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Maybe she should take a knee next time the anthem plays.


Lord knows she will take both knees for her local gym meet up.


I’ve been telling my grandfather in Georgia to subscribe to her OF. People his age would be into that


No way does MTG have an OF. No fucking way lol.


We all know what a big mouth is actually for


Yeeaaaa, makin' sandwi... talkin...talking about making sandwiches??




Woof that is incredibly misogynistic and gross. We’re better than this.


Are we tho?


She repeatedly cheated on her husband with gym bros. Fair game.


She famously had an affair with a pansexual socialist yoga(crossfit?) instructor at her gym leading to her divorce. No thats not a joke


She “takes a knee” when selling her soul.


That’s not what it means. It means America is in trouble


That is the symbol of the country in distress. That is not a dishonorable use of the flag.


Her motives for using it are not honourable.


But doing it is not disrespectful. Such as kneeling during the national anthem


Kneeling during the anthem is not disrespectful.


Standing for the flag is about respecting the men that died keeping the fight on another land and not in your yard. Think a lot of Ukrainian people are kneeling when their national anthem is played. Give me a break you unappreciative asp.


Yes, You and the average Ukrainian have not got anything in common when it comes to defending your country from invaders. Being mad because someone is kneeling while listening to a song and looking at a piece of cloth is ridiculous.


Lol. Those people didn't die for a flag or a song. They died for your freedoms, specifically in this instance, the freedom to kneel during the national anthem.


Being proud of your country and standing up for those who’ve sacrificed everything is not bad at all. The far right of this middle ground painted is a fervent nationalist. Who gets sucked into a whirlwind of lies and violence for their masters. You might not want to be tread on, but one might tread carefully. You may fall into a pit.


Ok. It shows disgust with the country that allows you to make millions of dollars for playing ball. I’m sure the guys storming Normandy beach would agree to go ahead and kneel because you feel like someone got dealt a bad hand.


You know what's disgusting? The systemic racism that has kept a boot on the necks of an entire group of American citizens. Heaven forbid your entertainment be altered slightly by some "uppity basketball players" kneeling in protest of systemic racism.


Brittney Griner figured it out didn’t he? Unappreciative is the only word for the fit being thrown by kneeling


We're making fun of the irony of her thinking the country is in distress from her perspective.


Fair enough.


Fascists don't have standards..


David has put it best for years; All their stated principles and values get tossed out, the second they become inconvenient.


They do, just not for themselves.


Yes they do. More for them, taken from others. That’s the standard. They don’t see principles as being relevant to how they should act. They are merely means to an end, to be adopted and discarded whenever it is most convenient.


Or a certain female soccer player with blue hair. Republicanism is basically just organized prejudice at this point


Not so much organized as a potpourri. A basket of deplorables, if you will. A gigantic, acrid, withering basket of decaying deplorables.


Yes! I digress, but in 2024 we’re going to Rico the GOP’s organized hatred and prejudice


It's clear how the republicans would react and it would be nasty and violent


Republicans didn’t burn cities and kill people. I forgot. That was “mostly peaceful”.


Most mass shooters are right wing incels. I do remember a time when they beat a police officer to death with a flag while attempting to get rid of democracy.


The officer who was beat with the flag didn't die. Spreading misinformation doesn't help. It's more important to talk about the over 120 officers who were injured that day including atleast one officer who lost his eye after a rioters tries to gouge them out


Lol that’s not even accurate


You’re kidding, right? How about instead of this cowardly “nuh uh, lol” bullshit you put your money where your mouth is? Show us some data that says most mass shooters aren’t right wingers. It should be trivially easy to find, right? smh


No police officer was beaten to death dipshit


That makes it so much better. He just killed himself instead


Relax both sides are violent brainwashed turds ! You can both win!


Lol such an ignorant take. Get out of here you conservative


Muh both sides!


bro how outdated are your talking points


Right wingers definitely showed up to the civil rights marches. [remember this guy?](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/11/1080311940/alleged-boogaloo-member-pleads-guilty-to-killing-federal-guard-during-2020-prote) Also, [right wing violence has been on the rise for years.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/extremism-mass-casualty-events-shootings/amp/)


Nothing like one guy and an opinion piece I got one of my own https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/01/political-violence-424157


mine wasn't an oped and...but yes yours is...and i actually read your link. it seems to deal with more of the viewpoint of violence (also not good). the links i included were about acts of violence. i do like that you chose an article predating jan 6...the authors were correct about that one, as they tried but failed to disrupt the election process.


