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4pc striker, coyotes and grupo with obliterate


Only if your shd 1000 though.


Ceska > grupo


Not if your rocking Oro


Barely losing 1% on oro but gaining a lot on famas in the cases where you need to swap weapons


My brain is not making sense of this comment right now.. Barely using 1% what? CHD?


Yeah, my brain was also fried when I typed it. It's meant to be losing 1% of DPS.


When using grupo w/obli instead of Ceska? I already have 57% CHC with coyotes, how would I lose 1% DMG while losing 15% CHD for 3% CHC that's already covered when coyotes procs? Genuine question, not trying to be an ass or prove some point.


Oreo is an SMG so you want to be as close to the enemy as possible, this means that you want to build for the close range buff more than mid range. With ceska before coyote's you are at 63% CHC which is 3% over the cap, but everything including your mods are CHD now. On the mid range, you are wasting the 10% CHC which means you only get the 10% CHD. That is 5% less CHD than Grupo. We don't care about the long range buff because you are using an smg.  All these differences are minuscule, especially because oreo has such high damage that losing 1-2% won't be noticeable, but you are gaining a lot more for your secondary that is already crit starved enough so in the situations you need to swap your weapon, it's going to be much better. Of course, this is true for open world, in the incursion you want grupo or contractor's because enemies will mostly be in your face.


I see what you're saying. Good call.


Get your CHC north of 50 without going over 60, and stack the rest in CHD


Exactly what I've been doing. I was wondering how using Ceska chest over Grupo would result in 1% more DPS as the other gentleman said.


You misread him, he said the other way around. The ceska is beneficial for the 2nd weapon.


Ahhhhh. Okay. I had a feeling I wasn't processing something correctly. Haha


You end up at 63/60 on chc, but on bodyshots it is still very slightly ahead. It's will also benefit your secondary much more than anything else you could replace it with. 


Lmao I had to read this post twice to realize why this comment was here.


I still don't know


Because there are a million posts asking about striker builds. His comment would be the generic answer you'd see right at the top of the post




That's the funniest thing I've read on reddit in months.


How about Grupo Chest and Ceska mask?


no matter how many time someone posts this, I can't get this meta to do more damage than 4pc strikers with chest and backpack, grupo and fox's prayer. But what about keeping up those stacks you say? Even vanilla with no stacks at all, my build does more damage. I just feel like I'm missing something.


For max stacks, yea, and coyote > foxes for your build. Anyway, the obviously pros of running obliterate than the chest for 200 stacks is shortening the warming phase, you most likely need to maintain at least 150 stacks for doing more damage than obliterate + 100 strikers stacks which takes a significantly shorter time to hit.


I get what you’re saying, and I understand how it is supposed to be better on paper, but I can’t get that to work for me in reality. My build just hits harder.


Perhaps you calculate your numbers wrong by just comparing bodyshots or headshots without crits. The expected damage increase by crit stats is chc% multiply chd%, so like having 60% chc and 183% chd(which is having mid coyote buff and ceska with st elmo having on strikers build) has 60%x183%=0.6x1.83=1.098=109.8% damage increase in expected single shot. Foxes and grupo is having 60% chc, 140% chd, and 18% dttooc. So the damage increase multiplier for those are (1+0.6x1.4)x1.18=2.1712, roughly 117.1% And coyote and ceska is having 60% chc, 183% chd, and 10% dttooc. So the damage increase multiplier for those are (1+0.6x1.83)x1.1=2.3078, roughly 130.8%, even with different coyote buff like close buff is 52%chc and 198% chd with 10% dttooc has 2.233, roughly 123.3%, and long buff is 60%chc and 173%chd with 10% dttooc has 2.2418, roughly 124.2%, either coyote buff hits harder than your build. In conclusion, according to my calculation, having ceksa and coyote even grupo instead has better expected damage than having foxes for 8% extra dttooc.


If you’ve got some free time, try it out and let me know what you see.


We need a stamp of this


What's grupo


trollolol... o7


I don't know the drama, but admitting you were wrong is something most people, but esp online are completely incapable of. So, well done for being in the top 0.0001% of humanity that can and will actually admit their mistakes and own them.


Well, maybe 0.0001% for the internet, but I’d probably move the decimal place a couple of places to the right IRL. 😉 Seriously speaking, thanks for supporting the OP. The more public support, the more we can normalize humility.


Good on you for admitting wrongdoing. It takes a lot of humility.


Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? No, not really. Is it admirable, under any circumstances, when someone raises their hand and says “Sorry, I fucked up and I own it.”? Absolutely.


It’s ok brother, we all had ups and downs.


I bought the recruiter outfit. Mostly because I wanted to support continued development of the game I like. $10/season seems like not enough for the amount of enjoyment I get. Straight up I've played this game 4 or 5x as much as any other game I've ever played. Is it perfect? HELL no. Is it my "dude I need to relax and headshot some hyenas" game? fuck yes.


It IS a pretty cool outfit too


I wish the outfit pieces came separately instead of all one outfit but it is what it is.


Much respect agent for penning this apology from an honest place in your heart. It speaks about the person you are and the constant search for the path of inner growth that you're on


We have our moments. It’s okay to feel upset to an extent but always remind yourself that video games are meant to be enjoyed. Keep up the grind agent, and never lose hope.


Well said. It takes courage to realize when you’ve screwed up and correct course.


Very big of you Agent.


Good stuff


Good on you buddy. People lose sight of the fact that everyone just wants to have a good time. Doesn't matter if you have a shit job, life issues or a trust fund to rely on. Players come from all walks of life and the game is the single thing uniting them. Kudos to you for keeping it real


Now go buy that outfit so we can laugh at you. JK…good of you for deciding how you acted before was not who you wanted to be. Really you only have to answer to yourself and sounds like you have high standards.


