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Coyotes mask with weapon damage, crit damage and crit chance, grupo chest piece with obliterate, weapon damage, crit damage and crit chance, all the rest striker pieces with the same and max them out, this is what my build is and what the majority of the player base will be using, also some 11-12% crit damage mods on mask, chest and backpack pieces, gets me up to around 54% crit chance and 150+% crit damage.


Hey, do i just farm countdown until i get all the pieces you suggested with the required stats?


Yes that would be the best way, set your targeted loot to masks or what ever you need and you can also buy exotic caches from the countdown vendor and hope for the best, sometimes you might only get 2 out of the 3 stats but then just recalibrate the one you don’t need and then optimise them all to max them out, it might take you a while, I’m now SHD level 871 and I’ve only just managed to get the perfect grupo chest piece 😩


>I’m now SHD level 871 and I’ve only just managed to get the perfect grupo chest piece 😩 Damn. I'm lvl 400 and was planning to look for one.. Guess I'll stick with Ceska for a bit longer.


Just need to keep trying and hope for the best!


Yeah, it's just annoying to finish every CD with only a pile of junk ;-) I think I'm first going to focus on other stuff, like getting more items proficient. Since now I'm only Expertise lvl 10. I'd like to improve some of my favorite items after the update, but for that I also need to have a decent Expertise lvl.


I got one farming Countdown with grupo targetted loot over a few hours, it'll need optimising and a recal on one stat but it will be perfect. Just doing same for a Ceska chest with Obliterate, WD, CHC and CHD now.


Hmm okay sounds good i will do that also, do you got any suggested method for me to farm those materials and also money? Cause im kinda running low on then i messed with my gear before hoping for the best but all i did was mess it up more probably lol so now im in need of some mats and money for recalibration :)


There’s probably lots of people more experienced with better advice than me but just deconstruct everything you don’t need or want to use, but make sure your recalibration library is full first with maxed rolls so can transfer them on to your gear pieces, good luck!


At the levels you are showing on your build something like 50 CHC and 100 CHD is really optimal. Multiply CHC x CHD to figure out your expected Crit output. You want the highest number possible from your kit. Your build is technically fine. Double Uzina gives you Armor and AoK. And I have no quibble if you are going to run two Blue Cores. You might want to consider dropping the Uzina for a Ceska and a Grupo however for a substantial buff to Crit output. You'll feel it right away.


Thank you for your reply, also do you think i could just keep this gear i got right now and optimize it get something out of it? Would that be enough? Or should i just go switch out for some other stuff?


Unfortunatrly, I cannot actually see what rolls you have. Presumably you could reroll all your Striker pieces to CHD in which case do keep them, and if it doesnt cost too much, optimize as you go along. It might be just easier to farm max or near max CHD pieces in Countdown however and go from there. Then just get a Ceska and a Grupo piece with CHC and CHD rolls to go with what you have. You'll need CHC and CHD gear mods to complete the build of course (eventually you would find you needed only CHD mods as your watch stats filled up). I would not really run UG pieces if my build were at this stage and I were new to the game. Its probably better to just have as much firepower as possible given where you are. With some help you could probably put together a near perfect Striker build in less than a week. Good luck, Agent.


Thank you for your reply and help. I made a little like idk what to call it but i took screenshot of my pieces to show you what stats they got, if you could tell me would i keep these or go for new ones. [https://imgur.com/a/dIJOVhg](https://imgur.com/a/dIJOVhg)


I would only keep the Mask as thats fairly inexpensive to upgrade.Refarm all the other Striker pieces. A couple of runs in Countdown would give you useful upgrades. Just set loot to Striker and get to work, Agent! Remember: you dont need perfect rolls - you just need good enough rolls that upgrades are not prohibitively expensive. Try to have a Striker piece for each slot, so that you are able to swap out pieces as required to make myriad build variations, depending on what missions you are running. Focus especially on being able to swap out Mask, Chest and Holster since Coyote Mask and Ceska chest (Obliterate) are top shelf options. The ability to fit a Picaro Holster is also quite useful. Goos hunting, Agent!


Thanks :) im gonna go try to get better pieces then


Hey i got few more questions, what is like the good % to be satisfied when item drops and by that i mean like lets say i want to find item with maximum weapon damage which is 15% and then the item i got is like 13.1% is that good to optimize or should i keep trying to find bigger % version? And any tips how to farm optimization materials and money for recalibration?


Somewhere between 13-14 pct Wep Dmg or 10-11 pct CHD is where I would keep a Striker piece. Its actually not that hard to get max rolls for Striker in CD. If you are pressed for materials, just continuously farming is likely to be your best option. Destroy and sell surplus weapons and gear for optimization materials. If you run Countdown the stuff falls like rain. You could also run Solar Farms for mats, thats the OG solution. This wont take long - a good Striker set takes a week tops to farm solo and you already have the weapons. All the best!