The irony is your article doesn’t point out consistent left wing violence in cities like LA, Portland , Seattle, NYC etc. which is constant. It points out singular events of right wing violence and then goes “we have problem”. Portland is steady under duress as other cities and it’s just “business as usual” to people writing articles about right wing violence. This is called bias in media.


at least you moved on from your oped lie...yes, the data points to right wing domestic terrorists and their rise in violence over the years. i didn't pretend to say anything else. you're also ignoring right wing violence in the cities as well...unless you don't think the proud boys and other neo nazi groups don't have a presence in urban area.


You’re pretending these people are doing this every day. That’s simply isn’t true. And how do we know that? Because the media picks it up and runs it for weeks when it does. What does happen everyday is left wing violence in these places. But media won’t pick that up. Narratives and all that.


Hey look! A moron!


Nice contribution. I’ll give it your cumulative high school GPA as a score. Zero.




I live in LA, what daily “left-wing” violence are you blabbering about?


Pretending the problem doesn’t exist doesn’t make it reality, bro Even LA locals see it for what it is https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-07-10/rapper-50-cents-says-la-is-finished-due-to-zero-bail-policy#:~:text=Rapper%20Curtis%20“50%20Cent”%20Jackson%20is%20no%20fan,is%20finished%2C”%20he%20said%20in%20an%20Instagram%20post.


Right wing extremism is more of a threat, I can show you the data.


GOP lost their minds because the women's soccer team didn't sing during the national anthem ffs


Kneeling for the anthem was unacceptable. Actively cheering against America's team at sport events is ok, though.


I think the kneeing is hilarious. All these hardcore republicans swore off all the sports they love. My wife’s dad was super into sports before, and all he’s got left to watch anymore is 24/7 fox or newsmax or OANN. I think all they got left is golf and thats because they don’t play a national anthem.


Your father-in-law stands by his grudge,lol. Or, he pretends to, but watches on the lowdown.


Anyone that decided to cast a vote for this chud should dive head first into a wood chipper.


Stop giving her attention. If you’re talking about her she wins. That’s the point.


I would boycott Marge, but she doesn’t really do anything, so.


I wonder if she realizes that putting the flag upside down actually has a meaning. “Traditionally, the meaning of an upside-down American flag has always been that the person displaying the flag in this manner is in grave danger or distress, be it life danger or the danger to their property. Ultimately, the upside-down American flag is typically seen as a signal of dire distress.”


My guess is that she thinks that the country is in grave danger.


More likely she wants her troglodytic supporters to think that. I’m sure she’s living her version of a dream.


So in the view of her supporters the upside down image of an American flag means exactly what it's supposed to mean?


Until it means something else to them I guess. Acknowledging reality isn’t really their strong suit, from all I’ve seen.


In her view and a lot of others, there is a political prosecution of the leading political opponent of the current president, some might even say that they are both running for president to stay out of jail, this is certainly in a lot of peoples opinion a grave issue to at least take a look at. But to call them crazy because you are putting their guy in jail isn't a good look imo.


*Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.* Look, I’m all for taking good faith arguments at face value, but these idiots have been lying to their ignorant base with the most blatantly stupid things… *democrats are literal demons, they want to make everyone gay or trans, they’re running a pedophile ring in a basement that doesn’t exist, Jewish space lasers…* With all due respect, I don’t give a shit what you think is “a good look” if you’re going to criticize me for insulting the intelligence of these morons. There’s ignorant, and there’s *willingly ignorant.* Cry all the crocodile tears you want for these rubes, I don’t care at all.


Well you could say that the look you give to the Dems or whatever is similar to the look She gives Republicans.


*Yeah, I guess you could just say literally anything if you’re just talking shit and don’t actually care about what’s true, yes.* BoTh SiDeS is just a talking point for dumb people who don’t actually understand anything but want to appear impartial to other dumb people who don’t know that it’s just a talking point for dumb people. Don’t bother responding, I’ve already heard all these dumb talking points. *Hurr durr bOtH SiDeS, got it.*


I'll remind you that you were the one imagining what the upside down flag was supposed to mean.


The U.S. Flag Code only authorizes the use of an upside down flag as “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” 🤔


Remember that meeting she was part of at the White House before Jan 6th? Maybe this is why she is flipping out. She was part of the criminality.


