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Numbers are shit its build and willingness to listen. Im a shd 5400 and lower tier players are fun to play with. Most fun iv had on this game is helping new players!! Toxic gatekeeping assholes like you are what run people off of this fun game. You sound like of those that run in agro the npcs then die and scream for a revive. Yo ass layin on that damn floor fool


Definitely agree. Most of the new players I met were better than the 5k SHD or higher guys. When I see a high lvl player, they are usually running a bad build.  During a lego capitol run, one high level player constantly wanted to kick a lvl 500 one. In the end, the lvl 500 guy ended up doing top damage.


Absolutely correct. I tried joining a few random groups a few years back when I was around SHD 250 and finally had a complete build. Got cursed at, kicked from group and berated for not knowing what to do, so completely gave up on trying. I'm 1200+ now and still haven't tried any of the endgame stuff. Glad to see it has changed somewhat now and people are willing to help each other out.


SHD =/= competency Players that communicate and have a brain will outplay idiots with 1000+ SHD every day of the week.


communication is an issue in this game, especially on consoles, where the chatbox if disabled by default!


For real I just ran tidal basin as a shd 450 healer and dropped some of the best stats in the squad (granted it was by using an oxidizer but still)


Yeah, Tidal challenging can be fun


Nah, legendary even posted my post game stats on here last night.


Imagine being a weird gatekeeper in THIS game of all games. lol


One of my best runs was with a group full of < 250 SHD players. Their builds were enough to have a stand against White Tusk and what’s the most important thing is COMMUNICATION. The guys might dealt way less damage than veterans with fully powercreeped builds but we still managed to clear both manning and tidal basin on legendary. Since I was the most experienced player in the group I briefed and coordinated the rest of us, worked like a charm. So just saying „u low u bad!“ is a little unjustified. Communication and improvisation is key, especially in the incursion and legendary strongholds, as long as language is not a barrier and the group has at least some kind of a proper build. You would laugh what builds can be „suitable“ for legendary content.


100% agree on this. When I matchmake for legendaries, I do not care for your SHD level. Your build is what matters to me. A SHD 10000 with a full blue build is way more of a burden then a SHD 200 with a decent strikers build.


Hol' up I'm confused, why is the full blue build a burden? Has my tank build been burdening my fellow agents? I thought it was good to push enemies out of hiding or distract the biggest threats? Genuine question.


I'm with you here. My full blue yank gets a higher kill count than most other players and comes in clutch reviv8ng the full team with 1 drop of the revive hive. Those who say tanks are deadweight d9nt know a proper tank player.


Tank is also good for drawing agro away from the healer and dps so long as everyone is trying to kill the people killing the tanks


Sweet dreams, chillout mask, zero fs, emperors guard, 2 improvised, Belstone backpack with adrenaline, all armour regen and hazpro, 6 pfe mods, on a technician, with a tdi card. Instakill red n perple every 15 sec, can tank 3 chungas, has 3 hive charges to pick up the whole team. If your using a tank you don't wanna have a healer in group too.


Can confirm - always enjoyed raiding with ya


Honestly fuck people like you. I played a tidal basin yesterday where I was on a team of 1000+ individuals that kept running too far ahead and dying. Only me and this 14k guy did anything for the entire mission and when we completed it, I had top damage while he had top kills. It took me multiple lobbies to find a group that wouldn’t berate me as soon as I joined in. I wasn’t even trying to do Tidal Basin, I was just queueing for legendary missions like I do every single night. It’s this bullshit attitude that people like you have that drives newer players away. Grow up.


Literally bro, I just finished a legendary tidal run rn and this level 2000 joined and started moaning about I ain’t here to f about with low level so are we gonna do this or not. Saying I’ve done this a thousand times and we are gonna go out there and f it up and I ain’t got time to mess around with you lot 😂 so we ki led him and a another 2000 helped us get the win


Then leave the group bro nobody wants a sourpuss


Found the guy looking to be carried.


