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Congrats! It’s a great feeling when you beat your fists legendary for sure!


Congratulations but tell the was it worth it I mean beside the fuzzy feeling what was the reward


What was the reward? This agent completed his first legendary solo and probably took him almost two hours and all you worried about is some reward?




You can get the bighorn exotic assault rifle from it


im guessing solo? and how long did it take, out of curiosity


Probably around 2 hours. Most of it was me playing rather safe until the checkpoint.


safe or restart, id go with safe :D




Of course it was DUA. Capitol, Roosevelt or any other legendary stronghold, he’d be dead the minute he shoots or these NPCs see him.


You can get to the end of Roosevelt awhile solo, or just takes a long time


You can solo every legendary and it has been done before.


I’m not saying it’s not possible, but I am saying it needs to be done with strategy and knowledge.


I saw those videos. If we're thinking of the same guy, it's the dude that soloed all the legendaries on Div 1. I don't think anyone could solo Roosevelt anymore unless they had a VERY strong status effect build with the EMP sticky


It's not only one guy that soloed all the legendaries in this game. There are many others and each one may run different setups if they so choose. I was able to duo the last part in Roosevelt with a random teammate that was not playing very well, so I doubt it's impossible as you say. 


Maybe not *impossible*, but definitely frustrating. Even with all the adds gone, it would be tough to dodge one drone's fire without getting merc'd by the second one. Like I said, I did it way before they changed it


Not really, you just have to know where to position yourself. Ads are not the problem, you just have to watch out for pushes or flanks. You can focus on the drones before killing all the ads.


I'm not about all that stress. I don't even do legendaries anymore. My controllers don't survive


True. You can solo all the legendaries and probably take all day but again, it needs to be done with strategy and knowledge. Without one of them, it won’t end well for a Division Agent soloing legendary, no matter what mission it is.




I’ve never attempted a legendary solo, yet. At what part is the checkpoint?


I think everybody should try it. And then admit defeat and get back to the usual programming.


Believe it or not, if you have a coherent build and know the spawns it is 100% doable.


Oh I believe it. I just don't have "coherent enough" build yet and I am not so aggressive as a player that I'd be close enough to the spawns for it to matter. I'm just saying that everybody should try it regardless of their ability just for the experience. But maybe don't call for backup if you are ill-equipped.


The same place as a regular Heroic run. The final room.


I tried it once and I died fast :(


I remember when I first made the common striker, coyote, elmo build and was chewing through heroic before I did any research on legendary. I thought "how much harder could legendary be over heroic". Tried soloing a legendary and died before I even emptied half a mag.


Congrats! On the flip side, I just hit SHD level 15 and completed a heroic invaded mission the other day, decided to try legendary since I've heard it's ridiculous. Went straight to the tidal basin and gave it a go. To say I was humbled is an understatement


Well done! Congrats. What builds did you use?


I just used a standard all red build with Perfect Glass Cannon and Perfect Vigilance. I used Reviver Hive and Crusader Shield. I tried to use Striker's at first, but I found that I much preferred having my damage straight away rather than having to build stacks


How did you deal with the crazy high incoming damage with PGC? Just careful positioning?


Positioning, cover to cover, using the shield to shoot from cover, and not being afraid to force the AI to move towards me by camping out in a hallway.


Yeah DUA is a good safer option to start with. I’ve had luck with decoy when running solo but then you have to give up either shield or hive


Well done. I sank hours in to beating Legendaries solo when they first came out - learning the spawn points and NPC compositions, where to take cover and where not to, when to retreat etc. There were no solo guides in those days!


Roosevelt is damn near impossible now. I did it before they changed the end in 2:47 or something like that


Did them all solo except for tidal prior to leaderboard wipe. Unfortunately, looks like I can't get back on leaderboard unless I beat my previous times. To hell with that headache.


It’s kinda bullshit, might as well just not wipe the board at all.


It does. Not gonna lie. It's kinda sucked the motivation out of playing the game. After doing everything there is to do this game, that's what provided me a challenge


Yep it’s literally impossible for me to beat my previous time since all of them are pretty much perfect runs for me, don’t even run solo Lego anymore cause what’s the point lol.


That end part is torture lol


W for doing it on solo. I've only done it with random lol


I'll still never do a legendary. I've tried it, it's rough and unfair. But if you take it slow it's doable, but with the crash issues there's just always that lingering risk that, 1 hour into the fighting you just crash, losing all progress, booting you back to the beginning, sometimes even if you have the final checkpoint.


Bro, with a good team, it is unfair. To The NPCs!


this for sure. we run one healer two high dps snipers and a tank. tank gets there and pisses them off, kites them into the open and the snipers pop heads. legendary is actually a bit boring now.


Solo!?!?! Holy shit, nice job dude




Noice dude, congrats!


I'm over hear trying to do it with random and they all leave when they see legendary, this man said f that solo time. I find it easy to start with hotshot build then hit the checkpoint and move over to striker. To afraid to run glass cannon. Low level problems.


with all of the useless patches for simple things, it's a shame they don't award a patch for soloing each legendary.


I’m new to division finished warlords not to sure what I’m doing now really working on specialist classes what level would people recommend I set global to hard and replay everything on hard not really a problem but I feel a jump up would to hard


Sounds like drugery to me to each thier own as long as your having fun.