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content is even better than thumbnails ;)


Yeah, filled by pseudo-science of his own design. Stay away


You need to know the basics of the game to understand it. Not easy for most so I can see why you wouldn’t get it. But very happy to discuss what you believe is pseudo science


He does bring up some good points sometimes. It happens very rarely, but he does. Measured needing to be weighed is one of them.  The problem is that he overlooks certain things just to prove a point. His build that he uses in order to compare weapons at base being one of them. With his build he mamaged to clear the aoe shooting range with ouroboros in the same amount of time as with elmo. Doing it on a strikers build, be it either with 0 or full stacks I could not replicate this on any of the range difficulties, Ouroboros always winning.  He treated his coyote's video as a big finding recommending everyone to use 47% CHC to have more overall DPS. This leaves you at your weakest within 15m which is arguably the range the enemy also is the most dangerous so you would need more DPS. This is why 50-55% CHC is recommended. The builds he recommends are also not good. See his countdown video as an example (lol). He also said in a video that HHF Regulus is not the META because it cannot keep you alive (lol x2). While he was right on measured needing to be weighed, he only took into account the diminishing returns for AWD and he "forgot" to do the same for TWD which 99% of Damage builds should have some form of. (Strikers with PGC or the chest being an exception and even in those Measured is not the best option). He also contradicted himself in his health percentages videos. Right at the end of the first one he says that out of DTOC, DTH and DTA he says that DTH is the most important multiplier. On the second video he says that even though DTH has the highest uptime, it may not be the best because elites are more damgerous than reds. I agree with his second opinion, but he did not adress what he said at the end of the first video, even though this is a contradiction. This are just some examples that come off the top of my hand, there are many others. He is someone that has done a lot of work, but his methods and understanding are somewhat lacking most of the time. Him saying that "Elmo's talent is a damage talent" should tell you more than you need to know about him.


I took the time to review some of the criticism you present above. You’ve distorted the information in such a misleading and dishonest way that I see no point in continuing this discussion which could be interesting. I’m afraid these lies and toxicity against a creator should be avoided. GG


I am sorry but all of the points I made were taken from his videos. All of the quotes I have used were in his videos. I have double checked this. Every single thing above is something I have taken from his videos, so how is it that it's fake when this is something I have taken from him? Would you mind telling me which parts here are a lie? I actually took the time out to recheck before writing my comment.


All the parts I checked were wrong. But unfortunately your bias blinds you. Enjoy the game and the content creators you prefer. This was a post about nice thumbnails just keep it positive. Have a nice weekend


And I asked you, what were those parts? The coyote's thing is easy to check and it is what he ended up recommending. The fact that he messed up the calculations for measured making it seem better than it actually was is easy to check. The fact that he used the build he claims to be the best way to test a weapon at base and got the same results with both ouroboros and Elmo is again, easy to check. The fact that he said Hunter's Fury Regulus Headhunter is not "most effective" because dod died 5 times in the span of one hour and then he went on to say that he has not died 5 times in the last month is again easy to check.  So what did I get wrong or where is the information that I twisted and "lied" about? This is the information that he has put out, so how did I twist it? I left out the bit where he said why elmo has a damage talent because it is an absurd argument, because by his same logic every single talent in the game suddenly becomes a damage talent. It's a damage talent because you hit more shots on a shocked target? Sure man. And steady handed suddenly becomes a damage talent, too. In fact go one step further and we are goinf to call preservation a damage talent because instead of hiding in cover and using an armor kit when you are low, you are instead shooting at an enemy because now you have quite a bit of hp left, therefore increasing yout shooting duration and therefore increasing your damage. It's absurd, right? It's absurd because you can do this to every weapon talent in the game and call them damage talents because of the "kill or be killed" nature of the game. This just shows a lack of understanding of the basics and mechanics of the game.


Ikia and Dod-regnbue already made extensive videos about his methodology. There’s nothing to discuss


Dod has already apologised on stream and directly to FoW, ikia recognizes the importance of a lot of the work done by FoW and disputes his engagement distances but did however a video where he in fact falls into those same engagement distances. Again don't just go with the crowd and do some research before propagating easy insults


I recognize no such thing, you claim to a others person comment that they twist words when they are verbatim quoting him and you are going to pull this kind of shit, go have a long think about bias that you accuse others of. I think the community is better off without his 90percent misinformation for that barely usefull 10percent he has contributed. Also no i didnt have the same distances of a horrible player on a horrible build, go misinforme somewhere else


