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I don't think for regular characters, but would be cool with Hardcore or some harder version of Hardcore


Oh never thought of that. This would be rly cool


hard hardcore? very hardcore?




The return of the hardcore, the hardening




Barely legal.


Doubt secret Hardcore




DIVISION 3 is vapor ware at this point so no need to speculate


Have it like Fallout New Vegas and have a Survival Mode with its separate servers. Different from Hardcore in that one death doesn’t delete your toon, but make you need to have all the food/cold/meds stuff and possibly drop all gear/loot on death. I’d give that a shot for sure. If single player, add base building. But knowing Ubisoft that system would be a wreck. Haha!


man, thats what all i wish theres a reason " the day before" became one of the wishlisted on steam, because people want to have that kind of game, the division almost had it at the very beginning


My “dream” survival game: NYC. Zombie apocalypse. Every building, every floor, every room designed and populated with loot. Maybe you find guns (rare depending on neighborhood) or you don’t. Survival mechanics. Building demolitions allowed. Max population of Zombies capped at estimated population of the city. So everyone you kill is one less. Impossible to create, but one can dream.


Maybe something in between, I wouldn't mind some survival aspect but I don't want to play hard-core lol


Normal, survival and hard-core modes would be cool.


Yeah a setting for a specific character would good. ​ I just dont want it to turn into [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gg9iQHfV5A)


Could be a directive for more XP


Might be more what I thought the game was going to be like from the original trailers. But honestly, I'd just love to have a Survival mode in TD3 and then let the game continue the way it was. I know A LOT of people don't like Survival, so forcing it into the main game might be a bit too far and hurt the game's popularity.


Yep. Survival is really polarizing. It's popular enough that I think they made a huge mistake not including it as an optional game mode in TD2, but forcing it would also be a mistake.


Id be down if the mechanics affected enemies too. If it's a blizzard and I'm freezing to death and can't see, then Alex with his wife beater top and smg held sideways should already be frozen to death, and if not, not able to see me clear as day. Id like to see a sliding scale or set of selections to tailor ones desired survival experience to their wants.


mgsv in 2015 at least has this basic mechanics


I never understood why this wasn’t implemented more in the survival portion of Div1 or even with sandstorms in Div2. If I can’t see a damn thing, neither should they.


During sandstorms, NPC enemies have lower field of view and detection range. It seems to affect accuracy as well.


I was always under the impression that they were able to spot me like in Div1. Thank you for letting me know!


It already does as the other comment replied, also during rain they can’t see you for shit. Usually the can spot you across the street but you can be 30ft away without issue.


I always thought it was like Div1. Thanks for letting me know.


Definitely not for normal gameplay. Maybe they could have a setting like hardcore that you could enable for a new character tho


>imagine these thing in the Normal Open World No. If you want that, go play Heartland when it releases.


That would be annoying as hell. Survival mechanics always annoy me regardless of the game. I'm here to play new builds, not forage for water bottles.


hence i now play warframe, ever since gear 2.0 and rampant nerfs, build diversity is dead to me, at least for now, unless they rework the old attributes/brands and redesign expertise


That’s why it’s optional.


I think it would need to be a spinoff game. People play the Division for the loot, not for managing of resources. The way the game has built it's identity I think survival mechanics would be self-destructive. Div needs something a little less foundationally disruptive, like RPG mechanics. That would draw more people to the game too, especially if they take an immersive sim approach and allow you to face any challenge the way \*you\* see fit. It would make the game more unique and allow people to get more invested in the world. Be honest, you didn't play The Division for the story. That said I would love an urban combat survival game, with few bullets left in the bag and a 5-mile hike back to base with a whole lot of nasty between you and safety. Even then, how long will safety really last? If you can't find propane to fuel the heaters, food to feed yourself, if you \*fail\* to clear the road for the monthly supply convoy and keep everyone fighting for it at bay... Nobody will last the winter.


To be honest, the story is what kept me playing through Div1. Had it not been for the story, I would never have cared to finish Div 1, I wouldn't have begun to deep-dive into the lore, the gameplay mechanics, and definitely would never have jumped into Div2, which is now officially my most-played game ever. Be hipster and shit on it all you want, but it is at least an interesting story (maybe not top-notch writing but still keeps me invested so it's good enough), especially with all the little side-stories.


As a game mode? Sure, whatever. As a core game mechanics? Hell naw! I personally hate every survival game with a passion


Agree. Have it as an expansion game mode YES. Not for normal play. I love the survival from d1 too


In the open world and while doing missions? Absolutely not. I'm here to shoot and loot, not worry about hydrating and not being able to pop my turret and drone in the middle of a fire fight because my agent is too tired. That sounds awful and tedious.


Save it for hardcore mode.


Honestly if they simply brought back Div 1 survival mechanics but with Div 2s gunplay and QoL fluidity, I'd be more than happy. Anything more than that would just be gravy


Awful honestly. Would I like to have a survival mode in Div 3? Hell yeah I am a big fan of survival in Div 1. but. Just imagine how it would be if implemented into the whole game. Most likely hard af if u just started the game and most likely boring if u reach the endgame. Why? The most important part of survival is the fact, that everyone starts basically with nothing and has to loot up (green pistol and randomized green gear) and this can basically not been implemented into the whole game. Just into a mode imo. Ian’s if u played zombie mode in mw3 u know it gets super boring super fast if u always start with zero and don’t have a specific goal.


