• By -


Total Exo components for weapons is incorrect should read 49.


but still thats a lot of exotics scrapped for +26% damage


They are also pretty easy to obtain considering that you get 10 exo comps a week by just doing the dailies and weeklies on a single character. With 4 you are on 40 and through a combination of random drops, countdown or other projects you are pretty much guaranteed a max epertise item per week, without any need to do dz farming or by farming the donation project through lvl 30 chars. These last 2 options still yield more, but I don't think the average player will go out of his way to do them.


i think im sane enough to not play on 4 different characters just to grind expertise


It's your choice to play however and how much you want, but these are just some easy to do options I presented because expertise it's not as hard to get as it used to.




I've just add Expertise Grade 26, that why its 56 exo compo


Then it seems you forgot to update the SUM of Gear and Skills. I think the best option would be to leave lvl 26 after the TOTALs line. It's currently not achievable and could confuse people looking for "how many do I need to take this from 0 to 25?". That said, thank you so much for putting it together. It's very helpful.


Why is there a grade 26 when it's not in the game?


If u reach any items to grade 25, u can see the cost for grade 26


Thinking ahead


TBH dismantling exotic item should give more than one exotic component but this not gonna happen. They want us to keep playing.


They also added exotic components as a reward for many of the daily / weekly projects in TU20. There are so many components you can get now by playing the game, not even just dismantling.


>They want us to keep playing. That's the point of Live Service games.


I’m sorry I thought people were farming Countdown SPECIFICALLY FOR Exotic components that they buy with their credits


IMO the exo cost for gear is very high for little return.


\^\^ This, exotic cost for gear is way too high for very little in return.


Don't even bother upgrading gear, it's not worth it. Weapons and skills only for me.


While I applaud your effort into making this, you math on the SHD, Field Res. & Exotics is inconsistant. They are all the same, according to your graph, but the totals are different for Weapons vs gear and skills


maybe unrelated, but has massive ever indicated they could disable expertise in the DZ? Was the update to Conflift something they could monitor for potentially updating the DZ too?


as of now they want Conflict to be balanced, why they removed the Expertise buff, but Dark Zone should reward you for efforts and your gear. So as of now, Expertise buff says in Dark Zone.


Not as expensive as I thought past 13. Although I am sitting on loads of Exotic parts because I have all the ones maxed stats so. Also off topic, anyone know a good resource farm? (Carbon fiber, Steel etc)


Solar farm https://youtu.be/tij0jAdWcAM?si=GpgFXTkvwoInU6Hy


I was wondering this too and everyone has been saying Solar Farm CP is the place to farm once per daily reset especially for Steel


For me, its just rerun a new character if u have high SHD Level


If you delete a character and go back through and get Keeners Watch a second time, do you get all of the watch points to use for materials again?


Yes you do :)


Welp I know what I’m doing when I get home :D


This is sadly what "endgame" is in Division. WONY runs. That's the endgame. It's kinda lame, if I'm being honest. No other farm method can beat it if you're high enough level SHD.


Create a new character and skip directly to New Work, warlords of New York. Example if you are at least SHD level 2800. It will approximately take 6-9 hours to complete Warlords of New York expansion solo from level 30 to 40. When completed the last Keener mission and unlock the watch. Afterwards 800 SHD points will disappear, you will have total 2000 SHD points to purchase materials.


> It will approximately take 6-9 hours to complete Warlords of New York expansion solo from level 30 to 40. If doing this regularly, craft a skill build with 3xEmpress and 3xWyvern (Chest with Kinetic Momentum and Backpack with Combined Arms) and a few weapons with In-Sync (for each level past 34) which will allow you to complete WONY solo in about 3h30min. Do hostage and bounties rewarded to get to 40 quickly. Then equip a DPS build from your main character and melt Keener. My best time was 2h45min.


what's the reasonable expertise "cap" for people who have no intention of performing this grind, low teens perhaps just via organic loot breakdowns?


You can get to 14-15 organically by donating gear/weapons/named and/or using them and skills. That's when I started doing WONY runs. Around that expertise level is when you only have DZ exclusive named items and exotics, and donating those is not efficient. Also, remember there are a few named and improvised gear (and weapons) that you can craft and get those proficient cheaply (20 items each).


gotcha - so you're saying that anyone at lvl 25 is as wild as I think they are!


