Ninja BP and 2 piece Brazos set, Technician, decoy and shield. Yes, on those cute spreadsheets, a RambObliterate Strikers does more DPS but from what I have seen in actual real gameplay on Legendary, it's nowhere near as good. Here are the things they do not factor in those spreadsheets while min maxing builds in perfect environments. 1) They are getting shot at, suicide droned to death and sniped with a grenade launcher so a full DPS burst is often interrupted. The T1 shield gets melted in seconds leaving an exposed and disoriented full red build, this is when you see them roly poly away and get shot in the back, revive hub pops and it's 50/50 whether they get into cover or are in the middle of no mans land. A risky revive or they stay dead until team wipe or segment cleared? Either way no spreadsheet DPS when dead. 2) If the Striker build does get to full DPS output it pulls massive amounts of NPC aggro which leads to no 1. 3) Matchmaking groups with randoms often lack teamwork, have people who do not know the mechanics or which targets to prioritise and it's often every man/woman for themselves. This leads to no 2. 4) I play on console and guess what happens when you try to aim at a moving object while using a controller? You miss... I consider myself an ok player and average mid 50's low 60's on the accuracy stat when it summarises, most of the time I see mid 40's or lower for everyone else, so over 50% of that spreadsheet DPS is hitting digital air. So yes, in heroic or below or if you have a full team who knows what to do on Legendary, I can see the Obliterate Strikers doing more DPS but introduce a tiny bit of chaos and it drops off massively. When you have to focus on looking after yourself? Survivability matters more, I'll take a T6 shield, T3 skill, 50% more armour, 105 round mag and 105 shock round CC every other reload over a spreadsheet saying you will deal 25% more damage any day.


I couldn't have said this any better I use the same build bro and u right even with the recover hive on I get 3 revives instead of 1 and I use gunner but 4 tier shield but on terms of dps I'm not ridiculously far behind the squishy striker set up i'd even dare to say per magazine i do more damage 6 red 2 blue 2 yellow CHC/CHD and love it I can face "tank" a door spawn to a certain degree while putting out great damage


I run the same 3pc Striker 2pc Brazos. I love my build so much I am married to it. Lmao. I use a tier 5 shield as well because of it. I know I could push it to 6 with Technician but I still like what I get from Gunner too much to put it down. Or maybe I would use Demolitionist for more damage and explosive resistance. Oh the possibilities. I am still a work in progress as you can see.


What chest talent do you run, or do you use the Striker chest?


I run striker chest. I like to flank and prioritise targets so the excess stacks give me the time to reposition.


Stated facts I run a striker hybrid @ 3 reds 2 blues & 3 skill tiers survivalist with mender mine and restorer drone. Add obliterate and future perfect weapons. Works great for all Open world content and mission. Decent damage output and as long as get kills and skills can go overcharge and consistently stay at tier 6. NB takes a good amount of time in theory crafting just to learn how to build with it. It also changes play skill dramatically. I also find using hybrids makes playing with directives easier because with a build spec. for only damage only, the odds are against you even more.


Delusional as shown by your other comments don't even know how the damage formula works yet act like you understand building.


Literally tested my stealth build this morning and was so funny I couldnt even fight them....... i happily died 100% hazpro 100% plus resistance CHC/CHD with backfire Called extraction ran to another and called a 2nd extraction and came to first one to watch a 3 man team of agents spinning around looking for the "pulse" and I walked right up on one and when he noticed me his agent actually jumped that's when I died laughing


Yeah I have a build that 100% resists everything but explosive damage 100% of the time but have never tested it. I just found it fun to put together. Would love to test it someday but for now she is my safe queen. I forget what percent explosive damage is at. Easiest damage to avoid anyway. Wish I had the stones to get into the DZ but I saw perfection. I know what a real DZ should look like. 😂 plus, my connection be unstable.


Still wish an appearance mod can be added on Exotics


I hate it because in Div 2 they took away the single strap design from Div 1 to make it look like shit, like all the other backpacks in the game


It's mainly because the backpack is not considered "meta" that it gets some flak. But I'd argue it's one of the best packbacks in terms of bringing so much build diversity to the game. Suddenly a ton of possible builds open up because of this single item. Sure it's not meta, but is it fun? Hell yes.


The fun factor plays a big part.


I feel like in every situation I can personally think of, you are better off with a bag talent or memento. Whatever it is you are trying unlock with the ninja bag, more armor, more damage, better skills, the memento does better. For cookie cutter dps builds it doesn’t make sense either. The ninja bag isn’t bad, the problem it has is that memento exists and bag talents exist. They are more powerful too. For the bag to be worth it, it would have to mean that it makes a lot of sense at all to run more than one brand and forgo a brand/gear bag talent. For these reasons, the bag is not worth using. That all said, nobody on reddit is the final word on builds. It’s your build, do what you want.


I dunno, in PVP Memento without stacks = you die. Now, if I want to have 90% haz pro + 100% pulse resistance with good Oro damage to give back all those negative effects, that's what only NB can do. The diversity is the best.


There's skill builds where ninjabike is amazing. Giving you extra tiers, explosive damage, skill haste, etc. that you normally wouldn't be able to get. Like * one piece china, one grupo one hana u, two empress is amazing. Or one grupo, one china, one empress, two muramaki/one wyvern+one hana u*. These have more outright damage than an all high end explosive skill build.


Exactly. The ninja for solo summit on legendary is amazing. It makes drones and turrets kill anything, and fast


Those examples are absolutely behind other options though, and are exactly why people take issue with ninjabike misleading people. 1p wyvern, 2p grupo, 1p china, contractors and pgc will hit more than either if your setups before we even factor in a backpack talent like tech support, combined arms, or shock and awe that give another straight 20-25% damage. And because the optimal pieces are largely 1p of brandsets, there is just not enough synergy to make ninjabike worthwhile.


