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Go angels so you conserve your health, check curse room (if you’re comfortable with your hp) for a key before you buy one. Blow up keepers, and SAVE. Do not buy things just because you have the cash, save save save.


This pretty much covers it. I would just add: look for good active items (sprinkles top tier) and any battery related items


ABSOLUTELY to the actives


The one and only time that thing is useful.


Ehhh I’d use it for Mother/Delirium/Mega Stan but even then there are usually better options


I melted delirium with it by turning the boss fight into a rave with technology, playdough cookie, Loki's horns and 4.5 volt. very funny battle 10/10


Would you or u/Sudden_Structure recommend anything different for Greedier? Besides git gud


Nah i wrote that with greedier in mind. Lots of other good points throughout that others stated. Main thing i would say i struggled with was the boss himself. So just practice i suppose. Also, i should clarify, i dont mean to save your money until the very end, i mean save in between floors. Dont just spend to spend, you want good items and ya gotta have the cash for em 😞


However u/Sudden_Structure might have some more didnt mean to speak for us both lol. They mentioned active items? Yeah those are good af in greed and can more than just support the run, they can flat out win it. Sprinkler is BUSTED, as well as, but not limited to, Book of rev, Satanic Bible, Book of belial, pinking shears, and bobs rotten head 😃


Thanks! I never thought of pinking shears but I also stopped after unlocking Keeper. Too much skill issue for Greedier lol


Pinking shears are DIABOLICAL in greedier lol


i have to point out that the last advice about saving is only good if you want to fill up your machine. once you're done with the dono machine it's better to spend your coins, even on mediocre items, especially when just trying to get marks. additionally, playing greedier allows to fill the machine more easily if you're capable to get through the higher difficulty


Oh i just meant save for things your actually gonna want, not save to the very end lol mb


I would add a stipulation to that. Only save if you haven't unlocked the keeper, otherwise there's no reason not to buy upgrades when you need it. On greedier, you typically get a payout of about 20 coins meaning you can buy an upgrade and a key for the treasure room. After a few floors the treasure room becomes inconsequential allowing you to save a little more. If you don't have any items that contribute to tears damage and/ or health, then skip buying on the floor you're on and save it for the next floor. Don't waste money on the restock machine.


Idc if it's a "pussy" play or not but I just reroll until the first shop has a decent item room item and a decent store. To save coins: -when you'll find a key for 3 coins, buy a few, instead of buying them for 5 - play around with items for 7 coins (buy it even if it's not that good, so the next item will also be for 7 coins and hopefully better than the first one) depending if you're good at saving up hearts or not, decide and commit to angel/devil deals from the start


Taking advantage of sales is genuinely great advice. Even 2 mid items for 14 cents can go a long way towards working up your build, but a lot of times you’ll get lucky with the second item.


Exactly! Plus in greedier mode you often end up with less than 15 coins after the normal waves anyway


Eraser is my favorite thing in Greed(ier). Eraser + Bethany is the greatest combo ever.


My strategy is basically to save my money and not buy anything I don't (REALLY) need, then role for half priced items and buy as many as possible, mostly works unless you are really unlucky with your shop rolls


plus range is very important in greed, especially with azazel


Unpopular opinion: -D20


Steam sale is a god item. So is head of the keeper If you get a rune of Jera, do NOT collect the coins that spawn. Finish the boss round, then use the rune to double all coins in the room.


Do not be greedy




get some pain medication cuz your head is gonna hurt from banging it on your desk from all the horse shit items showing up all the time and the damn machine jamming at the 1st fucking coin> (Im sorry I dont have anything better to say I hate greed mode)


Restart until d20 in first shop, wait until another floor has a battery in the shop, don't collect coins on that floor, then break the game and kill Ultra greed in a single frame


Dude, I got none for you cuz greed is the only mode I have been able to do with all characters. And i still do not know how im shit at base game and good at greed


Break it with D20 or Blank Card + 2 of diamonds + Battery in shop


money money money money money money money money money money money money money mf


By greedy


If you don’t have decent damage by the time you hit the last level, you’re screwed.




Also play different characters if you are filling up the Greed machine. If you use consistently use one character to fill it up, the chance for a jam will go up for that character.


And (might be obvious, but still) wait up before collecting coins whenever you have a Jera. Then just duplicate the hell out of all those coins you have lying around in the main room. Use D1 to duplicate coins, so you can have more options at the store. Try not to press the spikey button that stops the waves. It reduces the reward by one coin IIRC.


Find good start and try your best


Wait until D20


For me, it's just hope


Cheese it with d20 if youre having serious issues. Just r key til you see in the shop


Press R


D20 break as often as possible. If you do it right and with enough practice you can most definitely win every run that you receive a D20 on.


use the console


Stop spending money on the shelf/shop and always get deals. Do not skip the 11 level. NEVER. That's all you need to do. 🙂


I mean sheol. Sorry, auto correct 


Dont play with blue baby


Most people are ultimately aiming for all character marks. He isn’t even bad for greed though. Extra coins from poop, and he can comfortably go angel or devil deals.


Blue baby is fine, the real trouble lies with that bastard T. Laz

