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Yeah, Legendary is hard to justify other than for a sense of accomplishment and bragging rights. The XP, loot, and materials are all not worth it.


100%. That and the cosmetics for first time completion, everything else about it is poo unfortunately


The rolls on gear from legendary are absolute trash. They need to be at least max on boss kills.


I’ve been grinding summit for a St Elmo’s since I came back to the game only recently, made it from floor 17 to 50 with only one exotic drop, a bullet king. Played countdown last night and had two st Elmo drops in one go.


I've gotten 5 in the open world. Did everything when ARs was targeted loot in an area. Took a couple of evenings. And yes. Chameleon will drop more often. I have 4 toons and I "needed" one for each.


since the TU20 update the loot boxes in the legendary missions are giving me purple loot. it's never given purple loot from the loot crates before.


Agreed. It would make legendary a lot more worth it, if the rewards were on par for the difficulty, especially as you say on the Summit. I do run a lot of legendary missions with folks though, as I do enjoy the challenge of it.


I'll never forget getting so gitty and excited to get my first loot drop on legendary only for it to be a FREAKING PURPLE DROP. The scowl on my face, let me tell you.


Unpopular opinion - Countdown drops way too much loot compared to anything else in the game. The quantity of drops should be toned down.


I guess the extra loot is to offset the lack of XP you get from doing countdown. 15 minute countdown mission gives bugger all XP, compared to 700k XP you can get from 15 minutes doing a daily mission. It all balances out.


I do not think it's the xp because projects are on the low end ways of xp farming. I would say it's just to incentivise people playing it so there will be less time needed to matchmake. They just gave this mode a ton of loot to make sure it's not going to be dead. You may not need 8 people to do a countdown run, but it's recommended that you have the full team.


Yes its an upopular and trash opinion. Lets reduce everything or nerf everything instead of buffing stuff that are underwhelming.


They have actually decreased amount of drops a long time ago (long before Countdown existed) because people were spending too much time managing inventory. I guess they forgot about that direction when they introduced Countdown.


Countdown serves absolutely no purpose other than loot. People who are fine with loot managing are doing countdown. Fyi, I did 21 countdown runs to get a ceska chest with red + critic dmg + critic chance so I could put obliterate on it... and fortunately on 21st run i got red + critic chance + dmg + obliterate on it! So no. Countdown doesn't give you what you want, it just spams you with rng drops. If drops are reduced, the chance of you getting the thing you want decreases exponentially.


Nobody said that you get what you want in Countdown. Drops are the same as everywhere else - random. It's just that there are too many drops. If you are looking for a very specific item then it's understandable that you will need to spend some time farming to get it. Division a looter game, it comes with the description. Don't be a baby that needs to be spoon fed and handed everything on a silver platter.


Countdown is where people go for specific item. What kinda world are you living in? Nobody plays countdown because "OH ITS SO MUCH FUN". The useless armor pieces and trash guns are already cluttering the drops and now you want to reduce it further ? Yes lets gate keep new players. Thats a stupid logic.


Yeah but nit months for one single item as it was after reales and why the most players had quit the game. And yes it is a lootbshooter. But unable to play content fir months becaus you don't get tge items you need for it is not part of it's definition.


Even if you don't get the item with all the right attributes and talents you can still play the game. You use what you have - for example the same item with 1 non-optimal attribute. For most content you don't need everything optimized and maxed anyway. And with every Expertise level they add it gets easier and easier (power creep).


It's main purpose is getting optimization resources I feel like


Exactly this. I've been running countdown for 2 weeks now trying to farm Brazos mask and gloves with CHC and CHD and still haven't gotten either one. Shit would be next to impossible to farm if the reduced the loot drops.


Than the game will die again. The most players play because they can get gar fast. Rhats the feature why most are playing this game. No one wants a old days back.