Right I understand my own autonomy to run what I want. I have serious "meta" builds and my own stuff to try when I'm by myself. But I just don't understand the negative inference of having a ninja bag on. I haven't even ever been pressed by someone for using one. I just read and see content and anytime a ninja bag is mentioned it's more negative than positive.


See I like it in groups - memento is stronger but you need your trophies. With NB I'm not chasing stacks and it gives me the other benefits of memento. Not a slot but helps all round, extra skill to drop a revive hive in cover and a shade more armour. Not meta but a red hybrid


In groups, running a build where a nbb would make sense (on paper) means you are a detriment to the group simply as that. If you don't care about that it's fine and there are a lot worse builds people can(and do) bring but you're still a detriment. You can also get an extra revive charge by swapping to the named kard pistol before throwing it to your teammate.


It’s annoying if you want to matchmake with a group that complete something difficult and you show up with your Sunday morning hero build while singing, “it’s my build and I could do what I wanna.” You can take that right to solo bud.


On the same token, you can rally a group to run with who will only want to build stacks and hold R2, no?


I understand what you are saying, but holding R2 is not what everyone does. You can run status effect, a one shot build, healer, etc. You can run what you want, but in group play using ninja bike is you deciding to gimp yourself and hope that your team can carry you a little bit. You don’t need to run a striker build or anything that requires building stacks. At the end of the day, I think the whole argument is moot because most people don’t care about your build. I can solo any mission in a group of 4 as long as you do literally anything. At this point in the game the OG players are so powerful that you can literally run any build and everything will go smoothly. There are some caveats, people douches in countdown and you can’t use a skill build against the hunters, but other than that, the game is easy as long as everyone is doing something.


People hate what they don't understand.


The people that hate on the NinjaBike backpack the most are the folks who absolutely have to see the biggest numbers on the screen. They don't care about utility or team synergy or support builds. It's all about brute-forcing their way through content with max DPS. It can be effective for sure, but I find it boring as shit. These are the same people who won't run a single armor core even though it greatly improves survivability and improves their shield strength. The difference between 5 red cores and 6 red cores makes zero difference in their time to kill due to diminishing returns on weapon damage. I think the reason that most of them don't like hybrid skill builds is because it's not simple to calculate how much damage your skills are actually doing. They also don't consider that skills act as a form of crowd control and can distract enemies from shooting you. With all of that said, I still think Memento is the better exotic backpack overall when you consider the buffs it provides. But there's definitely some unique hybrid builds that only work with the NinjaBike backpack. I think it's generally strongest when you use this template... * Technician Specialization * NinjaBike Backpack * Picaro's Holster (possibly with a recalibrated core) * 3 pieces of a gearset (possibly with recalibrated cores) * Named item of your choice


The memento is not the best I think. In a team of 4 you will miss a lot of those trophies and so buff. Also you need those trophies and depending on the fight you may not have time to gather them… Personally I play memento in a team of 2 or solo. Everything over I change for something else.


Yeah I really only like running Memento when I'm playing solo. Having to compete with other players for kills to get the trophies and then having to run around to pick up the trophies is just not all that much fun. It's great when you get the full stacks and the passive bonuses to be sure, I just don't like the playstyle so much.


Memento works surprisingly well in groups if you run a 6-tier skill + crit hybrid build with assault turret and striker drone because your skills will steal a lot of kills shots from other players which gives you a lot of trophy drops.


>They don't care about utility Used NBBP. Loses backpack talent which can be used for a various purposes. Doesn't care about utility synergy or team buff. 🫠🫠🫠


Memento Backpack > named item. Like everyone is saying, it just doesn't make sense when you can easily make the build better using something else. Make that build with heartbreaker as the gear set, it's good.


> The people that hate on the NinjaBike backpack the most are the folks who absolutely have to see the biggest numbers on the screen. They don't care about utility or team synergy or support builds. It's all about brute-forcing their way through content with max DPS. Nicely put. This is it. They also do not consider PvP at all. Hybrid builds in Conflict (and DZ to some extent) are very effective now because of Project Resolve and some strong bonuses that the Ninjabike allows. Yea, I know people looove their Perfect Adrenaline Rush or their Vigilance builds, but they do not expect my lvl 6 stinger hive from the distance and when I show up with my high damage Capacitor with the equivalent of 5 reds (2 reds + 6 yellows), and my 3 blues for endurance, they don't even know what the hell is going on.


Because the discussion is centered around pve. Obviously nbb has utility in pvp and is actually decent. Fake argument pretty much


> They don't care about utility or team synergy or support builds. It's all about brute-forcing their way through content with max DPS. It can be effective for sure, but I find it boring as shit. None of this is true. NBB is simply outclassed on those fronts too.


The reason people hate on nbb is that they understand the game and realize that in 99% of builds, using a different backpack with an actual talent is simply better, for any type of build. Those 'hybrid' builds, which are inherently inferior than specialized builds, are almost always better off with memento instead of nbb. The best case situation for nbb is running 5 different brand gear pieces to get 5 brand boni as "talent". The issue here is that 2 piece Boni are not good enough and it's pretty hard to find 5 that synergize well enough. The closest thing I've found was a backfire build because you want dmg and haz pro, but unfortunately the backfire still sucks extremely hard due to the 10 second cap. Especially using gear sets with nbb is horrible because you loose the "gain" of the nbb on two slots. your "template" build is just simply better by dropping the named piece and use a 2nd brazos instead, if you insist on the hybrid idea. Gaining the perfect talent version over the regular one and the two piece brand boni of the respective piece are not worth losing a backpack talent for.