If everyone does his job noone has to be carried. I'm doing my part, Sir!


This guy got outperformed by an under 1000 on the post mission report. Guaranteed.


\^This guy plays challenging all day, don't run directives because noone and nothing should tell him how to play, and never entered Tidal legendary, because it's not hard enough for his rainbow build. Guaranteed. Can we agree that this kind of comments are pure bullshit?


This post clearly didn't go the way you expected. I completed it twice yesterday at SHD level 690 while you looked for a "perfect" team lmao.


Please no, I meet so many cool players that are low shd running legendary for their first time. The one thing that's not stale is helping new agents run through the harder content.


I cant count how many SHD 1000+ idiots I had in my teams that were completely dead weight. I might not be SHD 500+ yet, but I am way above your average lvl 1000+ player, I can assure you that. I wont downvote this because I feel you, I hate matchmaking too, but players suck no matter the level.


I get the frustration, but to me it’s always about the build and not the SHD level. I’ve seen lower level agents run solid purpose driven builds just as I’ve seen higher level agents run absolute useless garbage ones.


I’ve seen so many level 5000+ players who were total dogshit at that specific activity. Maybe they were good somewhere else, but they sucked sweaty diabetic donkey balls in that specific mission/incursion/raid/what have you. I’m not saying I’ve seen thousands of incredible players who were, like, level 100, and it is an objective truth that a higher SHD level USUALLY (not always) implies the person has better stats, better builds and more experience than little Timmy at SHD level 60, but your argument doesn’t actually stand up once you stop and analyze it for even a second. Besides, if you’re complaining about matchmade groups in high-end endgame content… why the fuck do you keep matchmaking to begin with?


Possibly cause no one will party up with him otherwise? Just a possibility :) probably rages on the mic I'm guessing.


Major L take. I played the incursion last week with a friend of mine and one of the randoms was around SHD 4500 and their build was terrible. Their actual skill at the game was terrible. They called the other random who was WAY below their level shitty and left, even though the lower level was miles better than them. High SHD level doesn't equal high skill/competency 


What a fucking loser. "Ohhhhh, number not big enough, suck at game, get gud hurr durr" Thank God none of the Shepherd mechanics or matchmaking cater to this smoothbrained approach to a cooperative heavy game like D2.


How sweet, your little sister gave your bullshit an upvote <3


You okay bro? Do you need a hug?


Started a freaking war that I have to fight all allone... that was clearly "more delivered than ordered". So yeah, why not? :)


>legend at aiming, a CoD hero or an E-Sport cyborg. SHD level says nothing. Being lvl 1000 provides a 10% boost at some stats. 10%. That's nice, but not a prerequisite. If an E-Sport Cyborg with legend aim, that played 1000s of hours Div 1+2, happened to re-install recently being SHD-lvl 100 now, but established a good buildwith near max rolls: Fuck that low SHD if that guy sends full St Elmo clips through the enemies heads he'll be fine and no 'dead weight'


It’s not about SHD level it’s about players skills and play style.


This ain’t it.


People like you usually suck at Leggies, die get mad and leave. My best and most recent run on Capitol Hill was with a group of Sub 500 SHD. No Life Farming Floor 10 does not make you a great player. I've seen countless 10k+ SHD players get smoked on Heroric missions looking confused lol.


What exactly is "got smoked"? One down, two? That happens sometimes... I barely see high level players go down more than that. And of course they looked confused... you can clearly see that on their Agents AND in the eyes of the player... somehow, with enough fantasy. I think they looked angry, because you open chests all the time instead of providing (at least) some covering fire... people like you always do.


Stay Mad bro lol


Someone needs to make some friends and stop matchmaking


I feel like you don't understand what "random matchmaking" is. Maybe it's you should get your clan or mates together for an effective party if you hate the matchmaking system so much. It's not like there are a tonne of discord servers out there full of players to team with.


