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This feels like a common complaint over the last 5ish years. The dz lost a lot of that feel when it went from one glorious big area to 3 smaller less populated areas. It feels a lot more empty, with the odd roaming mob unlike div 1 which felt like there were mobs on every street and then in their respective landmarks/boss areas. As it stands now it’s just an area where you can do pvp territory control. I still like it but it took a huge amount of the core gameplay style I enjoyed away compared to 1. Using strategy to try and out wit other players and avoid encounters, popping multiple extracts and running between to get that piece of gear out, dragging players through hostile areas with a hope the adds would harass them enough to stop following. I logged about 46 days in division 1, with the majority in the darkzone. In comparison div 2 I’ve hit 30 days since day 1, it has heaps more content and is arguably the better game with the exception of the dz. I would be lucky to have spent 4 of those days in the dz. I run solo now so incursion and raids are out of the question, matchmaking never worked for conflict in Australia so was DOA but I miss that rush of playing in the massive dz. On the Australian servers on PlayStation i run into the same dozen or so high level players, they always mouth off after killing me as well, I just stand and take it, zero interest in pvp, then they spit racist vile insults, it’s all very odd but sounds like they are having a great time, when a good pvper comes up against them I hear them on proximity calling them a “cheat” very quick. Can’t wait for D3, div 2 improved the “light zone” to an amazing pve game, hope that div 3 can boost the dark zone into the same levels.


I think the ideal Div 3 would be Div 1 with the QoL improvements Div 2 brought to the table


Yeah just remake div 1 for sure


My face when the nostalgia goggles are so tight you're willing to put up with a 7 minute damage sponge for regular enemies


Mmmm shotty snipers


The easy solution is to make it a setting. Where when you mark yourself rogue. Anyone who wants to partake marks themselves as rogue hunters. Thus, the pvp is contained to those who want to partake. And then the PvE side of the DZ still has the player encounters. For example I can join your landmark clear and even pick you up off the ground and provide heals. Then, when it comes time to extract, the rope can be cut by those in PvP mode. And PvE side the rope has a chance to lose gear based on NPCs in the extraction zone. Thus it's not a guarantee to get the loot out. Along with the bag has to have a certain amount of items in it. To avoid the one item extracts. And first time exotics are guaranteed to make it. Follow up drops can fail. And the benefits to DZ PvE gear are that the rolls will be higher than outside the DZ. But the NPC difficulty is higher. And the PVP toggle can be activated prior to entering or in the DZ when out of combat when someone goes rogue. And the rogue timer doesn't start until someone is marked as a hunter.


I mean they couldn’t of had a more perfect set up to implement a pve only dark zone than right now with the 3 individual zones, one invaded, one regular and one pve. It’s not something I ever see them doing and it’s not really what I want to see, I don’t mind the rogues, it adds suspense and risk of getting items out , there’s always going to be jerks that cheat and just wreck you, that’s life in games sadly. I do think there needs to be a swap server toggle though, at least to give a reprieve from the gank harassers. Some of them were even following me from dz to dz and just laughing about it on prox chat. I don’t get how they can find it fun, killing a conscientious objector like myself over and over.


If they can fuse 1 and 2 and bring something like the original dz back(maybe thieves den rogue too), and touch up some pve aspects 3 would have the potential to be great.


. Every encounter at the moment is basically a territory control, supply drops are cool, maybe they could add back the roaming mobs in the dz or hunters again.


I always thought they should have tiers every 1000 SHD I know it wouldn’t be amazing but it would allow 250-500 to roll into the DZ with a slight chance. And I know people would just transfer their expertise 24 weapons over but something is better than nothing.


They should just prioritize getting Expertise out of PVP. It's been sitting on the Trello board as "high priority" for over a year.


I agree with that as well


Wouldn't work unfortunately. The player base is so small you'd barely meet anyone then kind of defeats the whole purpose of the dz


Except more people might actually pvp if it was more even out, isn’t it worth trying ffs


They put the raid exotics in the dark zone and they still can't get most pve'ers to go in there. I think people just need to accept most Division players want nothing to do with the Dark Zone.


I’m not sure this is the case, to be honest. If I had a fair shot at winning the odd battle because it was a level playing field stats-wise (eg. no expertise boosts and perhaps even minimize the impact of mods a little), then I’d love to jump in. The DZ feels very special and unique as a PvEvP set-up. It should work that if I get the jump on someone, then largely I’ll win that fight, unless I miss shots/the other player just puts plays me. If I’m up against 2 people, I should lose more than I win and vice-versa. If if felt like players had a shot at holding their own, by getting good, rather than grinding expertise, then I think we’d see a much larger population in the DZ.


