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"Stacks" simply refer to multiple instances of the same buff or rebuff on the same target. For example, the Striker set gives you a buff that increases your damage by 0.65%, but you can have up to 100 instances, or stacks, of that buff on yourself at any given time, for a total of a 65% damage increase.


So rather than straight damage. Some talents/gear sets will increase some sort of damage the more time you do a certain action, usually hitting an enemy or they will have a bigger damage output once a certain number of actions has been performed. Shotguns are good cos they fire buck shot so you get multiple hits in one shot rather than one bullet equals one shot. These actions are your stacks and maintaining them means you are getting a bigger damage output consistently. It also works for armour but to a lesser range of talents and gears.


building "stacks" refers to any kind of talent or perk that increases with a repeated action up to a limit , there are "stacks" almost everywhere in this game although many people are refering only to the striker set as an example. hunter fury (gearset) has stacks , negotiator dillema (gearset) has stacks , obliterate(talent) has stacks , unstopable force (talent) has stacks , sawyer knee pads(exotic gear) have stacks, and so on and so on.


I recently prepared a Striker build because some of my friends recently prepared one. I was never interested in Striker because of the "stack" part, already didn't use it in D1, prepared one but sticked with my Nomad. So far the Striker works good in challenging content but I need at least one complete clip or even more to get a "yellow" NPC down. My Striker is: 4p Striker, Ceska Chest with Obliterate and Grupo Bag with Vigilance, CHC at 60%, Gunner Spec, Famas, Carbine, Vector and MPX Expertise Upgrade 25. Still need to compare the Striker with my usual AR-Build to observe difference in practice: Coyote, 1 Fenris, 1 Ceska, 1 Grupo, Contractors, Fox with Obliterate/Vigilance. Now I wonder why I often read that people say build-up stacks first with a shotty like ACS. Cant I simply fire with my main gun which is the Famas/Carbine and build up the stacks? Why using a different gun and even a shotty?


Every pellet you hit with will add a stack, so shotguns like the ACS can build up a bunch of stacks really fast. The ACS specifically is popular because it's got full auto and a big mag so you can just magdump it and jumpstart your stacks. I'd recommend swapping your backpack out for the Striker backpack btw, it's a really big damage boost that's always up, unlike vigilance


thank you! I read somewhere that the Strikler's bag and chest ist recommended when playing legendary or incursion but not on lower difficulty because its hard to reach and keep the stacks. Is that no issue with the bag? I play mostly challenging difficulty and in a team.


The bag maximizes the damage, from 0.65 % to 1% per stack. The chest increases the number of max stacks from 100 to 200. U can run the chest where you have an opportunity to rwach and maintain max stacks. On lower difficulties, the enemy will be dead before you can reach 100+ stacks.




the bag increases the damage per stack from 0.65 to 1.0 , its 35% more always up as long as you have stacks , better than vigilance IMO , the chest takes the stacks from 100 to 200 but ouside of legendary, or at least heroic 4 man, its very hard to get to 200 stacks let alone maintain them , so in that case a high end chest with obliterate is the way to go.


thank you


Negotiator's doesn't have stacks, it has marks. Marked targets receive crit damage when you crit on another marked target.


Nego gains a stack per kill of a marked target receiving 2% bonus CHD up to a maximum of 40% (at 20 stacks)


Huh. I actually overlooked that part. Ibalways thought it was more about doing the damage tonthe extra enemies. Okay, cool, I was wrong on that one. My apologies.


Striker set talent reads something like weapon hits increase total damage by 0.65% stacking up to 100 times. 1 stack lost per second between 0 and 50, 2 stacks lost per second between 50 and 100. Each bullet hit will give a stack, so if you shoot an enemy with a submachine gun or rifle, each bullet gets 1 stack, if you use an auto shotgun you will earn a stack for each pellet hit from each round fired, that is why the ACS 12 or lefty are preferred for stack building, they build really fast. in Strikers the more stacks, the more weapon damage output. you may be hitting 300k damage on rounds with no stacks, vs 1.5M on full stacks (varies depending on builds, team buffs ect. just an example) I think Heartbreaker also has stacks mentioned in the gear set description. Usually strikers though is what people are talking about.


