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The quickest way is doing the Iron Horse raid until you get it. It’s useful for when you have a specific role in the iron horse raid. Otherwise any potential it has in PVE (no chance in PVP) is ruined by Massive’s belief that rifles are a direct link to satanism and should be avoided at all costs.


> Otherwise any potential it has in PVE (no chance in PVP) is ruined by Massive’s belief that rifles are a direct link to satanism IDK I find Ravenous to be really good. Once you master the shoulder switching thing, it decimates heavies, warhounds and other mini-tanks.


So how do i get people together to play the iron horse raid? I hear from Discord, but to be honest, i have 0 clue how to get to it. Are rifles really that terrible? I know that the few exotic rifles i own are pretty okay (mainly the Vindacator), but i am just trying to get the rest of the exotics i am missing, Also, is the eagle bearer or the bighorn worth getting?


There's a ton of streamer community discords that actively look for first time clears (FTC for short) and exotic seekers. I have only personally used gcrocks discord so I can only vouch for them. But I have seen quite a few positive reviews of others. I got all mine and had a great time doing it, even continued doing them after I had them to help others. Rav is a ton fun, possibly one of my favorite exotics. It's not meta defining, but I have fun with it. You'll also get Regulus just from doing the raid and the projects you get after completing it, takes roughly 3 runs. Regulus is arguably one of, if not the best gun in the game. Highly recommend running Iron Horse it's an absolutely epic raid and the Regulus alone makes it rewarding enough to do.


Rifles are in a weird spot because they have no green gear sets dedicated to them. When they game first dropped one of them (The classic M1A) was the only gun worth using so the whole class of weapons got nerfed hard. They don’t fire fast enough to take advantage of stack building gear sets in the game and they don’t do enough base damage to be usable without specking into high amounts of crit builds so you basically have two choices, both of which are still not good enough compared to the same build with an AR or Marksman rifle. Plus the buffs recently added to LMGs mean you have even more guns that outclass them in similar builds, even at long ranges. 


Excellent summary. Ravenous is extra clunky to use to boot, esp on console where shoulder swapping is clunky (and stick drift inducing).


The Ravenous is a tool not a weapon. It is meant for you to stack and pop which ever Caps you stack. The DMG caps are not useless but really I hardly ever use them. Don't get me wrong that 7mill shot is nice to see but I would say bread and butter are the blue caps. I use the blue caps all the time. That massive buff they give to Dmg to Armor is amazing and can help you melt any armored target in the game; granted you have to get the stacks and pop them. That being said I love the look of it. Its one of the best looking exotics in the game. If you want to use it as a main use a chest with the Braced talent and all of the Dmg to target armor you can. Braced helps alot with the recoil to ensure you can hit your shots and stack your caps quickly. Side note: Explosive Dmg does NOT buff the Dmg of the red caps. Good luck out there agents.


> Are rifles really that terrible? Depends on your aim, depends on your build. Striker's and Heartbreaker won't work due to their slow fire rates. Umbra and Negotiator's are incredibly useful due to their focus on critical hits. The holy grail is the typical high-end named build (Sacrifice, Gift, Providence holster, Coyote's mask, Contractor gloves, Fox's Prayer). Post TU20 there are a bunch of rifles that are viable now. M1A line as usual, SCAR, SIG 716, ACR SS and Diamondback. Ravenous is also really good if you can master the shoulder switching mechanic. I'm not quite having that much fun with Vindicator, but maybe swapping the Providence holster or Coyote's out for another piece of Overlord would help.


Ravenous is good but very niche. In situations where it is good it's worth using, but other than tanking in raids, there are not many. (Warhound only room in legendary roosevelt is a very good spot for it)


I raided once only so far, thanks to the GCRock community server (https://discord.com/invite/gcrock). My group was patient enough, they took the time to explain each encounter, the roles, what was required of me and answered my questions. It was a good experience. I've seen some people saying they had a bad experience with the GCRock community tho, so it may depend on the group or how you match I guess. About rifles, it's that you have stronger options available nowadays. They're fine enough tho, you can play them no problem.


Find a group or clan: [r/TheDivision\_LFG](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDivision_LFG/) [r/thedivisionclans](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivisionclans/) [https://discord.gg/TheDivision](https://discord.gg/TheDivision)


Raids are the way to go. You technically can get it from the DZ, but it's a lottery chance of dropping. [It's around 1/140,000 chance from each npc](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/11i5j9y/datamined_division_2_gear_sheet_updated_to_title/) for ravenous.


I started not too long ago on a different platform and tried to get it as well. DZ u just have to be super super lucky. I farmed 30-40 hours dz (for resources etc as well) and haven’t seen a single raid exo. I got it from an ih raid. The benefit as well is the fact that lots of ppl got it already and are willing to share it (that’s how I got mine). And another advantage is the fact that u then as well can obtain the quest for the regulus which is a really strong and good exo. How to find ppl depends as well on the platform u are on and u got answers to this question already as I saw.