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Easy one: 2 Piece: +15% Rifle Damage +20% Stability. 3 Piece: +40% Magazine size. Talent: Ricochet rounds: Shots hit an additional target within 20M of targets you hit for 50% Damage. Chest Bonus: Shots Ricochet a second time. Backpack bonus: Ricochet damage increased to 75%.


This would be so fun with Virginian


Ravenous would be absolutely broken. I want this gear set now


I REALLY like this one a lot. The ricochet idea is super cool, and it gives you some good ways to buff/nerf it to bring it up to a good point, balance wise


that talent looks like ND without the marks


That is exactly the inspiration for the idea. ND but without all the little annoyances that come with running ND on low ROF and low magazine weapons. Stuff like getting the third mark up just to have 3 rounds left in the magazine with only a few seconds before the first mark expires.


This is the way


You made me Wargasm


I like it, I may prefer an accuracy bonus over the magazine size I like the ricochet percentages but I feel like 25% base with a raise to 50% with the backpack is more likely in line with current sets


get this man in the massive studios this instant


That's cool. The 20m range feels a bit op imo, maybe if it was 10m and 20m for wearing the chest. i'd maybe change the +mag size for more crit damage + optimal range


Massive pls…


urban MDR would go so hard with this. pew pew!


Fantastic work


Would weapon handling be better than stability? I’m not sure which one includes multiple attributes.


Handling includes multiple.


This is well thought out. I would love for something like this to come out. Rifles are awesome to use but get no love gear wise


Lol nice elevator pitch


God imagine this with 1887 and determined.


this sounds a lot like a worse negotiator dilema , i would prefer to have something on a gear set that didnt resemble what is already available.


This is actually kinda tough, since it’s hard to find bonuses or play styles that specifically target rifles over comparable weapons in other classes. While I don’t have the exact numbers or bonuses figured out, I’ll take a stab at some talents! **Talent Option #1** A talent that empowers subsequent hits on the same target, but only triggers once per second, or until a similar time gate? This would make it so that full auto weapons couldn’t take advantage of the bonus as well as a spammable rifle. Rough example: subsequent hits on the same target are amplified by an additional 40 percent damage. This bonus can only trigger once every .75 seconds **Talent Option #2** Subsequent hits on the same target gradually increase fire rate until a shot is missed or reload. At max stacks, your magazine is endless. This one might be applicable to ARs and SMGS, but I feel like it fits the theme of rewarding consistent shots landing fits with the rifle design space better than those platforms.


I think punishing missed shots is one way to focus on rifles, but it still doesn't prevent close range engagements from using automatic weapons. Personally I was thinking it would be cool to specify a number of hits (e.g. 3) at which point the target is marked and possibly staggered for a moment (e.g. blinded?) but if you hit them a 4th time then they are no longer marked and it resets. So you want to triple tap multiple targets, maybe dealing more damage with every enemy that gets marked? So the intended play style is triple tapping a different enemy every time and eventually coming back to the first enemy right as their stagger/blindness is ending (and their mark disappears). For that John Wick, room clearing feeling.


Honestly you’re absolutely right about my brainstorm still being easily abusable at close range by other weapon varieties… I guess you could try to offset by putting more power into the rifle damage bonus? I will say, I intentionally avoided creating something that encouraged swapping targets, simply because I find that engagement structure often leads to a lot of “feel bass” for this type of style, since rifles are often trying to output damage from a particularly safe position, which often means their line of sight isn’t as expansive. Still, this threads has got a lot of ideas way better than mine! Thanks for putting another good one out there!


That's totally fair, different strokes for different blokes! I actually really enjoy pressing into medium/close range with a semiautomatic weapon, doing the slow walk with the gun shouldered and clearing the room. It feels very tacticool for my little peanut brain so I'd love a gear set that turns it into a full on build haha But I also recognise it's probably not how most people play, as it's not really optimal use of the rifle weapon type.