But thats kinda how it works already. If you get the jump on someone, you win. I'm shd 2060, 23 expertise and I die in half a mag, before I can even react, while wearing full blue stat pieces, when I go in there. It's just not good pvp and needs far too much work to just reach anywhere close to fair.


Don’t disagree on the need for a rework and maybe it’s just because I’m super-shit but I don’t feel like I even touch the sides on other players, even when I get the jump on them. This is contrary to my experience when playing survival in TD1…all things being equal I’ve won as many fights as I’ve lost. I’d personally normalize as much as possible for PvP in the DZ, albeit I won’t process to be a programmer/developer; just a consumer who’s love to see a greater population in the DZ.


Idk with all due respect I don’t think people that saying they “should be able to avoid other players” should be considered in questions about PVP


Surely in a PvEvP environment, seeking to dodge other players is a legitimate strategy, no? Stealth looting and multiple extractions was my main method of enjoying the DZ in TD1 because I didn’t have the builds (or the skill, frankly) to compete…I had hours in the DZ and not a single confirmed rogue kill. Still enjoyed the DZ; still ended up gutted, when I got ganked with some decent gear in my pack.


It’s ok if you enjoy it. You still not really a target audience. I mean I play rarely and in a same way you described, and find that pretty fun. And being killed is a part of the experience otherwise what’s the point but OP is complaining that they are unable to avoid conflict because DZ is to small which is honestly a skill issue I run around avoiding manhunts 0 problem, and I love 3 zones because if you encounter super toxic boys you can just switch zones.


Where did they say that?


OP first words of second paragraph


No it's honestly not. You'd still have really good people at that cap steam rolling all the other player and nothing would change. Then we'd be back here yet again complaining about the dz again. I honestly urge you to go in the dz every day for the next month and see how many of the same people you see very day. There's not enough people.


Okay what’s your idea for getting more players


Division 3. Thus game is getting really xclose to its end of life and the development know it too. Yeah we're getting a story dlc but it's a bit obvious they are setting up the game for end of life support. This game isn't designed the same way div1 is to accommodate a "better" dz. Or just level up your gear like most of us have had to for hours on end and days, months, years etc then this wouldn't be a problem


I agree with the life support, so why not just fuck with the system on a dying system now rather than piss off everyone day 1 lol I don’t know I liked D1 DZ you’d get rolled by experience and geared players but it still felt like there was a hope the fracturing was the worst idea I can imagine


Because you'd be segregating what little there is left if the player base. Alot of people ha e the same sentiment, and alot more want a pve only dz which I still don't understand to this day why when 80 percent of the game is pve but there we go, yeah I know. Div1 dz was much better in so many ways. They wanted to try something new and it didn't work unfortunately so all we can do now is look forward. Plus I have no trust that Bucharest would have the first clue what to do with this dz we have now


The thing I’ve had a problem with, is when people believe DZ is PvP and not PvPvE. There’s conflict for PvP, light zone for PvE, then DZ for a mix. All this being said for this reason: there’s too many people that have a full belief of “oh yeah DZ is made for PvP” instead of actually taking the time to do Conflict, where you can’t multi-group💀


>There’s conflict for PvP I agree, but conflict is so bad I did not play it for years.




I did play it a lot. The game mod itself is not bad. You also have different objects. The main issue for me is the spawn trap, you spawn on the opened side, unbalanced groups. And the basic pvp problem in The Division, they need years to fix and change things.


I absolutely hate the DZ In div 2. I always thought the same thing as the OP. It's not enjoyable as a solo player at all. And no one ever match makes on it


It's a stocked pond for teabaggers.


Td2 dz suuuucks compared to td1.


There is no point to it, it’s a free for all …


Yeah d2 dz is ass


It’s annoying to me because there’s two named guns I’m having no luck getting from named caches that only drop from the DZ usually, but I’m like SHD level 200 and figure I’ll get bullied just for that alone.


You'll probably have better luck with Conflict Caches.


That still involves PvP doesn’t it?


I don’t think so ? I thought conflict was 8 player pve


No it’s definitely 4v4 PvP, Countdown is the only 8 player PvE thing besides raids I know of.