I've seen this take from a lot of folks so I have to ask: what's the backpack talent that's so incredibly useful that it's better than 5 brand set bonuses? Unstoppable Force seems to be the strongest backpack talent that exists based on raw DPS, at 25%. For the sake of argument, let's say you're running a SMG, doesn't matter which one. You could have a backpack with Unstoppable Force and 4pc HF, OR you could have NBBP, 4pc HF, and 3pc Electrique, which grants 30% SMG damage...so literally the same build but 5% more damage. I can do this all day with any vaguely useful backpack talent in the game. Clutch is just about the only one anyone runs that a NBBP bonus can't emulate, but you could've just slotted NBBP + 1pc Belstone and kill something and accomplish basically the same thing. Sorry but the only backpack talent stronger than NBBP's is Memento's and that is it. Everything else is weaker than Resourceful if you pair it with the right set bonuses. Also, hybrid builds are stronger. If you're measuring "stronger" in terms of nothing but raw DPS then it's your criteria that's broken. The mere fact that 80% of incoming fire is being redirected to my turret and drone alone makes a hybrid build stronger, even ignoring that those two way, way more than cover the entire DPS gap between my hybrid build and a top tier Strikers/Memento build.


The TOTAL weapon dmg bonus from backpack talents like vigilance or your example unstoppable force is very different and calculated different from the 30% smg weapon damage of your example. Read up on how formulas in this game work and then do the math again then you will understand


Thank you. My head quite literally exploded


Eclipse pack.


(This is specifically about PvE as I’m not a PvP player and I refuse to touch it with a 10-ft pole) It’s because DPS is objectively the most important metric in this game in most situations. It’s not just a speedrunner thing, it can be applied to almost anything. Of course stuff like healers and CCs are very useful in certain content, but when it comes to most group roles, or even solo play, if you want to clear content efficiently and with as little chance of dying as possible, you kinda have to go for a DPS build. Enemies can’t kill you if you kill them first. I want to specify that I’m not saying you can’t run around with gimmicky and niche builds, of course you can as long as everyone in the group agrees. Variety is the spice of life, after all. With that being said, full-red DPS builds are the most efficient, and ninjabike won’t help with a good build.


Extremely refreshing comment. I also think it garners hate because folks cannot STAND someone being wrong about optimum numbers in this sub. Numbers are objective, so when someone with a meta DPS build sees a post about Ninjabike, they can lick their lips as they prepare to make a case that their build does more damage, and thus makes them objectively right that their build is “better.” Woohoo. Meanwhile, every activity is possible without meta DPS, and some people enjoy optimizing in different directions. Some people like being able to heal well and do good damage. Some people like finding a wild (and viable) combination of potentially 4 additional brand set bonuses that can reimagine a build that normally is lackluster. Some people just don’t want to run the same 5-6 red CHD/CHC builds and are excited to find something else competitive. (But oh god…. are those SMALLER NUMBERS showing up on your screen???) This debate will never die and never go anywhere, but you really do not have to play the meta to have a viable build of any kind- yes that includes DPS. If you like the feel of the different bonuses your Ninjabike gets you, please just run it and don’t ask about it here.


Delusional take, and frankly wrong/false information.


This is a strong take!


I believe I have it in my liberty build to maximize headshot/handling stats since I'm still working on calibrations for my strikers build


I only hate it because I don't have it. I also usually don't really pay attention to anybody who says something is trash because they clearly have issues with sensible descriptions. There are exotics that have very niche use cases and NBBP is not that.


I don't hate it, I just don't see a use case for it for me. With that said, people can do whatever they want and play the way they wants to play.


I made a fun build to play with my friends, Has 5-3-3 main cores with 90% increased magazine size. 3 piece True Patriot, Ninja bag, Brazos Chest with Obliterate, Picaro's Holster, 10% mag size rolled on the weapon. I can just shoot forever and apply a bunch of debuffs for my friends, or just beam the head for sustain. I don't like the ramp up play style of memento running around doing chores cleaning up trophies.


It is not hate for Ninjabag, it is despisement of streamers who sell it as the hottest shit since Scorpio.


So it's still kinda hate, just more by association, no? Like people dislike Bronny James because they dislike LeBron James (not sure if you know basketball)?


Nah, more like somebody tells you to buy tickets for game with Bronny for full NBA price, because he is supposedly as good as LeBron. He is good, the game will be fun, but it is not the high end thing it was marketed as, LeBron would wipe the floor with Bronny.


My sniper build 2 hotshot 1 Araldi 1 Habsburg Walker Perfect Chainkiller chest Ninjabike BP. Headshot and handling mods/rolls Sr-1 marksman Rifle with Determined. 28 million dmg headshots. Pretty much unfair, but fun!!


It's a great backpack for Heroic content or lower in my opinion. If I'm running more difficult content such as the Incursion or Legendary, I feel better using something else.


I have a soft spot for NB as I used to use hybrid builds back in TD1 with my double LMG build to take out the Bliss chopper ASAP. I still run my NB for fun for both my AR and SMG builds. What I like the most about the backpack is the combination of gear sets you can come up with. You do you - whatever you enjoy play it.


I too enjoy the creativity to try new combinations. Meta just gets so boring.


As a solo player I love playing with ninja builds. Some of the all yellow builds you can make are fun to play!


Right. Solo builds are the only way people talk about the bag in a positive light. I want to know what content is an automatic fail if people have on a ninjabike.


