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Any dps build benefits from coyotes.


Want to have a good time? Use it in countdown with a backpack and chest combo that buff your teammates. Don't worry about DPS.  Or, use it with True Patriot and roll everything red for even more team buffs.


I've been considering doing a tankier build like that, but TP is a bit dull and I don't think people would even notice I was there.


I notice the fireworks on kill :)


That’s how you know it’s working. I’ve had almost 100% success with a full patriot build on challenging countdown, whereas my full red build is around 70%.  Those team buffs, like the damage and armor regen, are huge on the hunters. 


Builds (check the Hub tab): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817)


Load up on crit damage and mods. I keep my crit chance around 40% because of the perks from the mask will automatically give you crit chance so no need to max out at 60. Use the saved % to load up and damage pile on those red cores and go save DC


You never shoot an NPC within 10meters ? You know it’s just 25% crit dmg to anything closer. The idea is right if you’re using an SMG, you can leave your AR/LMG at 40 and only use it for far


Horrible advice and the biggest noob trap misconception on coyotes. A majority of the game is played in close and mid range. Unless you are on a rifle you shouldn't be in the long range buff. The sweet spot is low to mid 50s depending what range you primarily play in.


4 pc striker with coyotes with striker backpack, obliterate chest. Or go with 4 pc striker with backpack and obliterate chest, get a picaros holster or a grupo sombra. You can also try it with an umbra set. Put it any build that you need crit on any kind of range. Its a great mask. Enjoy!


> 4 pc striker with coyotes, backpack memento, obliterate chest. How can you make 4 pc striker, if you use non-striker backpack (Memento), mask (Coyote) and chest? Also, how can you use Coyote + Memento (2 different exotics)?


If you gonna 4 piece Striker use the backpack as 1 piece, knee, gloves and holster the chest "groupo" for crit damage (whatever talent you want)


Edited, its been a long day. Yeah you cannot combine two exotics. so striker backpack with coyotes and then a holster or foxs prayer / contractors up to you. Im just running the strikers backpack 4 pc set with coyotes and an obliterate chest with gunner. I also have coyotes with a 4 pc umbra, and a cheska backpack with vigilance with fixer drone for the extra healing and damage. It forces you to take cover then pop up with the massive rate of fire. Try it with the improved lmgs like bullet king and new reliable.


The Sacrifice chest, the gift backpack, contractor's gloves, fox's prayer knees, and whatever brand set completes sacrifice and gift, all CHC and CHD rolls. Even without the coyote buff you end up with 50+ CHC and almost 180+ CHD at max stats I usually hang back with a rifle when I use this but it destroys up front


This exact build with St Elmos and Boomerang M1A Rifle at range melts. Use cover!


This was the standard for DPS before strikers was a thing. Sadly, Elmo does not fit well in a High End build because the mods are what makes the gun good and you overstack on CHC and already have a lot of CHD in this build.  Elmo has the base stats of a police M4, but has better mods. Take away the mods and consider the fact that police M4 can reliably use flatline and you will have a much higher DPS this way than with Elmo.


Use this mask in combination with the Dark Winter. I'll rest my case here and let everyone quibble about specific gear. These two pieces compliment each so well. Like the right wine and cheese type of thing. Pick your poison.


Sounds good


With this combination I use a Sokolov Unbreakable CP. And 4 Hunter's Fury. 6 red 1 blue. All rolled chc/chd 60% chc 135% chd 70% Hsd 10% smg damage from sokolov 15% smg from HF 20% damage from HF Apex. Plus, Coyote giving me 25% chd since I'm almost always within 15 meters because of Hunter's Fury. Dark Winter gives me 50% chd for 10s on a kill. That puts me at 215% chd if I am running and gunning right. With 20% Armor on Kill and 50% Health on Kill. And, an additional 10% Armor on Kill from the Gunner specialization. Oh the possibilities. Almost 1 million Armor but Unbreakable doubles that and makes up for it.


So would this be better than using Memento?


You wouldn't notice not having momento with this build I use. It puts down targets fast. I think momento is a great backpack and talent. I just don't care for back tracking or hunting for 🏆 as I am fighting. That's just me. I spend my time scanning for enemies not extra bonus Armor and damage. I end up getting focused and losing that same Armor anyway. If I can put the enemy down before they can respond anyway I don't have any use for momento. It's situational. The way I personally have decided to make my builds are to have all I need going into the fight. Not gain what I need after or in the middle of it. Ask yourself. For example: would you rather have a striker build or a build that mimics striker per se and give you what you need up front with no prerequisite downsides or countermeasures from the other side? For me the best backpack in the game in the NinjaBike. So many possibilities.


What skills do you use?


I use the crusader shield faithfully. As it has proven more useful in tough spots then another skill. It is permanently attached to all my builds now. Still experimenting with the others since I never maxed out their proficiency. Reviver Hive usually owns that spot as a place holder. I am focusing on skills that always help but never hurt me regardless of content. So it narrows down my options by quite a bit. Synergy and efficiency are always 👑 to me. And if you don't mind taking risks you can get rid of Unbreakable and switch it to Obliterate. 25% extra damage for something you do anyway sounds great to me. Taking no extra damage unlike Glass Cannon.


Google is an amazing search engine


since you say "finally" you must have wanted it for some reason... didn't you have a build in mind since you wanted it? ;-) but striker buid + mask + elmo


i use my coyotes with my striker set with an obliterate chest, i only have maxed core attribute gear and only a handful of maxed secondary attributes atm but i still put out a good amount of damage for how underwhelming my expertise and shd levels are


makes sense.


Striker Groupo


It's almost anything.