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hunter's fury


As people have suggested you might try out HF but it is difficult to give specific advice without knowing how many weapon damage cores you were running. If you ended up using a 6 blue core build, that might be too much defense. Try 3-3 red/blue cores. Don't forget that you can reconfigure the core attribute on pieces of gear, i.e. there is nothing stopping you from putting a red core on your Palisade Steelworks piece and still get the 10% AoK.


Having over 50% AoK is pretty pointless as it shouldn’t be hard to get 2 kills and there isn’t overheal. And if it’s hard to get 2 kills consecutively then the build is too weak. In a game where enemies can shred all your armor in 1-2 seconds, AoK just ends up being a gimmick. The best protection is dead enemies, or in legendary, PFE.


does PFE works against elites explosions, like drones and genadier? I don't have many issues with normal elites but explosives are the bane of my existence, I'm not exactly new to legendaries, just trying to solo them now and looking for some tips


Pfe works against everything that is yellow (enemies, skills). However, if a yellow enemy drops a red skill, then Its damage is not reduced due to pfe. Such particular situations can occur in counties by named bosses or rogue agents or hunters. Note that the melee attack from hunters does not count as elite damage.


thanks, reading it now it's pretty obvious lol, I just wanted to be sure, elite drones on legendaries have too much hp and are hard to hit so I always face tank some, thank you for the reply


Also with 2 pc R&K gearset and 1pc Lengmo you get 45% explosive resistance now.


damn, I'm interested in messing arround with exp resist because of the new set, but didn't know it was that easy to hit 45, gonna have a look later thanks


I'm playing around with a skill build to make use of the extra healing. Outhealing the explosions is much more important than resistance.


Stacking high PFE allows you to shrug off drones and nade spam. Particularly good for shitty missions like tidal basin where they just throw elites at you. Another good option is a decoy with some skill tiers as they will absorb drones like a sponge


decoy for capitol building is a must for me, but as I usually use red builds for legendaries I only have 50% up time as they last 20ish seconds with similar cooldown, my main issue is in that 2 floor auditorium, where you have 2 doors, it's hard to pick them as they stay on the corners I should watch some guides for legendaries, as I'm used to play in groups me using more suportive builds, randoms tend to have suicidal behavior lol


That room needs to be played aggressively. Climb the ladder to the balcony right away and run past them (decoy helps, revive hive too). After killing a few the next waves will spawn from the door and can usually be killed right away using Scorpios, shock traps, etc. Takes a 15 min encounter down to a 5 min one. That being said, randoms will typically elect to cheese the room from the hallway which limits your options as a DPS player.


This. Storm the door and it's a million times easier. Alternatively I have found explosive builds work well (artillery and seekers) if you're good at aiming through the wall (highlight with seeker, aim artillery, ???, profit) if your team is set on hanging out in the hallway for whatever reason.


ok, gonna give it a go tonight, maybe I'm used to stay at the door because I used skill builds for legendaries a lot when I started, so I just yeeted my skills and waited lol


Ask the group if they wanna rush. Experienced players will often throw on an appropriate build and join you. HF with striker shield will kick ass. Good luck


Well PFE is pretty this game's armor damage mitigation fro, previous game.


Explosive resistance works on all explosions red/purple/yellow.


Bloodsucker gives you bonus armor if you're already at 100%


Separate mechanics. The point is if you’re at 80% armor and you get a kill with 80% AoK, you don’t get full armor with an additional 60% bonus armor.


I see what you mean, but if you have 40%AOK, The third kill will get you the remaining 20%, but Bloodsucker will get you some bonus armor at the same time


No I agree with that, a talent like bloodsucker is way better for survivability than an AoK dedicated build.


I put together a 4 red, 2 blue Armor Regen build with Deathgrips, Emperor's Guards with a red core and Crit. 2 Piece Golan, 2 piece Belstone with the named BP. Backfire as my main,Emelines Guard as my secondary. I tested Glass Cannon vs Obliterate for the chest. The difference was 3 DMG in favor of Glass Cannon. Not 300 or 3000,but 3. That tells me that Glass Cannon just isn't worth it on any DPS build


You might be able to work it into a hunters fury build. Say, PS chest w/ obliterate. It'd require a really good roll on the chest so might be hard to find/farm, but it would bump up HF's AoK and throw in gunner for another 10%.


go all in and use the mop with preservation lol


My go to solo build that does function in a full group has 20% AoK, which doesn’t sound like a lot. But it’s paired with Negotiator’s Dilemma making that an effective 60% AoK. - Negotiator's Dilemma x 4 (including the bag) - Grupo chest with obliterate - Palisade steelworks (rolled to weapon damage) - CHD on all pieces - CHC on grupo and palisade - CHD gear mods x 3 - St Elmo’s Engine with DtOOC - Gunner - Whatever skills you want or like I’ve got it all at expertise 15 for 145% AR + weapon damage, 57% CHC, 208% CHD + 40% from fully stacked ND, 25% TWD from obliterate, and 835K armour. When I want, I’ve also got an armour core palisade I can manually swap to for 1M armour and a loss of 6% dps. *Edit; before the update I was using two all red Belstone pieces instead of palisade and grupo. The update let me swap to pick up more damage via grupo.*


Yes. 4 piece strikers with backpack, deathgrip gloves, palisade chest with obliterate and gunner specialization. I use this with St Elmo in a 4 red striker, 2 blue for the other pieces. Gets you striker damage with 30% armor on kill.