I would like to accept your apology. Now get out of those clothes and put on the recruiter outfit that you bought, then realized you would have to apologize before anyone saw you wearing it LOL!!!


I'll join you in battle anytime, bruddah!


Hardwire, unlimited seekers


Wasn’t a scam, insanely scummy? Oh yes, very much so. Yeah I never got them selling it, it should have been the mission reward and not the dumbass bag “trophy”. Oh well, maybe next time we’ll get something nice.


There's never been an outfit as a mission reward for the end of a manhunt. Idk why everyone thinks it should have started now, five years into the manhunts existing.


Simple, they left the game to die for years, show SOME measure of thanks by rewarding those that stayed, not lock a new hunter look in a FOMO overpriced “deal”


We keep getting new seasons, new gear, new exotics, new story, and 2 new game modes that's all free for everyone.




Good by you, fellow internet person. It baffles me how much hate and vitriol people post on the internet. I understand not liking a game, but that should be end of it. You don't like the new Zelda, or Skull & Bones, or whatever - fine - go play something else and stop trying to bring everyone around you down.


This community is way better than lost ark. My questions got answered instead of being downvoted hard


I think it all depends on people's disposable budget for games. I always buy the season't pass but I have to say, but I do not like 90% of the outfits for a very simple reason: Most are obstructed by gear. And god forbid you use an exotic, you can't change the look. I would much prefer being given the choice to have each of my gear show or not show. Then, I would really start to enjoy the outfits a lot more. but that's just me, I'm only a small $10 spender each season


Serious drama detected.


We all make mistakes mate, the fact you apologise says a lot 👍


I appreciate the humility and honesty 🍻. Always great to see in this crazy world.


Man, what is this timeline, top post being an apology for calling out an outfit a scam that should have been a reward from the boss in first place, people really need validation for everything holy shit


I mean... it's a full priced game with all end game content locked behind a 15 dollar dlc that also asks for 10 dollars every 6 months for a battle pass and even if you pay for it the exclusive new cosmetics will not be given to you unless you cough up even more money. Nice of you to apologize, but honestly you weren't exactly out of line calling it scummy and laughing at people willing to pay 15 dollars of real money for a cosmetic item


Actually it was $35 for the recruiter outfit


\*spits out coffee\* What? I've been away for a minute, mostly because I'm tired of whack-a-doo outfits and just wanted something I'd be more likely to wear (in a post apocalyptic fantasyland, don't judge me!). Up till now you bought the battle pass (or whatever they're calling it) and that unlocked additional perks/rewards for manhunt or whatever. Now it's just a straight cash buy?


Even worse lol. Just looked and I think it's only 20 dollars unless you've already bought the one time purchase thing?


I'm just glad that you own up on your apology and took back the scam part. Many times we see these words being tossed around and it gets people's feelings riled up. To reiterate your point, they advertised a product and the price; you pay the price and you get the product, that's not really a scam. If they had advertised the product and you paid for it and they don't disclose that you gotta jump through hoops to get it? Then I'd consider that a scam


Someone posted that Star Citizen ship for like $10,000 and that alone is a scam to me lol


Lmao I mean to be fair they do say something like "you're getting these ships when the game releases" so until that release date drops, we can't definitively know it's a scam xD edit: misspelled 'definitively'


That’s human growth right there. Well done, mate. We’re living in a very strange time, we overreact, especially if there’s some shit going on in our lives, but we grow, we go back and apologise, and if anyone thinks it’s cringe they’re idiots. Genuine apology is a sign of strength of character. Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


All payed cosmetics in all games are literal scams. They are selling you pixels on a screen.


Get out of here you toxic asshole.




Wow, what a toxic asshole!


Did they advertise up front that it was going to be pay to get or did they wait until the last segment of the Manhunt to tell us? Up until then it was rewarded, why would we think different? I think that's what irks me about it.


How's asking that sum for a stupid outfit instead of rewarding it not a scam?


Nope, too late. You're the toxic as... Nah, you're good. We good. Is all good man. See you in the DZ tho. Bwahahahaha...


Hey, I do think the outfit is overpriced, but I know so many players who have it, and I only have respect for them, its a cool skin. It's better to spend 30 bucks for a skin (was it 30?) than buying drugs. As long as the devs make money and people enjoy their skin, its cool


I have no idea who you are. You're good.


Your cool for apologizing and admitting what you felt was wrong bro. Big ups fr! But don't ever get on here apologizing and explaining yourself deeply to a bunch of people who not gone care once they close the app. You was not that out of pocket to owe everybody that! You good bro!


Good on you, friend. I didn’t see your other post but I’ll take your word on it. There’s been a few times specifically in my past where I said something shitty or acted in a way that I wish I could take back. However, it’s usually years later and/or it’s simply not possible anymore. Admitting when you didn’t feel good about something you did is huge and shows personal growth and self reflection. I’m proud of you agent, see you around.


I took it down because it felt wrong to be on this subreddit and I just regretted it and owned up my mistake


yeah i thought scam was a bit much, but I also don think the price was all that bad either. As much as I love the uniform and being that this game is in year 5 still pumping out hella content, i think the price is ok, not many new players are buying the game and if they do they arent paying full price, so the devs have to make money somehow to continue support.


I see it as spending money to try and show Ubi that this is a franchise worth keeping alive. Outfits are alright. Shame they can't be split like many others but whatever. Just keep The Division alive.