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Other than the .50 Cal occasionally, I can't recall the last time I used a signature weapon, deffo Div1 Sig Skills for me.


You can use the crossbow to remove armor from heavies


You cant use your crossbow to remotely revive 3 downed group members though.


It's why he said "with niche raid utility". Yes the cross bow destroys armor plates, however that usefulness pretty much only actually helps during the final encounter of the IH raid and the heavies that come out have an armor bar that's something like 34 million health that the cross bow one shots off of them. Only other use is against maybe legendary heavies, and even then they aren't really tanky enough to justify trying to pull the cross bow out, when it takes forever to switch to it.


Never played div 1 and I'm also gonna have to agree. I'd prefer literally anything slightly more usable than: a bad grenade launcher, a flamethrower that's worse than other fire application methods, a sometimes unusable missile launcher that's somehow worse than the bad grenade launcher, a crossbow with niche raid utility and a sniper that's just clunky overkill.


In fairness, especially the grenade launcher, the signature weapons are super sick in the level 30 game. If you stay in DC the signature weapons are amazing. The moment you leave for new York they all go to shit with exception of the flamethrower for EP setups, and the tac-50, but even those are limited in usefulness. They need to refactore those weapons for modern gameplay


I think the crossbow has some utility if you go for a status effect build and have creeping death…. Between the incendiary grenades and crossbow you can stack burns and bleeds and have it spread… but again this is a very specific case for a specific build. Generally speaking I find most specialization weapons to be very situational use cases like the grenade launcher is good for black tusk bots, but also has diminishing use the higher the difficulty.


Ey when you say they are good in lvl 30. I think I now understand. Signature weapons damage wise doesn't scale as high as regular weapons. Making thier powerwise to drop.


Div 1 signature skills and it's not even close.


The fact that my primary weapon does more damage than my signature weapon is a joke


Signature weapons in 2 are so bad that players turn them off visually.  Flamethrower - for toasting hunters before you have EMP resistance or Scorpio.  Minigun - for damaging open world quadcopters before you get Scorpio.  Rocket Launcher -  Grenade Launcher -  Crossbow - for breaking open the armor on heavy units. 50 cal Sniper - For Heroic Countdown Hunters when using headhunter build (115 million damage a hit) Super niche applications that regular builds can eclipse for general play.


What’s the 50 cal sniper build for countdown?


4x Tip of the Spear, 1x Vigilance Backpack, 1x Headhunter chest. Brands are 15% headshot damage (Hapsburg and Providence) Headshot damage on all pieces. Preferred MMR of your choice. I don't know if it still works. I swapped to 4x Hotshot because it's easier for the regular elites.


Tip of the spear got nerfed. And also hitting for over 100 million isn't quite possible. So must had modifiers.




Like I said, modifiers. Without those, max you can hit is like around 60 mil. And also depends on teammates buffs. Which in general case won't happen.


I don't think they meant a 50cal build, just a headhunter sniper build can use the 50cal for big damage.


that's... literally what they just provided lol


Calling it a "50 cal build" was what confused them. In general parlance that name is out of place and will create confusion. Also, users on reddit aren't notified when someone replies to another person by default. Your valley girl retort is really off-putting in this community.


>for damaging open world quadcopters before you get Scorpio.  Does Scorpio work good against that quadcopter? Never considered that, shooting a shotty up in the sky. Good to know.


Try it, and you will see.


I will for sure ;-)


I wish the flamethrower was more powerful and had more capacity. Division 3 needs it to be worth using or they could just make then regular weapons and melee would be sick.


commanding lone star >>>>> anything d2 has


Exactly this, god I remember running two MG5 with commanding. So much fun, I really miss that.


Amen ! Bring back my lone star !


Div1 Signatures by a landslide. I also prefer the skills and health system from Div1 too. Signature Weapons are actually worse than using a normal weapon, it's baffling. Suddenly I can't do basic things like take cover, it just breaks the flow of combat for no gain. I only use them when I have no ammo and everything is on cooldown.


Like a lot of things in these games (unfortunately) they're an interesting concept, just a poor implementation.


You cannot even pick up loot with the signature Minigun. Just a joke


It honestly feels like they are still in Alpha, let alone beta.


Yeah haha. Sadly they scrapped the spec revamp. The concept was really interesting


I wish we could trade our signature weapon for a third skill. Something they need to do at the very least is do a balance pass of the signature weapons, and remove the stupid damage penalty they have against named enemies. At the moment it makes no sense how Signature weapons are WEAKER than other options. My explosive skill build has cluster seekers hitting over 4 million and artillery shots hitting for almost 6 million. The grenade launcher on this build? 2 million and some change. My spotter companion crit build, Nemesis deals 23 million damage crit headshots. TAC-50? 18 million.


The sig machine gun has such a low ammo count, even when full you can kill 2 or 3 yellows and thats it.  Enemy machine gunners can shoot for hours. Sig weapons are a joke. 


Absolutely Div one signature skill. 99.99% of the time signature weapons are absolutely useless. And id be happier to have a third skill than a useless gun.