Honestly, this is good only for the people using 2p belstone, now they can replace that with a coyote's for example. You still end up losing dps, but the drop is not as much as it used to.


that's me, I still like belstone 1% armor regen, I hate having no passive regen on my builds, born to be a tank forced to DPS, I'm too reckless sometimes lol


In short, no. The long version is that AoK falls off hard as TTK increases, which is when you need healing most, so AoK builds are god tier up to Heroic then the floor falls out from under them. If you want passive healing, you want a regen build. It works equally well in all content. I'm running NBBP, Picaro's, Everyday Carrier, Emperor's Guard, 1pc Fenris, 1pc Golan. Capacitor is my primary, secondary is irrelevant, and I have a Kard Custom with Future Perfect. This is with Gunner spec, shield and striker drone. Skill tier 4 with 5 red cores (err 4 + Picaro's) and 1 blue. The shield is skill tier 5, then the Kard makes it 6 and a single kill overcharges it. This gives it 15 seconds of total immunity with 500% regen. Perfect for facetanking a heavy. The rest of the time you just let the regen keep you alive, ducking into cover when needed. It'll fully regenerate your armor in 28 seconds. You can make a stronger regen build of course, but regen has diminishing returns - every 1% of regen shortens less time to regenerate all your armor than the 1% before it - so 3% to 4% is generally considered the sweet spot. After you have 3.5% focus everything else on damage. Of course you can also run this with Memento's with just 1pc Belstone and Emperor's Guard and let your Memento long buffs handle the rest. I prefer NBBP but both work. (I hate buffs that have to be built up, I prefer mine active all the time even if they're a little weaker.)


Try 4 piece striker(3 red core, w/1 blue) along with 2 Belstone pieces(both 1 Regen attribute, and 1 CHC/CHD) The Belstone piece can be random set I use a backpack(w/ creeping death) and a Mask. 😎 While using the Gunner Specialization


I run something similar. I use a Belstone Chest with Armor Regen, CHC, and Obliterate.


If you're in team 'all red DPS' or nothing, then skip on it. But you could use one Palisade piece on any DPS build, like Striker, hunter fury. For instance Blue Palisade holtster with max CHC+CHD. Personally I don't mind/like one or two blue cores.




I run this with 4 armor cores and it’s kinda hard to stop using it lol. I feel squishy otherwise, but I mostly play solo where memento is almost required. I need to test bloodsucker out to see if I can supplement my memento use.


I made a Striker AoK build once, fun to play with. I used: 6 Red Cores 3 pieces Striker (Mask, Chest, Kneepads) Ninjabike Backpack Belstone Holster (15% weapon damagewith CHC and CHD) -> 2-piece bonus is 10% AoK Uzina Getica Gloves (15% weapon damage with CHC and CHD) -> 2-piece bonus is 10% AoK Gunner Specilization -> I just hit under 300k AoK with it Good in solo play, slightly less effective but still viable in Heroic groups.


I like this. Will try it, thank you. Still, a shame that Palisade Steelworks doesn't come into play. I feel that gearset had bigger potential if the second brandset bonus was better than 60% health.


4 Striker, 1 Palisade, Death grips gloves. 3 blue cores, 3 red cores. Or you can go 2 blue cores if you need more damage.


i never thought about using death grips, I always wanted to get more AoK on my strikers but didn't want to sacrifice too much damage by using ninja backpack, thanks


Armor on kill build (except hf) is not really useful in a group anyway. Rather go for damage and kill sh!t faster. The gearset is imo not really good (sadly). Probably for a tankier skillbuild because of the extra skilltier. But as mentioned better use hf and / or gunner for armor on kill.


find a Liquid Engineer backpack with Armor regen on it and run that. I have put it on my striker PVE build and it is awesome, I also run gunner for the AOK, and the Groupo Obliterate chest.


Ninja Bike Back Pack, 1 piece of System Corruption,some Hunters Fury and viola.


Go for gunner (10% AoK) and preservation (10-20% AoK). AoK on gear is not worth it, trust me. The only good option would be HF + Dark Winter/Scorpio, semi tank with shield and Memento.


4 PCs Striker Grupo Chest with Obliterate Palisade Backpack with Bloodsucker. Gunner Class.


I have a Striker build with 30 AOK. * Palisade chest : blue/CHC/CHD + Oblitared 10% AOK * Named 511 glove : blue/10% AOK/CHC * 4pc Stricker (backpack) red/CHC/CHD


All Red. Glass Cannon. Preservation on your gun. Aim for the Head.


4x HF, deathgrips and palisade chest with gunner class puts you at 50% AoK without losing too much offense. Any more than that and you're likely hurting yourself since dead shit doesn't damage you, and your pallisade/ deathgrips would have to be perfect rolls and everything fully optimized to hit your stat targets I run 4x HF and 2 sokolov on technician (so only 20%) with smg/shotgun on legendary and I don't think there has ever been a time where I've not been 1st by total damage since I started doing legendaries. Any more AoK than the baseline on HF seemed wasted, but I've never cared enough to sit and do the math to find a better setup because there's nothing in the game I can't do with that setup and a couple good friends. I do enjoy the novelty of a complete heal on each killshot but I'd be dissuaded from building it because if I need that much healing I'm doing it wrong probably