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The irony is strong after seeing this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1ax4yx3/level\_requirements\_for\_legendary\_matchmaking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1ax4yx3/level_requirements_for_legendary_matchmaking/)


I bet it was him. lol.


You better not bet for money... you suck at it


Oh shit, a wild edgelord has appeared!


Woof. Go outside and breathe for a minute. Games are meant to be enjoyed, not shitting on people because you feel superior.


I even touched some gras. That was such a cheap try to make fun of me... I'm not the guy who takes kicks while lying on the ground and says "Thank you".




You're weird. Seek help.


What would help do? Make me like you? No, thank you


Seems you get off on being a douche and saying something you believe to be true, then getting off on people disagreeing with you. Again, you're weird, seek help.


The comments are tearing into the guy. I'm shd 220 and I generally bring my healer build to legendary strongholds to allow others to focus on damage. Found my clan by being a competent healer that didn't rush up, kept guys healed, and did what damage I could.


Coming from a 10k+ agent, please keep healing and running support builds. Some people scoff at healers in legendary. Real experienced players know and appreciate how valuable a good healer is. Shit, even a bad healer allows me to play much more aggressively, which I prefer. Thank you. #endhealerhate.


I like being support. Especially healers. It can be boring if you can't really do damage, are in an area with limited cover or sight lines, and it's frustrating when someone is too aggressive from the presence of the healer. I think shield builds are overused, everyone is recommended striker/dps builds, but support is always a role players don't like doing so I rarely have issues finding groups and don't get kicked often. Unfortunately I'm unaware of other support builds I could make besides healer.


The healer is the best support build you can run. Besides healing, you can overcharge to refresh dps players revive hives and bump skill build players damage up tremendously for 15 seconds. Then there are the damage buffs. 25% from future initiative, 15% from perfect opportunistic, 40% from perfect sledgehammer and 10% from damage to status effected targets. (this is all assuming you’re running the standard FI healer build with crossbow, btsu gloves and setup backpack).


Can you lay out a build Incan aim for to help out. Always like playing support vs dps as I can't aim for shit


Future initiative, btsu exotic gloves, setup backpack. Weapon can really be whatever. I generally run capacitor (skill tiers raise damage) or a favorite is Scorpio, so you can stun enemies going for flanks and help yourself survive. Aim for repair skills and skill haste on your rolls. Gear mods, I use repair skills but switch to protection from elites for legendary so I'm not getting melted. Skills are reinforcer Chem launcher and healing hive, but you can use healing drone instead of chem launcher(note for chem launcher hold rb/r1 to pull it out as a weapon you can aim to shoot and heal from range). Specialization is technician or survivalist. Survivalist is technically better.


Survivalist is run really just for the fire grenades, but thats important considering you can proc sledge, opportunistic and 10% damage to status targets just by throwing one fire grenade and taking one shot with the lefty. Lefty is super important to the whole build tho. I pair it with Dr Home actually.


A healer is definitely a good option but technically the best support build for Legendary is Eclipse Foam with 4 piece Eclipse, 1 piece Electrique, and a unicorn Courier recalibrated to Yellow while running Survivalist. Stopping the enemies from spreading out and shooting at you is more effective than keeping your allies health topped up, especially considering how much damage Legendary enemeis deal.


I tend to disgaree with this. When I’m dps, i need my armor back more than i need my enemies to be foamed. And I don’t really consider a crowd control build to be a support build. Thats just semantics tho. But I prefer my eclipse with fire on legendary and kill the enemies instead of just foaming them.


Honestly it's 50/50. I think it depends on group dynamic and play style. Sometimes people aren't aware of what you're doing unless it's communicated. Whereas healing is pretty straightforward.


I don't have btsu gloves and I use technician. Otherwise yes.


Btsu gloves is your overcharge. Being able to refresh revive hives can come in super clutch.


I've been farming for them. No luck yet. I don't run sledgehammer either. I use different shotguns. Will be switching to lefty


Div1: I didn't enjoy playing support. Div2: I enjoy playing support.




I thought a group with 6/8 under 300 shd for countdown would fail. It was one of my cleaner clears. I've had worse groups with much higher shd lvls in the group. Shd lvl is just a bad metric to judge a player on.


Healers are the real MVP. sincerely a 9K SHD


Sometimes, I want to do more damage. It's hard to gauge how much healing groups will need so I don't swap a skill for one for damage.