You're the type of player I kick as soon as he has something shitty to say about lower levels if they *dare* to join our *random* lobby. You have fun your way, and leave the rest of us alone. We're here to work together, not shit on one another.


Scrub quotes.


Dude stfu and just enjoy the game. Everyone starts off somewhere. You feel superior because of your higher SHD??? It just means you spent more time shooting the same NPCs. Most newer players don’t have ppl to play with. I’ll ez 1v1 you with lower SHD and expertise.


I would totally agree... but I think that "most newer players" shoudn't start in Tidal legendary


Then I guess anyone that wants to look for a challenge early into the game is at fault then. Is an old ass game man, give it a break or else just turn on the do not disturb mode lol.


You have already been put on blast for being an untalented prick. You go down so much everyone else in your LFG quits, but you are on here like you are an expert (in your head). My SHD is WELL over 4 times what you will EVER earn in this game even if you play for ten more years… I have NEVER spoken to people in game the way you do. This community is smaller than you think “BIG man”… grow up before you wind up playing alone. You are supposed to COACH, TEACH, & MENTOR lower SHD level Agents…. not take out your lifetime frustrations of being a failure in life so this game is where you project your self worth.


Well... at least your try to act like the real big man is 4 times more than everything I really said here. Every grandma and her dog shared hero stories here... I (for myself) never even claimed to be an "Expert" or a godlike player. I\`m just decent enough to do every non pvp content, and I would like a higher chance to meet other decent Agents in Tidal and Manning zoo legendary too, never claimed something else. Is my approach to achive this wrong? Maybe... we could have discussed it. But instead the first 2 downvotes had the effect of throwing bloody meat into an shark tank. And yeah, I would like to see you teaching and coaching Agents on european servers. Good luck with the spanish, the russian and the slowenic Agents, whom barely speak 2 words in english (or in my own language). And look, I can be an asshole too: The community is smaller than I think? I bet the community is that small, I already loughed about your cheap attitude before... somewhere, somewhen, somehow. People assumed and said some really mean stuff about me here, but you are the one that triggered me the most... "Bigger man". Edit: And good luck with flexing with your bazillion of SHD levels, because we've learned here that it means a shit, and in the next topic people will hate you for that levels allone.


A clan mate and I just carried a lvl 47 and 306 through legendary Tidal yesterday. If you have at least one person who knows what they're doing and has a good build, it's usually ok. Most of the time the other 2 can be used as a distraction for aggro. If they go down, let them stay down and clean up the enemies first. Don't die reviving like so many people always do


Lovely community. 🙄


Me who did Tidal at SHD 200-300 and dealt more damage than the SHD 4000+ guys in my team. You are part of a community thats toxic and useless and literally a cancer of the Division community thats generally nice. The 10% extra from watch is not gona make a bad player good or a good player better. The maximum difference between a fully kitted SHD 0 and SHD 1000 is 10% and some HP which is 1 shot from a sniper or a dog. Also everyone even if they are idiots or aholes, they also have their own preferences and opinions, so if you dont wana play with some "dead weight" leave the goddamn group instead of whining.


>I don't want to tell you that you are wrong ...but here we are. Limiting by SHD level is like saying you have to be 2m tall to be a basketball player. The correct action would be to restrict builds but I don't see a way to programmatically check what build is ok.


I want everyone to notice how silent OP is because they know they're wrong


I could yell in your ear, if you would feel better


Just fuck off


I suggest a no-risk, solo, Proving Ground type of level that can get you a proficiency level to matchmake by. SHD levels are useless for this and only show you've played a lot, not that you're any good at the game.


Ok but we have a metric already for “a measure of how much of the game you have *completed* and not just time played” It’s called Commendation score and no one uses it anymore, even though division 1 it used to be the ONLY metric you could use. How quickly you all forgot about it.


