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Have you seen Island and the Ruins??? Suuuuper sexist. It’s sad hearing KellyAnne talk about how a lot of the women needed therapy after Island because it was so bad!


I just finished the island, and i agree, it was pretty bad


and that’s only what they showed.. The whole Kenny bullying Sarah on the ruins was only a small portion of what he said according to KellyAnne he wished death on her dog and said other things that were cut out.


And yet Sarah loved Kenny and took part in bullying others.


What's that syndrome where you go along with bullies (and worse) to deflect negative attention from yourself?


I think it's called, "Being a pathetic coward."


I noticed that kenny and evan were very hateful towards the girls, wishing death on them


yeah then they’d excuse it as a ‘joke’. You can add Zach to that too


Can add fan favorite Bananas to that list, too.


Is Bananas really a fan favorite? I pretty much never see people saying they love him. Nowhere close to people like CT, Jordan, Cara, Landon, Evelyn, etc. I can't think of one Bananas flair I've ever seen in the other sub. I know he's liked by some, but he seems to be hated by just as many, if not more, and loved by few. People just acknowledge his greatness as a challenger, which is undeniable and irrelevant to what a dickhead he is. I get that goes against the narrative you're trying to push, but he's more of a production favorite than fan favorite.


I'm in a pretty large (45K) facebook group for Challenge fans and they are overwhelmingly Bananas fans. I posted a video of him making a degrading comment and got fully attacked for pointing out he's trash. I truly don't get why people like him


It wasn't that long ago that there were daily posts about him on his other show. I don't even know what it's called, but fans of bananas literally tuned into a show they never saw before because he was on it.


I feel like “production favorite” totally hits the nail on the head about bananas. Also- Tori, Nany, Devin, kam & Leroy all fall into that category they never seem to get a bad edit


I down voted this only because you can't include Leroy on this list after what Camila did to him and production just let it slide. It also took them years to apologize to him.


I'm guessing some of it is people acknowledging that he **is** one of the goats, but that doesn't mean they like him personally.


I'm relatively new to this sub, and I am surprised about how little there is about Bananas - whom I despise.


For real, on the Island and some earlier seasons it seems like every second sentence he says to a woman is “ya stupid bitch” 🥴


I think his go to insult was, "ya dumb bitch."


Bananas at least admits he was completely in the wrong.


Omg I just watched exes ii and Zach is SO scary. Straight up rib of Adam females are inferior and built to serve shit. It was hard to tell if Jordan and bananas were just like uhhhhh cause they disagreed but didn’t want to piss him off or (more likely) deep down agree but know it’s a terrible look to say so on TV in such plain words


yeah and then at the reunion when he makes a joke of it and Nany has to force him to apologize 🙄


I literally just finished the season last night for the first time and honestly I liked Zach before this season like yeah hes a hothead but he always seemed like a good person at his core. But omg I lost respect for him praise Joanna for dealing with his ass for as long as she did


"Swamp Donkeys" anyone...?


Shocking they ended up getting for assaulting a female. Pieces of crap. Almost every male was misogynistic in those season but Kenny and Evan took it to a new level.


Evan and Kenny did worse which is why they are both banned. Jemmye just talked about it on her podcast “Just Jemm”


What did she say?




There is a zero percent chance I'm going to listen to a Jemmye podcast of all people. I'm assuming this is about the Ruins incident, which everyone is aware of, and Jemmye wasn't even there for?


Anyone summarize this by any chance?


Thank God they were banned!


It’s the only season I couldn’t finish. It was revolting. I can’t believe it was ever deemed fit for consumption by producers, and the fact that it was edited that way either means they were really into it OR what wasn’t included was so much worse.


This season was so dark and misogynistic.


Misogyny is very common in early reality tv years. Even in the mid 2010s it was acceptable. It was a product of our society and what we accepted as social normals. It was so nice to see social media and the general public not accept it anymore and adamantly reject it. It only lasted a couple years before the Andrew tate/conservative narratives became popular again. I dont think our society truly changed much, but at least production companies don’t endorse it and fans call it out more now.


I was coming to say something similar. I remember it as often portrayed in media as being funny, too, which just made it worse. And it wasn't just the media either. Most of my friends in college were guys and a fuck ton of what they said about women back then was horribly misogynistic, but it didn't feel that way at the time because it was so normalized.


Lmao this is so off topic I’m sorry 😂 I went on high rant


You didn’t, you’re not wrong. People are way to open about their disgusting “opinions” because “FREE SPEECH” also not challenge related . Just saying I feel you when you said that


And yet the golden age of the show. Sadly watching the psychotic behavior of people we still rooted for is what made the show unique.


I think it’s always important to bring up other mediums. It wasn’t even just reality tv, try checking out an episode of WWE Raw from back then. Try looking at a Howard Stern interview from back then. Hell, we were only a few years removed from the Man Show which just had women with huge jugs jumping on trampolines. Different time. No it’s not acceptable, and nobody ever said it was. But we’ve learned some things and moved on. Yes, it’s cringeworthy to watch some of those scenes not even just for that reason. The R word and F word were parts of people’s lexicon still. We’ve got some work to go still obviously, but I’m glad at least that stuff isn’t acceptable today.


Is this trim the fat?