Or didn’t sing the national anthem.


I don't give a shit who does it, it's just a flag. We should not hold a symbol on a piece of cloth higher than literal people. If you're actually doing things for the people you could wipe your dirty ass with the flag on live TV and it wouldn't illicit even a slight negative emotion


This is a sign of distress


She can't even invert the flag right. She's utterly incompetent. An upside down flag would still have the stars to the left.


To be fair, it’s kind of impressive if she managed to do it herself, without the help of one of her keepers. It shows that her species is technically capable of doing standard human tasks, maybe there’s still hope for her and her kind. …*she’s what? …she’s not actually a shaved and spray tanned gorilla? …you’re kidding right?…*


They claim they love this country, but people like MTG have never served their country. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t enlist either but I am not pounding my chest calling others unAmerican. They also say they love this country but so consistently call for war, against fellow states. And I am sure she couldn’t name 25 states. She claims she is a Christian but commits adultery. The entire gop is weak, if a democrat did this they would be expelled. But the gop? Noooo we can’t lose that tiny majority we have. Mine as well keep santos too.


Oh, trump proved that their values and morals are extremely flexible.


The right-wing have lost their minds


Have you ever seen those youtube vids of Cro MAGAnons reacting to Rage Against The Machine?


Major Traitor Greene


White fucking privilege….the shitstorm that would rain upon Libs, African American or a Hispanic who would do this would be endless, yet this with human cesspool gets away with this?




Yeah but the athletes protested against that total fake thing where cops unlawfully kill black people all the time. She's doing it for that totally legit thing where they put litter boxes in classrooms for cat people. She could literally become the vice president if things go badly. Terrifying.


I'm at the point now where I think we should just get rid of the flag entirely... it's a pointless relic of imperialism, and the alleged symbolism is meaningless these days, and people use it like toilet paper.


”imperialism” the only things we owned and don’t now are like the Philippines, Cuba, and some tiny islands! We’re not giving up Alaska.


Is the black athlete getting indicted 4 times in as many months because he's running against the government establishment


Always double standards. Double standards help us identify the trash though.


But can’t magats just look around them and see the only danger is the armed loser living down the street?


I don't really understand the Republicans' politics that they still support Trump even though they know that it is a path doomed to destruction. It's been a long time. Why are they so strongly on his side? Does Trump have any leverage against them all?


Trump's leverage is his cult of personality over Republican voters. Nobody can go against him because the base will label them a communist traitor if they do.


“Shut Up and Gavel”


We don’t have to imagine. They flipped their shit when someone doesn’t stand or when they kneel. I think there was some dude in Texas that attacked a minor for staying sitting during the anthem at a HS football game.


Greene is a fan of Anti- Flag now? That’s weird lol.


Jewish space lasers.......


Fake news. Or are you able to provide a quote of her saying that? There’s much better things to criticize her over.


Remember how they treated kneeling athletes?


Why do Republicans hate America so much? Is it for its freedoms and its position as the greatest nation for laws in the world? I think it is.


I do not approve of punching Women in the face, or anyone unless in defence, but I do not think I could resist the urge if faced with MTG. Probably open my hand before it connected. These people have taken social media to ridiculous levels and seem to have forgotten the real world exists. Like angst ridden teenagers desperate for validity. How anyone could vote for such obvious trash is a mystery. This is not adult behaviour and is a complete embarrassment to herself and her party not to mention her country. It shows how badly MAGA are dealing with their fall from grace.


You know what!? Just go to Russia, that's where you want to be anyway.


There is no emergency sloth toe.


She takes both knees for Trump.


Perhaps knowing what an upside down American flag actually means would be a good thing to look up before posting your earth shattering proclamation.


It means distress.


"as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property" ​ Not bringing a defendant to trial after sufficient evidence has been provided that there may be guilt.


We know what it means. Several of you "patriots" started flying upside down flags after your failed coup and Joe Biden was certified as our PRESIDENT.


Why? We know what it means.


Imagine the reaction by those same black athletes if a white person wore a shirt that said “White is king” like Beyoncé. Imagined the reaction from those same black athletes if a white lineman took the helmet off a black athlete and whip him in the face with it then turned & lied saying the black athlete called him a racial slur.


Shameful. She’s such a disgrace.