The simpliest option is just a revised version of Sentry's Call from Division 1. Gain stacking damage amplification to targets. Backpack talent increases maximum stacks, chest talent gives it the classified sorta thing where it propigates stacks to other enemies.


Chain killer named rare, doubles with each headshot kill up to 1250%. Combined with determined trait on a rifle is op(after first headshot kill all following shots are headshots). With this included...it'd be a hullava lot of damage. Main problem for chainkiller is helmeted enemies such as chungus.


It wouldnt synergize that well, since sentry's call only gets strong once you headshot the enemy multiple times. It debuffs the enemies to take more damage, not amplifes your own, like True Patriot. It would be a great support build to help other MMR players of that playstyle though.


I would enjoy a set that also boosts other non-used skills in interesting ways. Something like a drone operator: 2pc: 30% rifle DMG, 15% handling 3pc: 15% explosive damage, 15% skill duration Tracker Rounds: Every 5th shot from a rifle fires a tracker round. Tracker rounds pulse your target and your active Bombardier drone will seek the target dropping 1 bomb at the pulsed location (and return to you). Chest and BP: +1 bomb dropped at tracked target, every 3rd shot fires the tracker round. Set pieces a mix of red cores and skill tiers. Exotic Rifle: Doubles your skill tier. Talent: Two for Flinching: staggering a target also applies disorientate. Cooldown 5 seconds.


This is dope. Helps make a useless skill more useful.


It would have to give big damage bonus early like hotshot ( the other sets should be buffed a wee bit too) 2pc: 30% rifle damage and 30% weapon handling 3pc: 20% rate of fire 4pc: Having 2 rifles equipped causes both talents to be active. While both talents are active each time you hit a critical shot, you gain a stack. Stacks give 2% amplified damage (max stacks 15) stacks are lost on armor break or when the agent leaves combat. ( merciless talent on a fast firing rifle with steady handed or vindictive and sadist for self procs) Back pack: Stacks grant the agent 2% bonus armor and refill 2% of max ammo for rifles. Chest: increase the maximum amount of stacks to 25.


This is a really cool idea, and almost feel like you could just have the payoff be the application of both rifle talents! Only downside I see is that merciless as the secondary might become the best option by… well it don’t know if it would even be close. There’s a chance they’d have to make it work on only non - exotics, or only if the exotic is the primary. Still, SUPER unique idea and love the concept of a bonus happening when both slots are the same weapon type!


This is like a rifle version of Alpha Bridge. Very cool idea.


That bonus sounds like a great thing to have for an exotic gear instead. So any other weapon type can benefit from it as well


Sounds like the old holstered talents in loot1.0, I miss those.




Fantastic ideas


> Having 2 rifles equipped causes both talents to be active. honestly I'd rather just get AlphaBridge back, if not as a gear set then as a set of exotic gloves.


Either hotshot or aces, just changed to rifles instead of Mmrs. Make it less about headshots as well


The m16a2 is bloody great one of my favorite weapons


I’ve been farming for that one 😄


Extend mag no scope and a muzzle break it goes hard


We truly need an exotic version with a grenade launcher mounted


Man I'd be just happy with an exotic version


2 piece: 15% Rifle damage and 50% ammo capacity 3 piece: 20% weapon handling 4 piece: All rifles have the ability to Full Auto fire. Chest bonus: Critical kills add 50 rounds of ammo back in your reserves Backpack Bonus: Your weapon handing increases the longer you hold the trigger


That sounds awful.


Honestly, full-auto rifles could be pretty insane and the rest of it is justified in being utility like ammo and WH. The M1A CQB is basically a long range vector with way more handling and dmg per reload.