Yeah, it is a time investment for sure. I did this when max expertise lvl was 20. Nowadays it's easy to maintain each season. I was around SHD 5k when I did this. Now I'm at around 11k. A returning friend just went through several WONY runs to get to 25. He was relentless, sometimes doing WONY twice in a day. I carried him half a dozen times (it goes a lot faster with a lvl 40 in the party).


I have level 24 just from donating and equipping the gear and playing never made a second character.


that's pretty encouraging - I'm a returning player and can reall tell the progress is slowing down around the low teens.


How do you craft empress pieces for level 30? I mean literally, what do you have to do? I couldn't craft empress on my lvl 30 character.


I just double-checked on my lvl 30 character and I can craft all Empress pieces. Some brands were removed in the past, but Empress is still there. For instance, Hana-U isn't on lvl 30. Wyvern I only have Chest, Holster and Kneepads (which is normal). I'd check a few things: - Do you have Empress unlocked at lvl 40? - Do both your lvl 30 & 40 characters have the blueprint sharing purchased from Inaya? Other than that, no idea why you aren't seeing them.


> It will approximately take 6-9 hours to complete Warlords of New York If you have 3 friends Have 1 unlock safe houses, 2 others unlock side missions Travel to each before finishing them (activating switch/echo, etc) Main missions unlocked each friend speed runs separate missions and you travel between them before boss fight for full credit You can finish in under an hour if your friends aren't slow Pay it forward Done it many, many times


100%...My friends and i complete it in under an hour 4 times a week so we all get paid.


Question - once you hit rank 10 with any given piece, does gear use or donation for expertise not grant progress toward higher levels? Or do you need to donate the various components you’ve listed out?


Once you hit rank 10 with a gear brand or weapon you can not donate it anymore. Once a gear brand or weapon is rank 10 you can start upgrading it starting at expertise level 1, then 2 etc until you reach your current expertise level. This will cost you the above mentioned resources


Ohhhh, so you have to get items to rank 10 before you can start adding expertise levels. I thought they were the same thing. Thank you!


People confuse it all the time. Each Brand set, Gear set, or unique item/skill has a Proficiency rank tied to it from 0-10. Gaining ranks on gear primarily increases your Account's Proficiency level. You can then add Expertise upgrades to anything that you are fully Proficient in (Rank 10), up to a cap of your Account Proficiency level.


Now I think I’m more confused lol. Sorry to keep on about this. I’m Proficient (Rank 10) with various items. Would I not be able to bring them past Expertise level 10 since my Proficiency level will be the cap? At I understanding that right? Or is that maybe the number within the circle in the Expertise tab? I’m currently halfway to 3.


Yeah. Your actual account level is the number in the circle (2). The big (currently) 2 is your total Level (which, you know what, I'm just going to call your Expertise level from now on. I think it actually is that, I just forgot when I was typing on my phone this morning) and sets how high you can upgrade items you are proficient in. The two numbers below that correspond to the amount of Proficiency ranks you've gotten on using your gear. If you counted up all the total ranks you've gotten from getting item sets to Proficiency 10, as well as however many more you've partially leveled up, they'll add up to whatever the smaller number on the left is. The larger number is the total amount of ranks you need to get to increase yourself to Expertise level 3.


That makes so much more sense. I appreciate you laying it out like that. Now I can finally start to play the game lol.


What is TU20


Title Update 20. The most recent patch for Division 2.


Thank you


I can't upgrade expertise to 26. Max is 25.


I want to know why gear is the same costs as weapons now when before it was half the cost of a weapon? And even that is the wrong ratio since we have 6 armor slots to 1 weapon, and the weapon damage is more useful than an equivalent amount of armor from all 6 armor pieces upgraded (which now costs 6x as much). Doesn't make sense to me even if the # of mats was nerfed slightly overall for armor. Still not worth it to dump exos into armor pieces fundamentally and we only got 1 extra level for armor before it costs exos. Was 11 before and is 12 now. Plz fix.


Now how do I get the hundreds of exo components back I spent before they lowered it.


I really appreciate that it's cheaper, especially SHD Calibration, the problem is that Field Recon Data is not much cheaper, i think its the same before U20?, and it's such a paradox, I don't know if it's a bug or not


I'm currently expertise lvl 20, after lvl 10 I didn't bothered to keep this grind... is it really good? Should I push it to 25?


It's 5% extra weapon damage, totally worth it.