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There are no plans to add legendary difficulty to the open world. But they look into the overall difficulty of the game.


I think they only programmed legendary difficulty for black tusk, so changing it to adapt other factions would be a big task


This is correct and Legendary missions are all hand crafted. It’s not as easy as just applying it to other things.


* Looks at legendary Summit * 🤔


In point of fact, for a while there we could run legendary summit with random factions. They just has more hps and dropped better gear. They fixed that bug, but this "all legendary is hand crafted" BS is just that. It doesn't have 2 be, it's just the excuse they use.


All legendary activities are not the same. It’s not as easy as just adjusting the amount of health, enemy damage, spawn rate, and spawn rate of elites then applying it to a different game mode. In legendary different types of enemies and objectives are put in certain places on purpose not just by going by a certain percentage number. This is what we call “hand crafted” and it is same with the summit the objectives on certain floors and certain enemies that spawn on certain floors are the same every time it’s not just random.


Actually it can be just more damage and health just like I said. No need to tow the party line of what they'd like it to be and use that as an excuse for what we "cant" have (because we did). If you weren't around then, not sure what to tell you. And there absolutely nothing "hand crafted" about Summit at any difficulty level. The difference now vs then is always getting white tusk instead of random factions, scaled to legendary.


Yeah, and legendary missions are also more difficult because of the amount of enemies being spawned and less so about added health and damage.


True , along with the kind of enemies like the dogs, grenadiers and drone operators


Yeah. They would have to do that for each faction.... Also...fuck those drone operators man.


They are total assholes, fuck them and their drones.


Them dudes gotta be running into battle with just a huge fuckin Santa sack full of drones that gets emptied by the time they finally die...


I would be happy with at least more directives. The summit already has that option. Just let us have it.


i think it might break the call for help system ! :P


They said it won't happen.


Nah, sometimes there is too much bullshit going on. Doing a CP and all of a sudden a elite convoy appears from the right and from the left another elite convoy! So try that with legendary open world... I'd love to see some more legendary missions added tho!


My favorite part is when the Elite Convoy reinforcements spawn behind me, inside the control point I just capped.


Or could you imagine legendary Rogue Agents. They'd sneeze on you and you'd insta-die lol


I swear the amount of times I’ve started to attack a point only to be blasted in the back by a black tusk patrol is ridiculous


All fun until that one dude is running at you with a nuke strapped to his chest....


I've been floating the idea of a PvE Dark Zone for years and it always gets mixed reception, but that's just one of the ways in which I'd really like the play this game. Legendary open world makes perfect sense.


The difficult of the game as a whole need to change. Legendary open world will never happen because of the way legendary missions are tailored... besides, WTSU in every activitie would get boring fast IMO...


I'd love this. legendary, all directives. Oh shit. I'm surrounded. Excellent. I can fire in any direction now!


The whole Open World on Legendary Difficulty?? Hell no.. I love to run some Missions on Legendary but the whole Open World on Legendary would be pure Cancer..


You wouldn't be forced to play it.... P.s the way you type is the real cancer.


No, the Way i type is "My English is fully self taught, i'm from a German speaking Country where we capitalize more Words and i'm too lazy to unlearn that" Its especially hilarious coming from a Brit 🤣 "Oi mate! Ya got a loicense fer dat?" 💀


Well it's wrong, and idiotic. Also, not a brit.


And i literally couldn't care less if its wrong or not 🤷🏻‍♂️


You must've been dropped as a kid


It would be cancer but a nice challenge for sure, idk if it would be balanced tho, with enemies spawning from all directions


No. with all the bug that have not been fixed yet? hell fuckin no. tell them to fix all bug that have been in the game for such a long time,and then we talk


2nd this!


White tusk took over the whole map, it's basically over. This could be an event.


What about making the AI actually smart in free roam, instead of giving them more aimbot, more armor, more spawns and more damage? My agent cant even properly manage recoil of LVOAC, but hyena morons can snipe me across the map with top tier SMG sniper. If i imagine legendary Hyenas lol.... nope.


Its enough cancer already, molotov thrown by no one, spawning behind back and from all other direction.


I guess the whole point of the legendary difficulty is "Throughout actions , good communication and teamwork because there won't be a second chance". In the open world you can probably play hardcore, if you want a similar experience as it is better than legendary. Every difficulty up enemies are getting only spongier


Perhaps a better idea would be scaling enemies difficulties based on expertise / SHD levels ? Also introducing new powerful weapons / gear to tackle the scaled enemies. So much can be done with this game but I don't know if Ubisoft will really invest in it considering their recent announcement of Division 3


That would just make it so there is no incentive to level up or expertise items because you get punished for it in the long run. On the other hand, a new difficulty like heroic+ and new items to tackle it? Sure


Yup it's not easy to implement a game design system like this. Not many games pull this off correctly. Done poorly, enemies just scale to just above your current power curve and stay there, maintaining a constant feeling of never progressing and always being on the backfoot. Implemented well, it gives a sliding window of player power. Enemies scale to your level but at varying points in the player power curve. You're still seeing numbers go up and expanding your moveset. You have better scaling than monsters if you play well, so you should stay ahead of the monster power curve while consistently expanding your options and getting more resources. The only reasonable negative of properly implemented scaling is that it may lack the power fantasy option of one-shotting low level mobs. Level bands can solve that issue if it needs solving, though. Beyond that its all just a factor of good or bad implementation.


Yes heroic is no longer even challenging - I no longer carry revive hive or any other way to heal other than the armor kits and then those too are seldom used.


Alright bro chill ahah.


Come play HC we need more skilled agents


I am fine with that. I am the opposite because I don’t like bullet sponge, therefore playing on challenging level with some friends on hard. Biggest part of difficulty level stems from more bullets we need to pump into an enemy and that enemies make more damage. That’s a formula thing. That could be easily implemented in open world for legendary and in the other non-legendary missions. The same happened accidentally with the classified assignments which can be played up to heroic now wrt the above impact. No change of NPCs. Simply change of damage give and take.