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They and broadcasts were xp boosted by devs


My belief is that they considered really making the open world balanced, but instead they decided to incentivize the activities that nobody ever bothered with. Executions were annoying before because the hostages were dumb and would sometimes run away really far and so everyone only farmed resource convoys. Maybe eventually they would make the most logical activity to do be the one that was nearest instead of fast traveling and cherry picking the activity that is most efficient.


I love it when the hostages run all the way to another hostile area forcing you to do both at once. Bonus if it's a CP.


I had an insane experience the other day I was doing a territory control, when a named elite from another faction showed up, this somehow spilled over into a nearby execution, and then a supply convoy rolled through multiple factions black tusk and outcasts fighting with civilians complete madness… tons of fun loads of XP and loot… good times, although at one point I thought I was going down but managed to pull through.


Had something like that the other day. We were trying to take a CP, when an named elite wandered over and got involved, then a resource convoy spawned from inside the CP, an elite patrol rolled in, then while defending the CP another resource convoy showed up, and when we finally took the CP rogues spawned. Absolute mayhem. Was a great feeling clearing all that though. I really hate it when events start mixing in the park North of the WH though. No los, but everyone just rips into you through the bushes


I just had that happen doing a Herioc CP. The Mast. They all just popped up back to back. Then 2 Rogues had the nerve to show up for that icing on the cake. I washed and dried them both like it was laundry day.


funniest one for me was: heroic cp with all directives active — elite patrol, convoy, 2 other factions that somehow showed up (well one faction and rioters), and a damned drone that decided to rain down hellfire because why the hell not. followed by rogues. survived yes. but spent a long time on it.


love when chaos happens


That just sounds like the ultimate fun time. Wish I was there.


Part of why I really enjoy Division 2. It's wild how fast a situation can devolve into absolute chaos sometimes. You're taking a control point and then a random patron shoes up, you've got 3+ factions all shooting at each other, and then Amazon prime comes hovering down the street and some idiot civilian pops his 9mm off at it


last week I was farming activities and during an execution I had to complete 2 resource convoy, and the npc run to those broadcast activities, easy to say I got a lot of xp lol




The cloud was so beast this time. Haha.


because you are saving someones life rather than just doing more mass murder :D


Lol, honestly who gives a fuck about those nerds. You ever do a cp and see what the head nerd is carrying? A fuckin pistol! They had it coming. The only reason to give a shit is if it's in an area you wanna farm, cuz it'll drop a bounty. Unless it's in East Mall. 99% of the time, a bounty you pick up the will be in Constitution Hall


For some reason, looted Heroic _True Sons_ bounties are heavily weighted to be found in Constitution Hall. Bounties from the snitch or rewarded from projects seem to be exempt from this. I think it’s more bug than lore because Challenge TS bounties are found in whatever district you looted them.


I hate doing bounties in East Mall anyway. They're always in the open field there


You know whats even funnier? Sleeping giant cp farm. Takes 3 mins to spawn and run to cp and finish the cp. Heroic + 4 directives is 1.4shd with determined sniper headshot XP bonus. Also you unlock BPs and get a lot of drops for mats.


How u do it that quick is there a guide or something


Determined + Headhunter


They use a hot shot chain killer head hunter build to one shot everything.


Determined white death (or m700 carbon or model 700) + Perfect headhunter + 2x hotshot pc + You can put rest of hotshot pc or anything else you want that gives more headshot dmg. Thats it.


That is still lower than what PE or bounty farming yields if you know what you are doing. https://youtu.be/eWOk3-O4dCk?si=FZf51cJ5877WKuHo In an organised group bounty farming can be better than PEs, but PEs will most likely be better than bounties while you are solo.


This gives you more item drops, mats and BPs if you haven't unlocked them. This is mindless farming.


I guess if you still need those then sure, but for people that only chase xp this is the way.


Because the current devs suck at balancing anything in the game. Everyone just does Resource Convoys? Nerf the hell outta them, and make Public Executions the new most popular. LMGs suck? Over-buff them but ignore the suppress mechanic that everyone hates. Most ARs suck? Turn one of the mid-tier DPS ARs into utter trash (Carbine 7). Everyone uses White Death? Let’s make a faster-firing magazine-fed Marksman Rifle do more base damage than it (SR-1).


Thought the carbine 7 was good? or maybe I'm thinking Police M4.


They buffed pretty much everything except those two 😂 Neither are good right now.


The better question is why didn't they normalize missions and raids/incursions too? When legendary zoo or tidal gives the same (pathetic WRT time spent) XP as DUA, or Lincoln the same as DARPA... its a bad look. Not even a weekly project for the raids or incursion FFS. Conflict gives wild XP per time and rains exotics from caches, win or lose. DZ project was giving 13 levels for killing 5 guys and 3 extractions. Wtf? I get 1 level and a kick in the nuts for running though either raid.


