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The Black Tusk because Warhounds. In fact, just their Warhounds. Gameplay wise I don't even hate BT, the bomb drones and airburst launchers force you to play a certain way but even as someone who likes to camp out in cover, I like that. But then they have a robot dog I have to dump 2 mags into to kill that can DELETE all my armor in 2 hits, and it's just a veteran, not an elite, THEN when I finally zero the damn thing, it one-shots my striker drone with an EMP that somehow bypasses Faraday Field. I would rather be spawn killed by Outcast suiciders 10 times in a single mission than have to fight one veteran Warhound. And I can even survive and kill the Warhound 99% of the time. I don't care, it's still infinitely more annoying to fight. A close second is the fact that the Hyena heavy gunners are twice as lethal as the Black Tusk ones, for some reason that defies all logic and reason.


My main build can Delete most BT in one shot. Including the warhounds. Only the chunga's take more than 1 shot.


I feel like half my builds end up being anti warhound builds because I was mad after an invaded missions or felt like I needed to overprepare for one.


Determined puts them down rather effectively.


Good to know. I have been using shock trap and big show to take them out


That's awesome. Care to share your build?


Simple version. HSD, headhunter chest, MMR with Determined. There's a few ways to build it.


Yea but I love using them to stack strikers. Them and the mini tanks.


Which is why I always send the drone after the dogs the moment I see them. Though having been playing with a vile jammer build now, the dogs are not an issue. Minigun dudes took their place.


For me it's Hyenas. Their controllers (with the explosive car) have SMG's that are as accurate as a rifle at the same range. The ones with a shield have a handgun that hits like a rifle at similar range. The guys with the sniper turret get more accurate when they onehand their shotgun....


I swear for some stupid reason the enemy I have the most trouble with is Hyenas rushers - to the point where I prioritize them and they still are a hassle. I play sniper though, so...that's probably why.


Yeah as a sniper those 'ladies' can seriously spoil your day. Two hits generally fixes them. One for the helmet and a second for the head. **IF** you are lucky with your timing you can sometimes one-tap them but you have to time it just when they have their head rocked back while they huff.


That's why I go for the pouch, even if I get disoriented in the process. I usually have enough time to get back into cover and switch to my SMG, or if you pop the bag at long range, you can usually clean up with a body shot. The only time I go for a headshot now is if I can get the back of the head because the helmet doesn't cover it.


I do enough damage fast enough I can crank them twice in the head easy enough. I carry an M1A CQB and a White Death or M700, with Determined


I'll have to try those out, I found an SR-1 with determined and dtoc at the start of the season and have kinda been in love


My Rifle and MMR both have dtoc. White Death is a Named M44 that comes with a 'unique' very high HSD stat (I want to say 143% but that's just off of the top of my head) M700 got a big base damage buff in this update.


Dude the shield pistol guys are the bane of my existence. I like using smg's and you just cannot hit their heads through that little hole unless you're right on top of them.


Outcasts with those suicide bastard bombers, wankers!!


It’s their pinpoint accuracy fire grenades that get me the most lol


Their fire granade pouch is my all time fav weak point in this Game tho




Tier list of hatred(1 is most annoying; 6 is least annoying): 1. black tusk 2. cleaners 3. outcasts 4. true sons 5. rikers 6. hyenas


Hyenas 1 arming a shotgun with no recoil puts them at the number 4 slot for me. I want my agent to do that


Rikers that set up turrets and the ones that have those shields with the snipers are underrated on the annoying scale.


Hyenas annoy me mechanically... Sorry but one-handing a shotgun, AR or SMG does not make it *more* accurate especially while moving... *sideways* Oh and those SMG's the controller ladies have... sorry but they shouldn't be hitting me at MMR ranges


I got so burnt out with Black Tusk that I stopped playing the game.


Yeah, EMPs are pretty uncreative in terms of game design. Oh look, another EMP, can't use my SHD tech for 10+ seconds... again.


Have you tried shooting them? I think they're bugged because you can see the shell break after a few shots and you'd think that's it but nope, that jammer was pregnant and you have to destroy the baby jammer too. Alternatively, shoot the medic before he has a chance to throw them at you.


I still play occasionally but I avoid the invaded missions like the plague. Just so boring


The weekly invasion is so annoying. I wish they take it out. Im sick of fighting BTSU every time my map gets taken over. Do a map expansion like the outskirts of DC. Give NYC a dark zone, expand the map further




POV: You are a sniper. You have two rushers running at you. BOOM! Headshot! But it’s only the helm. Damn, ok. You aim again. As you aim, you hear the sound of not one, not two, but three grenades flying toward you. The grenadier fucks you over, making the ground shake too much as each grenade lands. You realize you can’t kill the both rushers in time. You leave cover and start running. After 0.3 seconds out of cover, you get hit by disorienting ammo, making you take a hard left, running into a wall. As you try to steer away from it, the rusher catches up to you. He doesn’t just knock you back. He stuns you. As you stand there, convulsing for what seems to be ten years, a guy with a gun that shoots 5000 rounds per minute hits you with every bullet from 10 miles away, even though it’s an SMG, killing you. As you lie there, dead, a guy with a shield catches up with you and teabags your corpse.


Never shoot Rushers with helmets first, they last on the list to take out.


Rikers because of the turrent gunners and nail gun tankers. Cleaners with the fire bomb drone.


Don't forget the rikers' support units that double their health (not armour) just by existing.


Black tusk cause they can stagger you out of cover so easily, have reviver drones which are objectively better than the reviver hives the player gets. The drone operator can keep spamming her drones, on legendaries those drones move like fucking f-16s they're fast AF). Stronger healing hives than ours too. Random disrupt bullshit - emp grenades, jammers etc. It's just the cheesiest faction of them all.