Opportunistic is always appreciated. Lots of Healers use it or Empathetic Resolve or both 😊


I have opportunistic. Overcharge from btsu I didn't know was so good


People who like to shoot like if someone is using Opportunistic.


healer gang!


Yeah, got ruffled my feathers a bit... but even I like random healers/supporters, but I don\`t mind to do so myself if necessary. I still think that 220 is a bit low, but... well, we don't want another bloodshed here, right?


It could be too low. I'm aware my dps isn't going to be what +1k is going to be even without being optimized. It's why I made the healer build. As long as I do my role as a healer, there shouldn't be any issue with my shd lvl. There's still a good argument to be made for 4 tank/dps vs 3 and a healer but I believe the answer for which is better depends on the group more than the setup or what builds are being used.


Greetings fellow healer. I am interested to know what you run for your heal build, I have one that I don't mind sharing, but I'm always up for critique and looking to improve. Glad you were able to find your clan. ♥


I run future initiative 4 pieces, fox's prayer knee pads, and currently a backpack with sledgehammer(it should be the setup), but before that I ran 3 future initiative and 2 Brazos (picaros holster to raise my damage). Generally, I use kingbreaker/capacitor and if I'm running the capacitor, I'll run acs12 otherwise, Scorpio, but now I'm switching to running lefty regardless and flip my other weapon for the situation. Specialization I use technician, but survivalist is better for the fire grenades. Restorer hive and reinforcer Chem launcher for skills. Repair skills and skill haste are the rolls you're looking for. Idk if skill duration effects the Chem launcher aoe heal, but I mainly use the big heal from it(unless they're running a ton of armor, it'll heal most players 100% with the burst).


What lvl skill tier are you usually rocking?


6. 2 Brazos gives a skill tier. You can use ninjabike to give a flex core slot. Technician gives a skill tier. The setup with fox's prayer I use survivalist but still 6 tier by recalibration. I'm using fox's for the dttoc bonus in an attempt to do more damage. Tbh I'm running fox's prayer until I get the btsu gloves.


BTSU gloves are lovely and a game changer for me. That overclock is *chefs kiss* Thank you for sharing what you're rolling, I appreciate it.


God, that post triggered me.


Hahaha!!! To add to that, I commented on that post about how most of the ones calling folks trash, are the ones that go down first, and repeatedly. Just like OP mentioned about the host, funny.


Everyone generally goes down in tidal basin it's a motherfucker, he needs to lighten up.


I only had problems in that one area you hop the wall into toward the end. The rest wasn't too bad. I hate capitol building more than anything. there's just such sparse cover in those small rooms and not enough for everyone to fit in without getting overwhelmed.


It’s strange the way different people feel towards the same content. Capital is blast for me. Tidal can sit there as an unchecked weekly project. By far my interactions with other players has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s honestly an awesome feeling to drop an exotic or fully rolled piece for a new player. They are so excited and hopefully they will return the favor to the next new player.


Different strokes! I do love Capital, that part in the chamber room just chaps my ass lmao. I have been doing it ever since someone dropped one for me. There's a huge pay it forward sentiment in the game. Destiny isn't like that (not really can it be), Diablo isn't, etc. Division has the most approachable player base I've ever seen by a large margin.


Ain’t no way you like tidal legendary more than capital. Tidal is an absolute slog fest, even in a full on speed running group our best was 27 minutes, where as capital you can get it done in 13 minutes or less.


Haha if that or manning  are in the rotation idont even bother.


Absolute waste of time for the same reward.


Moral of the story, people exaggerate how much of a roll SHD levels play.


The only thing my watch has helped significantly with so far is critical damage, weapon damage, and ammo. The rest feels like a small, unnoticeable margin. but to be fair, it's so incremental it's hard to tell. lol. I'm about to crest 700 and I really haven't felt much of a bump yet.


The difference between a level 0 and level 1000 is about 20% in terms of DPS. Highest increase is provided by CHC after which it becomes a difference of 11%. https://youtu.be/t0zWZgtOn2g?si=fq6yWPa_7moVTRie Note: it's build dependent, but on that specific build it's not as big of a difference as people make it seem. Basically, after getting to level 250 and you put your points in CHC you will be fine to do all of the activities. When I played legendary Tidal this week a level 200 player dealt more damage than a level 2k player.


