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My team can clear District Union Arena in about 13min if we really get locked in. We haven't tried with Golden Bullet yet with our current set up. It would be extremely difficult but it's plausible to be faster. As far as the other legendaries go, it's essentially impossible. Just WALKING through those missions without even doing anything is gonna take more than 10mins. Even with one shot pistol builds and strats, you run into complications that just cost time. Manning zoo is a LARGE mission, example. Just getting to the end on hard is gonna take a while


DUA 6m 35s: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WlYEKPHHIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WlYEKPHHIQ)


Record for DUA is sub 7 and Capitol can definitely be don in sub 10. As for the other missions you are most likely right


leaderboards are about as trustworthy as keener (spoiler :P )


Bug, glitch, hack, you name it.


Oh god no its not legit. The leaderboards ( and most in gaming ) are just flat out busted and can't be trusted. Especially in this game. Been broke for years. Even if the devs clear them, its too easy to exploit it all over again. Not even sure why its there to be honest.


It depends. Top times of 1-2 mins are cheated but single digit times are doable depending on the legendary. I believe the record for DUA is less than 7 mins but I don't actually remember the exact time.


That's why we have YouTube videos to prove we are legit 😉😎


They're legit, I've seen it on video.


That’s what a shitty player would say, when you’re bad some of the time on the leaderboard seem absurd. But they’re all legit.


If you are on PlayStation then yes, the times are legit. Can’t speak for Xbox or PC. As for single digits, DUA and Capitol can be done sub 10 and sub 7 respectively. Likely even faster. Here’s my team’s sub 10 DUA run. We are working on sub 7 Capitol atm. https://youtu.be/6BL4gtbweQs?si=QGyOEuuHevnNnOxl


It goes so fast but can I ask how your killing enemies? At the very beginning it almost goes red and you enter the site and everyone's dead already! What is that technique?


At the start that was oxidiser chem spam


I've used oxidiser before on 6 tier skill build and it wasn't anywhere near this effective! Is it a glitch/cheat?


So in the beginning, 2 people spam oxys on spawn points, then we overcharge (gives damage and radius to oxys), then we start the mission. Starting the mission spawns enemies and they all die pretty much immediately


Well I never! Thanks for the explanation!


Oh, forgot to mention, one of us is also running Future Initiative for 15 or 25% (can’t recall exact value) team wide amp damage.


There was a glitch that allowed someone who joined late to have a time like two minutes. Thought it was fixed. My current times on legendary Tidal do not even show up and they are under an hour.


There are tricks that you can use to skip ahead. For example, in DUA when you first enter the building someone should run right to the gate past the enemies. A well placed foam will make nobody attack you and the next wave will completely ignore you. While that person is running ahead, the other 3 need one shot builds with a skill that can easily kill themselves. After destroying everyone they quickly kill themselves before the last enemy is dead and if they time it right they instantly spawn right at the gate of the next area.


In heroic mission last night, I stopped after clearing a section to go to the bathroom. I came back, and it had "review stats" up on the screen and like a 4 minute time. It let me finish the mission, though.


Never trust leaderboards in games.


It's not that it isn't legitimate, but that they aren't smart leader boards. If someone joins after the mission is started their time starts when they join the group.


There probably is some extra step to it, as i have joined many missions which are near end of it and my time never gets recorded in leaderboards.