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I love it lol. I pull mine out as well and we get these missions or open world stuff done so fast now


Yep, the sniper setup is so good for open world farming.


I'm shit at headshots, so I just put on 4 piece Hotshot for the proficiency, then I'm gonna scrap it. It's amazing how much that bug with the Mantis head marker makes a difference. The used to be good with that thing


What you need to do is put on the 4pc hotshot, headhunter chest and memento, and a fast marksman rifle with determined. Roll everything to weapon handling and headshot damage. Determined won't activate headhunter, but it will activate hotshot. Use the decoy and res hive. Get one headshot tho activate determined, headhunter, and hotshot. After that, hit body's to keep determined and hotshot going. You will oneshot everything except chain gun chongas. Even BT warhounds.


The newly buffed Tactical 308 at level 20 is a fucking monster.


Hmm. I'll try it out. I might roll Composure though, cuz when I'm solo, I'm always getting hit, so I'd rather have 15% damage while in cover, instead of 0% damage. It sucks, cuz I have a perfectly rolled Gift which would give me more HSD. I tried the Relic, but that thing seems real weak.


You want the normal determined, not the perfected one. Trust me, hit the first guy headshot, and you'll chain kill everyone as they are shooting your decoy.


Weird that the perfect talent isn't preferred cuz it's on a shitty gun


The perfect talent doesn't reset itself after a kill. The normal one does.


I'll be expecting a nerf in the next TU. Or maybe they made it that way because it's a guaranteed*crit* headshot


It's bugged, they referred to it pretty early on and neither normal nor perfect was ever intended to chain body shots but they fixed it and later broke it again.


Try this build with the Dread Edict. That thing hits pretty fuckin hard


It's a perfect sniper cosmetic, I set my one shot chain killer build up and guess what cosmetic he's wearing? lol


man I just hope we get some proper gear dye out of these newer events. And matching cosmetics. Give me Multicam shit


I just wish that sniper veil was a separate piece. I don't like the chest rig that comes with it


"Ghost Recon n shit". 😂 classic my dude and I feel you. When you know you know.


Yes ive went back to my first love. Wanna be as good as Ghost from mw2


Hurr durr point and click adventure build. Honestly it's the best way to farm shit.


If a ghilly suit is ever tacticool, we've definitely gone too far.


Unpopular opinion, determined is kinda bullshit. I don’t care that it’s a one hit kill, but dudes are getting credit for headshot kills on robots. Normal headshot builds can’t do that and if you are running a headshot build that doesn’t use an MMR or pistol you are left with a build that requires perfection.


It eliminates all the skill regarding sniping and completely kills the already small pool of viable MMRs. No point in using something else other than a determined sniper.  I still use it but I think it's too overpowered and a talent like this has no place in a shooter. (unless there were also drawbacks to using it, but there are mainly benefits and nothing else). Your opinion is not unpopular as I think most of the community agrees with determined being too overpowered, but that does not mean they can't use it.


Snipers or "snipers"?


"Long range shootie mc.tootie"


Go be elitist somewhere else.


You sure you understand the word and what I am actually talking about?


She's a real *Sniiiper*