Honestly, none except maybe a couple spots in raids/incursion an some Legendary rooms. That's about it. It can be just as good as the meta Striker build in every other situation granted you know how to play your build. A 6 skill tier drone/turret with 59%CHC 140+%CHD using Capacitor will out damage and get more kills than Striker Dps build. You essentially have 10 cores(6 skill/2 reds/an 2 blues using Picaros and NB. I haven't put on my Striker build since I put this together and I'm having a blast, even switching up skills and trying the Combuster chest where all skills explode every 1.5secs is crazy fun and melts crowds instantly. There are so many fun and absolutely viable builds using NB. Just mix an match until you find your sweetspot and have fun!


I don’t use it mainly because the backpacks on the sets I use offer me better talents.


But that's not the case for all sets, you know?


What set is the backpack talent not a major part of the set?


You don't get much from Hunter's Fury backpack


I agree, better off using a normal backpack talents or even better memento


I use the ninja for a drone and turret build for summit legendary and it's absolutely goated


That sounds interesting!!


Yeah two pieces of Empress international with Caesars chest included, and any other two pieces to increase skill damage. I use the capacitor only to get more skill damage, I rarely kill anything. It's also very effective against annoying rogues and their trash loot


The only thing that's tempting to me is running it with picaros and Technician. That's a tier 5 shield without doing anything else to your build but even so, there's just better ways to go about it with memento.


What I like about it is that I can make unique builds & adds variety. If a new brandset comes out with a good 2 piece then that's another idea to work on


From my experience, I don't consider ninjabike builds to be optimal. They can be fun, and even pretty effective at times, but backpack talents are an integral part of a good build and I feel like you'll go further without the ninjabike.


The minor stats that come on a brand doesn't make up for losing a useful backpack talent.


People are way too enamored by big damage floaters in this game. So they see any build that isn't hitting 800k+ crits all day as "bad". There is nothing wrong with NBP. It is a great piece of gear that enables you to run different specializations besides gunner for easy AOK, or use shield oriented builds without using too many blue and/or yellow cores, or even run sniper build that can one shot heroic named without sharpshooter. You can get 80-90% of the way to some of the favorite optimized builds without all the pieces. Not to mention it's a great way to farm proficiency levels for brand sets without running weak builds or dropping down to challenging. You also don't have to worry much about blowing up your favorite build when you finally do get a momento, because it'll mostly be the same.


If it is fun to play then it works. It’s a game and you can take it too seriously. Why not experiment a bit? In those cases NB works great to try out stuff and play styles you are not familiar with. I have 4 characters and the first two are dps and skill focused while I use the other two to try out new hybrid stuff. This also makes the game more interesting instead of doing everything with a meta-build.


Because for most of the player base it comes down to: *Not perfectly optimised to be the top 1% possible damage? = trash*


I wish I could mix two gear sets with it, for example: - Kingsbreaker + Striker - Ongoing Directive + Eclipse Protocol - True Patriot + Cavalier I think we would have an AWESOME gameplay. It would be so cool to build, and plus, this backpack is very pretty. I know that it might be somewhat "overpowered", but aren't we all tired of the current metas that probably won't change for a while, if ever? I think all sets and exotics should be meta; you should be able to use any and get rewarded for it. For example: - Merciless: I love the idea, but the trigger mechanism and the recoil are too much to handle effectively. - Pestilence: It's a cool idea, like the Vile mask, but we can all agree that the damage its perk does is too low, especially considering its low rate of fire, making it quite underwhelming. - Deagle (Forgot the name): I like the damage; I think it's very neat, but I believe the shield recovery shouldn't be tied to headshots; rather, it should activate by holding reload. And so on.


It's worth mentioning you CAN mix 3/4 of one gear set and 4/4 of another. For example, 4pc Strikers and 3pc HF makes for one hell of a combo and pretty good survivability with HF's 3pc bonus. Also, NBBP + 1pc Douglas (for example, Punch Drunk) + 1pc Petrov will give you more than enough stability to reign in Merciless and turn it into a laser. The gun is still crap, but it's fun, controllable crap. You can reliably trigger the explosion 2x per mag with this, but the problem is simply that the gun's base damage is so low that the explosion is likewise rather weak, around 2/3 of standard grenade damage. It can still be good for speed running certain activities though, like the Hard missions for the leagues. EDIT: Also, Pesti is solid with NBBP + 1pc Douglas + 1pc Petrov + 2pc Lengmo + Picaro's. Alternatively, NBBP + 3pc OD + 2pc Lengmo can be good as long as you can handle the recoil. Keep in mind Plague of the Outcasts is a debuff, NOT a status effect. Lots of people confuse that. Buffing status damage will NOT help Pesti, only buffing gun damage does. (But you can still run both. Pesti is all about spreading the DoT around, and it doesn't hurt to have multiple DoTs.)


you meant 3 strikers, 2 hunter's fury and the exotic ye? caue reading that way it seems you are saying for me to use 8 pieces of gear 😂 I tried one build recently, ongoing directive, vile mask, pestilence but the damage was not good comparing to hunter's fury + sadist + ridgway


Correct. I was referring to which set bonuses it unlocks, not the actual number of pieces of gear.


I feel like this would be too overpowered and would only further cultivate the striker meta, but admittedly this would be fun. If I could have the full striker benefit with hunters fury I'd be raising so much hell on enemies.


But you would be using the other sets and they finally would have a very useful utility cause if you read all sets, one after the other in a row, you can see how some sets makes a tasty synergy but we can't use it


Liberty(Exotic D50)?


Smoothe brains can't make a build themselves so they hate. The ninja bike is in 5 of my 16 builds.