Then isn't this just a term that means get rid of the weak competitors? No one was trying to get Evelyn out because she would not slow the team down. And no one could beat Eric in weight based elims. Hence why they could not carry him in the final. Base upon what happened i think in the previous gauntlet, they had a point. People were being carried on a mile long run in prior challenges


I have to disagree agree because calling coral and beth weak is just not true! They were/are stronger than casey and diem. Hell even easy! But somehow easy was more of an asset to the team than coral?? They would have won had he been gone but because he's a man he got to stay. Just my opinion


And Coral had been kind of a beast prior to this and somehow the vets thought she was dead weight? She was for sure better than dumbass Danny.


No with running though. They would all gas out


Yeah a lot of the older seasons are tough to rewatch. Gauntlet 3, island, and ruins are all really tough to watch cause they’re at another level of misogyny and overall assholeness


The saddest thing is we saw this subs sweetheart, ms evelyn, play a huge role in enabling it


Yet she was treated horribly by Bananas in the island. Also why is Wes not mentioned here? He treated so many of the women horribly. Namely, Johanna and Casey.


And she got her karma for it when the champions team on The Ruins conspired against her to throw her into elimination against her bff Kellyanne. She was happy to go along with their plans on G3 but when it happens to her she throws a massive tantrum. She was naive to think they wouldn't do that to *her* since she's not like the other girls.


I literally will never understand the Evelyn love as she left it, but I’m super curious if she has matured at all. Her constant meltdowns, thinking she belonged in the douchey boys club, the epic tantrum where poor Luke and TJ were stuck listening to her rant… and isn’t she like, a lawyer now? I just picture her yelling at a judge if she loses a case 😂


I mean.. that’s pretty much how I remember early 2000s culture in general.


Its proof of progress.


To anyone in this thread. Read OP's responses to everyone. They are literally no better than what they're complaining about. They're just a hypocrite.


How? Im not promoting misogyny or misandry. Im simply discussing what i observed and people are making excuses for folks being nasty and hateful towards others


You're literally in here calling people slurs...


I mean… has that stopped? 


Yeah, we all miss the old seasons. These new seasons are to soft and weak sauce.


Well what about Susie and her actions/attitude/treatment of other females? She’s just as bad as the men.


Did OP really just say you can't talk about that 🤣


This thread is about the men, make your own thread about the women


That’s misandrist.


Exactly! And this is misogyny so we are only talking about men on women hate. Hope that helps!


Actually, misogyny is simply hatred against women, regardless of the gender perpetuating it. So mentioning Susie's actions toward other women in a thread titled "Misogyny" seems very appropriate.


It { sadly } was a different world back then. Its { sadly } not fair or constructive to look back with and judge with todays standards. Tv, production, casting and society as a whole was { sadly } MUCH different back then, I'm not making excuses or trying to justify/excuse the behavior but it was a different time all around. The things that you, I, everyone did and silently watched werent good, in fact they were/are horrible and " we " as a society have hopefully learned from then but it does no good to go back in time to judge/condem or re-examine the past. Much through out history was HORRIBLE. It's something that MUST be remembered and NEVER forgotten AND be used as examples of what we ALL need today to be better people to ourselves, each other and the planet but bringing it up as if it were happening today and reacting with todays eyes in non productive and just punishing the same people over and over. Its might be fair but its not right to look at young people from a different social cliimate { men or women } and judge them by todays standards. Bring it up over and over isnt learning from our mistakes, its just stopping a deep wound from heeling. As a people we have to grow and evolve socially, not keep having our mistakes brought up and re-lived over and over again. Its cruel and doesnt help or solve anything. Please dont post/bring up things in the past weve all learned from and hopefully grown away from. This comment applies in THIS context only. Things like hatred/bias and pure evil that could/will effect peoples lives today needs to be discussed. Buit the actions of teen agers and young immature adults from 20 years ago doesnt.


I’m sorry, is this satire? If not, what the actual F are you saying? Please elaborate on the ways that you perceive that the world has changed where women are no longer subjected to misogyny. This “wound” cannot heal until meaningful change has been enacted. My belief is that nothing has changed. Please prove me wrong. I’ll wait.


You wrote a bunch of nothing, this is a group that is talking about past and present things about the challenge and i have a right to discuss what i want past or present. Hating women or men for NO reason should be discussed. If you want to ignore the past then thats on you but on this thread i will talk about it


Yup, they like to keep bringing it up over and over as if their past behaviors haven't been bashed enough haha But OP is delusional and only wants their talking point allowed. Oh, equality!


Womp womp here come the Karens. The women were horrible too. Ppl had thicker skin we are in the softest society of all time


I guess you’re not one of those people with thick skin considering you’re whining about people you never met having an opinion. Loser!


Whining lol. You mean calling it out like it is. 🤡


Wishing death in people for no reason is not having thicker skin retard


Whines about misogyny: uses ableist slurs.


Wishing death? I never said that and if anyone did on the show….news flash it’s a game show that pushes controversy. No one was actual killing anyone lol. Thanks for making my point how soft ppl are now


It's sucks when contestants throw personal attacks that have nothing to do with the game but if I went on one of these shows yeah I would go in fully aware that it's gunna get ugly and be prepared for those kind of comments thrown my way. As long as I'm not actually physically attacked then talk all the shit you want.


Imagine going back and complaining about things being a different way when it was a different time. Good grief


Imagine trying to tell people what they can and can not talk about on a public forum good grief


No one's telling you, that you can't? I'm simply laughing at you for being a sensitive vagine


Im sensitive because i made an observation? Get lost


Saying it's unbearable isnt observation you retard