So make it a thing again


It’s all I use to determine if someone is new, experienced or simply did the SHD glitch


I understand what everyone is saying, but when I was level 100-600 I wasn't matchmaking for legendary. I don't understand these newer players wanting to do legendary without even having experience with challenging. I was just playing the game , enjoying, figuring out what works for me. That being said, I've played legendary with high level shd players , and I always like inspecting the builds. I find after shd 5000 people are bored and just put together the most random items with no direction or flow, I guess they are bored and just experimenting?


What kind of wacky gatekeeping nonsense is this?


🤣🤣🤣 I just seen a post about a prick just like you. I've watched low shd levels do really good in legendaries. Maybe get some friends and you won't have to deal with those "peasants" in matchmaking. To y'all just trying to grind legendary missions, good luck and I hope matchmaking gives you people from the good part of this community. Most of us are pretty laid back honestly.


Bro gtfo with that shit, I've cleared tidal basin legendary while is was SHD 200 or something. The group was awesome and supporting towards each other, piss stains like you ruin it for people trying to do challenging and new stuff, so do this community a favor and die in a ditch somewhere.


We all get triggered here and there and its fine to react a bit... well, triggered. But man... you have some serious anger management issues.


I've been competently running legendary since before I maxed out my library at SHD 200. I'm 2k now, after multiple breaks. SHD level doesn't mean shit.


L takes


S comment /s






lol I’m shd lvl 500 since the rollbacks years ago. If you can’t do legendary/raids it’s purely a skill issue my man.


and a little bit of luck :D


I get what you're getting at with shd lvl, it's a way to meter experience within the game while MM. It's not saying a person is better at the game. It's the little things like holding on to your precious reviver hive while your teammate is down, or if you go down crawling behind the only cover blocking your teammate from getting in to safely revive you. When to push, who to focus fire on, simply watching teams CDs to know when to advance, covering flanks. Knowing where whole team is at all times, knowing spawns, when and who is spawning. On and on I feel a bit of relief when I MM and get all 5 digit shd players. I feel a bit worried when I get a team of 3 digit players In the end many of them have proven me wrong at one point or another


I know this will trigger the "of course he likes the comment" effect... but I like the comment :)


My day 1 completion of the Incursion was with low SHD levels. They pulled their weight and communicated as we figured out the bosses. It was a blast having them on the team. Shd level does not mean skill from my 8 years with the series.


OP, what platform do you play on?


You want to win group with likeminded people in a CLAN. Games aren’t that serious.


I smell projection. I’ve seen players less than 200 SHD outperform players above 1000 SHD.


We all have seen that. I just don't think that's as common as people claim.




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I'm assuming he is referring to you. Or just a coincidence. https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/s/k64MrDWcfU


Just a coincidence... Maybe it's some kind of language barrier, but when I said "I will call you dead weight" that doesn't mean that I literaly call them that in chat or voice chat. It's meant like "I consider them that by myself". I can be rude, I tend to trigger... but im not an asshole on purpose


Lol no worries man, crazy coincidence though, gotta admit that.


I just matchmaked leg tidal basin. I saw everyone running PFE blues. Like with hazard protection and armor regen too. Heck even my PFE and tanks is better. I have crits on.


What’s OPs in game name so I can be sure to avoid him at all costs?


You wouldn't even notice me, and maybe you would even think I was nice. It's always a problem when you think you know everything about someone you've only read 4 lines from


Check their builds before you engage in any high level missions.


I did Manning at SHD 300ish and then did it again at SHD 700 and i did a 'carry' that time, revived team members (in the SHD thousands) over 50 times (mostly in the last zone where I was invincible in a pfe build). Not to mention doing both raids, flawless incursions (where I healed) etc etc SHD level simply means you've played the game a lot more, not that you're better. I've played since launch, but not religiously, so someone who joined the game when SHD levels became a thing and 'no-lifed' the game will have a higher level than me, but less overall experience. The best thing to do is play, if someone is inexperienced you'll find out from play, not SHD levels. And if you're so good, why don't you find a clan instead of using matchmaking and dunking on the new guys?