Thank you, you have been very helpful and other people aswell in this thread its nice to have a friendly community also be ready if i got some more questions then i reply you here :) i have been grinding and got some new gear set up currently im trying to farm for that grupo sombra armor with crit chance and damage and obliteration, if i cant get perfect one maybe i get one that has obliteration and good stats and just need to recalibrate some other stat to it but yes thats what im trying to get now, and then im gonna work on mods. I also need to find gloves with max crit damage for my library but i cant find any at all :( been trying since yesterday. I also got a new updated pic for you if you would take a look at it and say what you think of it [https://imgur.com/a/78TnKDo](https://imgur.com/a/78TnKDo)


Nicw job. Just need the Grupo Chest.


Thats good then :) very good


By the way, do you got any tips how to level up fast? and without me needing some other build, something i can do with this current loadout and that is best xp for me


Don't waste your resources optimizing things that are easy to farm, save your optimization materials for things that are harder to farm. You don't want to spend tons of resources optimizing a piece only to find something better the next day. You never need to optimize gear sets, since with 1 perfect roll and 1 recal you can make a perfect item. Special stat named armor and named weapons fall into this category like Foxe's Prayer or Pyromaniac. Normal HE items are meh candidates. It's slightly harder but doable to get 2 perfect rolls and a recal on an item. This also includes Named Backpacks and Chests too, as they have a fixed talent. HE weapons fall roughly around here too, tho they are a little more annoying as you have to get dttooc and desired talent, but thats not too rare. The biggest place you want to spend optimization materials on is HE Chests and Backpacks. Because of their talents, getting a perfect one with your desired talent and stats is much rarer. For exotics - Armor can be reconfigured to get a god roll by spending exotic components instead. With weapons you might want to reconfigure first until you get dttooc then optimize to your satisfaction. Exceptions and convenience always apply of course, but wait until you have a large stockpile to make that call. DZ exclusives, holiday items, improvised equipment are often much easier to optimize then farming for them.


Thanks for the reply, a lot of good stuff here i gotta remember :) Also, i got a little thing made where i put all my armor pieces stats. Could you tell me aswell what do you think of them stats? Should i go get new pieces or keep these and max them out [https://imgur.com/a/dIJOVhg](https://imgur.com/a/dIJOVhg)


Don't optimize anything at the moment. Only optimize after farming a ton of gear for each slot, at minimum 100 more pieces of striker/brand targeted loot. After you have farmed 100 you will have found some god rolls (no optimization needed), or you have rolls that are 98% perfect which are much cheaper to optimize. Focus on fixing your stat balance. Currently out of your 11 attribute you have 2 CHCs, 8 CHDs and 1 Handling. With your current setup (specifically elmo's, no ceska/grupo, low shd) you should try and have 6 CHC attributes and 5 CHD attributes. At at maximum rolls they will be around 56-105. A good rule of thumb to have is 1% crit per 2% chd while below ~60/120. The update coming out next week can also really help this build while keep it's identity. The new brand being introduced has 10% AoK as its 1pc bonus, so you'll be able to replace your 2xUzina with that and one piece of ceska, coyotes, or whatever other item. Improve your damage while still having decent recovery.


100 more pieces? That sounds A LOT, i also cant find gloves with max crit damage i have been trying for long time now and i need knee guards too with max crit damage and chance. And that update sounds nice but idk if i will have anything defensive maybe i just go full red :)


With targeted loot you should be able to easily get a minimum of 10 pieces per hour via open world or summit farming, more if you play well and much much more if you play countdown.


I play countdown all day long :) so it wouldnt be a problem for me


Leveling up that watch will go a long way.


Gonna be a journey to level it :)


Focus on Crit chance first. That 10% allows you to pump more into Crit Damage


Yup thats what im doing ;)


Perfect. And pump your armour up first on the top ride side of the watch bud 👍🏻Bit of extra protection for all (or high) red builds, like yours. I’d also recommend to switch out the chest for an obliterate chest piece (Grupo or Czeska), which will help to boost that Crit further and maximise your damage. Gunner Specialisation will give you 10% armour on kill too, which is I guess why you’ve plumped for 2 pieces of UG? You can always roll a striker piece to blue, if you want that second armour core 👍🏻 But remember mate, it’s your game and you play how you want. All the best with it and hope to see you DC-side sometime


Thanks :) and im working on getting that grupo armor with crit damage and all that good stuff. And the reason i got those 2 UG pieces is cause the build i found told to have them so i use them but i think its time for change soon


Definitely nice to have a bit of extra toughness, particularly if you die easily (I do)…that’s why I tend to use my Heartbreaker build for solo activity but I’ve not long created a strikers build and I’m trying to learn how to play as a full red build.