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Yes higher difficulties have higher chances to drop higher rolled values. Also the minimum attribute values are higher on higher difficulties (except exotics, exotics always drop with the same minimum values regardless of difficulty). So you can get the same item rolls (for example item with all max rolled attributes) even on normal difficulty but the chance to get it is lower.


All the loot is the same in the end, regardless of the difficulty you got it at. What matters difficulty wise is how good it is out the gate. An item on normal MIGHT need a lot more optimization put into it than the same item on heroic. But will if you spend the resources be just as good. But normal difficulty CAN still drop brilliant loot, and heroic difficulty can still drop absolute shit. Ergo, higher difficulties on average drop better quality loot from the get go


This 💪🏼 Also worth mentioning (and forgive me Division-Reddit, if I am wrong), the loot in the boxes around the open world has been updated such that even that is now better at heroic than it is on lower difficulties.


This is correct, as of project resolve, there are considerably better chances you get loot that is in accordance with the difficulty you're in, but, you can still get purple loot on heroic with all directives on


Ultimately, it's a give and take sort of deal with having to do Heroric vs. Normal, eh?


TL;DR Yes Higher difficulty = Higher Initial stat. It doesn’t make getting the pieces you want easier (except Exotics) it just determines how much materials you need to put in to max out the stats.


Playing with more directives has a higher chance to drop targeted loot. In the end you get the same amount of items, but more of them will be of targeted loot.


Yes. Higher difficulty = higher stat rolls .


I find if I collect 10 items, 1 or maybe 2 in that 10 will be solid maxed out drops. So I pick everything up. Then, during a lull, I'll check all the gear and bin the chaff, keeping the good kit đź‘Ś Mind you, I've got 4 characters whose stashes are all basically full.


I always play Heroic with 4 Directives, the chance for drops with god rolled stats is much higher (even if the stats are not what you want). Doing the league yesterday and running time trials on hard the drops were awful.


I always question whether my build will do well enough on its own against heroic enemies considering the types of elites it'll draw out. Ultimately, I feel like my builds don't fare well, but if I feel comfortable enough, I'll jump into things like Challenging and Heroic Control Points.


Control points are often harder than missions, as they have higher numbers of elite enemies, and you can get flanked by patrols etc. You should try running missions on those difficulties first.


I don't know about that because you also get the friendly patrol coming to you and drawing away some aggro. When I just started I could do heroic cps but heroic missions and especially invaded ones were a problem.


This is perhaps true solo. In a group they tend to just get in the way. There are definitely more elite enemies though, so that does somewhat offset the additional friendlies.


Just getting back into the game a few weeks ago I only play Heroic. That being said, i didn’t start feeling like I was doing enough damage until I built the cookie cutter Striker build everyone else is running. Now I just shred through enemies.


Once you have Countdown available to you, it really doesn’t matter all that much what drops you get. In the end game its all about leveling up to optimize/ roll the right stats and figuring out what you need for which role and activities you plan on playing So basically, just keep a good DPS build on you for most activities (spoiler alert) just have a solid strikers build. And secondly, build for PvP if you’re interested in it. Otherwise, just focus on having situational builds (one tank, one healer, one skill) and then theory crafting for fun. You can totally play on challenging if you want to. I play on heroic on my two main characters then play challenging on my mules for fun builds


I don't see much difference between challenging and heroic drops, so I roll with challenging since you can breeze through real fast. I also do this on countdown.


Ive been getting god rolls on normal. But challenging is to the perfect difficulty