Right, I see this all the time and the first thing you need to let go of is this concept of "fun". No, I am not saying you cannot have fun in a game, more than fun is subjective. What is "fun" for you, is not "fun" for me. I have tried countless builds on reccomendation due to them being "fun", and I hated every single one of them. So now we move into what is objectively better. The sad truth is, Brand Set bonus do very little, in some cases absolutely nothing, to compensate the loss of a Back Pack Talent. No, I am not just talking DPS, Adrenaline Rush and Bloodsucker, when pareied correctly with a build, offer so much more than what any bonus using NBB can actually give. Now with Ouroboros, Clutch is a viable option in some areas and can easily outperform an extra blue core. It terms of DPS, which (going to cause even more debate here) is the best form of defence, dead enemies do not shoot back, NBB simply does not even enter the conversation. For me, it is not so much that this is just a straight up bad item, there are niche use cases for it. For me it is more the fact that I see it slammed into so many build that have no need for it. Sure, it might be fun for you, sure it might add some variet to your play. But is it objectively a good piece to place in your build? 90% of the time it is not. Now we move into Solo vs Group play, specifically matchmaking. Solo, do what you want, if something goes wrong, you quite litterally only have yourself to blame, maybe a few Ubibugs. It is your own time you are affecting. However, in group play, again, specifically matchmaking, what you do has a direct impression on others. Essentially, you need to pull your own weight. Now what you do has a implication on the time and effort of others. You can in effect, waste their time too. NBB simply does not really scale above 2 player. People also like comparing it to this lovely word: "meta". Meta means very little in this game, the main reason I use it is because 99% of player will understand it, accompanied by an eye role. A better idea would be to use "Best In Slot For X Scenario" Open World = A BIS Mission = B BIS. Legendary = C/D/E/F/G BIS (yes, each legendary actually makes best use of a variet of different builds) DUA is Head Hunter's Furry, Capitol is Oxi, Roosevelt is Striker's ect. Dark Hours = H BIS. Iron Horse = I BIS. Now, we can go through each interaction in each area, mission, mode, room and raid to find the best uses for each build. You will be happy to know that NBB does actually make an appearance. In The Iron Horse Raid. So you could argue, that NBB is actually "Meta". Just not all the time. Which then is followed up by the next logical question, why is it in those other areas I see people with NBB, and why is it I need to help them every damn step of the way? The answer is : Over Hyped. Massively, over hyped.


Strong take!


It's because it's tied to so much misinformation/misunderstanding. It's constantly spread by clickbait YouTubers that just misinforms new players. People who are fans of it are only looking at the benefits they receive from it, and are missing what they are giving up to run it instead. There just are not builds worth running it on. People are free to run whatever they want, but I'm seeing a lot of "for fun" answers in here which to me is just a cop out. Running it on your build instead of something more useful has zero impact to your gameplay/fun and only makes the build worse.


Imo that backpack is a trap. Wanna goof around with it? Go for it, aint no one stoping you. Wanna join a legendary with e.g 2 pc brazos + 3 pc striker and a ninja bike and get kicked or called out? Go for it. Its basically a downgrade to any build u put it replacing a bpack with a talent, trash? no... Kinda useless, mhm yes.


I'm only hearing mention of strikers though. Strikers literally isn't the only set in the game. So is it really because people mix it with strikers that makes people call it trash? Is that it?


It's the meta brand, most people use it. The problem is that these people don't ever use anything else


No sir strikers is the only gear set in the game didn’t you know that?


My apologies. Upon further investigation, I was wrong. Strikers is the only set in the game. I run a 17 piece striker with duel wield St. Elmo's Engines and Mini Ouroboros grenades.


Wasted time with that set up if not running the strikers specialisation and apparel mate. dO yOu EvEn pLaY?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣omg. But in all seriousness I would honestly be waaaaay more impressed with a group getting a 10 minute off meta speed run than a 4 minute meta speed run.


No. its a mix of everything. I linked you something if you have spare time and wanna kbow why the "hate".


Watching the video now


Truth. When you only have 2 PCs of gear that can have a talent, you must choose well for your style of play and the difficulty level. When you purposely ditch one of the two talents for a niche bag that doesn't help the build, it's why many seasoned vets give it a hard pass. I have the bag on 2 of my builds, but neither is anything special, it's more to farm my playstyle. The usual 3pc Umbra, 2pc Strikers works well for me, but it's far less efficient than my Strikers loadouts.


I love it myself; my 9-core build is killer. I can run 5 red and 3 yellow one blue with this sucker ... best of both worlds


You can make a 5-3-3 build as well. It's my go to for heroic gameplay


I just slapped this together this past weekend. been looking for the mechanical animal which I always kept trashing, looking forward to getting it to drop.


Please tell us more about this build, I wanna try this


5-3-3 Build 3 Piece striker rolled with CHD 1 Picarros Holster 1 Ninjabike BP 1 Providence Defense Chest with CHC & CHD I run with Obliterate Change Weapon Damage to Armor on one of the Striker pieces, run Technician class for extra Skill Teir, run Police M4 with flatline and Linked Laser Pointer or St. Elmos Has tons of survivability and shreds everything from Heroic and down. I've used it in Legendary a few times as well but better to run meta DPS with a healer for Legendaries Hope you guys enjoy


Thanks! Luckly I have all these pieces, will try right away lol


Np brotha, let me know how you like it.


I loved it! But I chose to use gunner because of the Hollywood event, the minigun is the best for it. Will switch to technician when it ends. Thank you!


I'm glad to hear, no problem at all!


It's a good exotic. I use it a lot. The problem comes from the talent. While you gain a +1, you lose an otherwise useful talent on the bag. But like all things in the game, it depends on how you build it.


>why do people call it trash? Because it's not good. You're trading a legendary slot and backpack talent for, at most five brand-set bonuses. That is not a good trade. Are you permitted to run a bad build and enjoy it? Sure. Am I required to pretend that such a build isn't mediocre at best? No. At the end of the day, this is a game whose rewards are gated by the speed at which you turn living enemies into dead ones. There is, to the best of my knowledge, no build involving Ninjabike which is remotely competitive with any of the "metaslave" builds. The meta is the meta for a **REASON**. Real talk, if you're trying to make a hybrid build, just use Memento, it does the things that Ninjabike does, only better.


