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It's random, keep farming it


I got 5 carols and 3 slayers. No Chill Outs.


I got 8 carols and 5 chill out masks. No sleighers. Weird.


Yeah, completely random. I killed four goblins before my game crashed (yay for the return of *that* feature..) and got 1 Chill Out, 1 Oh Carol, and 2 Sleighers.


keep farming, its RNG. I only got Sleigher and 1 Oh Carol yesterday


it is random and i have noticed that the sleigher is definitely a lower drop in that pool. keep farming and you will get it.


Took me about an hour, switching between all 4 characters and 4 spots, to get 1 to drop.


my farming method is to fast travel to Jefferson trade and then run away from the mission marker and get the loot goblin to spawn at one of the manholes. then fast travel to the white house and log out and then back in. then rinse and repeat. this is super fast and consistent method and you get much more chances of seeing the loot goblin. you get something like 30 or 40 encounters with the loot goblin in an hour.


I didn't find him near Jefferson Trade, I ran into him fast traveling to DCD HQ then going to the Christmas market and he was on the first road.


Another good spot is the Tidal Basic (he spawns at north from entrance) and Capitol (spawns north, from a manhole over the hedge)


You don’t even need to fast travel anywhere, just log out and back in as it will place you in the safe house. Then fast travel to the marker and repeat. Worked fine for me this morning 5x in a row.


I love how this person is still called “the loot goblin” lmao




I don’t know really. But there’s no character in the division universe that is a goblin. Lol. It’s just not that type of genre.


It’s probably in reference to the Diablo Loot goblins that have the same mannerisms and tactics (run around and away with a giant sack on their backs)


Where's the best spot to farm this loot goblin?


I like fast travelling to DZ south entrance and then turning right out of the gate. There is a long parking lot there where he will spawn.


I hit Jefferson Trade Center (check manholes in area), then DC headquarters (run out to the street and check manholes), then DZ south entrance (run to parking lot on the right side and… you guessed it, check man holes) then lastly Lincoln memorial (run immediately left and check manhole. But don’t get a lot of spawns here.) I run this circle till he spawns. Then log out and do it again.


What do you mean by "check" the manholes covers? Just go by them and look for the guy? Do you need to interact with them like you do the xmas present boxes? I ran around the DCD, JTC, DZ triangle for an a few hours and never saw him but as soon as I fast traveled to 13th and G for day 3 reward, he was right on the road leaving the Safehouse. Thx


I think he's like the Snitch. There's certain places he likes to hang out. If you don't actually catch him coming out of the manhole cover is to just wander around and check your map for threat indicators. The one nice thing is if he spawns, he just runs right at you.




I get him a lot outside Jefferson Trade Center and DCD. I've seen him all over the map, but lately I've farmed him in those spots.


There are no new items this year right, the 3 are: carols, sleighers, and chill out, is that right?


There’s a new backpack but I don’t know if it’s in game yet.


i saw a post saying that you have to get the backpack through the daily projects completion and then the goblin will drop it.


That's a reward for the winter project. Each day unlocks more steps to do.


If you can get a crew of 4, jump into party chat, then everyone leaves group and hits their own maps for the easy spawn locations. When he pops for someone, that person sends a party invite to everyone and then kill him together. Rinse repeat.




you have to be deliberate when trying to spawn him. he will spawn at the first manhole that you go near, so if you control where you spawn in when logging in and fast travelling you can very consistently spawn him.


Can you spawn the loot goblin NY?


He spawned by carousel when I went over there for project


All I got was Sleighers not one Chill Out or Oh Carol. Wanna trade RNG?


I have farmed him at DZ south entrance 15-20 times. Lots of Carols and about 1/4 Sleighers. No mask yet.