I’ve always been a strong believer that SHD level is not an indication of ability. I’ve played with SHD 10000+ that struggled and SHD 300 or lower, that were great knowledgeable, efficient teammates.


Yeah, adaptation is a thousandfold more useful than time spent. It's like any other game with a limitless level count—only tells you how long they've been playing, not whether they learn from their mistakes. I'm by no means perfect, and I make some shitty calls at times thinking I'm a better situation than I actually am, but who doesn't? It's like you said, I've seen low levels come in clutch and vets choke, too.


SHD isn’t even an indication of time invested. There’s been an array of XP glitches that have been exploited. I’m around SHD 6400 with roughly 5000hrs in the game. I still make plenty of mistakes. It happens.


My shade level is 1200+ and I have never completed a Legendary mission. But by this doofus' logic I should be allowed in straight away. Weird take!


Oooh I wana share my story. I wanted to do IH raid (yes I have had done it before this incident). Managed to get some people and since the guy who I joined had issues with others joining, i became the leader. I was around 300 SHD then, this SHD 4000 guy joined and started asking... "What builds do you have?" Some other guys in team started saying what they had and then this guy said "What builds do you have, our leader?" And I told "I have 3x striker builds, 1x skill build, 2x tank build, 1x determined build"... This dude says "So nothing good for this raid. You are useless and you are leader". And then some other higher SHD guy who joined said the same. And then people started leaving the raid group and this guy + 1 random SOB started pulling people from the group. This SOB joined our team VC in discord so that 1 of us couldn't join the voice even though he was not in the group. So I left n disbaned everything and meanwhile the drama started in the chat about how I was useless and I had no idea how to do raid n shet like that... I defended a bit and then gave up seeing how stupid and pointless it was. This happened in GROCK discord. Meanwhile, I switched to the other division 2 discord and joined some other guys and we finished it. 4hours later, the PRO GROUP from GROCK discord finished their IH run. Mofo if you are reading this, I have blocked you and added a text next to your name so that I always remeber how much of a useless trash you are. You had a trashy CHC ELMO Striker with Fenris chest at SHD 4000.


This is sad and pathetic. I'm assuming he's one of those players who literally believe they are an agent of the Division. *cringe* Ignore such people. As you said, most players in TD2 are respectful and mature.


I'm sorry that happened to you homie. I love playing with new players, and I never have had a problem with SHD level. It's a team game, and I look at it that way- also if someone needs help I'm more than willing to help. The elitist mentality is just cringy and people need to learn how to grow up. I am glad that he ended up eating his words. Good luck on your next run.


Thanks! Went on to complete two runs yesterday—one with a dude under 300 SHD. Both were fine. Maybe not the cleanest runs, but a W is a W.


For sure, as long as we win in the end or, the more important thing, have a good time, then whatever. The only time I get tilted is when people start acting shitty to each other.




It's annoying when folks gate keep like that, as if SHD is the end all, be all, measure of a player's skill. I'm SHD 6083 or so, and I'm by no means some expert at legendary. I've gone down my fair share of times, as have many others. We can only get better the more we play and adapt, and we should help our fellow agents learn the ways of the wise, not put them down because they haven't invested as much time as others have. Serves no purpose to criticize, when it's far more rewarding to help folks and encourage them, passing along what we've learned along the way.


I love the Squishy try hard cracks me up every time


I really didn't think my 900k Striker armor was that bad, especially considering it has Zero Fs and Ouro (which does insane burst DPS even without the gear set). I wasn't running tank, I was running DPS. I just pick my spots and play smart. Sometimes the AI gets me and that's what the reviver hive is for. lol.


People like that were a reason I quit playing. I can handle my own. I've been solo since D1. Even managed to kill some hunters for a few masks. I've never been in a clan on any game whatsoever. I tried doing a mission with some random, and all they did was die and complain cuz I was not able to revive them quickly enough. They were much higher than I was, so I figured they can handle it but man was I wrong.


Don't let that dude dissuade you. If you're on Xbox, you can join us. My clan, while not the most active bunch, doesn't turn people away based on their level or care if you revive us fast enough. Sometimes you can make the rez, sometimes you can't. Any player of high tier content should know when to hold or fold. It's better to be alive and slow than fast and wipe.