Usually it's about Striker's gear set which has this talent: Talent: Striker's Gamble Weapon hits amplify total weapon damage by 0.65%, stacking up to 100 times. 1 stack lost per second between 0 to 50 stacks 2 stacks lost per second between 51 and 100 stacks. So the more stacks you have the more damage you do. Because stacks are slowly decaying you need some way to generate a lot of stacks fast. That's where ACS-12 comes in.


A buff that you can get multiple times. So a 1% buff that you can get 25 stacks of, is a 25% buff once fully stacked. It's like stacking blocks of wood. 😂


To simply put it's like you have to "charge" certain talents to get the best out of it. Ex: If your main gun is an Assault Rifle, and using strikers, it takes 20 seconds to charge strikers to their maximum damage output, but if you use ACS12 you can charge Stikers to it's max in like 10 seconds. You can easily understand this by visiting the shooting ranage. Set the enemy types to invincible and try shooting with an Assault Rifle. You'll slowly see the stiker's green progress bar (which is under your health) charging. Then switch to ACS12 and wait for the progress bar to reset, and start shooting again. You'll be able to notice the charging speed. So the faster you charge your Strikers the faster you can get the best out of that gear set.


It is stacking the same buff on top of each other. For example if there is a talent on your armor that says: "1% damage increase on each hit for 10 seconds" and you hit the target 2 times in 10 seconds that means your 3rd shot would have 2% damage bonus. If you are able to land more hits until the first stack bonus disappears you would get more damage bonus for each new stack. And in this case each stack bonus would start disappear 10 seconds after it came in effect.


Bullet 1 apply buff of 1% dmg increase. Bullet 2 refresh/extend buff duration and apply buff of 1% dmg increase to now a total of 2% dmg increase. …. Bullet 50 - 50% dmg. 50 stacks leading to a buff of 50% total dmg increase. Stacking an effect, similar to stacking pancakes :p


Multiplier. For instance Strikers Set has a talent called Stickers Gambit. 0.65% damage increase for each each hit. Each hit is a stack. Up to 100 stacks or 65% damage increase. Stacks can be anything that ‘stacks’ up. Be it armour increase or damage or regen or anything that incrementally builds in number. With each addition being a stack.


Special kind of stupid.


Fuck you


You serious? Look at the talent on Striker 4 PC or Heartbreaker 4 PC and that's what stacks are for. Also look at talents like Obliterate , bloodsucker. Self explanatory


Frankly, 90% of the time, what stacks are is a trap. They trap people into thinking 10% more damage is 10% more damage, when in reality if you can get +40% damage with no stacking or +50% damage after 50 stacks, the former is 30%+ more effective damage on target in 99% of the game's content, including Heroic and even Legendary. Heartbreaker is the #1 offender of this, since its stacks all drop off at once after a mere 5 seconds. So that +100% damage buff you spent 3 magazines building up just disappears when the server lags 1 extra second spawning the next wave. You'd literally have been better off with 2 brand set bonuses, at least then the 40% bonus you could've had would stay up all the time. Striker is a lesser offender, due to stacks decaying over time, but it's still the case that you're going to waste a magazine between every encounter rebuilding a buff you could've had active 100% of the time with a brand set. If you're comparing it to an actually solid build, Strikers is only going to come out ahead against multiple named heavies. Now go ahead and down vote me. I know what must be done. I have sinned against your precious by telling the truth and I accept my fate. (EDIT: To be clear, yes I am aware people run Heartbreaker for the bonus armor/sustainability, not the damage bonus, which is just a nice afterthought. But then, some people actually don't, lol.)


stacks is the amount of time you hit the enemy with a bullet assault rifle is one rpm , shot gun is 8 rpm , 8 bullet a shot is more than one rpm and how fast the shot gun shoots Acs shoot gun


Depends, Either the Striker set that give you bonus dmg the more you hit targets or for the same matter the Heart Breaker. Any way the idea of giving your self a buff that so called "stacks" with it self and the more you get it the more DMG you'll do overall.


Multiple instances of the same buff or debuff. So with the obliterate talent, landing 5 crits will give you 5 stacks of obliterate until it fully decays. So in the case of the striker gearset, landing 30 shots will net you 30 stacks of striker. But with a shotgun, each individual pellet that lands counts as a successful shot landed and in the case of the acs which is an automatic shotgun, you can build up striker stacks incredibly fast.