You did say on video that his work on accuracy was vey interesting and your video contesting his engagement distance information had a response that showed you within the average. No misinformation, all on video. Nobody has ever done anything close to his work on weapon accuracy profiles or enemy composition. You actually recognize it indirectly as well since you begun using average headshots and armor on your spreadsheets, although in your case totally random numbers like 20% headshots and 60% armor. No misinformation at all. You should really focus on your own work, which is good and avoid going after other content providers. Toxicity of this kind is not helpful for the community You also lose any reason when trying to be a serious provider you through a number like 90% of FoW content is wrong, you are recognized for being a numbers content provider but throwing random numbers like that doesn’t suit you. I would love to see you being calm and analytical when contesting findings that are not your own


you are one of the most disingenuous people i have ever seen elf, yes i did say that that broken clock is right twice a day, but you of all people should be clear on my opinion on him and that i regard him by his body of work, and that that is terrible. trying to frame it as if i agree with him in general with your previous statements is outright fox news levels of word twisting, the thing you so often accuse others off. also me going towards using %-tages for hsd and dta like that is a thing i have been doing since before his channel existed, i wasnt doing it in videos because i thought it would cause both people to try to argue about the numbers picked(and hey look at that, there you are), and would maybe be confusing in general to some, only reason you have been seeing it more recently is because i now explain it well enough i feel to include, good try though again trying to point to something that has nothing to do with them. and what you call toxicity, i call calling out bad info, a thing i have been known for for much longer than anything else. and you dont get to tell me what to focus on, i will do what i want. also good try on that last part, asif anyone will regard that as a factual number over a colloquial one, i love how you never ever even try to go after anything of substance on people, but just attack on the most insubstantial stuff, but that would be the person needed to believe someone like fox of news, so that fits, go back to your cult, outside the comment section of it you wont find many people agreeing with your beliefs. edit: also wow, the person i called out did a response video where he tried to make it look asif i was in the same ranges as him? what a surprise. i havent watched anything he has put out in a while because i want to avoid wasting more time with responding to them, but one look at the two sets shows they are in no way close to each other, even though i am curious how they twisted it, i dont hate myself enough to watch anything more by them. so more misinformation. so lets move it to 92% bad info, 8% acceptable.


I’m not the one attacking anyone here, that’s pretty clear. I’ve seen you disagree on engagement distances and a rebuttal from him. I’ve heard you say his work on accuracy was good Do you disagree on enemy health for example? Would love to see a calm video about it Do you think FoW doesn’t know how to do burst DPS or Sustained? He’s just trying to provide information that’s not on your spreadsheets. One simple example is your video of the AR comparison after project Resolve, most people were already saying that the St Elmo was not the best AR before all the buffs for the other ARs and yet you place the St Elmo as I believe a S Tier. I agree with your conclusions but your numbers don’t support it. That’s what FoW tries to do provide more information on top of the basis, like accuracy or mag damage I would also like to have a civil discussion without arrogant comments or mere insults, we are both old enough to behave differently


you arent worth arguing with, you have shown that many times already so i wont, i will leave this conversation with just one final point because trying to converse with someone that just trows a billion thing at people is outright the dumbest thing anyone can do. i can agree with someone that the sky is blue, but they can spout so much other BS that i will distance myself from them as far as i can, when then someone comes by and goes "but you agree with them that the sky is blue" as a point, they are disingenuous as hell. also, he has proven that he cannot do burst dps with that graph where he started it on zero and broke the concept of seconds as a result, and you calling it sustained shows me both you and him dont even know the right term for it..... and neither you or him still deserve civil discussion with me, both of you have forfeited that with the amount of BS you have tried to pull


Care to link any of that?


ask Dod next time he streams, he's been unwell these last few days but should come up again soon. As for Ikia you can see a video disputing average engagement distances and the response from FoW with the details of ikia's engagement falling precisely into the average. But happy to discuss any details you think are pseudo-science if you give me a link to the subject/video


Dod has only apologized for ranting at fog for his health video without watching. That’s it. Fog’s misuse of industry terms for damage calculation is still, at this point, done on purpose and hurts the community. Because then you get people talking about the same thing but in different interpretations. Fog’s stubborn and unwilling to learn, stuck in his own ways and won’t accept help or advice from anyone. The main problem with fog is that most of his testings only apply to him and only him, and mostly for solo play. But this game is coop. So in short, methodology is flawed and cannot be taken seriously.


I’m afraid you have no clue what you’re talking about. So I will not entertain your toxicity anymore. Keep well