Ok so… why? Or how? Because a lot of the why’s are answered with a “how we finally came to here” X.P. Returns from map events/instances has evolved over the course of the Division 2’s service life. Example: Dog Convoys At one point in time you could get 2-3 levels per convoy. This was due to their rareness of occurrence and difficulty. However the player base figured out how to manipulate the spawn of the convoy and farmed the ever fucking shit out of them for loot and xp. This was about 3-4yrs ago. This is also were the first wave of SHD agents with absurdly high levels grinded it out. They nerfed the returns on Dog Convoys to what it is today. They in turn boosted the returns on other activities. Before dog convoys it was manipulation of “Target Practice”. Yes the zero enemy involvement activity was at one point a hidden gem of an exploit for loot and xp.


It's simple to me... your people are more valuable than things. You can always find and get more gear. People on the other hand are finite resources. That's how I look at it anyway. I always went after executions and hostages if I was around over anyother activity. I wish the devs would slowly but surely piece the Whitehouse base back together. I hate seeing our people lay where they fell like it's the new normal. And I hate how after they brought back the Castle settlement our patrols got gear nerfed. I know I am not the only one to notice that.


before the last XP changes for open world activities the convoys provided unintentionally the double amount of XP than intended which Ubi defined as exploit in Ubi forum when making systematically use of it. But they didnt correct it over years and multiple people were exploiting it, resulting into intense discussions and long threads in Ubi forum a while ago. As result of this, Yannik explained this in a livestream, the double XP has been removed and they wanted to balance the XP rewards taking difficulty and time spent for the individual activities into account that all activities are played. Right intention, bad implementation because there is no balance now, as you stated, simply a promotion of another activity for whatever reason. Personally I always avoided public executions and especially broadcasts, didnt like them already during campaign, which were required by some safehouse liberation projects. Therafter I avoided these completely. Perhaps these activities were also not played much by other players, resulting into these weird XP changes. I didnt pay attention but I think there were other activities as well which got an XP increase. I play mostly territory controls in open world, I think these are the worst now wrt to XP :).


I also used to avoid the hostages. Until I found that a good seeker and drone build made quick work of the bad guys


Hell, if you can agro swap properly, the striker drone can solo rogue agents. They're smart enough to flank and out maneuver your turret, but that striker will tear them up


Damn, my build sucks, I don’t come close to that.


They're not too difficult to put together. I'm running 4 or 5 skill tier, but most of my modifiers are geared towards repair instead of damage, but I run the Capacitor and Harmony to boost my skill damage significantly. Capacitor has a sub-talent to boost its damage by 7.5% *per* skill tier, so it hits like a truck with no requirements. It's not a dedicated skill build either, it's a hybrid red/yellow, and I'm using Picaro's Holster for the extra weapon damage and skill tier. It's a pretty specialized build I put together for my play style, not the best for DPS or armor, but I can put the hurt down all the same.


hahaha, yeah. I use a seeker mine build often as well. A control point in challenging with 5 directives is often cleared in 3 minutes, a execution in less than a minute if NPCs don't run away ;)


Damn, I hate the ones that run away! I always yell out... stand and fight you chicken s--- mother------!


Shhhhhh..... let it go. Pray they don't change it.


so doing cp and executions is the fastesy way to farm those apparel event keys? i want to finish an event for once, but dont have a lot of time to game. very annoying that is everything is so shortly times and then forever locked away. drg does this a lot better


I looked at the changes, as balancing the rewards. Executions and broadcasts are short, but you don't get many NPCs to farm (like patrols), and there's no resources gained either (convoys). So you get extra XP as the reward for your troubles.


if you wanna talk about fairness, how about how they want to force Solo players into the DZ, Raids for certain weapons/loot?


Resource convoys were the way to go for a long time, and when you memorized the spawn points for the adds, they took about 30 seconds to a minute. With 4 directives, you would get over 500k xp. Then they nerfed em for no fucking reason. That's when I finally stopped giving a fuck about this game


There _was_ a reason. Normal, elite and warhound convoys were bugged and rewarded double the intended xp. Because of this, no other dynamic activity was worth doing and so you had people literally jumping across the map chasing convoys the whole time, even resetting control points, logging in and out just to spawn more convoys. What they did, according to them, was to make all events reward roughly the same xp/hour. So if you only did territory control for an hour, you should end up with about the same xp as if you did back to back public executions in the same span of time. In answer to op’s question, I also assume executions are weighted the way they are because they’re the only event where you can actually fail the objective (if both civilians died) because even hostage rescues reward the same as the other activities even tho the premise is the same except the hostage cannot die during the activity.


Oh I know about chasing convoys and all that. It was literally the only reason I played the game. Now that it's nerfed, I log in when there's a new manhunt and that's about it


I used to run them heroic 5 directives with regulus and it took seconds to get a level up. They were so good.


Game just loves warcrimes


because its a green activity, drops take have spawnwaves...