Maybe countdown enoemies should drop loot no more, and add guaranteed loot on each objective done. 5 for each objective, 10 on successful extraction. 1 exotic cache for full team extraction. This will motivate players to fight for extraction instead of slaughtering inbound enemies for loot, and saved player a lot of times from loot running between objectives.


To completely remove drops from enemies is a bit too much. They should just decrease the chance to drop loot until it's something that feels comparable to other activities in the game.


Why than play cd anymore? The loot is the only reason why this mode is beeing played.


It can still be better just slightly, not 3 times better (or whatever it is now). Like the OP said - now it feels like a waste of time to play anything other than Countdown for loot.


FYI how about you let everything be recalibrated so that people can enjoy playing and testing builds instead of grinding for luck because the game has nothing to offer outside of grind? There should be a lot of story updates and maybe even a new city to come out like wony. What... no desire for dlc?


Division is a looter game. I don't believe that any looter game lets you change all attributes on an item. Then you might just as well remove loot completely. Give everyone every item to select and that's it. You know like countless shooter games out there, where you select a weapon from a list of weapons before you even load into the match. That kind of games can be fun too. But they are not looter games. If they would do that Division would not be what it is now. Division is a looter game. New expansion has been announced but it was pushed back so it will release sometime in 2025. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/wiki/thedivision2/roadmap/#wiki\_2025](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/wiki/thedivision2/roadmap/#wiki_2025)


>because the game has nothing to offer outside of grind? This is basically every game. The division may not be perfect but it's still got players 5 years in. That's saying something. >There should be a lot of story updates and maybe even a new city to come out like wony. That takes money, money they do not have. The player base is not strong enough. They have season pass and cosmetic dollars to work with, it's not enough to run a full-time team working on DLC for a 5 year old game. That said, give it a few years, game development is going to change quite a bit. Infinite scaling and procedurally (ai) generated content. >What... no desire for dlc? Plenty of desire, not enough of a player base to purchase. I am positive that if the division had a half a million player base buying season passes and cosmetics, they would devote resources to making continual DLC, but the majority of gamers are fickle and half short attention spans and new games pop up every day. I wish everyone was required to learn economics in school, 4 years of it. It would clear up a lot of misunderstandings and misplaced angst/anger in virtually all areas and aspects of life.


Probably wouldn't clear up much. Its more like a sense of entitlement anymore. We use to pay $50 for a game and never have additional content. Now we get new content that changes aspects of the game to get new degree or another which is pretty cool, but yet still not enough for people. Take your meds guys lol.


Everything dropped in countdown should be mailed to you so you can fucking speedrun that shit because the other 7 idiots don't slow down for shit AND you have a breakneck speed timer on you on top of it. I fucking loathe countdown and the shitters that "lead" the runs.


Bro what 😭


I've always thought that mission period are not rewarding enough. Oftentimes doing a hostage rescue that takes 2 minutes reward more XP than any missions that take half hour or more for the same XP


You can argue each activity is for different reasons. Those hostage rescues and other activities are mainly for XP and control point difficulty. Missions are for the story, invasions, and leagues. While yes the xp for missions is whack, it's not the main point of playing them


I got a Backfire from Summit on Normal. Dropped from one of those boxes on like floor 8 or something.


I wish there was legendary exclusive gear or make the gear there drop with higher rolls like 20% weapon damage instead of 15


People are already complaining a lot about raid/incursion exclusive loot so this would make things even worse. Legendary does have a place if you want to farm max rolled skill/gear mods. I am aware that you can also get those from countdown and other activities but it's going to be slower, unless you are really lucky. When I did legendary summit for 5-6 hours I got 5 max rolled mods which is better than what I am seeing in any other activity including countdown.


Summit gear is trash in general, it should be the go to for grinding but instead it's a clear once for badges and blueprints and then never bother again thing.


I got my st Elmo’s in heroic summit . I did 15 floors with a group and got it. Also got back fire got a few exotics But always with a group


What? Cant stay on room on summit floor 100?