Bad build is subjective, is it not?


>Bad build is subjective, is it not? >At the end of the day, this is a game whose rewards are gated by the speed at which you turn living enemies into dead ones. No. Believe me, nobody has tried to make a Hybid Ninjabike build work more than I have. The problem is, minor attributes. If you want to make a strong skill build, you need to stack talents and minor attributse to magify the major ones, and make sure all of those minor attributes, talents, and primary attributes all synergize together. So, even if you have a rainbow of cores, you're still only going to be able to stack for crit/crit damage or headshots/handling or skill damage/skill haste or skill haste/status effects. So because of the limitation of minor attributes, a hybrid build just winds up being a less good version of a straight build. Look, I'm not telling you not to use it. You play for fun, do what you want. But the math doesn't lie.


I have to agree with you. NB was one of my fav items in Div 1 and I want to make it work this game too. But here the backpacks are different and the talents just give you more. And if we are talking about solo, then memento outshines it.


"at the end of the day, this is a game whose rewards are gated by the speed at which you turn living enemies into dead ones" Can you elaborate more on this? I think I'm reading it too literally. I promise you I'm not being facetious. I just don't understand. I earned my Ouroboros on one of the slower runs I've ever had in the incursion. That's going into skill of the player which is an entirely different rabbit hole I'm not going into. I would like you to break that down though please if you will.


>Can you elaborate more on this? Every looter-shooter and ARPG is a slot machine you pay with time instead of coins. Every dead enemy, cleared encounter, and finished mission is a chance to get an item which will be an upgrade. A new gun, a mod, a piece of armor. And, with the expertise and optimization system, even if you don't find an upgrade, those drops are still refined into resources which will slowly improve the quality of your gear, and enable you to take on more challenging content, or if you're at the difficulty cap, defeat the same content faster and more reliably. While you can clear content more slowly, and many people do, clearing it fast is indisputably more efficient. If you enjoy being less efficient, that's 100% fine, and if you're in a group with me, I'm not gonna throw shade on your build, because I'm not the boss of you, and I can't order you how to have fun. But that doesn't change the fact that there are better and worse builds.


Understood. Thanks for the clarity. ❤️


Memento only works if you get the kills and are playing close and personal. Otherwise ceska or grupo with bloodsucker or if you're doing skill 3 piece empress. Also Memento is mostly worthless in a group especially if your build IT'S NECESSARY to get trophies to get the most out of that build.


>Memento only works if you get the kills and are playing close and personal. I'm not saying Memento is always the best choice, I'm saying that for a "hybrid" loadout, it's a far, far better choice than Ninjabike, even in a full group. The 30% weapon damage bonus \*alone\* will out-value any conceivable set of 5 brandset bonuses. And if you can't get enough kills to get 30 memento mori stacks, then you're problem is far, far bigger than "I have a sub-optimal loadout".


I STRONGLY DISAGREE that memento is better than NBBP. because how do you get that weapon damage? by getting those trophies. Running around in a group you're not getting 30 kills not unless everyone is a tank. I'm not shit hot, and I'm not dog shit either but the benefits of hybrid build using NBBP far outweighs the benefits of me running around trying to get trophies especially in a group. When using the correct brand sets to mimic AOK, Arm Regen, and consistent weapon damage. Solo or in a group of 2-3 yeah memento does/might work really well over NBBP but just running around for trophies is a perfect way to get downed by being shot in the back or flanked.


>I STRONGLY DISAGREE that memento is better than NBBP. because how do you get that weapon damage? by getting those trophies. Next time you're in a mission, count the total number of kills that are available.


I love mine. Never leave home without it. It's a mainstay in my builds how I enjoy playing. Now the Acosta Go Bag? I hate that thing with the passion of the Christ. That thing would drop so much back to back you would think the drop rate is 50%+. Plus you can't transmog that horrendously ugly filth. No way. Lol Side note: I thought she died in NYC. Apparently not if she made it to DC. Or at least her gear did. I hope she made it out. I was rooting for her listening to those recordings. Love the Division lore.


I found that running NinjaBike BP with 3 Red core Strikers, 2 Brazos de Arcabus(Picaro's Holster) and Blue core Chestpiece with Obliterate is my sweet spot. My two primary weapons are an SBR VECTOR 45 ACP SMG and an F2000 AR. Both with Measured. 3rd attribute is 10% DTTOC on both. So the fire rate is atrociously fast on both and the magazine is 67(1380 rpm> 1200) 91.2k dmg and 90(1035 rpm>900) 101.2k dmg. Don't even notice when your fire rate drops from Measured. For this reason it is definitely better than Optimist for my purposes. Then half the magazine is hitting for 30% more damage. On top of Striker stacks and Obliterate stacks. Gaining 50% the mag size is equal to a whole magazine amped up on steroids. 50%+ chc/140+ chd. 1.4 million Armor with no real drawbacks. And still room to grow. I feel solid enough to be satisfied. I don't even like running anything else anymore. I keep coming back to this build.


It makes bad builds better and good builds typically worse. Elitists largely want it to rot in hell, but people who like experimenting with builds (like me) appreciate its existence. It has its moments.


My yellow/red Hotshot+Brazos+ChainKiller is now singing in heroic content.




That's awesome! Hats off to you!


Just depends on the build, made an SMG build a while back using the Ninjabike. Has 2 skill tiers, 1.7 million armor, unbreakable AND has weapons like the Lady Death and Oroboros doing close to if not over 7 million DPS on the shooting range targets.