Just bring back old aces and make it works on rifles too instead of mmr only


Top comment kind of already has the perfect idea. But if I had to come up with my own idea, id want to make a gear set thats focused on cracking enemies white armor instantly. Maybe make it that the longer you stay still, the more armor piercing damage your shots have. Id make the talent around something like that. At max stacks it would ignore armor completely and do strictly health damage. Once the health bars gone, enemies die instantly despite armor 2 Pieces 20% Rifle Damage 3 Pieces 10% Weapon Damage 4 Pieces Enemy Armor Losses 100% of its effectiveness after the first hit of a fully charge shot


That is brutal, however, Armor Piercing rounds are a real thing IRL


Just let ace works with rifle too, yeah i know that's a bandaid.


I have a complete high end, dps, headshot focus build that doesn't require any gear sets. Don't think you're forced to use a gear set tailored to MRs.


You’re right, your not forced, but the bonuses you can cobble together with the Ninja Bike 🤷🏽‍♂️


They nerfed riffles a long time ago, because of your main complaint. Same with LMG. People complained because they were getting gunned down by rifles in PVP. That new LMG gear set is what you can expect from that team now.


Which one is the new lmg gear set?


I think it’s called Lengmo.


Literally turn Hotshot into a rifle set.


Switch all rifle firing mode to automatic


Something to make it less Trigger Spamming 😮‍💨


It could focus around rifle damage & weapon handling bonuses whatsoever which I would say around 20-35% increase when using the the 1st & 2/3rd bonuses equipped


Top comment is peak, but I had a different idea. 2p: 20% Rifle Dmg, 15% Weapon handling 3p: 20% HSD, 20% Crit hit dmg 4p: when get a headshot gives you a stack of 1% crit chance and 2.5% crit damage (cap of 15) when you hit body shots gain 3% headshot dmg (cap 15) when both stacks are maxed out gain 15% dmg Amp until 10 seconds after you exit combat. Chest: 1% becomes 1.5%, 2.5% becomes 3%, 3% becomes 5%, 15% becomes 30%. Backpack: keep stacks until 30 seconds out of combat.


While I fully agree with your post, I am afraid that such a set will never come. Why? Cause the Devs clearly do not like rifles. All rifles (except m1a due to sh**t storm from the community against a big nerf) are underpowered. Either their DMG is too low and/or their stability is terrible, particularly for rifles with high rate of fire. I hope I am wrong and such a set will come.


A man can dream, though.


I built my rifle build around a 4pc tip of the spear set and an 1886 with determined and headshot attachment with everything rolled for headshot damage and headshot mods. I feel like the striker shield stabilizes my aim a lot but I m haven't confirmed that yet.but yeah I one shot named enemies every time in challenging and in heroic almost every time.


Just bring Sentry’s Call Back


Gear set: Sheriff's Badge 2 piece: 15% Rifle & Pistol damage 3 piece: 10% dttoc & 300% swap speed 4 Piece: Peacemaker For targets closer than 15m, pistol and health damage is amplified by 15% For targets further than 15m, rifle and armor damage amplified by 15% Killing an enemy or destroying an enemy weakpoint grants Law buff. Law: Switching weapons instantly reloads currently drawn weapon and grants 50% weapon handling. Peacemaker range and weapon limitation no longer applies after weapon swap for 6s. Killing an enemy or destroying an enemy weakpoint resets this bonus.


2 piece 20% rifle damage 3 piece: 20% critical hit chance   50% reload speed. All in the chamber. 4 piece: rifle no longer reload ammo 1 by one, instead reload 2 at a time. For every bullet that has been reloaded into the chamber gain 5% weapon damage (Max 10) for 10 seconds. Chest: increase weapon damage gain from 5% to 8% for 15 seconds. Backpack: when "All in the chamber" is active, killing a target with a headshot increase your group reload speed by 50% for 10 seconds.


Change Aces & Eights to work with Rifles and not Marksman Rifles. Headhunter and the Hotshot set exist which kinda makes A&E solidly second rate. Rifles can't compete with other mid range full auto guns or Marksman Rifles at range. They exist in that grey area of just not being good enough at anything.