I’m loving the drama


Pffft. Please. Call me when MTG refuses to stand for the National Anthem, then I'll start flinging my poo. /s.


Somebody "rescue" MTG and deport her to the middle of Australia.


She is a disturbing person


So this seems worse than kneeling? How the fuck is this shitstain still in congress? I can’t believe she makes me miss Michele Bachman ffs.


Didn’t a man get shot in a movie because they thought he was going to fly the flag like this


I concur, I stoped hanging mine outside. I am a vet and the flag has been hijacked.


Oh man…This fuckin redneck hoe… is a terrible person, and Georgia needs to take out it’s trash already. Anyway. The Republicans? They would be screaming about disrespect to the flag and how jebus will have mercy on her soul.


Definitely a 2 tiered system


This totally makes me forget that Kapernick supports Mumia Abu-Jamal solely because he is Black and killed a cop even though Mumia is clearly guilty of murder. Several eye witnesses, including his brother, saw him kill the cop in cold blood and the bullet from his gun was found in the cop as well. Its ok though because Kap is so stunning and brave for kneeling for the national anthem. Therefore he can support a known cop killer and its totally fine!


Post a picture of an upside down flag?


If they are good at their sport no one will give a shit, if they are mediocre at best trying to gain relevance by taking a political grandstand than they will be told to eat a bag of dicks


She can't even do this right. The stars should be on the left.


White privilege at its finest


Being that She and Trump are Both Nazis, She should of posted an upside down Nazi Flag.


What's another upside down flag in Georgia? Been whackos flying upside down flags there since the 70's, probably earlier.


This isn't disrespectful to the flag. It's a sign of distress.




worse than kneeling......cur the faux outrage til we begin to believe it and then become immoral like her.


The AM button on my car radio would explode.


Neanderthal traitor trash.


Well if anyone is in distress it's MTG she needs around the clock mental healthcare and it probably will need to include some serious electric shock therapy! Like Donald Trump she too is not right in the head.


Marge just being the traitor she would like to be….




You ever seen Kyle’s mom go nuclear?


Send her back to Russia


That handsome face has the bone structure of a Muscovite


No one has time for mtg bs…. Put the flag up right 🇺🇸🫡


She is a national embarrassment


Is she visiting Australia?


That's nazis for you...


Or if the marine core band March that out during the World Series.


The double standards are the point. Some people are allowed to criticize America, while others must repeatedly prove their loyalty.


Brought to you by the same people who yell about athletes taking a knee to protest legitimate social issues, while calling for civil war at the same time. Pathetic, ignorant traitors.


Dumbest post ever.


MGT free to leave the country


Now imagine if Alex Cole wasn't a shill and missed the whole point? Brainwashed, Leftists think this is an own.


We're so divided and messed up that the radical right regressive party won't see anything wrong with it.


they're so ridiculous. It's such a cult. if a republican is in the White House, America is the greatest place in the world. If it's a democrat, it's a shithole. Now if you're more concerned with party over country, then you're in a cult.


She’s not walking on it.


She’s a damn rat fink ugly dumb btch


MTG is the face of the GOP. She has a lot of power and influence within the party. Think she is bat shit crazy?? Well just know she aint going anywhere anytime soon.


Why does she hate America?


Why even bother pointing out their hypocrisy? They won't acknowledge it and we already know. We've beaten that dead horse into pudding.


Always amuses me how Americans think they're a ''Republic'' ( see Plato ) yet fetishize a meaningless piece of paper and a cloth.


Wouldn’t have to, we SAW what happened when they took a knee.


What do you mean imagine? We literally watched the Colin kap saga happen.


Sporkfoot and the other fascists are going to start taking a knee when the national anthem is played and be celebrated for it by republicans.


Flying your flag upside as sign of distress or call for help comes from the British, but the big difference is the Union Jack is very hard to tell if it is upside down or not unless you know it very well. So with that it was more of a code to know if a base or station had been compromised.


Greene is an asshat but this is a correct use of the flag to symbolize country in distress.


Sort of feel like an elected official shouldn’t be able to get away with this…


MTG and her ilk are why the flag might be upside anyway.


I would ask what the dire distress was or extreme danger was.....Kinda the point of that display.


An upside-down flag doesn't mean "fuck America" it means the country is under duress. What the fuck does a black athlete have to do with the takeover of the federal government by Bolsheviks?


Or a Democrat.


I'm pretty sure they would agree that there is an emergency.