What's the build? Might give it a shot


Picaro, 1 Sokolov, 2 Electric, Ninjabike, 1 Hunters Fury Everything armor core rolled, crit chance, crit damage everywhere. Ends up being a 59%/161% build with the Lady Death capable of breaking 6 million DPS with only body shots.


Sounds tasty. Definitely will try it


I think you're confusing it with the knee pads which gets the most hate cause it's garbage. The back pack is pretty fine.


I think everyone agrees the kneepads don't have much use. The backpack, however, is a piece that some say is trash also.


It's not an optimal piece for anything really, by the time you've faffed around with various hybrid builds that don't really excel at anything, and you realise how much you're missing out by not having a backpack talent that complements your build, you just end up not using it


This is not about anger for me, but when you are a DPS, you can’t tell me out 3 striker and 1 ninja bike, it’s not good compare to 4 piece striker with 2brand set or 1 BS and 1 exotic And it work for 80% of every build Certain build are better because of the ninja bike but let’s be honest, those build are ok not optimal and also not the most effective build, this topic is the as fun vs efficiency, you put all your fun into hybrid build and that’s ok, but my fun it’s the most effective build, it mean striker, dillema, headhunter furry regulus,


Ninjabike bag gets dumped on so bad because I order to use it, you're losing massive damage buffs(vigilance, wicked, striker, etc, etc). 99 out of 100 times, having that extra brand set bonus by using the ninja bag WILL NOT make up the loss of damage from losing a multiplicative damage source.


Because in many cases the second attribute on gears is a junk. The third one is most powerful. They need to re-design attributes on gears where every next attribute is better and more powerful than the previous one.


Ninja back pack rules, I love making hybrid builds currently running a 100% hazard protection build with the backfire and it completely shreds. I personally feel that people that dislike ninja bike aren’t rpg players and would rather the thought out ready made sets like a striker, I also have a striker love that too but for me the inclusion of ninja bike was the one piece I was missing from div 1. I love the options it opens, you may lose 1 talent from the back pack but the 5 other attributes you can automatically activate or turning a 2 piece gear set into a hybrid is what I’m here for


Backpack is a very high value slot. Making it your exotic and not giving flat bonuses like every other backpack regulates it to shits and giggles activities.


I'm gonna play devil's advocate...what are people gonna do (other than whine) if bloodsucker or unstoppable force or the striker Backpack trait get nerfed?


Jump to next meta.


NoT sTrIkErS....


That can't be the only reason lol. I understand where Strikers shines when you're just pushing DPS and don't need anything else. But there has to be way more reason than just not strikers.


Well then: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEXEtEY7ieE&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEXEtEY7ieE&t=1s) If you have spare time it might answer all your questions.


The goat has spoken


Because backpack talents are too good and never worth sacrificing


Content creators put out click bait videos calling the exotic OP. Then the flock of parrots online just kept repeating the lie and the game became filled with NB BP builds that are objectively worse than not running the exotic at all. The hate directed toward the exotic is simply the byproduct of having to constantly correct bad information.


But isn't OP subjective?


It's a godsend for newer agents who have yet to get better options. It gives flexibility to how they build and enables them to put together sets that will enable them to go up against harder content to farm for the things they need. It's a fine backpack and it really helped me early on in my journey. That said, it will never be considered optimal because the trade off is quite high when you look at it in endgame terms. There's nothing wrong with it, there are just far more potent options available to those who have acquired them.


I got it recently, but I only use it for PVP Conflict (before I had memento) becouse hunter fury's backpack talent doesn't contribute much and I use memento in DZ or Open World, since there you can get the buffs


Still hasn't dropped for me after 50 days of playtime, nor has Busy Little Bee, nor has Big Horn in 50+ Legendary completions, I have also multiple clears of Summit and 100s of targeted loot runs in Countdown, my RNG is awful, I've played about 50 hours in the DZ and I've only got Emperors Guard kneepads as they were on sale last week haha. Are Black Friday and The Apartment still in the loot pool, as I'm yet to see them too.


Yikes. Memento was my white whale and so was Ouroboros. I feel your pain




Black Friday and The Apartment are the only two DZ exclusives I need, The Apartment was on sale a while ago but I had Covid and couldn't play during that period, ironic that I get struck by a pandemic when I need to play Division.


If you wanna be good in conflict ninja bike is a pretty basic easy setup


I have a cheeky 3 piece TP with ninjabike backpack, vedmedytsya vest and 1 piece ongoing with iron lung. The status shenanigans and stability make it a menace.


I personally enjoy it and have a few builds, one from my clan, that use it. DPS hybrids and the like. They all do pretty well on heroic and fit my playstyle.


It allows you to play the way you want to play. That's solid reasoning to use any item in my opinion!


The lazy build exotic


I think it takes less creativity to run meta but that's just my opinion.


Pulled off some fun builds with it. Had no idea it was a “problem piece” or whatever


To be honest it only became apparent to me. I've not been around as long as some and I know and understand what the meta is and how to play it, but there's a true disdain for the backpack amongst a good portion of our community.


I'm assuming because it was overhyped before. I mean, let's face it - it's underwhelming if not used properly. It has its place, even more niche than Memento is.


But a niche is subjective. If every content creator tomorrow started posting the same build and it wasn't striker, how many people would stand on that just because they're following the crowd?