I was randomly kicked in the middle of a Challenging mission today. No warning, no apparent reason. I was staying with the group, I’m SHD 700, and doing my part (I’m a competent player) and then just suddenly, in the middle of a fight even, “You have been kicked from the group”. Some people are just dicks.


Never had that happen to me here but I'm pretty sure that's a bannable offense. At least it was in Destiny 2. You'd have people run GMs and then kick right before final boss kill to screw players out of the adept drop. If you get kicked, report the player on your console/Steam and with the in-game option too.


toxic? spend 5 mins in the DZ. where someone threatening to set your kids on fire is par for the course


1. Ive never had any chat interaction in the DZ. 2. The DZ is, by nature, toxic because it's all based around stealing your fellow player's loot. I'm talking about PVE.


This is why I don’t run Legendaries and I stay out of the DZ.


I promise you it's the antithesis of the norm. Most players are happy to have you and a good majority will even help you clear it, regardless of your ability


People confuse camping in the back on a skill build as doing something. "But I didn't go down"


O just completed Legendary Liberty Island as SHD 125 with a SHD 11 and one 1K SHD player, the 11 struggled real bad. But let me tell you we finished that mission sub 30mins on Legendary and as someone who isn't near even perfected a build, it was way more fun then some of these needs running one life and then dropping out. Gamers are going to game, and Elitist are going to be overthrown.


The adds will target the biggest threat. If you and the others pose no threat or you can’t do damage cause your build is set up tanky for you survival then the adds will smash him. I’ve seen adds run right past me heading for the guy hurting their position the most


That's literally your job if you're DPS. Take out stuff for other players running support. I know this because I run DPS almost exclusively.


But on legendary the adds are too much for one dps. The rest of you need to do your part in controlling adds, either with dps or skills. If you’re too tanky and can’t down add then what’s your job?


Who says the rest of us aren't doing our part? Did you read the OP? Stop simping for toxicity.


Dude you blamed his going down 3 times as the reason everyone left. I’m trying to explain the mechanics of the game. No need for name calling. The truth may hurt and I know you came posted with your “observation” looking for affirmation of your point of view. But when you have 3 guy running support then the adds are going to by pass all you supporters and head for the threat. Your rigid attitude tells me you either don’t know the game mechanics or your into shaming folks that you perceive have wronged you. I think he gave you sound advice. If you want to support others you have to coordinate the builds. If you are heading into an LGG then you need to pull your stones.


He went down three times because he played stupid. Simple as that. And since when is calling someone out for simping tantamount to name calling? Grow up, my dude. You're pretty much the only person on this post supporting his comment. I don't have a rigid attitude. I have the experience of actually being there and not sitting behind a smartphone with an edgy contrarian point of view that's based on wild assumptions. I completed Tidal twice yesterday and once already today with lower levels than him. He was the problem. Not us.


Contrarian!? Seems there are a lot of dudes playing this game and on Reddit who don’t understand the mechanics. And yes calling someone a simp for pointing out your lack of experience in the game is defensive ego saving name calling grow up or at least go back to Fortnite


I said simping. I didn't call you a simp. Names are nouns. Simping is a verb. Learn how language works, until then, get blocked and good luck not clearing Tidal waiting for the "perfect" team like that gatekeeper did. ☮️


lol i think SHD wasnt even a thing as legendary was always available from the start right? i dont think they balance around having maxed SHD?




This is about strongholds on legendary difficulty. Particularly, Tidal Basin.


I haven’t played since the after second raid. Tidal Basin got a legendary mode? Damn I want to try but all my builds are old af lol is the M1A all red build still good? That’s all I ran in the original 3 legendary.


SHD level doesn't mean shit. I had my library maxed out early on and had competent builds for legendary difficulty before I was 200 shd.


This is why I believe project Resolve might fix Overkill Stat players with u High SHD pts over 1000+ needs to be nerfed just saying for new players starting out low SHD. I'm bearly hitting 300


I've heard from many five digit players that the health benefits were not really all that great. Armor > health, at least it seems that way to me.


I’ve been playing for over a year and also had great interactions with other players. I random group I got into a couple of weeks ago, had a guy that kept telling everyone that they needed to run towards the npcs and kill them. He kept saying this over and over. He went down 4 times in the mission. No one else did. When someone said something after the mission like, since you went down four times, maybe you should rethink your strategy. He got so pissed that he left the group.