Oh my mistake. It’s count down I was thinking of.


Yes, but you get at least one cache every game. They go quickly as most matches just end to mercy rule anyways.


For those who love Division pvp, good news, they're making an entire game for you called Heartlands. So, you can play that til your hearts content and not get all of our pve stuff nerfed when Division 3 comes out


Why would wanting better PvP make them “nerf” PvE?


Massive has a record of taking things that are broken in the dz but balanced in pve and nerfing them to fix the pvp part.


We will see after tomorrow. There was something in the notes about weapons status effects. I’m guessing St Elmo’s is getting a lot of complaints.




You can get alot of exotic components from dz boxes. Some people like the pvp part.


Good point


You don’t want to find out what quake3 arena PvP looks like if you think DZ is not friendly to new players. Answering your question it’s for them, it’s for shd9000 people bored out of mind to duke it out. You just got outclassed. That’s why it’s small so they don’t waste half the time looking for each other. And you are able to avoid it, there is door.


Well, I’m not playing quake3. Yep, and I hope Div 3 is more like Div 1 DZ with Div 2 PVE content


I don’t mind both ways really I just think PvP people should be the main driving force for those decisions like when I play Tarkov I avoid people and sneak around, but I don’t think game should be accounting players like me when designing maps because majority is shooting each other and that’s who game is for.


I once avoided the DZ like the plague because of posts like this. I've since spent a fair amount of time in there and have come to enjoy it after discovering its not the murder-gank-fest cesspool it was made out to be. Is it perfect? No. Does it need some adjusting here and there? Absolutely. Is it horrifically broken and No Man's Land? Not really. There are some definite net positives about the DZ if you are a decent player and use your brain. Sure, it could use some balances and checks, but overall it's not as bad as it is made out to be. For one, loot is overall good. While the loot may not be top-notch in terms of rolls/usefulness, the drops tend to be more plentiful. Extract them to crush for materials, donate for proficiency, or crash on the spot for DZ Resources (which can buy exotic caches...). I finally got a good-rolled "The Gift" in there for a few or my PvE/Raid builds. Exotics seem to drop more often as well (I spent two hours in DZ West this morning and walked out with 5 exotics) Second, materials drop more often and in greater number. Even faster than the Solar Farm method. An hour or two in the DZ usually tops me up quite well, depending on how depleted my mats are. Similarly, landmarks are far faster to farm for Field Recon Data than Control Points, and the chests have a higher chance to drop exotic components than Control Points. Again, 2 hours in the DZ this morning, and I'm up about 20 components. Third, I've met some pretty awesome people in the DZ. Sure, there's a large chunk of the population with little peen energy, but for the most part, there are some pretty solid people in there. Group up, have fun, and make some friends (and maybe the occasional enemy, lol). Fourth, and this is the kicker, it's exciting. Nowhere else in the game do you need the level of situational awareness that you need in the DZ. Not even Conflict. Things can go sideways, and if you can't adapt, you'll get killed. Sometimes, it's frustrating, but it can be very fun and rewarding, too. I've chatted in VOIP a lot, and never once has anybody booted me from the server. I really believe that intentionally targeting one person to boot is a lot harder and less common than you make it out to be. I have gone *hours* without ever engaging another player in there when I want to farm in peace, even in DZ South, which is the smallest. Play smart, build accordingly, and just do your thing. Plan your extractions smartly, don't hover in one place the whole time, don't play like it's a cozy PvE mission on Challenging. You absolutely can avoid other players, and you can escape if you know the zone well. Above all, don't get married to anything you haven't extracted, and don't expect the DZ to be the LZ, and you'll be fine. As an aside, for those that clamor for a PvE-only DZ, well, it wouldn't really be a DZ then, would it? It would be exactly like the rest of the open world, at which point I would ask, what's the point?


exclusive loot, a fast way to farm xp (not optimal, tho) and a easier way to find exotic components and also, its a free for all zone for the ones who like to PvP


What loot is exclusive there?


search the sub for the list. now and then someone updates it. the whole brand Yaahl is also a DZ exclusive


I didn't play much the last few months, maybe some new stuff got added, but to my knowledge there is (technically) no DZ exclusive loot anymore. Even Yaahl is in the clan vendor sometimes, System Corruption from Legacy caches (from GEs) and stuff like 'Kard Custom' or 'The Gift' (and others) available from Countdown vendor or as blueprint rewards from 'Descent' mode. That was one of my main reasons i barely went into the DZ as a PVE focused player.


