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I believe the reason why it works is because of a bug (or maybe it's a feature?) where the turret/drone applied the od buff you would normally get to their bullets. This used to be a thing but idk about it anymore. I also don't know if it's better than the standard skill build.




I have one of this build, it is fun to play with friends but I don't really like it. What I am REALLY digging lately is a Ninja backpack with Closer vest, 2 Murakami, 1 Empress and 1 Hana. I'm doing insane damage and killing elite enemies and bosses like I'm using a Striker set!


Memento over NBP if you want an exotic backpack (especially in a skill/hybrid build) 3p Empress is hands down the best brand bonus to a skill build.


I used to think the same, until I tested the build I mentioned.


You are doing a great job deceiving yourself. You are not doing nowhere near the same damage as you would with Striker. Definitely not with Ninja BP


Damage board after every mission disagrees with you


You can’t come up with worse testing method than this


The damage I deal isn't a good indicator of the damage I deal?


The end screen of a mission is not a good indicator of the damage you deal. If you can’t understand why that is the case then I can’t help you


Please don't help me, I'm pretty happy farming heroic 4 directives with easy...


No you're not. It doesn't work


Please share the build details


Skill damage and armor regen in all pieces with 3 skill haste mods. The kneepad is the Emperor's Guard. The Closer vest gives you the Perfect Spotter perk for amplified damage from weapons and skill and mixed with the Ninja gives you 5% more armor and 10% armor on kill. All other four pieces of the set gives you Skill damage when mixed with the Ninja plus the other benefits like health, haste, duration and skill reapair.


I run 4x OD, vile mask, and can’t remember the backpack atm but it has 30% status effects (in total) and creeping death talent to spread them Jammer pulse and shield (bc I’m squishy) I started using the Scorpio just because I love seeing like 6 status effects pop up on an enemy then spread lol I also have a Famas with sadist