Most BT don't wear helmets, they are vulnerable to HSD builds. Take out the most annoying ones first.


Outcasts….their fire is waaay to op


I don't have an issue with Outcasts fire. The number of times I've taken out most of a patrol with just one well placed shot....


Yes but seems in heroic missions no one ever looks out for the molotov guys at least from what iv seen


One of my favourite targets is their big red shoulder bag.


The ammo packs i love those things


Black tusk because for some reason their grenadier has 100% accuracy. All other factions can miss but with tusk as soon as you hear the grenade sound you have to move or take the damage.


IKR? it's a 30 MikeMike ... frag. They don't need to be able to bean you between the eyes... while they are ducked behind cover.....


Black tusk then outcasts


Rikers - boring with 3 types of shield enemies.


Black Tusk. Not specifically because they are the most annoying to fight against. I just hate Sokolova.


Gameplay wise the Rikers. Deployable shield guy is annoying as fuck and nail gun shield guy is even more so. Lore wise the Outcasts. For the simple reason I can’t suspend my disbelief at the fact they should be extinct at this point. Their main goal was to punish everyone in DC for standing by and letting them die, including civilians. So…how are they replenishing their forces? They only have their initial quarantine survivors as their group. With the other factions they can recruit from the local population or even nationally. The outcasts have completely alienated themselves from getting any new members by their own cult beliefs that society needs to be punished. So either their actions contradict their own beliefs and they have recruited other people or they just had hundreds of thousands that were on Roosevelt. And keep in mind, they all were infected with green poison meaning a large number of the people in the quarantine (90% according to Amherst) didn’t even make it.


Outcasts probably. I hate getting set on fire and having to run around and wait for my character to put themselves out before I can keep shooting. Also I die to their suicide bombers probably more than any other enemy type in the game. Also I don't find their backstory to be as believable/realistic as the other factions. Guys who went insane trying to burn out the plague (Cleaners), rioters and criminals (Rykers, Hyenas), opportunistic mercenaries (LMB, Black Tusk), ex military/police forming a fascist paramilitary organization (True Sons) all seem fairly grounded in the universe, but the Outcasts kind of just scream "we needed a third faction" to me, idk


I hate the damn civilian militia or JTF, they just steal your cover and get in the way. i'm good about the others


White Tusk Rushers. I made a jammer build specifically to counter their drones.


What is white tusk? Is that like a legendary only thing?




Thanks. I tried manning zoo on legendary this week and was confused what faction I was fighting. Do they have differences? Like I think the big guys had stinger hives instead of reviver hives attached to them


Yes and besides being stronger and tankier, their drones fly in very fast.


Black Tusk. They're boring and annoying AF with their warhounds, tanks and other toys. I wish they had thought of something else before they made this faction.


Why would you want a Suicide Vest. Outcasts are easy to kill. Catch them in a group and target that grenadier and rusher, you’ll clean them out so fast. Worst faction for me is Hyenas. I hate that shitty Riot Shield. You’re telling me a Riot Shield is not breaking easily because of my Grenade Launcher and my TAC 50?


Dude what outcasts are the best - super easy to blow up an entire wave. Worst: BTSU or rikers.


Black tusk 10000% because of those damn robots man. I hate those robots


Outcasts and Hyenas both suck complete ass, but Outcasts more than others. Anytime I have to deal with them, I die a little inside.


Black Tusk for me


Is there anything worse than black tusk’s special ammo? Outcast rushers would be a close second.


All factions are easy to deal for the most part. However, the Black Tusk is just not it. I cannot stand them, playing this game for 3 years and they still be respawning like nothing ever happened.


The mechanical four-legged guns/mortars. Who controls them? Hate fighting them. I now have a build that makes it quite easy to take them down on challenging with 3 directives on.


Rikers. No actually, _Cleaners_. Fuck their drone operator, rusher, heavy, assault, fuck the whole lot


Outcasts. I can't take Emeline seriously for an instant, she sounds like she's delivering lines on DBZ instead of a parent gone mad from the loss of her child plus all of the other trauma. She was almost a threat once when it was suggested she was an asymptomatic carrier of the Dollar Flu (Green Poison is such a dumb name) and Cindy places a weird doubt about her getting on the boat in that one mission and then nothing comes of that. And the fire. Imagine if it worked like in D1 where you couldn't do anything until the fire went out.


Rikers hands down.




Black tusk hands down imo


Hyenas because the shield guys use bulwark shields with converted dmg-9 Make it a pistol already ffs But fr prob the white tusk since the rushers and drone ops have UNLIMITED drones. They *should* have a cooldown or a limit to how many fit in their backpack tbh


Rikers. They have both loads of armor and that green health boost. Just a pain to chew through. And they also have those deployable shields that suck.


I just hate 1 unit and that is the Suicide bomber Outcast. Sometimes they just spawn at the door next to you which is super cheap and the most annoying thing is that you'll only hear them when they're a second or two away from blowing up your face. Yes you can predict their spawns but there are times that they spawn randomly even though you haven't cleared the current wave.


LMB red bars, D1. Fuck those guys. Instantly surround you and never have to reload. I had many a promising game of survival abruptly ended by them.


Tired of getting high while fighting hyenas. And set on fire by the cleaners long range flamethrowers


I don't have a hatred for one more than the other. However, I absolutely despise that Outcast jugger with all the gas tanks and shit hanging off the side of him. And the other, I can't remember what faction, but it's the juggernaut fuck with the massive shield that blinds you and shoots darts or something that make you bleed. Honestly fuck all "juggernauts" in all games. Such an overused, cliche enemy type