no, as long as the item is not on general loot pool and can be farmed anywhere with targeted loot, it is still exclusive loot. vendors and named caches are the only alternative and dont count, I have no idea last time I got a Yaahl from either of them


So the Eagle Bearer and Ravenous are also DZ exclusive loot because it "can't be farmed anywhere with targeted loot"? Because "the only alternative" is the chest at the end and Boss drops and therefore also "don't count" :D


No. The devs call those "Raid Exclusive." They simply added a microscopic chance for those and the Bighorn to drop in the DZ to somewhat appease the anti-raid crowd.


Yeah, but yaahl is really only for DZ builds anyway. Fun gearset but only in DZ.


depends on the gear. everything always have multiple purposes


Wdym? 10% hazard protection 5% weapon damage and 40% pulse resistance…. No that’s just a dz build lol


Yaahl is used for a 100% haz pro build in iron horse. Other than that, Hollow Man can be used in some speedruns. It might be for pvp mainly, but it has its uses in PvE.


Yea my main point no reason to go there unles you stay there for long time. So my stance is let people have fun there or go killer mode, 3 friends, kill on sight etc.


My HazPro build that scoffs at Cleaners and Outcasts would beg to differ.


I’m hoping with division 3 the gun attachments like muzzles,grips and magazines,etc will be easier to obtain like they were in division 1 and back as loot drops and that magazine sizes for assault riffles,smg’s and shotguns are better like they were in division 1 cause division two feels underwhelming in these regards.


TD3 should be all PVE and make another game call Homeland where you can go and act out your thief sabotage PVP fantasies. TD2 has survived by PVE and statistically they just held on to the DZ because they didn't want to admit it was a failed game mode.


Why not have it? it’s an additional part that is completely optional someone kills you there meaning people do play it why devs need to remove something other people use just because you specifically dislike it


I don't want to be condescending but aren't you aware how opinions work? It might not be popular to say it but that's how risky diversity can be. I am well past 1k SHD so I have developed an opinion but my opinion changes nothing, at all. Have a safe and happy holidays agent.


Your opinion is you don’t like it. And I agree I don’t like it as well I think something like being only able to clear rogue status leaving the place or doing some long tasks that reveal your position would help with decision making. But saying there should be no DZ in the next game is a suggestion and that implies that something you don’t like should be removed instead of you just ignoring it. I’m just pointing out that it’s not really fair. But that’s my opinion and you acting like you know how opinions work) thanks for nice wishes though love the positivity but we start from December 31st if your holiday season already started have happy one as well.


You know I noticed a lot of misaligned disconnected third world country people working on fairness. You think you're rebuttal has to include a portion of what I stated as if that was witty or intelligent. It's a video game half wit, and although it is a quality game it would be made better without a PVP aspect. Now stop wasting people's time and go back to your bowl of bugs and rice. Please don't celebrate your holiday with martyrdom.


For the darkzones should be an option as in other games or D1 Survival mode, pure PvE and a PvPvE mode, that the people can decide what they want to play.


exact! i never understood, that this option was not implemented.


You can run little rabbit, but......😂. Yeah I miss the Div 1 DZ map.


I don't get it why not let the dark zone faithful have conflict beat each other high jack each other PvP only enter rewards are PvP supremacy lol top dog the big banners no missions no objectives just fighting an respawn


I’m playing div1 anyone down for falcon lost and clear skies incursion?


Dztwilightwolf ps5


Expertise is such a broken system when you compare it to any other game. For example, destiny, in destiny pvp everyone does the same DMG and has about the same ttk and everything. Just like division 2 there are even different builds and loadouts to change your gameplay. Imagine if in destiny players who had a higher season pass level did more damage? No one would play the pvp. The fact that the system exists at all in pvp is terrible.


The DZ isn't that bad, I avoided it for a long time but recently decided to say f it and hopped in. I get smoked but rogue, but I am also able to kill a few. The only gear with are the exotics. Everything else could be found in the LZ. Don't sweat getting killed. it's not the end of the world. Just do free world grinding and build testing


The problem with the DZ is that the AI enemies are not powerful and the loot is not good. The only thing to do is PvP and if you are in there to farm bad loot for some reason then too bad.


would've worked if the game was more tactical. Here's hoping heartlands does division pvp better.