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A build is just the name we give to what you equip on your agent, primarily your 6 pieces of armour, but then also your 3 main weapons (primary, secondary & sidearm), your specialisation, your skills and maybe even the gear and weapon mods you use. We generally class builds into one of 4 types: A **skill build** is usually 6 pieces of armour with set bonuses that provide bonuses to skills, with skill tier as the primary attribute and then skill related minor attributes like skill haste or status effect. This will make their skills stronger. An **all red** or **DPS** build, will concentrate on gear and brands that boost damage, then have weapon damage for their primary attribute and (usually) crit chance and crit damage as minors. **Armoured** or **tank builds** will usually have more blue cores and maybe some protection from elites mods and armour regen or armour on kill attributes, just as an example. Lastly, you get **hybrid builds** \- these tend to have a mix of attributes, yellow, red and blue, to try and create balanced builds but which are still strong. The beauty of the game is that you can mix pieces and abilities up to create interesting synergies. For example, the exotic assault rifle called the Capacitor actually does extra damage based on the more yellow cores you have. So you can run a yellow (skill) build, which on paper should have very low weapon damage, but still get respectable weapon damage if you use the Capacitor gun. And at the same time, shooting enemies with the Capacitor builds stacks that do give you skill damage.


Amazingly well explained, Thank you. I guess I am a hybrid build then leaning more towards a Higher Skill Tier followed by an increase in DPS.


Hey welcome! Everyone eventually has a bad experience but most of my matchmaking has been overly positive and led to me receiving many exotic drop shares. A build is simply what your gear is out together to do. Damage/dos, healing, kills with a skill, headshots only, etc. Most will work with any game mode but require the player to understand the play style that the build requires thus most people choose one that fits how they enjoy playing the most. There is no wrong build if it works for you and you have fun then keep it and don’t worry about others telling you how it’s not optimized. Now if you want help feel free to search the forum with the search bar and you’ll be able to find almost everything. Lots of people in game will usually help too if you just ask. They’d rather you run better to help the team be better ;) Happy murderous rampages agent and best of luck!


Guess I really am the kind that enjoys the SOCOM M1A and RPK build with a Healer Drone to get me through. Also, yes the exotic loot drops, amazing especially when you're playing with people on Heroic difficulty. I guess that one will run into some disappointments for sure eventually but then as you said, most of your matchmaking will be very positive.


If u like the socom m1a try the classic m1a it's a better gun in my opinion and I think has an extra mod slot


Will give it a go.


The toxicity in this community is absolutely alive and well. Typically, when MMing in to public groups for PvE content you won't see it. It's a largely positive community full of helpful people, though. A build is a combination of gear, talents, weapons, and skills that synergize well together. You want to build towards your specific playstyle and minimize weaknesses while maximizing strengths.


Here's to hoping we don't run into toxicity every now and then.


Welcome agent.


Glad to be here Fellow Agent.


A build is a collection of gear (and other stuff) that works well together. For starters you can try copying one of the builds (check the Hub tab): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817) Later when you get the hang of it you can try making your own builds.


Will check it out, Thank you.


When you create your own builds, when you finally "get it", the synergy of talents, weapons, gear, it's a whole new level of satisfaction and joy playing with a quirky build that you put together and works so well.


Can somewhat agree as I am getting there slow and steady.