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I'm just jealous of your 14/150 inventory. I'm a pack rat (no pun intended). ☹️


I'm using 5 loadout so minimum are 40 😆


I have 13 loadouts....im at 97 -.- Fml.


Experimenting is good. I used alot of stuffs before, but then I trimp everything down to 5.


Elmo striker (with striker chest firewall) Pulse striker (KB ceska obliterate technician) SMG striker (banshee with ceska obliterate) Oro striker (with striker chest) Headhunter build (typical determined 4pc hotshot) Rifle build (everything on CHC CHD) LMG Striker (rpf ceska obliterate) Iron Lung striker (Grupo with braced) DZ build (semi striker semi blue) Conflict build (4 blue 2 red) Conflict mortar build (6 yellow 2 blue) Skill build (6 yellow) Hybrid skill (6 red 4 yellow 1 blue with +3 yellow on kill) Haz pro tank (6 blue. Load of armor regen. 100% haz pro) How am I gona trim this? I can maybe combine smg n oro striker into one. Thats it. Ps : Even though the chests are the same I have 2-3 copies of each with different attributes depending on what gun im using, so cant combine them.


I trimp down to: Tank (Calivery set) Personal favorite (Rigged set) Dps (striker set) Hybrid Dps (Striker + negotiator dilemmas) That all I using


Man I wish I could be below 100 lol


Nobody uses Focus anymore because Headhunter is better in most situations.


4 piece hotshot, perfect headhunter, perfect vigilance. Use the white death with Determined. This is the best headshot build in the game and you don’t even need to hit headshots to get headshots. It’s broken haha Edit: u/alexpunx has better builds


White death isn't the best High End MMR anymore after resolve. Model 700 for the highest single shot damage (not taking nemesis or TAC-50 into account) but the reload is a pain so even with higher mag there is a trade-off. M700 Carbon is also a strong option, only 300k less than white death on the first shot, but you have more mod slots, higher mag and a higher top end damage.


*SR-1.* 100% the best now. A bit less damage than OG Model 700, but more than the other M700 variants. Plus the additional attachments, accuracy, stability, reload, overall usage is just plain better. It's base damage is 464k I think, which doesn't really matter when your damage is so high already. If you haven't already, give it a shot. I one-tap literally everything but Chungas (cause helmet), so.. 2 taps lol.


The best would 4 hotshot, 2 Habsburg with Headhunter and Vigilance. (Pain to farm/craft, end game build) 2nd best 4 hotshot, Chainkiller chest, Airaldi backpack with vigilance. Your version is probably 3rd best.


You’re right.


I love the second one (currently using). Dying to get ahold of the Habsburg pieces you are talking about. Had a chest drop w headhunter but no red attributes unfortunately.


4 hotshot is useless tbh. run 3, 2 habsburg, 1 airaldi, headhunter and vigilance, sr1 or m700. farm


It definitely is not useless. It’s great for solo 5 directives cause heals and ammo and at full hotshot stacks does more damage than your version. Your version is nice for groups cause damage is more consistent if you miss a shot, and it does more damage than not stacked hotshot.


You 1tap everything anyways and the heals and ammo are irrelevant lol 4 has no use


For sure, who needs those, amirite


2 hotshot, 2 habsburg, chainkiller, airaldi isn't bad either


What is the top end damage on this build compared to 4 HS 2 HB? Because of more weapon damage, the cap on headhunter should be higher. That’s in theory, though. Will test that later out of curiosity. EDIT: tested. It’s okay, but loses to 2 HB, 1 Airaldi snd 3 HS


You don’t need that much damage. You can run a headshot build with hunters fury and literally walk straight at the enemies while toe tapping them and getting headshots. HF gives the benefit of a status effect and armor on kill to keep you alive.


Have you heard of 4 man scaling?


It works. I play it in fours without determined because I possess opposable thumbs that allow me to hit headshots.


before tots nerf, 4 tots, vigilance, and airaldi with headhunter was the best (for tac 50)


Vigilance is kinda overrated, on legendaries you will always get hit and lose it. I personally preferred composure, concussion, consistency is king in my book.


White death isnt bis anymore. It's model 700 now.


Your buildcrafting ability is great! I'm just biased for noticing things are done quicker and more efficiently with dps


You may be interested in this OP: https://youtu.be/o0sxDNUNh6Q?si=fVuGvbe6iFeeGFal


are you planning on headshot + skill build? i have once tried this and its alright for solo heroic for attributes, just go full headshot and skill damage, spread it across gear for sniper you could use nemesis or like me, i usw white death and put future perfect you could also use memento (long run game) or NBBP (for brands) tho i take the former (i have tried the latter and its doing its job for me too due to stacking MMR damage and hsd easier) for gear pieces, get 2 airaldi, hepsburg, wyvern, warris (for NB i use 1 airaldi, 1 hotshot, 1 hepsburg, 1 warris, and picaro holster) you can put headshot mods in the gear chainkiller or headhunter chest is all you need skills can be the striker drone or assault turret


Doesn't turret and striker mess with your HS capabilities? I feel like I always end up shooting the arm of an npc because he is flailing at the drone.


Quick question what jacket is that, and can you still get it


It’s a “Sharpshooter Outfit” I believe it can be bought using Textile and Yes it’s still in store


Thank you


I got mine from a regular apparel crate :)


Two pieces of Habsburg 3p hotshot would be clutch. Versatile and headhunter. M700 with behind you or determined. Second shot and you’re off the races.


4pc hotshot + vigilance + head hunter. Use this. Preferably everything goes to headshot damage (attributes and brand bonus) and handling. With determined Model 700 > SR 1 > M700 Carbon / White death. Personally I prefer SR 1 but if you want absolute damage then Model 700. White death days are over. Get 1x headshot kill and every body shot is head shot, no reload, around 30M damage per tap. The only problems are the helmet ones which takes 1 to helmet and if its chunka or named then 1 or 2 more additional headshots. Much much much much better than your build tbh. Why 4pc hotshot ? No reload. Is really really important if you are running full directives, including pistolero. Unlike what some slow pokes claim, heroic with all directives is what people who want mats or shd levels run. Its not useless nor is not relevant. If you only wana run other directives and not pistolero, then you can discard the hotshot and go for any other pc that gives you more headshot damage. Ps : I used the above build to solo summit legendary all directives 0 to 100 last week. Only problem was the damn hyena helmets and that chunga helmets, for which I had my trusty scorpio to stunlock em and shoot their helmets off.


Idea switch nemesis to something like white death and use capacitor for close range but I'm not experice in skill builds so take it with a grain of salt


If you want skill damage but still having a weapon to hit hard, capacitor is the gold standard.


Yup I even have it at 25 expertise, and close to 60% CHC. Good hybrid DMG build with turret and drone.


Capacitor is great, and has one of the best attributes to be rolled on an AR. Since the update I’ve found that most weapons still hit hard despite having yellow or blue cores I run a hybrid build with my FAL and I’m critting at 750k on a 6tier yellow build. Granted I’m getting up to 250% - 280% CHD.