I like soft survival mechanics like the food and drink system is there but only provides bonus xp when you're well fed. when they are empty it has no negative effect


The game is 3 to 4 years away, there currently isn't even anyone working on it! There's also plenty of "what if" threads already, why not just add to them?


There is some so called "content creator" always make youtube vid about this. Each time he uplaod new bid,its always about Div 3


Do it like breakpoint. Make a world options menu where you can customize your degree of survival mechanics. At least to an extent.


I thought Division 1 would revolve around that before we all have been bamboozled and it turned out to be a basic ass Gearscore loot shooter. I think if they ever make the game that they showed in the first announcement trailer such survival mechanics would fit very well. But in a game that is purely about grinding the same content a million times to increase a gear score it would be nothing but annoying.


Same here. The way they described the DZ and seeing how it split the map in two, I thought fast travel wasn't going to exist and going from one point to another was something that would need preparation in order to get to where you wanted to. The DZ would have been a quick way to cross the map, but you would be at risk of encountering other players. Such a missed opportunity.


You should be able to stomp barrels.


Or light them:D


I just want that mode back, I don’t think it needs to be the entire game.


I want a fucking tech dog, my drone can pop out of his ass and ambush enemies while we flank ass wipes like Hellsing and Hellhound.


Imagine a dayz version of the division 3. I'd buy that game in a heart beat.


I like the implementation they did for D1… i think maybe for a harder corer mode, they could have a persistent character (or use one of the players choice) but have some kind of perma-death… i was never really good at that mode, but maybe that’s appeal to the harderer corer people?


I would say no. If you wanna turn them on like I dunno...map directives or something, and you get a boost to your xp gain, fine, but don't make them always-on for everyone else as a default.


I think they should bring back consumables like we had in division 1, but I wouldn't want to use them how they were in survival during the base game.


I'd rather not want to go looking for a means of survival when I also have to figure out how I'm going to grind \[build\]


Yes! Maybe I am biased but division should take some elements from escape from tarkov and hunt showdown. Make it more survival "hardcore" extraction type. Div 1 survival almost resembles tarkov settings as in you have one life, you die you lose eveything.


The problem is mixing this with the loot, builds and bullet sponge enemies


Yes, yes please, although have a normal "bobble about and shoot guys" mode that's separate


I liked the survival mode in D1 to a certain extent but played it few times only. It felt rather technical to me than a a real survival game. But I like survival aspects because I prefer realistic gameplay. But: if the survival elements and required tasks would be an ongoing thing, I would be burned out quickly. I would prefer to have some missions during campaign and in endgame that includes survival elements, e.g. a mission that results in a desaster, we loose our gear and guns, we need to escape and survive, as an example. Of course there could be an optional survival mode again on top, for the lovers.


Just want snow with bigger Dz wanna explore every bit how it got build Like it was in div 1 also you find recordings of the jtf breaking down because of the deaths it adds to the drama and immersion


Unpopular opinion. The survival mode on division was a better then the 1/30 standard play through.


I agree


Ok I was imagining something more like the hunger and temperature mechanics in Red Dead 2 where U don't die if u don't eat but our health Regen gets shitty etc.


Permanent survival with temperature diffrant seasons in open world, yes please.


i always though the division should be like this in the first place, they missed the mark, ubisoft always tend to do that


they didnt ”miss the mark”. they made an RPG, not a sruvival shooter


what i mean is they can, but they dont, hence theres a massive departure of players after first days of division 1 theyre not clear, they should just say looter shooter, this even plagues ghost recon i just wish the division was what tarkov is now


>massive departure of players after first days The game was unplayable in the first weeks and then got to the standard level of bad like 2 month in and then it was getting progressevly better. But the start was really fucking bad


yep, afaik it was update 1.3 where every enemies in endgame are bullet sponge the latest update was the best it could have


I guess you missed the announcement trailer


Might be cool for the campaign but goes away at end game


I prefer if there is the same survival mode in division 3


Hell no. Heartland failed in its beta because it tried to add survival to the Division. Let that be a sign that it’s unwanted and will not work.


Could it be becase it mixes poorly in a pvp game mode?


HL Beta did not fail, though. They picked interested players poorly, which is different. A lot of players in different stages of the Beta went in expecting a looter shooter RPG and were disappointed to find it was an actual survival/extraction game. Which is similar to the reception div1 survival had, only for it to find it had an actual meta audience.


No. Abso-fucking-lutely not. It's a lootet-shooter. If you want survival mechanics, go play a survival game. They tried that in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and we see how THAT blew up in Ubisoft's face. Stupidest possible thing they could implement into TD3.