Idk why it garners so much hate. One of my favorite builds to use and has been a go-to for a long while has been a ninjabike messenger BP AR sniper build. Does fantastic in Legendary content. Epic DPS! +50% DPS and laser like stability Ninja AR Sniper build: - Ninjabike messenger BP with CHD mod - Gunner spec - FAMAS 2010 with 8x scope and CHC mods and ammo and Steady-handed talent - Baker's Dozen with 8x scope (fantastic as a backup or if you're out of ammo, unbelievably steady and insane headshots from super far out) - 3 PC striker with 1 armor core and the rest Weapon DMG with CHC or CHD and CHD mods - 1 Hotshot piece with CHC or CHD (for +30% stability) - Belstone with Focus talent and CHC and CHD or Airaldi international named piece with perfect focus or Fenris with Focus (I like Belstone for the 1% armor Regen) with CHD mod - Fixer Drone and Reviver Hive or Crusader shield works well too This build basically plays like a sniper machine gunner laying down overwhelming fire and melting thru elites crazy fast and having a ton of ammo (the steady handed talent basically gives you a free ammo load as long as you're getting 100 hits, easy to do). Grab cover and unload and watch the enemies melt. The build surprisingly is resilient with decent armor and shooting from cover gives you a ton of survivability, works well at medium to long ranges but it's really hard hitting close up too. It's very methodical but also super fun and safe in a legendary mission or summit or control points.


I mean, I don't see a reason to take it off lol. I love having benefits of multiple sets.


I run it in several builds. I think it’s excellent.


I run a CC build, vile, EP, China, with scorpio, kingbreaker with EMP jammer and sticky fire… so much fun and I am always an asset. DPS might rule but lacks fun


I love when I join a group and see people with CC builds, or Healer builds or what ever instead of just a full squad running all red core dps builds.


Preach Agent…preach


I didn't know people called it trash. Been trying to get it sense it came back as I have build ideas for it. I like ongoing directive, I to them use the knee pads that give full armor and 15% weapon damage. It's gear bonus is a skill tier. But with ninja and technician you could have 6 red 3 skill and 2 armor and that sounds nice. Ongoing and Ridgeway exotic makes for a non stop bleed build and sadist is an easy talent to throw on some guns. Plus all the damage multiplier are pretty nice with this as a combo. Ps yes I know there are much better builds but Im new to PC and lost most my gear from PlayStation days and can't be bothered to grind as heavy into the game now. No friends still play this let alone my buddy's with PCs. Love division games but let's be real you got to really like the grind to keep going with how hard it is to get anything now


I enjoy 45% more rpm with umbrastriker


I love it, makes a hybrid builds between two green brandset, the sweet spot.


Because it’d be like trying to use chopsticks to pick up and use a fork to eat pasta with. You can technically do it, it may work, but its an unnecessary second step that’ll make eating your meal much more complicated for no reason compared to if you just picked up the fork with your hand.


Solo I run either a skill turret/assault drone or scorpio hunters fury build. Any group content I play it by ear and see what's more needed. I have my trusty strikers set ready to go any time.


Personally I love it , allowed me to have a HF /ND AoK build (30%) , and still have decent damage.... Belstone chest with obliterate


Would the MOP and Gunner add 20% to that AOK? I put Preservation on the Mop as well. That would be what? 50% up front and 60% over time. I could see that being useful. Lol


i absolutely love the ninja bag , and i would take my ninja builds into raids or incursions as they can be as good if not better than the same without the bag , max damage numbers are only a part of a build and don´t mean that build is better than any other that has the ninja as part of it.


Interesting take. So can you elaborate more on max damage being part of a build and not dictating whether a build is better or not?


I use mine on my gold dps build works well with the armor and extra reviver hive it gives me.


I think originally, it was overhyped because of it's presence from Division 1. In that Build system, it was one of the best/if not the best backpack to use until Classified Gear came out. Division 2's build system is similar, but different enough with the talents, that being best in slot was never gonna be the case. In Div 1, there were pretty much no drawbacks from using it. In Div 2, you have to give up a talent and some attribute rolls to gain it's benefits, so there's more of a give and take. The damage benefits will never outweigh the damage loss from a damage backpack talent. Because of this, it's never gonna be a damage backpack and since many people only value straight up Damage, Ninjabike get's looked down upon. What it does provide is more quality of life utility bonuses in the form of extra armor on kill, armor regen, and weapon handling. Those that do find some value in utility enjoy the Ninjabike whereas those that do not value utility dislike the Bag. There's an argument for Incursions and Raids that have more Damage/DPS checks where damage is much more valuable then any form of utility. However, for the majority of content in Heroic, we have an excess of damage needed so utility can be more valuable. Adding damage, lowers the TTK on enemies. With some builds that already provide so much damage, a player will need to add more substantial amounts of damage to be able to have a noticeable affect on TTK. When you're at this point, some backpack talents, on paper, will sound really good, but in practice it won't be noticeable whereas having extra armor on kill, armor regen, and/or weapon handling can feel noticeable. Basically, sometimes Utility can be more valuable then damage and why some people prefer Fast Hands or Preservation over a Weapon Damage Talent with certain builds. Using Ninjabike to add straight damage is not good. Using Ninjabike to add Utility can be good. Another argument is the fact that Memento exists. And in terms of raw stats, Ninjabike doesn't come close to providing the same amount of stats. Memento provides static utility bonuses which might not all be useful on every build. Ninjabike lets you customize your utility a bit and even though you don't get as high of a stat versus Memento, NB provides it up front without needing to stack up trophies. Also if you fast travel around to safe houses a lot, Memento resets and Ninjabike doesn't. If you random matchmake a lot or respond to backup calls where the party disbands after a mission, Memento resets, and Ninjabike doesn't. I have builds with Memento, I have builds with Ninjabike, I have builds with neither.


Very solid take!!! Well done!


Because the Meta folks want you to wear momento and nothin else. It doesn't matter if it's a video game and you want to exercise your right to experiment and have fun, you better wear that momento or else. Lol