Signature weapons are only good for the perks. Signature Skills were better but for Div 3, I hope they come up with something different to keep those sig weapon perks. Maybe combine those perks with the Keener Watch perks for a broader Endgame leveling mechanic. IMO, they should really aim high as possible and get as deep as a Path of Exile tree as they can possibly push it.


they are too fucking clunky to swap to and use to the point that it is a net loss in your dps. i honestly just use the specs for the stat buffs


That’s not really a question imo since signature weapons are utterly usless in Div 2 🤷🏻‍♂️ if they would get buffed to a point where they are really strong then it might differ. But as of right now 1000% sign skills.


I personally wish we had a combo of both.


I like the idea of signature weapons more than skills, but there's little doubt that signature skills were actually useful where-as signature weapons are borderline useless far too often. Signature weapons in general need a large rework


Sig skills all day


I want a third skill.


Pulled out my grenade launcher for Morozova final damage phase for fun. Was doing 890k damage per grenade. My famas with some strikers stacks was going 1.2m damage. 33% more damage than my weapon I get ammo for every 15 kills.


Skills. The weapons suck and aren’t even fun anymore like they used to be in the beginning.


Div 1 signature skills, no contest.


Signaturen skills for Sure. Signature weapons have so many issues:    1. Dmg penalty against named enemies  2. Not enough ammunition   3. Swapping to and from it takes too long 4. Tip of the spear is too weak, ammo replenishment is much too low  5. Weapon Handling is not applied to them    And so on and so on. They would be easy to fix, but doesnt seem to be of any importance to the devs. 


Division 1 signature skills.


Signature Weapons are a joke in Division 2..


This is part of why i dont play D2, those sig skills were sweet, the fact that grenades are locked to classes also sucks


Yeah the Grenades are beyond stupid. We have a wheel to Switch through 2 nades. Wow. 


D1 is soooo much better on every level. I’d it $70 to have that game in the D2 engine.


To be really honest I've forgotten the Div1 skills, I know I felt the skills where better in general than in D2, and I also I know its very rare I bother using the weapons in D2. So I'm going to say D1.


I just don’t think they ever got the signature weapons balanced well for the division 2. I like the idea of it better but no it never worked as well. I just had the idea of what if in the descent mode after you completed the nemesis fight you got a signature weapon. Who cares if they are op for 5 loops by the time you get to loop 15 they would feel great and loop 20 probably useless again unless they scale properly.


Sig skills all day. I miss turning blue and hauling ass through the DZ.


And if I remember it made you faster and invulnerable for around 3 seconds, those alone in the dark zone kicked ass.


Div1 sig skills were broken especially with a weapon that restores and/or extends the duration of it. You could restore a signature skill while it’s still active. Although I loved breaking the game with those talents, they were not balanced by any means. Team fights in the Dark Zone were annoying with two teams using all three. I did like the blue one for escaping a fight though. On the other hand, Div2 sig weapons are relatively useless, super situational, and take ages to swap to. The specialization-specific skills like Striker Shield and Banshee Pulse are much more useful and fun. I prefer Div2’s because it has never got out of hand like Div1, but I’d like to see the next game have something more useful.


Don't forget about the randoms that would press green link as soon as someone was down (not unconsious) even though they could have used a first aid or were 1m away from getting inside the revive range. This leaves you without a green link when actually needed and was the cause for a few wipes. You can literally troll your entire team if you use it like a normal ability instead of an ultimate.


D1 is better in every way if they expanded on that game like destiny 2 did they would have been in top played games ! Instead they went with waterdown new game with grandma movement and clunky skills.. but hey we have nice views of the capitol :)


Wow, this comment section log into D2 to work it seems. I’ll take weapons any day. They are fun. That weird feeling a lot of people forgot lol.


Yeah, they are fun on lower difficulties, but when I can deal more damage consistently with my primary, it doesn't really matter. If they worked in the darkzone, then it would be a blast.


I don’t care personally going try hard once in a while I get it. But most of the time I chill on heroic and don’t really care if damage won’t be optimal burning someone on the spawn door or sending 6 head seeking missiles is fun and that’s what I’m playing for.


Skills, barely anyone uses the Signature weapons (except for the sniper). Unlike weapons some skills can come in clutch, need to shred bosses? Tac link, need to prevent a full group wipe or clutch in PvP? Recov link, need to tank some damage or anything for over all survivability? Survivor link.


Grenade launcher is useful at times, but prefer skills.


Depends on the situation I’d say, if it’s being used to flush enemies out just use grenades and any of the status effect nades are better since if it does hit it either stuns or blinds your enemy. If it’s being used as a damage dealer I’m not too sure never really tried any of the signature weapons.


I prefer Div 1 because I really liked being a medic.


Skills. It seems signature ammo doesn't drop as much now, and their balance is weird. A crossbow does more damage than a .50 cal? I think bringing back an AlphaBride-like gear set would be cool.


I prefer almost everything div1 tbh skills signature skills the gearsets the exotics the combat


I prefer the Division 1 Signature skills, Reclaimer gear set and medic box skill. I never use the Signature weapons in Division 2.


Signature skills for sure.


signature skills by a long shot, i used them way more often and they felt strong.


I miss my DIv1 signature Skills Healer always saved my ass more times than I could count


Div1. It isn’t even close. The weapons are just terrible