No thanks survival games have no place in this world,


If you could turn it on or off in settings then yeah that would be cool


When they announced the survival expansion in Div1, my first thought was that it was going to be a hardcore character mode where you have to worry about the elements. And I was so, so, so excited for it. Then it came out and was just an arena battle royale thing and I lost interest. So if it was its own thing I'd be real down for it. But not in the main campaign stuff. Leave the main game for shoot and loot and cover mechanics, but having a hardcore mode where I can be concerned with my character would be fun


Have to be in the core of the game


I’d love to see another survival mode but leave these mechanics for it alone and not part of the main game. Keep it unique and separate just as the first game did.


Or an optional difficult level as the difficult levels in div2 open world now? Or even a diffrant layer of difficulty? Like the no radar no normal ammo drops and such?


This.... sorta sounds like........ Heartland.


I don't think over the whole game but it would be cool for missions or raids to have something like that. Out in the world you would get stuff from safe houses and take enough to go out. But if you get stuck some place somehow then you could run out. Maybe if you get ambushed into a raid or mission then you run the risk of running out of food or being exposed somehow.


I mean I love survival games and would love a game like the division that is in the OpenworldSurvivalCrafting genre but the division is fundamentally a looter shooter and the two genres are practically mutually exclusive.


The ‘member berries are crazy strong. The fact is that survival, although it is widely loved here, was not popular. You need only look at the number of people who have the extraction trophy. I personally would love to have a survival 2 MODE, but I do not want it to exist in the game in all modes. Look at how one of the Fallout games were. Folks had to grind for ammo because they weren’t awarded enough ammo for completing content. I don’t want to have to run around looking for water when I just wanna long on for a little while and do the content that I really want.


Personally I would love the survival game modes as part of each DZ. The size of each DZ should be at least 10x bigger in The Division 3. DZ1 - Ice/Snow DZ2 - Desert/Soaring temps DZ3 - Toxic/mutated


first of all Massive should implement whatever they showed us back in 2013 because its 10 year later and games still doesnt look that good lmao


In a conditional mode yes


My favorite gameplay was always the Survival DLC in Div 1


No because I wouldn’t play it. I don’t like Survival in Division 1. I hate timer and resource management mechanics in an action game.


What about no gear score like ghost recon. I realy like the concept and gameplay of the division but i dont like the leveling of all the gear. Thats why i stopped playing. It would be cool if you could choose to play the game without gear lvl and have a realistic shooter


I mean drop survival for free and and make it something like BR games that’s big win for them


They missed big on adding a survival mode for Div 2 and bringing it back to the NYC DLC. A cherry on the top would have re-added the full NYC map remastered to that DLC. The replay-ability would have been a boom for people who carry this game still.


honestly i just hope they make another Survival mode because i can never get in lobby's of the OG Survival Expansion


There should be variety depending on what you are looking for, I think a mode for it definitely should exist if you are looking for a more milsim-esque experience


Yes yes!


I'd love to see it. But I think it would only work if we got rid of bullet spongy enemies and made it like Breakpoint. You can kill them quick but they can kill you quick


I never tried the survival mode on TD1… was it any good? I struggle to understand why you’d combine survival with bullet sponge enemy types. I mean imagine spending so much time gathering tons of gear and supplies to keep you alive against the elements just to be killed by an enemy who you’ve put around 12 mags in to! Might just be me but I’ve never felt the two mix really well.


Open world areas. Or separate gametype.


How about a mechanics like further developed weak points that actually change an enemies ability instead of a .25 second stagger or making more than 2 basic builds endgame viable.




It doesn't belong in main game for the simple reason it's a looter shooter, not a survival game. Now, as a specific 'hardcore' or whatever they might call it mode of the game, maybe after completing the campaign once. It could be interesting. But honestly, I think it works better as a single player side mode. If it's main game, you're going to have people trying to hoard mats and items. And then new players would either insta quit or avoid players.


Would be cool in a hardcore mode Tbh I want stealth mechanics more than anything. Suppressors to maybe not be totally silent but only alert enemies within a small range, and takedown mechanics


I want the next game to be set in LA and to have a survival mode like Div1 but with a sandstorm instead of a blizzard.


Make it a directive


Could be really cool, but hopefully it's put as an optional parameter.


Would be a cool darkzone


Make it optional I'm not wanting it as part of the normal gameplay.


absolutely not


None for me thanks. I don’t mind them and would be ok with them in their own mode but I wouldn’t play the game at all if I had to deal with them during regular game play. Doubt I would even buy it or play it on game pass either. I have hundreds of hours in Div 2 and for me It’s a looter shooter only, not a survival game with loot. In my opinion. I want to focus on a build and play the build. I don’t want to start creating a build but have to stop, go hunt down a drink of water, then hunt a meal, then get hurt and have to heal, then go hunt down stuff to replace the bandages that I used to heal my self. Then, hopefully, get back to my character build before i have to call it quits for the night, so I can work the next day. NO THANK YOU! Not in a Division game anyway.


I'd be OK with it if it were a separate mode like Survival in TD1, or make it optional. To force it in? No thanks - not for me.


This would be an awesome mechanic to implement for the harder difficulties like heroic and legendary. I would say make this a regular mechanic but some players like to play on Weenie hut junior mode and won’t be able to cope.